April 8, 1977 - As part of KCCM's Our Home Town series, this program is on Mott, North Dakota, documenting attitudes, culture and character of life in the prairie town. Through various interviews and sound segments, program highlights community, history, family life, church, drug use, role of women, and thoughts on the land.
April 18, 1977 - Dr. Philip Raup, agricultural economist and professor at the University of Minnesota, speaking on land use and growth in Minnesota at conference of the Minnesota Planning Association. The Minnesota Planning Association Annual Conference theme was "Who Says Planning is for Pros?" and at held Sheraton Inn Northwest, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Objectives of the conference were to identify issues in state & regional planning; identify means of coordinating planning with other governmental agencies; and determine economic and environmental impacts of planning.
May 7, 1977 - Russell Peterson, president of New Directions, speaking at the University of Minnesota on occasion of World Law Day. Peterson’s speech was titled “Citizen Action and World Order.” His remarks were followed by questions from the audience. About New Directions: Founded in 1976 by several people including Norman Cousins; Margaret Mead; Ruth Clusen, the president of the National League of Women Voters; and Paul Warnke, among others. New Directions has been called an international counterpart to the self-styled citizens lobby, Common Cause.
May 12, 1977 - U.S. Representative Donald Fraser, of Minneapolis, took part in a seminar on the BWCA, sponsored by the Anoka-Ramsey Community College in Coon Rapids. Fraser spoke on his bill regarding future use of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northeastern Minnesota. Fraser's bill would ban entirely any logging or use of motors from both the interior and exterior portions of the BWCA.
May 12, 1977 - Congressman Jim Oberstar, of the 8th district, took part in a seminar on the BWCA, sponsored by the Anoka-Ramsey Community College in Coon Rapids. Oberstar, who represents an area which includes the BWCA, spoke on his bill proposing legislation which would add more territory to the existing million acres of the BWCA and roughly split the land between a wilderness area for hiking and canoeing only, and a "recreational area" where motorboats, snowmobiles and some logging would be permitted.
June 25, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, Mark Korell of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and Saint Paul developer Ron Soderberg discuss money for housing and tips on renovation, and answer listener calls.
June 28, 1977 - John Millhone, Minnesota State Energy Director, discusses the major energy and conservation bill passed at the end of the legislative session. Millhone also answers listeners questions.
July 18, 1977 - St. Paul attorney Wayne Olson and Bill Blazar, Citizens League staff member, discuss a new report by the Citizens League on the Twin Cities economy, titled "Helping the Metropolitan Economy Change." It explores how the economy has developed over the years and suggests some changes needed to insure continued economic well-being. Olson chaired the citizens' committee that wrote the report. Olson and Blazar also answer listener questions.
July 23, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, Alpha Smaby of the Minnesota Populists Alliance, discusses property tax reform, energy problems, the BCWA, and farming issues.
July 23, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, MPR's Bob Potter talks with Senator Bill McCutcheon, Citizens League representatives, Minnesota Tax Payers Association members, and the League of Minnesota Cities about McCutcheon's property tax bill.