May 17, 1976 - New York Times political columnist and supreme court specialist Anthony Lewis speaking at Hamline University. Topic was “A Constitutional Faith."
August 21, 1976 - On this regional public affairs program, MPR’s Dan Olson profiles the Minneapolis Police Department. Olson reports on a 1976 League of Women Voters “Police Community Report,” which highlights issues in the politics of appointments, law enforcement budgets, training, communications, community relations, administravitive rules & planning, discriminatory actions, and stability in leadership.
October 2, 1976 - On this regional public affairs program, a discussion on residential burglary in Minnesota. Burglary was the subject of an intensive study by the Citizens League recently, and the League issued a report entitled, "Suppressing Burglary."
November 5, 1976 - On the anniversary of the Sioux Uprising of 1862, this program presents the historical events that culminated in the hangings of 38 Indians after the uprising. Program includes members of All Things Considered reading from the writings done at the time of uprising.
March 1, 1977 - Dino Butler testimony from recent hearings held by the Minnesota Citizens' Review Commission on the FBI. The commission, a coalition of some 20 Minnesota organizations put together an independent hearing panel including DFL chairpersons Rick Scott and Ruth Caine. Union leaders, representatives of church and community groups as well as private citizens also participated. The panel took testimony on alleged FBI abuses in the area supervised by the Minneapolis office - Minnesota and the Dakotas. Much of the testimony centered around alleged FBI violations on South Dakota Indian reservations. One whole day was devoted to testimony concerning the Pine Ridge shootout in June 1975. The shootings resulted in the deaths of two FBI agents and one Indian, Joe Stuntz. No one has yet been charged with Stuntz's death. Two Indians, Dino Butler and Robert Robideau, were charged with the murder of the FBI agents, but they were acquitted last fall. One other man charged was never indicted for lack of evidence, and another, Leonard Peltier, will go on trial in Fargo, North Dakota this month.
March 2, 1977 - Testimonies of Norman Brown, Nilak Butler, Jean Bordeaux and Ken Tilsen from recent hearings held by the Minnesota Citizens' Review Commission on the FBI. The commission, a coalition of some 20 Minnesota organizations put together an independent hearing panel including DFL chairpersons Rick Scott and Ruth Caine. Union leaders, representatives of church and community groups as well as private citizens also participated. The panel took testimony on alleged FBI abuses in the area supervised by the Minneapolis office - Minnesota and the Dakotas. Much of the testimony centered around alleged FBI violations on South Dakota Indian reservations. One whole day was devoted to testimony concerning the Pine Ridge shootout in June 1975. The shootings resulted in the deaths of two FBI agents and one Indian, Joe Stuntz. No one has yet been charged with Stuntz's death. Two Indians, Dino Butler and Robert Robideau, were charged with the murder of the FBI agents, but they were acquitted last fall. One other man charged was never indicted for lack of evidence, and another, Leonard Peltier, will go on trial in Fargo, North Dakota this month.
March 3, 1977 - John Trudell testimony from recent hearings held by the Minnesota Citizens' Review Commission on the FBI. The commission, a coalition of some 20 Minnesota organizations put together an independent hearing panel including DFL chairpersons Rick Scott and Ruth Caine. Union leaders, representatives of church and community groups as well as private citizens also participated. The panel took testimony on alleged FBI abuses in the area supervised by the Minneapolis office - Minnesota and the Dakotas. Much of the testimony centered around alleged FBI violations on South Dakota Indian reservations. One whole day was devoted to testimony concerning the Pine Ridge shootout in June 1975. The shootings resulted in the deaths of two FBI agents and one Indian, Joe Stuntz. No one has yet been charged with Stuntz's death. Two Indians, Dino Butler and Robert Robideau, were charged with the murder of the FBI agents, but they were acquitted last fall. One other man charged was never indicted for lack of evidence, and another, Leonard Peltier, will go on trial in Fargo, North Dakota this month.
March 12, 1977 - The Minnesota legislature is considering measures to help streamline criminal justice in Minnesota. William McCutcheon, a Minnesota state senator and police officer, talked about what he thinks the legislature can do during a speech at Saint Paul Citizens League breakfast meeting.
April 8, 1977 - Midday presents an MPR Special report on the Minnesota Supreme Court's unanimous decision that Reserve Mining Company be allowed to use the "Milepost 7" site for its taconite tailings on-land disposal. Program includes various reports, interviews and commentary from both sides of the court fight.
May 27, 1977 - MPR legislative reporters Bob Potter and Debbie Gage prepared a half-hour summary of highlights from the 1977 Minnesota legislative session. Many observers have praised the orderly fashion in which many major bills were passed, though there were the expected political disagreements over tax, welfare, and other basic policies.