Spectrum: George Latimer - State of the City: An Agenda for the Future of Saint Paul

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This regional public affairs program features taped speech of St. Paul Mayor George Latimer's State of the City address, titled “An Agenda for the Future of St. Paul”, followed by a live broadcast with the mayor answering listener questions.

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Good morning. I reached even in St. Paul with our Saturday morning public-affairs program first. We'll take a brief look at the weather around the region at last report. The Twin Cities had 63 degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius with partly cloudy skies, Saint Cloud Collegeville report sunny skies and 60° Fahrenheit or 16 and Rochester with Cloudy Skies 62° Fahrenheit 17 softest the weather forecast for Minnesota calls for variable cloudiness with showers and thunderstorms likely today and tonight ending tomorrow the highs today and tomorrow should range from the upper 60s to the upper 70s and the lowest tonight the upper 40s to around sixty for the Twin Cities area variable cloudiness with a good chance of showers and thunderstorms through tomorrow ice today and Sunday upper 70s and the lowest tonight around 60 chance of rain 50% today increasing to 70% by tonight.There's been a good deal of talk in recent years about revitalizing the cities of this country and at a time when cities like New York Teeter on the brink of financial disaster officials at all levels of government are beginning to realize there are few easy short-term answers to these problems. The city of Saint Paul is no stranger to some of these problems and eroding tax base Urban blight in the ravages of Dutch elm disease have all taken their toll despite these and other serious problems St. Paul does not seem as far gone as some other American cities, which seem to have waited too long to take action on their problems this past week the Saint Paul city council her the annual state of the city address from its mayor George Latimer entitled an agenda for the future of Saint Paul Latimer speech not only pointed out some of the city's problems represented some Concrete Solutions as well this morning, we feature that speech by mayor Latimer and following the address the mayor will join us in the studio for a live call-in program now the 1977 state of the city address delivered last.Good morning by Saint Paul Mayor George Latimer. Good morning, mister president members of the council. Often in the past 15 months I have stood here with you and talked about our City's problems are turn began in the midst of a Public Employee strike your call followed shortly thereafter by a devastating Dutch elm disease epidemic. I joined Enterprise has had his problems man-made and otherwise. Today, however, I'm not here to recite the all-too-familiar Litany of City problems. I am presenting to you my proposals. Which I didn't bring with me. Mr. President speaking on the last 15 months. Have I ever presented to you in 15 months, but I said I was presenting to I don't think I ever have Yeah. A document we work so hard. It should not be ignored. I am presenting to you. Mr. President members of the council. My proposals for long-range Solutions with this agenda for a future Saint Paul. The agenda is ambitious but realistic it's not undertaking which which will require all of our energies for 3 years. I intend to be here to Diplomat that program. Before briefly reviewing the document for you. Let us pause and let us celebrate our city and its people. It can be said without exaggeration. That same Paul is one of the few Metropolitan centers in America having sufficient human resources to solve its own problems. In the field of Economic Development activity is at an all-time high in addition to massive private Rehabilitation new construction has been initiated in the first six months of this year, totaling 81 million dollars more than twice that of the previous year and the highest actual dollar amount in the past decade. New housing alone either under construction or Finance to begin construction totals more than 1,100 units in addition downtown market-rate housing will increase by more than 500 units. Commercial and Retail development in downtown expected to commence in 1978 will exceed 65 million dollars perhaps the most exciting development of all for me at least is the $8000000 Control Data plant be located in the summit university community development in 500 jobs do a community most in need of employment opportunity. It is just kind of development which will help to rewrite the book on how to revitalize the older American cities. I might add from a personal note in our day-to-day work you sometimes wonder how often what you do matters to people and again speaking personally, I will always remember whatever happens from here on out that we have done something in one part of our Economic Development, which will have a direct beneficial impact on people who matter a great deal to us all a good share of the development breakthrough has been enhanced by the financial ability and department and development expertise of the Saint Paul, Port Authority. Relations between city government and the authority have never been more friendly have never been more productive. on the question of population and it's General. Decline I'd like to make a few comments. It is true that there is a decline of some 11% of our population and over about a 15 year. However, the population is essentially stable. The number does not reflect the number of new young families coming into the city nor does it reflect the fact? That most of the population drop merely reflects smaller families in addition to that when compared to any other city of our size. Our population is very stable the point at one just one example during the. That we lost 11% of our population Minneapolis has lost 22% and Cincinnati and Cleveland some three times that amount. the more important point from a population standpoint is that Saint Paul has increased its number of households by 6000 units over the past 10 years residents are not fleeing the city in great numbers more over our housing vacancy rate of 2% is the lowest in the entire metropolitan area are unemployment rate of 5 and a half percent is well below the national average the percent of our people below the poverty line is the lowest for any metropolitan area in the entire nation all of this describes a healthy stable working population quite able to help Those Among Us who are less fortunate and unless I lost over the reality of those statistics. Although unemployment is low. All the poverty level is lower than any other City those numbers represent human suffering and although we've lowered the unemployment the remains of persistent unemployment. Not only Among The Young and the minority's which are major problem. But even in our Building Trades remain heavily unemployed in too many areas. Ask you the operation of local government. It was most gratifying recently to read the completed State Legislative study on the Twin Cities. Saint Paul ranks well below average in its cost for providing city services the study also documented the effectiveness of the city's budgeting and financial management systems in controlling expenditure growth and tax increases. This is good news indeed. I have fought very hard over the past year to keep the wage increases law in some cases. The bargaining process does create acrimony, but let me mislead. No one we need not apologize for either are public employees or the pay that they are receiving the key to the employment and what they are being paid is productivity. And when we look at what we are paying our people which is fine and a high we should also remember that from the standpoint of productivity. They are more productive than their counterparts in other cities and we can give examples of that case after case whether we're talking about the labor whether we're talking about the clerk typist or whether we're talking about any other branch of city government we do not have to apologize nor do we have to be weak and our bargaining and I don't intend to throw a bouquet like that again when I start bargaining again, but now is the time we too too rarely to rarely do we acknowledge the quality in the morality the confidence of the people who really do run this city. Although Saint Paul has been utterly ravaged by Dutch elm disease. On the plus side we have now planned the largest urban reforestation program ever undertaken in this country this year and next. We will have planted nearly 50,000 new and Hardy trees on public land behind us is the time for bemoaning. The loss of trees now is the time for sharing that I children and our children's children will know the green and beautiful city that we have known. I know we can do it we're committed to doing And often overlooked asset in this city is the foundations of Saint Paul. It's hard to overlook the strength of those foundations and we must make note of them the total market value of the city's private and corporate foundations. Exceeds a half a billion dollars. These foundations provide more than 30 million dollars annually in private support for community services. This is an addition to Saint Paul find educational Resources with a total of 17 post High School secondary schools and colleges, but the Arts are also drawing people to the downtown area. We forget the economic byproduct of the enjoyment. We gain from culture arts theater a half million people visited the Saint Paul Arts and Science Center last year the Chimera theater operated an impressive 85% capacity and I've gone to those plays with my children and there are people from all over who go to those plays. It's not just for the elite. It's a people's theater and arts in the city or for the people the people are using them more than a million people annually. I expect it to be to pass through the newly the about to be completed Arts and Science Center. The Landmark Center will draw thousands more to concerts exhibits in town. Hall Gathering. I'd like to stress that these are not plans. These are things that are building are going to be used are opening this summer of 78 nearly two million people a year come to our Civic Center and that will increase with progress on the exhibition Hall in theater. But enough of celebrating its time to work. The agenda for the next three years focuses on for Action areas first better neighborhoods. As I've mentioned the largest single investment. We are making in the neighborhood is in the reforestation program. I know that you agree with me that to revitalize a neighborhood without trees is feudal, but with trees and neighborhood takes out a beauty and it makes it worth the investment that the private individual homeowner wishes to make We will complete the district plans. Have completed now. We will complete all of them and we will develop them any corporate them into the city plan. We will expand upon the successful housing and Commercial Rehabilitation programs. And we will work with neighborhoods to get the financial institutions to increase neighborhood Investments. And again on that issue those ideas have grown from the neighborhood themselves the Merriam Park experience with a private Investment Group has been excellent and the drive-thru that area for private dollars have a created revitalization is very encouraging and We will work more closely with the school district to jointly enhance the quality of our neighborhood. We will renew efforts to complete the Pleasant Avenue Carter in a manner acceptable to the community and here I would like to add an aside I visited Duluth last week. And after the same kind of agonizing that we under took over the past number of years and after the same kind of delay that we have suffered they were able to put together. an accommodation a freeway Where the parkway component using amenities from Federal and State dollars, which has broad Community Support? I confess that with litigation he is and all of the other delays involved in this process that I personally could have pushed harder. I intend to renew those efforts. I know that you'll join me and doing that. second Economic Development We must complete those proposals now underway, we must find additional new sources for redevelopment financing. We have already met with the legislative leadership and whatever it is, they choose to do with tax increment financing. We must have alternative tools to redevelop the commercial and Retail areas of this city. Third City finances will be instrumental in achieving tax reform and establishing alternative Revenue sources. I do not believe that still hopeful, I believe we have a record to take the legislature. I believe we can demonstrate that we have our house in order. I believe we can demonstrate that the real estate tax Remains the most inequitable form of Taxation known to man and I believe that the legislature will respond to us with the proper amount of leadership from this city. And I have a revenue source that will in fact be tied in with growth. That is more Humane more economically sound I intend to push very hard with your help for that objective this section. I think we have done a lot and you know, if you've worked with me on the budget message the cuts that we have made and that will be an ongoing process but it is not enough just to say will cut employees there comes a point at which you must be honest and say When will the services be hurt and how can we best use our employees and not simply pretend that all we have to do is fire more people in order to save money. I don't believe that's in the best interest of the community. fourth city government Will measure departmental performance not only to make better budget decisions, but also to hold management Personnel accountable. We will reaffirm the original Civil Service objective of rewarding particularly in the mid and upper management level. I have no great revamping of the civil service system in mind. What I do have in mind is a system that will permit the rewarding of those middle management upper management people not only rewarding them but having the ability to implement the best personnel with greater latitude for us to exercise our policy judgment that we presently have in our present system. I have reason to believe that it is possible to make those kinds of changes without injuring the hard-earned rights of the employees for security. Ladies and gentlemen, mr. President As I mentioned in my letter to you, this agenda is a working document. That means it is not written in concrete. I'm going to take this document this agenda to the people of this city. I'm going to force the issue of just where St. Paul is headed. Over the next week's I will be meeting with numerous Community groups to strengthen the document to refine its stated objectives on the basis of what the community believes is in the best interest of a better Saint Paul. And incidentally as I compiled the written recommendations, we will include many of those recommendations in the appendix of this document. So will be a continuing and growing document. Likewise I've instructed my staff to immediately begin working with the department heads to set targets for implementing as many of the proposals as possible over the next year. But and I cannot stress this enough. A legislative policies to deal with these agenda items must come from you the city council. These are only my proposals and it is likely that you will not agree with all those outlined in the document. The important point is that we elected officials City staff and the people the same Paul work together on those specific objectives that we deemed critical to the future of this great and good City. To do lashes to misery fell and are making the most of what we do have now. and I might say that the relationship with the city council both as a formal body and individually has been the greatest encouragement and of the greatest source of gratification for me. There is barely an issue all year that I have not gained and learned and improved on our program as a result of a dialogue that occurs between discount so you individually and as a group in me You have played a large role in the education of a mayor and for that I'm very grateful and I look forward very much to a continuation of it. So those Cenex who asked why bother save the city we do have answers and we have good ones. There are rational cost-benefit and how it's cheaper to fill in already developed land how the city is better way to meet the energy crisis how LeapFrog development is wasteful of our resources and on Down the Line. We know all of those reasons. For many that cost balance sheet may explain the need for this city to survive and prosper. Yep for me, and I think for you there is a deeper justification. The heart to has its reasons and the Heart of this city is in the idea of community a community of people from every Walk of Life. With another mayor from another city mayor Lee of New Haven. I believe that the city should be the market place where all people meet on equal terms to trade to live to work and to dream. I believe that our city is the highest expression of civilization its buildings Express The Wonder of religious belief. The mobility of modern man, and the deep roots of History. I believe finally that a city is first and foremost, its people I speak today for the city for the general welfare of all of its people. There is a difference between that general welfare and special interest. We must have the wisdom to know the difference and the courage to act on it. Thank you. And there you have it then you 1977 state of the city address delivered last Thursday morning by Saint Paul Mayor George Latimer. The mayor is with us now in the studio this morning to answer your questions about Saint Paul's present and its future if you'd like to ask him a question you can do so by calling to 9 1 1 2 2 2 in the Twin Cities. That's 2 9 1 1 2 2 2 if you live just outside the metropolitan area. You can call us toll-free and that number is one 800-652-9700 Mara Latimer. Welcome. Good morning. I think that they're one of the things that stood out in the address that we just heard that caught my ear particularly was your comments about real estate tax and you said that they were perhaps the most inequitable of all taxes known to man and I'd like to ask you what you mean by that if you could outline little bit of how you how you feel about that. Why you feel that way and also where the city will get the money that it's now getting from realist? Tax of real estate tax that are either abolished or reduced the the two things about real estate attacks that make makes it the most inequitable that I know of is the first of all it is not related to real income is a person or family may own a home and they may have a fixed income and therefore are they have disposable dollars that are not increasing and therefore the real estate value. They hold does not reflect their ability to pay a greater burden for a city services II and related part of that equation that makes it the burdensome and inequitable in my opinion is that the growth of real estate value is largely a paper growth until a transfer of that property is made and therefore it is of little consolation. Someone whose property is not worth twice what it was 5 or 10 years ago. If in fact no real income has gained from that increase and therefore I think that we must look to forms of growth of whether it be the income whether it be production the shelves purchases all of those items reflect actual ability to pay rather than paper or appearance of the ability to pay. Where's the city going to get the money if the real estate taxes is abolished or reduced the state legislature for a number of years particularly under Governor Henderson has recognized the inequitable of a character of a real estate at tax and they have developed the foundation Aid formula which redistribute Monies to the municipality's money that is gained either from the sales tax or from the from the income tax. They have addressed the issue. They have you have to go far enough to really correct and permanently correct of the inequitable foundation of real estate as a form of paying for services. I think therefore that the wood I help the legislature can look to the traditional of forms of of The resource to pay for the city's bills and they come from the city. I might add that we have right now about 37 or 38 million dollars that are paid out of the sales tax in st. Paul that goes to State coffers. That's one form of income. The income tax is another the various utility taxes are another none of them bear directly on the real estate owner. And therefore we have to look to those horses to to take care of our needs and my dad finally that although no one likes any form of tax. I think that is people get more knowledgeable as to the ER regressivity of the real estate tax and they progressivity of income and sales that and if they have a real guarantee that the real estate tax will not only be Called where it is, but in fact reduced, I think there could be broad public support for other forms of Revenue. We have a caller waiting to ask a question. Hello, go ahead the marriage listening. Call Jennifer future Saint Paul has but I didn't hear anything about crime enforcement and some of us are very concerned the guard to some of the criminal aspects problems of our city. For example, like the bunny patch the office Club the adult theaters the adult bookstores. Is there anything in your program is coming here that's going to work on these criminal problems. Yes, as I made reference both in the agenda. And in the speech the general crime picture. I presented the reduction of Major Crimes in the amount of 12% during the comprable. From 77 to 76. In addition to that. Our team police decentralized policing approach has got broad public support. I'm hopeful that the result of that will not only be to better control the rate of crime, but So to give greater encouragement for the community to feel more secure in their homes are finally had to say I was about to go to charge where you add people these departments that are understaffed. I was going to get to that point before you stepped in again. We have a in the team police development and addition of for vice officers who would indeed will dress themselves to your particular interest as expressed in your Aurora last in the earlier remarks. There is no reluctance on the part of the City attorney to prosecute. In fact, the City attorney has prosecuted in the past will continue to in the past and the future. I think it's very important the City attorney continue to exercise its offices legal and constitutional obligation to exercise discretion in the prosecution of such crimes in the fact all crimes. Thanks very much for calling. We want to remind listeners again. You can call us and address questions to St. Paul's mayor George Latimer by calling 2 9 1 1 2 2 2 2 9 1 1 2 2 2 and if you live outside the immediate Twin Cities area you can call. Toll-free at 1 800-652-9700 and I believe we have a call waiting. Go ahead. You're on the air. Hello. Well, apparently we don't barely there is someone there good morning for your question. Will there be a possibility of texting federal agencies state agencies in church properties in the city that has of the city yet? Do not pay anything and by the same token taking up space way before private Enterprises. Then further on this. Substitute, Texas Like a Virgin, but then to listen to state income tax structure. I'm working people horrified to find any Minnesota ranks the highest category. Tell me what have to pay these taxes that generally the middle. Middle income people in the upper middle-income people will get the blunt and generally don't get many men on this. Yes, sir. I think you've made several very good points on the issue of tax exempt property. We will be presenting a gun to the legislature a bill to get payments in lieu of taxes from the tax exempt properties. I should however make a distinction and that is a Constitutional Amendment which was passed which would permit legislative action on tax-exempt the properties foundations governmental buildings did not include Church properties. And therefore we would address ourselves to those other areas that are constitutionally open into legislation, which would permit a money in lieu of taxes and we are presenting that and may I add that because I think it's an excellent point about is the point you made about Exempt uses which require us to deliver Services is that there are cities all over this state which to a greater or lesser degree have the same experience whether it's Marshall Minnesota with a very large State campus or whether it be Winona or Bemidji other cities also have that kind of problem. And I don't think we've done a good enough job to show the commonality of that need. Now it quickly moved to the second point in made which is also good one and that is the income tax already is very high. First of all, I must say to you that I agree that is very high. I would prefer that I not be any higher but a progressive income tax is still a fairer source to pay for City Services then the real estate. However, as you rightly point out of his now among the highest or the highest in the country, where is the sales tax income in fact There is among the lower ring of US states on that very issue. And I think if we have a closely controlled sales tax one that does not go to the necessities of life. I think that in fact that it has been demonstrated to be as Progressive as an income tax and much less regressive than the real estate tax. Want to remind you again that you're listening to a live phone in program with Saint Paul Mayor George Latimer. If you'd like to ask the mayor of question you can do so by calling to 91122 to their lives on the line now. Go ahead with your question. Please have if we got to the tax burden I'm suffering under. My contact is that the city has to receive its revenue from someplace. So if you decide that real estate is not the source of real estate tax. Whatever that sorry says I must pay for it. Help me visualize a kind of thing that might have under your foot. The first obligation we have in city government is to attack the expenditure side as you rightly point out. Someone has to pay for them. We did that last year and it resulted and slightly less than a one male increase this year. Although the budget message has not yet been delivered to the console. I anticipate that we're aiming to hold the line on that. So that's a very important item in that is we have to try to spend as little as possible to do the job the point you make as to you paying them more in one way or another I it would depend entirely upon the kind of state legislation that was passed. For example, if you are a high consumer a part of the population you would be paying more in in sales tax or other kinds of purchases of that kind if find the other hand you were at the point in your life where you were not Purchasing is much than you of course would not only experience the Assurance of a non growth and a real estate area. And the other taxes would be in purchases which you may or may not choose to make so essentially it would it would broaden the source of revenue from the individual property owner to those goods and services which are used in purchased by those both in and outside of the city. Thanks very much for your phone call. It's 23 minutes now before 11 and you were listening to a live phone in program with Saint Paul Mayor George Latimer. If you'd like to call in and ask the mayor of question, you can do so by calling to 9 1 1 2 2 2 x 2 9 1 12:22 in the Twin Cities. If you live outside the Twin Cities area, you can call toll free at one 800-652-9700 where Latimer I'd like to jump in here for just a minute then maybe shift the focus away from taxes at least for one question and asked you a bit about the Metropolitan Council. It seems the Metro council is a powerful or at least increasing its power as far as city and state government goes or municipal government and I'm wondering if you think that it should be an elective body right now course, it's all its members are appointed. How do you feel about that? I think it should be elective. Yes. I'd like to comment that I believe. Is that the total effect of the regional body such as a Metro Council has been benefit beneficial because of the efforts made by John Boland & The Metropolitan Council. We have a fair share program in the Twin City area relative to public housing. We now have 40 minutes of Pilates in the 7 County area which are involved in one way or another and providing housing for those who need a little help in obtaining shelter Weatherby senior citizens or people in the low income bracket. I think that's kind of effort would not happen without the leadership of the region of Body In this case of Metropolitan Council. So I am in favor of its continuation. I think it's done a very beneficial work in the area of planning in the area of leadership for regional growth and I believe that I should be elected what kind of steps need to be taken before it that can be Change to an elected body. What what needs to be done? I'm not sure. I know what I think I think you're required State legislation that seems to come up every couple of years. We have a caller on the line. Go ahead with your question to me or Latimer. I guess a lot of things are being brought about Rosalie butter. And my question is you refer to me as his criminal actions. And as far as pointing out the Bookshop some movies Speakeasy bars, whatever. He's coming around his number 1 and number 2. What do you feel as far as the freedom of speech or writing expression before? We approved the ordinances in question? I pressed my City attorney very closely on the issue of constitutionality. I would not have signed those ordinances know but I sign any ordinance which I have reason to believe. It's a violation of any First Amendment right? I guess I have very strong feelings about freedom of speech consistent with the right of freedom of speech be Supreme Court is set for a certain guidelines relative to the area referred to 70 in photography and therefore, it's quite clear that the local action. Relative to pornography has and has constitutional foundation. And the issue then is whether you in for Saturn the Constitutional manner. I I believe that the the in a pluralistic society. There should be a wide latitude of free choice and what one chooses to read. I also believe that there are certain kinds of material are patently offensive to the broad majority of the people which can constitutionally be limited. I think the ordinance has branded doing that and I think that until they're finally tested through the courts, we won't know ultimately but I believe that they will be upheld and finally, I believe as I observe a particular downtown or neighborhoods that the putting a just moving away from the very important issue of free speech. There is also an economically disadvantaged resulting from the kind of blight. From certain kinds of the activities that we refer to I think that many people think of downtown is a place they don't want to go to because of this kind of offense to their their own sense of decency. I think you have to balance the right of people to be left alone from that kind of material are with the right of people to have a pretty broad choice and the kinds of materials and activities. They want to read or engaging Okay, it's still 19 minutes now before 11 and there's another caller on the line. Go ahead with your question, please good morning, mister mayor. Good morning, sir, Police Department as you stated during your campaign and proceeding on some sort of a Precinct basis as is done in Minneapolis. Yes. I don't know about the last part of your mark about whether they doing the team police in in Minneapolis. If it's more than a Precinct idea, it is also a community involvement. We we have implemented the program. We now have sex at districts throughout the neighborhoods in st. Paul because of budget cuts. I did not go with the original plan of 8th District, but I've been assured by the police chief of Chief Rowan and deputy chief McCutchen that we can achieve the objectives of Keene police with the six districts that we now have I was present out of these side when we began that Out at the flandrau and 7th just about three or four weeks ago. We have one located in Highland and to the edge from school. We have a total of 6 that are on board now and then we get the wrinkles out. I have great confidence that it will do the job and people will have a closer connection with the police or who are there to protect them and ensure their security Or is it just a survey technique where up officers are simply in the area know that they are permanent in the sense that they're in place and they're operating out of those district offices right now. Thanks for your question. Is there any chance that some of those police officers will be walking beats through some of the neighborhoods? Yeah, I saw the exact way that each team will operate were largely reflect that particular community and its needs which is ascertained by a dialogue between the neighbors and the police as well as the police analysis of what that means you need. For example, we have won District where they've already implemented a one-person patrol car approached. They think it's going to work in that particular District in another it may not I have that kind of support that may not work. So well and other is the beat policeman Almost sure, they will be visible and depending on the size and the need of the Unity it could occur and large parts of our city. It's 16 minutes now before 11 and we have another caller on the line. How do you make money to Mike Sanders delegate Mary Park Community Council? And I was just wondering how we're right. Now in the trying to stop eggs Apple bonds transfer of a liquor license in our neighborhood and you were just talking about rights of citizens to be able to read and have certain things in their area that you know might be detrimental to the neighborhood and I was wondering do we have the right to keep an apple Brown's liquor store out of our neighborhood? Thank you for calling Mike. I do not know what zoning considerations are involved in that particular attempt to transfer. We are presented to refuse to the licensing committee and we are defeated in that area, even though he said it was snowing for that area. You remarks were the interruption was a good one. Have you been before they the city council's you know, as a lights licensing committee does rule on these petitions. We have to be very careful that we're its properties owned and we're in every other respect. The legal standards have been met by the petitioner that we not committed an illegal act ourselves as a government by denying a otherwise Justified and legal petition in this particular case are from what you've told me and and very frankly. I'm not familiar with it beyond that what you've told me it appears his properties and they then we'll take it before the city council and the council rule on the any other consideration to might be before it would not be coming to my office until the council has acted and I can only tell you that it would be my opinion as I mentioned earlier that if the petitioner is in every way a legally-protected to do what it is he's petitioning for I will not support an action which in fact denies him of his rights, but if in fact it's clear that the community as opposed to that kind of establishment and there is a legal and constitutional way in which we can divert that kind of use. I would to dress myself to that. I don't pretend to be expert in the area of Licensing at it. I'd only say that I would consult with my City attorney about whether they have conformed in every respect to the law. If in fact they have and they have a right to build what they wish to build. I would not stand in their way because I don't believe that I can I use the law against people I've got to adhere to the law just as I expect the other people the same Paul to thanks very much for calling their number of callers waiting on the line now, we're ready for the next one. Had with your question please morning, but I'm also concerned that you may be pricing out low and moderate-income people in an attempt to attract wealthy Suburban Heights. Very good point. I do want to develop I know what you're talking about. Do you want to develop your question or I'll respond right now apartment buildings and an old hotel and many of the residents are being asked to leave the people who presently live there who might be termed people of modest means low income people and there seems to be a definite Trend to attract. People of of higher means if I'd like to dress that I think you you have a very good point is very exciting to see an older blighted neighborhood turned around by private investment, but you're quite right. One of the byproducts has been that if the market value of everything escalates as quickly as it is, then the original residents of that Community simply cannot meet those prices one plan I have which I'm implementing now is to take over a certain of the structures before the private sector does to take some of the underutilized and poorly managed housing units, which are present in the hands of public bodies and by a combination of public and private money provide a mix of housing, which will permit Section 8 housing for example, which will permit the lower-income person. To live in the same quality environment as is being created in that Ramsey Hill area. For example, we have two or three projects. I can't think of one exactly right there. But when we have one, I'm looking at the Hanover Apartments over near the capitol Joe easily of the community housing Corporation a private. Nonprofit organization is also working very hard and I quite successfully yet. They're producing good secure housing for people right in that community and those people who do not have the high-income to meet the increasing market value of some of the newer developments. I think your point is an excellent one. We've got to address ourselves to it. Otherwise, we are making a suburb in the city, but then we're not creating an opportunity for those people who are being driven out by the economics of it. I had the mayor's listening to your question would not bring back people to the city if maybe the tax would be 1% on the people living in St. Paul earning their money and 2% of those it come from the outside getting the services and that's correct in the point. You make was made to me just two nights ago with one of our legislators as one of the Alternatives and that's the kind of input that we need to develop a program. I agree with you. Don't leave the argument against doing that is on the part of employers who will claim that that is a disincentive for people to work in say Paul if they going to pay that extra tax it also require a state legislation. I think it does go to the kind of growth that your idea is one that feeds into the kind of approach. I think we must take and I think the legislature will be willing to look at that whether that is as easy to obtain legislatively as a few of the other things were talking about. I do not really know right now, but the direction you're suggesting is the kind of Direction. I think we've got to take Do you think that the one sided control at your party has over the views are not even honored. I think that if you look at our city council and me and the ideas that we've had the dialogue we've had I think that we reflected the the broadest possible view of the people in St. Paul. That's really the issue it I think a one-party control can be dangerous. I think the real issue is whether or not the party then and control is in fact doing it best to reflect the whole need of the population and I don't mind telling you that speaking for myself. I do not let partisan considerations determine the recommendations that I make in reforming city government and improving the life of our city and I think the record is simply there between the council and myself too. Examine to see whether in fact the fear of one party control is well founded in this case. I think what I said about the city is because I am most familiar with the city as to the state. I think you'd have to examine the record on the state-wide basis to find out whether and your opinion you feel that occurred. I think that if the I think people ever elected dfl leaders in the past years because broadly the dfl leadership has reflected the wishes of the people. I thought. I think there's no better test then the voting booth to determine whether or not any party or any individual is doing the job of representing all of the people rather than the special interest. Thanks very much for your question. That's about six six and a half minutes now before 11. There's still some time to call in and ask Mary Latimer a question. If you'd like to the number to call is 29112 222-291-1222 in the Twin Cities area. If you live outside the immediate Twin Cities are you can call us toll-free at one 800-652-9700. Do we have another question are on the line? Go ahead. The mayor's listening. I've noticed that many even most of the trees that have been planted to replace the dying and many of them aren't doing very well and that we my husband and I take long walks around the city and have been speculating under why this might be it can't be the rain because we've had plenty of that. The only other possibility that we can think of is lack of food the Elms for years have been taking food everything that there is from the soil. And as far as I know no one has put anything back into the soil. What is it part of the reforestation plan to feed the new trees regularly and if it isn't clear the individual people live off these Boulevard be involved and urge to do it and instructed how to feed the trees. Are you made two or three points? I'd like to take the first one the balled and burlapped trees of the varied species that we have been planting. In fact have a very high rate of survival. The Forester that does a regular check on that we have for a City truck. So watering and addition to whatever the private sector does. In fact, our survival rate is is extremely high. The Forester assures me that the ones that do not look as though they are in fact by to buy his checking them. He assures me that in fact, the survival rate is very high now as to the nutrition that you refer to we are advised that the in nutrition in the soil is sufficient for the job with the watering of it being the essential need I have not had Question put to me before and I will relay it to the Forester and re-examine that but the best information I had until now was that additional nutrients were not needed for the growth of those trees, but that we're going to be planting a total of 50000 trees over the total of 2 years. And if we do not assure that they survive then we're in deep trouble. And so I take any kind of recommendation observations such as yours deeply seriously, and I'll convey them to my Forester. Via Federer own trees and noticed. What a difference it makes may I ask you what do you feed the man of tree food and we go home and pour it in these holes around the tree so that it gets way down there. It's interesting to look into that. Thank you. Thanks for calling. I believe we have another caller on the line. Go ahead with your question. The mayor's listening Services. How old is affecting young growing families? The only to the extent we go to either income or to the cost of goods the people who are experiencing the highest income and purchasing a most good will be spending the most money. There is much question about the issue really is the ability to pay and never forgetting. The first point that is a very aggressive effort that we not misuse for those funds are given to us and we keep expenditures down as much as possible. Need this. I'm sorry. It's important to remember that the money's you now referred to are not out of the real estate taxes out of Community Development block grant monies that come from the general General Revenue from the federal government. And therefore that wouldn't be picked up by any means of a real estate or sales tax or income tax the ratio depends on the community, but nearly every Community District I have visited and I've visited all of them that are organized have advised me that the money spent for administering the program the people from the CD or planning office out in the neighborhood is money that they feel as he sent you to spend if they're going to do the job of telling me in the city council of what the best projects are for their community. Thanks very much for your question. We have time for just one short question the go-ahead the mayor's listing for a question on your staff with some halftime positions, which were then filled with women who I think we're unable to work because of any small children at home and I was really proud that that kind of thing with start in St. Paul and wondering if you're still doing that sort of thing. And if so how it's working out. We're not we're not getting very far with it. I propose that we expand the idea to the console and there was some resistance to it. I might add that in addition. We we cut the 10% for my budget the first year, we're recommending another 13 + 14% cut from my budget this year and therefore we're in a no-growth the situation and so the hiring of any people part-time or full-time is is diminishing you make an excellent point about part time to work though. I really feel it's an area that we How to expand but did the record is not very good right now. I must confess their Latimer we're out of time. Thanks very much for being with us this morning and thanks to all of you who phoned in the time now is coming up on 11:00. We have some late temperatures the Twin Cities 66° Duluth 62 Rochester 64 and Saint Cloud report 66 stay tuned for voices in the wind which follows over these listener-supported stations.


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