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Russell Peterson, president of New Directions, speaking at the University of Minnesota on occasion of World Law Day. Peterson’s speech was titled “Citizen Action and World Order.” His remarks were followed by questions from the audience. About New Directions: Founded in 1976 by several people including Norman Cousins; Margaret Mead; Ruth Clusen, the president of the National League of Women Voters; and Paul Warnke, among others. New Directions has been called an international counterpart to the self-styled citizens lobby, Common Cause.

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That is saying he's 5 Beta Kappa and PhD in chemistry from University of Wisconsin at work 26 years in Dupont company eventually become a director of research and development them and is has been chairman of the Council on solar biofuels, which I thought would come in right at this moment. We hope to use for air conditioning to eventually as an environmentalist. He's been chairman of the president's Council on Environmental Quality. The last few years is a president United States a director of the World Wildlife Fund United States associate of the club of Rome and the population crisis committee and chairman of an organization called save our seas has been very active a large number of environmental activities as a political person. He's been a politician and activist in a political official from 1969 to 73.The governor of the state of Delaware where you introduce the cabinet form of government. The Delaware Coastal act did a great deal of work in criminal justice Administration and educational reform. I hate that been in chairman of the national Commission on critical choices for Americans with the Nelson Rockefeller established and vice-chairman the national Municipal league and of the Council of former governors, so here's a complete political career along with a scientific career and an environmentalist career. All of which would have been enough from most people now, he's launched into a category which is an international Statesman eye color.He was vice chairman of the US delegation to the United Nations world population conference in Bucharest in 1974 and United head of the US delegation to the US conference on habitat human settlements in Vancouver last year. He's put all this career together and has become the president directions to perfect combination for an organization. That's very much long needed and is finally here at last so it's my pleasure to interviews speak on citizen action in World Order.Thank you very much German Bill Rogers. It's a privilege and a to be here in the Twin Cities and to join with you in celebrating World latte. I'm particularly pleased to be here to talk to many of you about new directions. This is my second trip here on that mission in recent weeks. And although it's difficult for one person to appraise our whole country reacts to various issues. I want you to know that after six months of traveling around our country visiting many metropolitan areas. There's no doubt about it in my judgment that here in the Twin Cities. They had the best. Deepest interest in dedication and knowledge about world affairs of any place. I've been and the and I said that and other cities to the same Ripple. But I want to talk with you tonight about world order and about security about your security and that of your children in about the security of people everywhere. In about what you and I are citizens can do through law to promote greater World Order and security. A Mite judgment, we are in deep trouble and sinking deeper everyday. And yet most of our leaders in business and in government continue to make decisions the same old way. Business Leaders worry primarily about this year's operating statement about the bottom line. Government leaders worry primarily about the next election. How do I get reelected? And as a result, we are being carried into the future by the momentum of the status quo. resisting change in every direction There are today many threats to World security, but there are four especially serious ones that I wish to discuss tonight. And they are the threats to which new directions is addressing its initial attention. All four are the result of a long series of seemingly innocent decisions appropriate to the short-term special interest of thousands of decision-makers. But each of these threats is leading us to the edge of a precipice. What are these threats? The first stems from the fact that the world is rapidly running out of its current principal source of energy oil. The second involves the plan to use the atom bomb making material plutonium as a fuel or electric power plants. The third results from the rapid worldwide escalation of armaments. And the fourth from the growing confrontation between the Haves and the Have Nots Nations. The public interest calls for the people to develop a clear understanding of these threats. And to demand a change in the directions we have been going. Fortunately for all of us President Carter understands these threats and is off to a good start in providing the leadership. So desperately needed to face up to them. And I say that as a member of that endangered species a liberal Republican. President Carter is displaying the courage. The call for sacrifice and for unpopular but necessary actions. Making himself an exception to the rule that elected officials give priority to getting re-elected. But he is going to encounter tremendous resistance from potent forces that see a large special steak or self interest in maintaining the status quo. Let me illustrate the nature of this problem by reminding you. Several recent sad experiences in our history that resulted from the cumulative impact of many short-term special interest decision. For many decades we pushed Industrial Development and Public Works projects with little concern for the environment. Finally our air our water our land became so befouled that the people concerned about the security of life itself rose up and demanded a change. Seeing their short-term personal goal of becoming re-elected threatened. The elected leaders passed an avalanche of environmental legislation. in fact the national Clean Air Act passed unanimously and that doesn't happen unless the people really the Amanda. Now we are on a safer course. Environmentally, the all-out developers are being dragged into the future screaming. Making money as they go. Our leaders making piecemeal and short-term myopic decisions got us into the Vietnam War. finally the people realizing that the justification for that war was phony And that the war was threatening our security not enhancing it got us out. So in that one of the most disgraceful chapters in our history. becoming elected has frequently been enhanced. By speaking of the need for integrity in government while practicing something else. This behavior commentated in the Watergate Fiasco. the people seeing the security that they thought was provided by the Democratic process threatened. reminder to change as a result many elected officials of all over the United States have been brought to the bar of Justice. And legislative bodies at the national state and local levels of Pastor stream of legislation calling for hire at the more open government campaign financing income disclosures and so forth. Responsible in no small measure for much of this action has been that potent citizens Lobby, calls. One might think after facing up to these past threats to our security. We might relax but on the contrary our security calls for Eternal vigilance. And I hope to convince you that it also calls for Action today. Let's discuss one by one these four threats to World security. The first as they continued it all out Reliance of the world an oil as the principal source of energy pumping it out at ever greater rate. Hasten the day when we will run out of this valuable resource. It now appears that the world production of oil will pick out in less than 20 years and will be downhill thereafter. that Peak year not so much the year. We eventually ran off at that Peak year will be a critical year in the history of man. Even though we will have used by that time only half the oil resources that Mother Earth provided us. Instead of having the world's physical source of energy doubled every 15 years as has been our experience. We will find it cut in half every 15 years. Then the price will Skyrocket. The poor Nations will be squeezed out. And the temptation to use military force to acquire a disproportionate share of that Liquid Gold will grow. Are we in the United States have been the most irresponsible users of oil and we maintain that dubious distinction today? we pumped it out here at home at ever faster rates as fast as we could selling it at prices way below its true value leading us to wasted in a disgraceful manner. As a result our production here at home picked out in 1970 and it's been downhill ever since. But that didn't disturb us. We just bought other people's oil at ever-increasing rates. The help hold down the use of oil and to stop wasting it. Other countries have launched major conservation programs. For example, Italy has put $8.20 tax on each gallon of gasoline in West Germany and Sweden and Norway attacks are from 70 to 76 cents per gallon. But good all affluent USA has a tax of $0.13 per gallon. Neptune our elected officials have Run for Cover when anyone proposed has an increase of $0.01 per gallon or more As a result foreign car, please obtain very high mileage per gallon. By contrast the chairman of General Motors says they can't meet the new federal law which cost for their car plate which is to be marketed in 1985 providing 27 and 1/2 miles per gallon. They can do it and they will do it but only because it's the law. We need a tough drastic mandatory energy conservation program in the United States and I come in President Carter for the proposals. He is set forth to accomplish this. In addition, we need a super effort now. To build by early Next Century a major energy base of renewable energy such as solar and geothermal. And we need to use call much more extensively but under strict environmental controls. The present type of nuclear plant should be used as a last resort. But only if necessary to fill the gap. The second major threat to World security is part of this energy picture. It is the plan by the nuclear industry and many governments to use the atom bomb making material plutonium as a power plant fuel to be shipped around the nation. In around the world over our highways are Railways in our shipping lanes and stored in thousands of sites. Each of today's 1000 megawatt nuclear power plants converts enough uranium to plutonium every two weeks to provide the makings of a potent plutonium bomb. But this bomb-making cannot be done until the plutonium is extracted from the mixture that witches brew that is produced in our commercial reactor nuclear reactor plants. Where is currently planned to do just that you expected from that mixture in order to you is that recovery plutonium has fuel and today's type of nuclear reactor and more importantly in a new type of reactor being developed the breeder reactor which produces more plutonium than it consumes. India extracted from the waist of a reactor the plutonium it used to set off the atomic explosion that shatter the world's confidence that the proliferation of nuclear weapons could be prevented. less than 20 pounds and that material of the tonium can be fabricated into a terribly potent suitcase size weapon. technical know-how Technica know how to do it. It's obtainable from school libraries and public Publications as was demonstrated by the young Princeton student John Phillips last year. They hanafi Muslim terrorist who held over a hundred hostages in Washington recently had guns and machetes in their guitar-shaped cases. Suppose that it had been a nuclear bomb made from stolen plutonium. With the explosive power comprable to the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. the possibilities for terrorist power and blackmail Boggle the mind And on top of this plutonium is one of the most potent cancer-causing agents known. Yes, the world security and our security are dependent upon our stopping the use of plutonium as a nuclear Fuel and upon stopping the development of the breeder reactor. to accomplish just that new directions has prepared legislation, which was introduced in Congress by Congressman Jonathan Bingham of New York is HR 5234 a bill which we drafted the new directions at40 some post I hope you learned your elected representatives and Senators to support it. We have high praise for President Carter's decision to indefinitely delay plutonium reprocessing. These decisions will have a major impact on the prevention of nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism throughout the world. Our nation's leadership will greatly increase the likelihood that other nations will also forgo the use of plutonium. But the president's position needs to be ratified in Congress. And he will need the support of many of US citizens to achieve this. It is reassuring to note that citizens groups. In other countries are already working to convince their governments to reject dependence on plutonium. In fact several such West German citizens groups wrote President Tyler on February 18th program. In order to strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts to have the German government do the same. We must keep reminding ourselves that because the current leaders of a government take a position. That doesn't mean the people of those countries take that position. Just as is true in our country. The third threat to World security threat even to the survival of life on Earth. Is the continuing worldwide buildup of armaments and especially nuclear armaments? It is time to dust off president General Eisenhower's The Parting advice to the nation. Beware of the industrial-military complex I think we should now add to this complex that large scientific Community which receives its financing from the military. this triumvirate Strongly supported by a number of hawks in Congress and by us allies in other countries is leading Us in the bankruptcy and Toradol annihilation. It is growing in power and aggressiveness clearly becoming one of our nation's most threatening present dangers. It's special interests are served by a growing production sale in deployment of arms. The recently-established committee on the present danger is an offshoot of this establishment. It is out the brightness about the Soviet Union's potential superiority and nuclear arms. And thereby justify another escalation of our ability to wipe out life on Earth many times over. Today we have enough City destroying atomic bombs ready so that we could dispatch several dozen to each Soviet city of a hundred thousand population or higher. And we are planning such astronomically expensive schemes as to set up 10000 Hardin sheds in an area 100 miles on a side with 1,000 mobile nuclear weapons being settled from time to time among the structures. Thereby making it more difficult for a surprise Soviet attack to disable. I've told her Battaglia Tori capability. Each weapon would have 14 Warheads each capable each capable of independent accurate flight to a Target 100 foot in diameter in the Soviet Union. Some critics of these plans forever more potent weapons say that our objective is to advance from the ability to convert civilization to gravel. To the ability to convert several ization to powder. President Carter's attempt to persuade the Soviets to agree to an honest reduction in nuclear armaments deserves our support there can be no winner in a u.s. Soviet War everyone. Will be a loser. The recent Senate hearings over the confirmation of Paul weren't he is a chief negotiator for the Strategic arms limitations treaty talks. Provided a preview of what is to come? With a signal from some Far right-wing military has a direct mail campaign to previously selected sympathizers figured off an avalanche of cards to Senators denouncing Paul wandtke. One Senator and one day receive 5,000 cards opposing Paul warranty and only four cards supporting. In short order what appeared to be a certain 72-34 one-piece confirmation be grated into a 58 240 volt. Less than the two-thirds vote required to ratify a treaty. This indicates the kind of opposition the president might expect. Or any soft pretty he negotiates and forwards to the Senate. We need to develop a citizen effort. a citizen counterforce to the anti arms limitation forces we in New Directions planned to do all weekend for that end. We hope that you will help us do so. The United States also has the distinction of being far out in front as the world's leading merchants of conventional arms. We have increased our sales several forward over the last six years with both our defense department and Commercial and manufactures beating the bushes for business. poor developing countries can't afford to buy food for their people have an increase in the percentage of their GNP being spent on armaments. This hardly contributes to World stability. Long as we believe that I am not the answer to World Peace. We are going to have wars. We must reduce our arms sales. I'll be in a reason then stepwise fashion. New directions is working toward this end. The fourth threat to World security is the growing confrontation between the Haves and the Have Nots Nations. Today, there are 1 billion people on earth. Living in the developing countries who are going backwards and socioeconomic status. You might say that the people of the world are riding on two trains going in opposite directions. Record of us going in One Direction Forever More affluent society or the other and 1/4 going toward greater poverty. And I say to you. And railroad railroad Engineers made of Jack to this analogy, but I say to you that if those two trains continue in opposite directions, they are on a collision course. The population of developing countries is growing an absolute numbers faster now than ever before. economic golf between the Haves and the Have Nots on Earth must concern us all. Are poverty raises passions that cannot be controlled by national borders? actions that are objectively insane can seem subjectively justified to people who live without hope The Philip Handler president of the National Academy of Sciences has put it what constitutes rational behavior for a starving Nation with access to nuclear weapons? daily acts of terrorism on an international scale prove that the unthinkable has become not only think about but more and more probable. And in the face of the needs of the developing nations for appropriate technology. Technology that is simple affordable and practical the affluent nations of the world by with each other to provide the poorest nations with billion-dollar nuclear reactors with their potential for nuclear weapons production. We are new directions are working to reduce the growing inequality among nations by expanding United States assistance efforts toward more self-reliant programs in developing countries. Increasing helping the people to use our own energy inability to increase their own food production. The carryout accelerate on an ecologically sound real development. And to expand low-cost Delivery Systems for health education and family planning. It is essential that the food supply and population be brought into balance within the developing nations. I just returned from a World Conference on population in Tokyo. When I was greatly encouraged by many examples, especially in Asia or what the poorest people are doing to reduce to reduce birth rates. But it's important to recognize that even involve parents in the developing world. Today limited themselves to two children a population of their countries when more than double before it Love at all. And of course, that's because so many young people. Already born who haven't yet reached the childbearing age. So those are for are the most serious threats to World security? Running out of oil planning to use plutonium as a nuclear or is it power plant fuel escalation of armaments and the growing confrontation between the Haves and the Have Nots Nations? We citizens cannot afford to sit back and relax. We must try to try to influence the route that our world travels. If we wait for someone else to do it, it is not going to happen. The United States role in world affairs may be designed by Scholars and Specialists and strategist, but it must be ratified in the political Arena. At this moment the person who wants to do something about world problems is nearly helpless. Isolated and standing alone, he or she cannot affect the political game for international policies are tested and adopted. And the snow whitening station I had new directions has been organized to provide citizens with a Channel or defective impact on US foreign policy formulation. We expect to build an army of dedicated involve citizens concerned about the quality of life of individual human beings everywhere. Mobilized and focused on those higher priority critical programs that can best enhance that's quality of life for both present and future Generations. Organized to bring concerted and sustained citizen action for bear in whatever Arena necessary to gain its objectives. We will ask members to do the kind of homework that will make them effective in citizen action. They should know they can learn about their congressman. They ought to know what his stated positions are what actions he has taken what his strengths and weaknesses. Are they the same now each other two senators? We will help them to do their homework. We will keep them up-to-date important issues before the Congress. We will let them know what they might do at any given time to influence those issues. And the members will be involved in the selection of the issues on which the group focuses and they will like the members of the board. You think that it will be easy. For such a group to have a meeting for impact. I know where those critical problems would be naive indeed. But not to try. Would be foolish and irresponsible indeed. How many of you like me? now think you could have have and you should have waited earlier into the fight to get us out of that war in Vietnam. And did we really have to tolerate the despoilment of our environment? The deterioration of our very life support system as long as we did before we had the courage to stand up and fight. And why did we put up so long with the unethical practices in our democratic government our government? Now we Face further threats. What are you not going to do about that? The answer May well determine what kind of a world. Our grandchildren will have to live in. Former Ambassador Harlan, Cleveland has written. World Order will require much of Americans because they happen to be citizens of the only nation. That is truly Global in its reach. But maybe we need this new adventure in World Order Politics as an instrument of American selfie new. That is to get our tall ship back on the course that has history with us not against it. and a quote there are great goals out there in the future. There's good reason for Hope for a brighter tomorrow for mankind everywhere. But we must alter our course to get there. and if enough of our leaders don't have this Vision or courage to act The people must see that they do. The people can do it. I tradition testifies to it. Today we have another opportunity to make some critical choices, which will affect the lives of many future Generations. Let's band together to make sure the choices made by our governments are the right ones. to promote greater order and Security in the world And I like to close by reading Again The Words, which we just sang. in a song of peace or at least some of those words This is my home. A country where my heart is here grew my hopes and dreams For All Mankind. But other hearts in other lands are beating with hopes and dreams is true and high as mine. But other lands have sunlight too and Clover. Guys are everywhere as blue as mine. But hear my prayer o God of all the nations A Song of Peace for their land in for mine. Thank you. The question was why was it necessary to form a new organization new directions rather than carrying out this program through an already existing organization such as World federalist. And I may add to your question. I'm a world federalist or common cause the first of all World Federalist was a group that started this whole thing. They decided that they needed and more generally. oriented International Affairs organization that would attract a much larger number of people in America the Builder more potent political force and fight Norman Cousins and Don Wilson World Federalist far as I can trace it or the people who started this idea the Norman Cousins called a meeting in New York. This is what Norman Cousins told me last week that he and I appeared in a program in Boston. He invited Father Ted hesburgh has Notre Dame. What was chairman of the board of the overseas Development Council and Jim Grant the president oversees development Rockefeller foundation and Don Wilson to meet them talk about this idea. And gradually they added people until they had about a hundred people. Trying to decide what they should do to get a potent political action. I am working on world affairs. And where the president spend so far and anticipating this change they dissolve their world Federalist USA, which was a lobbying organization and set up Realtor Association. Which alarm working with tax exempt dollars But that group went to see, I want to see John Garner and said why can't, the cars do this? Why can't you work an international problems and John Garner said because we're swamped working on domestic problems and because we've selected one domestic problem, which is taking all of our time and energy and that's accountability and government have to work on that for some years to come. You said you should form a new organization. I'll help you do it what she has done and he's one of the vice-chair of persons of our organization. But we want to work with the many existing organizations whose leadership really founded us. Just working on research and education International affairs. Complimenting what they're doing we want to use them as a researcher. We want them to use as their political action are and they're in the first seven months that's worth beautiful a the question is what could new directions due to generate support with citizens groups. In other countries around the world we intend to do just that to Ally with the country's first of all, we had to get established here at home. And we are now going through the Growing Pains of starting with nothing 6 months ago to try to build what we call a critical mass at home. That means 50,000 members to us. But once we get the resources, we want to work hard to develop alliances with citizens groups. In other countries. We discuss this with many leaders in other countries already and find great enthusiasm for no enthusiasm for our signing up people other countries to be members a new directions. They don't want to be a part of it organization dominated by US citizens. But they are anxious to work with us as partners. They had their organization. We have ours they work on their government. We work on ours together. We work on the UN in the world bank or some other multilateral Institution. And it's amazing really the number of contacts. We already have with citizens groups elsewhere. I have attended for international meetings all as a result of my previous job. And all paid for by somebody else by the way. New directions and as a result been able to talk to people about the directions. In Algeria, I mean the top of her own hell, which I was invited as a guest 500 people there many from developing countries. I got the presiding officer to tell him about it all 500 people were there and that led to a meeting of 50 people would say organized all leaders of citizens. Another country's anxious to learn about new directions. I came home with a handful of cards of people who want to work with us in a meeting with environmentalist in Paris in a meeting in San Francisco that World Wildlife Fund. International Conference on our fragile Earth in a meeting in Washington and world population, but nearly all the developing countries represent. So I'm convinced us to working in noticed in my prepared remarks. I referred to German Coalition of citizens groups with whom we've been communicating. Stop the breeder reactor development cuz I would help them sell their countries government. I'm doing likewise. By the way, you probably read this week. about the fact that the bill which I refer to that we drafted had introduced HR fi23 for which is left for hearings last week. was opposed by the administration Spite of the fact. It's right on the button with my President Carter has been saying he wants to happen. some of the people up there and said the this is the present position. They said it again. It was exactly like we were talking about but we don't need this bill right now because it would distress the Japanese and the West European leaders. We don't need it right now and we need more flexibility. I testified after that right left amazed at that kind of reaction. De-stress the Japanese leaders and then West generally European later starting it with the stress though this press anyone who's pushing. Is that the reason why we shouldn't do something which is so vital to our future security. We've been through that in the past. flexibility the law says we hereby prohibit are doing it. The only alternative is to permit is so if you want flexibility, when are you going to permit it? And it's kind of solenoid all said who is Chairman of that committee to the administration Witnesses? What do you mean you don't want us to make the president's policy the law of the land? as part of that old problem I don't know how to explain that. But I've got a date coming up with some Administration officials to ask them. How come You make use words at hearings, which don't jibe with your general policy. We want to make this an issue in America. Are we going down that road around we know or not know where yes, and we think I'm that kind of an issue and get the people to stand up and be counted.


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