June 3, 1977 - Morton Sobell, the only living defendant from the 1951 espionage case of Julian and Ethel Rosenberg, addresses an audience at the University of Minnesota in Duluth on the similarities between the Rosenberg case and other "political trials" such as Wounded Knee and the Chicago 7.
June 4, 1977 - MPR’s Claudia Hampston reports on announcement at Minnesota Women's Meeting of Governor Perpich’s court appointments, including Rosalie Wahl as associate justice on Minnesota Supreme Court.
June 25, 1977 - MPR’s Bob Potter presents “The Role of the Courts in a Changing Society: Fritz vs. Warthan,” a documentary that examines landlord/tenant law in Minnesota and the court case Fritz vs. Wathan.
June 26, 1977 - MPR’s Kate Williams reports on comments from social and political activist Gloria Steinem at the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Convention held in Minnesota.
July 16, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, Bev Blindy of the Southside Nursery School; Deb Anderson of the Hennepin County Sex Abuse Team; and Ann Elwood, who works with parents, discuss the subject of parenting, child abuse and the family.
July 30, 1977 - MPR’s Bob Potter presents “The Role of the Courts in a Changing Society: Divorce, Voices in the Wind,” a documentary that examines Minnesota divorce laws. Includes such topics as how divorce law in Minnesota has changed from "fault" to "no-fault", alimony, child support, visitation, post-dissolution problems, and the role of attorneys.
August 20, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, guests Richard Miller, a Minneapolis alderman; Doug Frisbie, member of the Governor's Crime Commission; and Jim DeLaittre, an officer with the Minneapolis Police Department, discuss new concepts that the city of Minneapolis is considering in the fight against neighborhood burglary and street robbery.
August 27, 1977 - MPR’s Bob Potter presents “The Role of the Courts in a Changing Society: Criminal Law,” a documentary that follows the process of investigation, charging, trial, sentencing and appeals.
August 30, 1977 - An examination of how the state of Minnesota might combine individual welfare program into a consolidated cash assistance plan which will include benefits for the working poor and work incentives to replace the present work requirement stipulation. State Senator John Milton of the Health, Welfare and Corrections Committee; Pearl Mitchell, Director of Voluntary Services for the Ramsey County Welfare Department; and Robert Wallace, author of a recent Citizens League Report on welfare reform, discuss recommendations from study.
September 24, 1977 - MPR’s Dan Olson presents “The Role Of the Courts In A Changing Society: Cedar-Riverside high-rise development suit,” a documentary that xamines lawsuit challenging the Cedar-Riverside high-rise development in Minneapolis. The court's decision provides insight into how a single suit can change the profile of a large urban area, into the National Environmental Policy Act, and into how tax laws and government funds are used to provide inner-city housing.