February 4, 1977 - Conclusion of the second Minnesota Horizons conference, a seminar for state legislators, sponsored by the State Planning Agency and the Commission on Minnesota's Future, designed to show lawmakers and citizens some of the long-range problems the state faces. Twelve major areas were studied: Settlement, Population, Economy, Values, Energy, Transportation, Land use, Agriculture, Housing, Health, Education and Environment. Highlights from the final report is presented.
March 5, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, Marilyn Chou, a policy analyst from the Hudson Institute in New York, speaks at the Farm Forum in Minneapolis. Chou shares her impressions of agriculture within the People's Republic of China.
March 24, 1977 - At recent Conference on Intermediate Technology, sponsored by the Future Department of the Science Museum of Minnesota and the Minnesota Humanities Commission, British economist Dr. E.F. Schumacher gave a speech titled “Economics for a Changing World.”
March 25, 1977 - Dr. E.F. Schumacher, British economist, speaking at recent Conference on Intermediate Technology sponsored by the Science Museum of Minnesota. This was Schumacher’s second lecture, titled “Intermediate Technology: Its Importance for the United States.”
March 26, 1977 - Excerpts from the Intermediate Technology conference held in Minneapolis which brought together 500 Minnesotans involved or interested in low-energy-use alternative technology, designed to reduce our need for fossil fuels. Includes a panel discussion, in response to the lecture by British economist Dr. E.F. Schumacher.
March 26, 1977 - Dr. John Flagler, director of labor education at the University of Minnesota, speaking on the effects of alternative technology on workers. Speech given at the Conference on Intermediate Technology.
March 26, 1977 - James Summer, former vice chairman of General Mills, argues that small is not always beautiful, and he will also propose how industry can better work in the public interest. His speech was entitled, "Corporate America: New Challenges, New Responsibilities", and given at the Conference on Intermediate Technology.
April 1, 1977 - As part of KCCM's Our Home Town series, this program is on Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation, located in north central North Dakota, and home to Chippewa Indians. Through various interviews and music segments, program highlights Michif culture, religion, powwow dance, identity problems, the BIA, poverty, and alcoholism.
April 5, 1977 - Excerpts from hearings on the future of the Garrison Diversion Project in North Dakota, held in Jamestown, North Dakota. Testimony included North Dakota Governor Arthur Link and the state congressional delegation, who opposes President Carter's cancellation of the giant irrigation project.
April 8, 1977 - Midday presents an MPR Special report on the Minnesota Supreme Court's unanimous decision that Reserve Mining Company be allowed to use the "Milepost 7" site for its taconite tailings on-land disposal. Program includes various reports, interviews and commentary from both sides of the court fight.