January 22, 1974 - Paul Samuelson, winner of the 1970 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, speaking at Nobel Conference X: The Quest for Peace held at Gustavus Adolphus College. Samuelson's speech was titled “Economics and Peace.”
February 12, 1974 - Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe speaking at a symposium held at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. Wolfe’s topic was on the conflict of interest between industries and professionals in the medical services fields, the availability of information from the medical industry and medical services fields, and the exclusion of consumers from information in the medical delivery field (drug industry especially).
August 1, 1974 - Midwest Governors Panel Discussion on Food Power with Congressman Paul Findley, Dr. Lester Brown, Dr. Norman Borlaug, and panel chairman Hubert Humphrey.
November 5, 1974 - MPR’s Gary Eicthen talks with Phil Getts, deputy director of the Minnesota Energy Agency, about heating prices going up due to potential coal shortage. Getz states that utility companies will have to switch over to oil as a coal strike looms on the horizon.
December 17, 1974 - John Boland, state legislator and chairman of the Metropolitan Council, talks about the state of the region to the Citizens League annual meeting.
January 29, 1975 - Charles P. Reinert, Ph.D. Dept. of Chemistry/Physics at Southwest Minnesota State College in Marshall, discusses agriculture and energy. Dr. Reinert was a member of the Governor's Energy Policy Task Force for the State of Minnesota.
March 11, 1975 - The Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce sponsored the 29th annual Farm Forum, bringing together about 2000 Upper Midwest farmers and representatives of agribusiness to participate in panel discussions and hear from a variety of experts on national and international agricultural issues. One of the major addresses heard at that forum was by Dr. James D. McQuigg, an authority on world weather patterns and Director of the University of Missouri's Center for Climate and Environmental Assessment.
March 11, 1975 - The Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce sponsored the 29th annual Farm Forum, bringing together about 2000 Upper Midwest farmers and representatives of agribusiness to participate in panel discussions and hear from a variety of experts on national and international agricultural issues. One of the major addresses heard at that forum was Assistant US Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter. Secretary Yeutter oversees the Department of Agriculture's International Affairs and Commodity Programs.
April 1, 1975 - Leonard Woodcock, United Auto Workers president, speaking before the closing session of the Minnesota Social Service Association's 82nd Annual Welfare Conference in Minneapolis. Woodcock’s address was on the topic "Economic Realities and Human Needs."
November 15, 1975 - A network MPR Special call-in program on the history and scope of the energy crisis, both nationally and in Minnesota. KSJN guests in St. Paul are John Millhone, director of the Minnesota Energy Agency; Michael Murphy, project manager for The Future Choices: Energy Program at the Upper Midwest Council; and Gary Moore, architect at Bergstedt, Wahlberg, Bergquist and Rohkohl. KCCM guest in Moorhead is Dr. Duane Dahlberg, associate professor of physics at Concordia College. WSCD guests in Duluth are Vice President for Corporate Planning of Minnesota Power and Light Company; and Gordon Levine, geographer from the University of Minnesota, Duluth.