June 28, 1977 - John Millhone, Minnesota State Energy Director, discusses the major energy and conservation bill passed at the end of the legislative session. Millhone also answers listeners questions.
July 16, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, Bev Blindy of the Southside Nursery School; Deb Anderson of the Hennepin County Sex Abuse Team; and Ann Elwood, who works with parents, discuss the subject of parenting, child abuse and the family.
July 18, 1977 - St. Paul attorney Wayne Olson and Bill Blazar, Citizens League staff member, discuss a new report by the Citizens League on the Twin Cities economy, titled "Helping the Metropolitan Economy Change." It explores how the economy has developed over the years and suggests some changes needed to insure continued economic well-being. Olson chaired the citizens' committee that wrote the report. Olson and Blazar also answer listener questions.
August 13, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, Bruce Vento, congressman of Minnesota's 4th district of St. Paul, talks with MPR’s Bob Potter and answers listener questions. Topics included energy bill, BCWA, and child abuse.
August 20, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, guests Richard Miller, a Minneapolis alderman; Doug Frisbie, member of the Governor's Crime Commission; and Jim DeLaittre, an officer with the Minneapolis Police Department, discuss new concepts that the city of Minneapolis is considering in the fight against neighborhood burglary and street robbery.
August 27, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, Don Fraser, congressman of Minnesota's 5th district, talks with MPR’s Bob Potter and answers listener questions. Topics included Fraser's senate intentions, BCWA, energy issues, and economy.
September 3, 1977 - This regional public affairs program features taped speech of St. Paul Mayor George Latimer's State of the City address, titled “An Agenda for the Future of St. Paul”, followed by a live broadcast with the mayor answering listener questions.
October 1, 1977 - Dr. Phyllis Fleming, assistant professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota, speaking at Annual Conference of the Minnesota Health Association. Speech was titled "Nutrition and Lifestyle: How to Change Behavior.”
November 12, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, Dorothy Hozza of the Minnesota Energy Agency; and Barb Weinschenker of the Center for Local Self-Reliance in Minneapolis, discuss financial incentives for home energy conservation.
December 31, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, lawyer/pharmacist Marc Kurzman and Doug Morgan, of C.R.E.A.T.E. drug awareness program, discuss responsible use of alcohol, its effects on the body, and laws involved. Kurzman and Morgan also answer listener questions.