October 13, 1969 - Events, Issues and Ideas program, with news reporting on Richard Nixon's response to protesting and demonstrations, Bill Tilton and student protests, amongst other news topics.
November 11, 1974 - A member of group supporting POWs states they are going to Washington to honor all veteran's on Veteran's Day and would like President Ford to be honest regarding the return of POWs.
November 11, 1974 - A member of group supporting POWs states since January 1973, when the cease-fire was put into effect, they've been told time and time again that the government would do everything possible to account for everyone…but, nothing has been done. The U.S. government has only searched 5% of the crash sites, mainly because U.S. is not allowed into the areas. Interviewee says world leaders have to get behind efforts of group so that together they can pressure the North Vietnamese for some accounting on the signed agreement to have the POWs and American bodies returned.
November 11, 1974 - In interview, a member of group supporting POWs comments on 1300 missing men in Vietnam, that there are still men MIA from the Korean war, and probably still men missing from WWII. Interviewee says group knows that they couldn't possibly find all the men, but states in this situation, there are at least 80 men that group has photos of who were held by the communists and that the U.S. government should do something about it.
November 11, 1974 - A member of group supporting POWs states that 55 military and 5 civilians POWs were in a camp. The U.S. received 23 bodies in March of 1974, but, group pushes to receive the rest of the bodies.
November 5, 1976 - On the anniversary of the Sioux Uprising of 1862, this program presents the historical events that culminated in the hangings of 38 Indians after the uprising. Program includes members of All Things Considered reading from the writings done at the time of uprising.
December 29, 1979 - Midday presents the documentary “Trampled Grass.” MPR’s Greg Barron accompanied a team of medical doctors and nurses from Minnesota as they worked in Cambodian refugee camps along Thailand's border with Kampuchea, the Khmer Rouge-controlled state that controlled Cambodia from 1975 until 1979.
May 27, 1985 - WWII marks a watershed in the life of this nation and in the lives of all who lived through it. In the documentary “We Were the Lucky Ones,” MPR’s Mark Heistad examines the experience of the war and its legacy through the stories of residents of New Ulm, many of which were German-American.
August 24, 1990 - MPR Journal’s Gary Eichten interviews Lucia Wilkes, co-director of Women Against Military Madness, about group’s Persian Gulf position and concerns over a pending war.
December 31, 1990 - MPR Journal’s Gary Eichten interviews U.S. Senator Dave Durenberger about the discussion of war in the Persian Gulf. Durenberger see the possibility of talking before war commences.