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As part of KCCM's Our Home Town series, this program is on Mott, North Dakota, documenting attitudes, culture and character of life in the prairie town. Through various interviews and sound segments, program highlights community, history, family life, church, drug use, role of women, and thoughts on the land.

About Our Home Town series: KCCM Radio in Moorhead, in conjunction with the North Dakota Committee for the Humanities and Public Issues, produced a series of twenty-six half-hour programs that documented attitudes and character of life in five North Dakota communities (Strasburg, Belcourt, Mayville, Mott, and Dunn Center). The programs were produced as sound portraits with free-flowing sounds, voices and music, all indigenous.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

We got a wonderful town here. You'll know everybody's he when you go someplace with you. You can send you don't say goodbye there. Good morning or nothing. If you do what you like. What the hell is the matter with him? Everybody been with that don't make no difference.Our hometown Mott North Dakota population 1368 one in a series of sound portraits that explores the values concerns and character of life in small towns. The series is produced by Minnesota Public Radio station kccm with funds provided by the North Dakota committee for the Humanities and public issues. How does a small town located in southwestern North Dakota along the Cannonball River? It's a business center for the farmers and ranchers who live on the sparsely-populated rolling plains that surround the town the town was settled in the early 1900s by a variety of ethnic groups including Germans Norwegians, ukrainians and Germans from Russia. As we visit Martin today's program will get to know people who are proud of their community and very close to the land in the first half of our program will hear about the history of Maud from old-time Oscar Buehler and other residents will tell us what they feel are the important elements of community is John hits date. William H Brown, establish the name marks the spot And we don't like the second line, which is God for God because that only happened in what is known as the dirty thirties. Since then we've had though my table scraps. and good cattle production So it's now kind of laughable, but we like the slogan marks the spot. Cuz when you go up on the Prairie. I think you become acclimated and accustomed to it and you learn to like it and I've haven't been here all my life, but I accept it as as being natural. We go to the mountains a lot and I have a feeling after I'm there for a 2 or 3 weeks. That I long to look further a greater distance probably because of the long time of childhood and Young Manhood in the open Prairie that sticks that stays. So I'm always happy to get back when I can see a long distance or so happy to get back after we go on a vacation if I can remember my brother standing up in the car as we came home from a trip. Start up in the back seat and yelled when he could see. Here we come. He was about 4 years old. He had the feeling right then here. We come. Was 21 years old or 7th of July in 1911. What was Maude like in those days? Too much yet setlist. Phila had quite a lot of business places they had eating places hotel accommodations restaurants. She's a railroad got in the hall before show the things start to bloom be of course not started to grow in 19 5. That's when that's when the people started to come. homesteaders in then it started to build Brown started this tan. He was a big land. They learn. He started Mark Haynes in Odessa and flasher, one of the first buildings after the hotel has their office. The owner on Main Street sells at the post office. Radio shop is in it now Harold radio. Where did mr. Brown come from Chicago? Then he helped. Please homesteaders don't know when and where were most of them from. Wisconsin some of South Dakota not too many most of the people who lived in the motor States was the land was all gone. If I had a family there was nothing to pick up around there anymore until they came. Turn off Dakota. Them days we made our own entertainment. We didn't ask anybody to make Recreation. I was we made our own Recreation. We had dances and ball games and basketball and we had a city van little girl in people that played at everything. about him trade all the towns along the line. even played Bismarck and Mandan American special trains or ball games, you know, if we played New England on Sunday Milwaukee would come down and get weed Garden Tea. I'm so many tickets and we ball game on the train with all backed up our ball team, you know, everybody went stem days are business Pages wouldn't hire. Horner Play baseball. That's all they had a lot in early days. We always have to do what are you doing? Some sort of a town and I would say we was one happy family and they are late is much better than this today. I mean the people were more Working together it's different. But living in a different age young people are different much different. You never seen. Any trouble with a new young people and they all well right dances and stuff. You never had any trouble. highest rated all the kids on my Drake baby said concerto mothers. call my uncle Oscar and followed me around all day and right behind electron big Dre or in the winter time when I pulled it. Had a Healer just let don't let him hooked us behind. You known all along that way. I hope that they could let Lucia know. Nobody got hurt. So you raise the kids. Can I ask you guys something? How come you like to live in mine? Google, what's a good about small towns? You know your way around pretty good what you guys do all day. How to go fishing would you rather live somewhere besides match? What did you have in a bigger town? shopping lyrics for stuff they go through Bismarck to Dickinson hear any Saturday in the nice summer, whether you can see a bunch of kids down to the river fishing there entertaining themselves. There's no other space is space that they don't have to pay I play on a rooftop or in the streets be into some kind of an organized regimented and standardized form of prepared entertainment. Carla We forgot. I think maybe where the small town has has a drop on things. Is that everyone knows everyone else and there is a pressure on young people to conform to the values of the community and it's different if it's difficult for them to to shun this off or two. 2 to escape detection and therefore I think maybe that that the values have a heartache better. You might say what kind of drugs are available. Well marijuana's about the easiest going to get the college kids are bringing that in LSD is another one that they're able to get. I haven't heard lately about LSD. Marijuana. I think is the greatest one pushed so far. I don't think we really have much trouble with heroin or you know the hard drugs. But them how many kids would you say in the community use marijuana and he got up in high school essay over half of them are on it right now. But there are they sneaky little characters. I can go into the bowling alley my folks were in the bowling alley and I can go into the women's bathroom and you can smell that they have been smoking it in there and with the traffic going in and out. It's very hard to pinpoint which ones you know have done it are there have been cases even a nine-year-old kid on the you know marijuana and then it scares a person I have been with kids that are stoned out of their mind they come to school that way in. Other trouble with her, you know a little town is there fraid to say it's here, but you can tell it is finally or just took a know. He's got 14 x coming well and we had two kids picked up this past weekend ones on a $1,400 Bond and is still sitting in jail with possession of speed and one had a $400 bond with possession of marijuana, and they have a list of the people that are going to crack down on all they need is to find the time they have possession and the parents won't say anything about it. They just let it slip by and that's why it's built up to such a problem. There is a notion that small towns are the Grassroots democracy that the person can go down to the town meeting and make his voice heard and have his impact. On the future to tell her that I know from experience that if I haven't done it, but I know people that have and if you in a small community, if you don't belong to the people who run the community they'll listen politely, but that's the end gate as far as she goes. I think so that actually do that the work of running and follow the unwritten directives that come down from those with well with money or with influence. Whatever the case maybe not really I really I think the willingness of The majority of people to let him go ahead and run. sometimes I think it's it's easier. They find that it's easier letting them running and conforming then there is the battle it and losing getting all those over the city Commission in your herd. And you're very welcome. There is very open to anyone who comes in with a problem. The park board is open its small town everyone knows everyone you always know when these meetings every in hell because there are so few meetings that you're aware of everything that goes on a mod and you're aware of what the issues are because it's published in the front page of our only newspaper. So everyone knows what's going on and we would have the chance for rebuttal if there is something Why I can't say that even if it's only a few like to run the show, this is true of people. There are only a few leaders and then most people are followers. And that's fine. That's how it should be but they still have more of a chance for voice thing to do in a bigger city. You should be like You got a job to convince them? as long as you subscribe to their beliefs and Go along with what they're going for your turn to rise to power within the community. Dang, it pops out a lot in the policing small town where you will see the policeman turn their heads to offenses committed by certain people tend to be able to get away with speeding down the street or yes, they belong to a certain influential family in town that they can tend to get away with more. I myself am known for having a heavy foot. Do not drive fast and Reckless, but I tend to drive fast and I have yet to be picked up for it when we because I hold a certain amount of power in the community and they don't want to get me upset with them and they're mad at you know, you may not know them well, but you know who they are and if there's a problem you can help them. I think it's the spirit of caring more than anything in a small town, you know, if you've got a problem, you know, you're not alone. There's others in the community you can turn to and it will help you you feel free to just drop in you don't call and say well are you available can we come over type that you just drop in our next door neighbor may drop it all hours of the day and night she can't sleep 2 in the morning. She sees our life let you may come over and see what's going on. It's just a spirit of closeness. I think if I would been brought up in a bigger city, I probably would have been more into the introverted than what I am now. Cuz I'm one that does not have the self-confidence and I think a bigger town would not have helped me in that score was small town people know that you're unsure of yourself and they're ready to help you just like here the other day. We had a death of a 41 year old woman. They only moved here must have been 5 years. They've been here for years and everybody was just shocked at we are all friends over and it really status, you know, send us for a loop. But if this would have happened in a town like Bismarck, maybe only a handful of people would have showed up for the funeral this way here. It was just about the whole town plus her town of writer had come down for the funeral and You know who your friends are here to everyone to leave my how long did it take you to make your friends and be accepted in town, but people just aren't that friendly. County of proving yourself to what kind of person do you have to be to be respected and liked in mine? And take part in them. You have to be honest and friendly and belong to the church and not be too different from everyone else. I pretty well snubbed in that because in this town everyone we feel is pretty equal to each other. Even if they are making $100,000 in a year. We still feel that there really no better than the rest of us and if they're going to try and pull this high in my on a person they're going to find themselves in a little bit of trouble I could live in a small town because there's no privacy how everybody always knows what I'm up to and everybody's talking about my business. Does that happen to keep your private life to yourself? No matter if you are small town or not. If you don't want anything, I'll keep your mouth. Shut don't do anything that there's going to be taken notice. I mean, it's no different than a big time when it comes to privacy. You have to be a little thick skin if you're thin skin don't move into a small town because people will say things about you that you are bound to hear because it's a small town and they will hurt if you're sensitive at all. You can be very badly hurt in the small town just because of the fact that you're bound to hear these remarks that are made about you. Even though they're absolutely untrue. Would you prefer more reason why you're hurt you have a kind of a caste system in a small town? And it's going to be more nice bonus. If you have the Haves and you have to have nots that simple and the guy if a guy buys a new car and Summer is gone. Also, you will run helutee at the money. I thought I could build a big home and say I love you more than making money stick in the people because you got this nice home or so I used to bother me years ago. Now I just laughing to say, yeah. I just opened up another freaking candidate for a different thing. I mean I joke about it as soon as you hear talk you were either until everyone in town knows it. and like Martez if someone runs away with your wife, it's going to be my business being everybody's didn't I think it makes me till the line a little better up here because I made that we don't have curtains on Windows. Even babysitter's coming. I think they're afraid to stay up here because of no curtains, but it makes you feel more more secure. I think I can see out if a person wanted to be a different man anyway way, I think he would probably be Looked at the first place, he would probably ostracized if he got too far out of line. I've even heard him said that they would have to see whether the preacher the new preacher could cut the mustard whether he would be able to prove himself and this is getting to be I mean this is kind of kind of getting far out but I just was thinking about how strong they are and how they feel everyone to confirm that they are the rules by which we should live their morality and everything and I felt pressured from that those groups and especially when we had to we had a son in Vietnam and then we have the next sun coming up and he was about to be drafted and he was very anti-war and I sided with him and I told people that I was going to scream from the housetops if he were ever drafted and that I was going to go outside of mothers march on War and the sort of thing and and out got quite a bit of black on that but I didn't care because of the way I felt when you still don't accept this. Free love. I mean I know what's going on, but and I don't condemn anybody Ford. We don't go around and had big discussions on all that but I still think the kids are wrong. We tried to fight drugs cuz I still think they're wrong. We tried to fight liquor consumption. And of course, we aren't doing a very good job of that because what the hell we drink ourselves. We we found on people who try to live a double standard. That would have a girlfriend over here in a wife here and so on we don't go along with that we Do trust people very much. We're not as distrustful of the men with whom you do business. As you are in the big city people all except the guy's word. I've had guys give me checks on the street and this happens all the time. They say mugs I owe you, but I don't know how much and they'll give me a sign check in blank because I trust not cost at the same time at the guy be crazy at Creston off. A lot of people get hurt. If you deliberately do something you better get on the next plane out all over people will trust you people will trust you here until you prove to them that you are crooked. You got to prove if they like you if they have a feeling of crushed they were back you until you prove them that you are so you do a little bit of spray on something and people will sit down and say Live a little bit right you tend to get more of the fundamental religious beliefs and fundamental values, you know where people love the flag. They love their country. They love their Church, they love motherhood and apple pie and I think it's a lot of what America has lost sight of two. When you have church suffers or certain events within the church has films or speakers or anniversaries 50th anniversary of the church or something. You'll have standing-room-only crowds. That means the place of El Dorado people turn off work. I people genuinely religious or do they go to church because it's expected of them as far as our community goes. I think we're church-going community. As far as are they really religious when I hear the word religious, I see the quotation marks and both ends the bended knee the developed face the whole thing. That's not what I consider religious. I considered just fellowship and concern and learning to really show love to others whether you really like or agree what they do. You said you had a where a bonfire the other night. Is that a hayride type of thing or Who is star counting on 17-18 kids? I guess we had a very romantic. Well, I know but it was there was a lot of fun for kids in all kind of getting together in a Christian type of bug group, you know, and I thought I was kind of a social thing once a month would be a real neat thing to do. I'm moving. How are you doing? someone praying Okay, maybe I should explain the purpose behind what we're trying to get started tonight. It seems like a lot of our youth groups are dying out around this area. I think and even if the kids are still showing up for youth group. So losing their enthusiasm. And we're hoping that by having activities on a regular basis so we can get some of this enthusiasm renewed and get some really good Christian Fellowship going. And so we need a lot of cooperation and it's it's up to us if we want to do it. We got to be willing to put the work into it and you don't just keep it going and I don't know how many of you really think this is, you know, if you think this is something that's worth pursuing or not. And I suppose we're going to have to get some opinions on it and I'd like to know what you think about it. Young people are always saying, you know, we got nothing to do we got nothing to do and we're willing to put forth to work and we're willing to get something going to do something and you know, we're not we don't have to do the same things all timers a multitude of things can be thought to do. And it's important for Christian young people to have fellowship and DaVita. Not the idea of one church group or another church group leading anything. It's not trying to bring forth one denomination another or any method or any system or anything like that. But just to lift up Jesus Christ as a group of young people who are interested in doing and having good clean fun. Add with a with a Christian background. Maybe we can have prayer before we leave here Jeff. Would you want to close in prayer? Okay, I'll try. You'll help me sign. Thank you so much for the night. Thank you so much to Jesus that we were able to have his Fellowship. Thompson people in this group tonight. I'm sure you've been with us every step of the way. Orange is a lot of problems that are going on. Why not only in Thailand all over? Are Jesus I just surprised so much more that you won't be done because that's what matters. You're listening to our hometown Mott North Dakota one in a series of sound portraits. It explores the values concerns and character of life in small towns as we continue. Our program will discover how residents feel about the land and the possibility of developing coal strip mining near their Community, but we begin part two of our program with what's expected of a woman in a small town. What's her role expected to be. Well, I think she's expected to be such things as den mothers and room mothers and and And it's cool in and out. To be a good housekeeper and a good yard Keeper in it and a good Hostess and her husband's business associates. And also her their friends and their Club Associates had an effect in line. Yes, people read a lot about it and hear a lot about it and talk a lot about it and I talked to Housewives they're almost as old as I am and leave them to some mom Southwestern District mental health clinics, and I'm a bell ringer to and we're planning another one here in Martin and there are courses in the marriage and after. relationships and also New York Community in other another subject. So we have a lot of talk about women's lib and a woman being a person and and having a having the rights to just thinking to do and so forth are expected to stay at home and be with your family. You're supposed to be there when your children come home. Whenever your children need you you're supposed to take an active part in your church women's group being active. Now. They're PTA is defunct here. They used to have a PTA group. You were expected to be active in that you're just supposed to primarily you're just supposed to be there and whenever your husband calls on you you're supposed to be there right ready and willing to help him. I mean, it's it's very You may go and have coffee with the girls or something like this but a bunch of you don't a bunch of the women don't expect it to go down to the bar together or something like this if your husband goes you go with them, but most of them see the wife as a stay-at-home type person. There are a number of working wives and Mott some of them work because of financial need some of them work because their children are all in school and they don't want to be home. They feel they are more useful somewhere else. But really it's it's kind of an arrow type of vision. I guess you could say our next door neighbor over here. Now. She is Deputy Sheriff and when she was appointed deputy sheriff, you could see the eyebrows going up all over town a woman doing that. She's supposed to be home. You know, what type thing or clerking in a store? That's an improved occupation for a woman or something like this. But when some of the wise especially the farm wives and all they're out in the barns with the man, they helped Drive the combines they drive the trucks. They work right along with a man and there's a lot of them that don't say that they a farm wife isn't supposed to do those things. She's supposed to do the cooking and cleaning and take care of the eggs for the egg money and probably the milking to get the cream checks for a groceries and stuff, but they can't see them going out and working right along with a man and a lot of the younger wives do They have no little ones at home. You'll find them driving a combine. And I think most of them could drive a combine was just as much as the men do and the farm wives and they're really homesteading. They worked right along in the field with their husbands. But a lot of people never think of that they think of the women primarily is just staying at home tending the children and it's just kind of going the other way to know a lot of the men are getting to the point where they're just as adapt to changing diapers and burping babies and doing this kind of thing as the women are they realize that this is what they put on this Earth for and they don't have a false idea of trying to get some sort of status in the world Which of course it is only for a short time. You have to wait to have women in the community. We have women on the Planning Commission will have a women on the school board that the women on the Park part. I mean it take an active role in the Affairs of the community and they do have a say in Our Lady of Stella lady. in the town you hold doors open for I don't think they really want to be liberated here. They're happy where they're at. started dropping hints to my boys 2 Good thing I can't believe it though because I still have to do a lot of their clothes. Okay, that's when I suggested to them why they just accept it. They think of you. Where are the way things are going to change the time? They can't afford to get married either. You know, I want to take them off my hands and overseas together. We were very good friends, but I found out that they felt a little sorry for me because they were fortunate to live in New York and I live in a small town in North Dakota. Typically one day. One of them was telling me. What do you have in mind? He said all he knew exactly what he was going to do someday when he was a success when he had it made. He said he had a place all picked out where you can move out of New York and live up in the Catskills and enjoy a little hunting and fishing and things like that. I said to you can't do that now on knowledge and I'll be in the yard get to too expensive and too far and take too much time. But he said that's what he's saving up for an I said, you know something you're going to work a lifetime so you can live the way I live every day that I can walk out of town with my shotgun and go hunting I go half a block down the river or similar distance and fish I can walk to the airport and fly my own airplane, I know I can walk about a mile to the golf course, but y'all Always sings I can do and I are part of my daily life. I want to minutes to get to my office. My former law partner went to Los Angeles he drove. 45 minutes every morning in 45 minutes every evening through the world's worst traffic just to get to work you work two hours in other words everyday, you're more than 2 hours where I can play all the time that we've lived here. I wanted to leave thinking do we have to be stuck here? Do we have to live here? But of course is where we were making our living in hurry raise their children and they all were sent out to school and all I can think about was sending them off and so they would never have to come back here and live thinking this was almost as bad as Siberia, you know thinking this is nothing we have no culture. We have nothing very much to offer people and are only outside entertainment would be the TV and maybe are my study club and our churches and once in awhile to attend a concert and Dickinson State College already go to Bismarck to something. And them but as the years went by we went more and this we found out that we are happy to retire and stay here that as home base and we enjoy our our friends here and know that we are free to go other places now, the world isn't so small. our town is Miss confining as it used to be because we can leave now many people from here to go to Minneapolis for four plays and four concerts in for baseball and football games on this sort of thing and I have always wanted to live in a bigger town because I felt rather smothered here I felt I I thought if we could if I could ever leave that you know that I would be happy. That Tim now that the children are going out by feeling anymore. I told you wouldn't be happy on farms are living with on your farmers and they have always rather put them down or maybe that maybe it's our fault. Maybe we have to because we always felt that they weren't to him. as There's the culture seem to be slower and dollar than ours than what we wanted. But of course, this is all changing to because me, the firm has her college-educated here now. People in small towns nowadays are educated is the people in the big cities. The radio has brought everything. We're doing the New York we've seen I think some of us might all the best of cultural life in New York their stage plays and things like that a lot of money. Unspeakably boring and I can see why people in New York consider them a great advantage or some of my masterpieces. Yes. but there's nothing a limited or circumscribed or it in in the obnoxious sense provincial. In the small towns any longer you'd be surprised at the couch or not that we have in this little jerkwater place. I say one of the things that it always bothers me just because you live in a small town that you never went to college that you have no appreciation of culture. That you don't know what's going on that you're a hick. And boy, this is Ray Ray Falls because a tremendous number people from this town of going to college, but awful lot of I've got a degree. We have a tremendous amount of culture as far as music. Paper on here comes the musical by Drake the clean up here and I've got a choir this far as I'm concerned in this Catholic Church is out of this world. There's nobody gets paid. Tremendous number of people leave Pennies on the office. I painted every down one of those myself just one of many. Call sure I think and culture or even perhaps even a bit ahead of people in the big cities because we have to strive to get it. It isn't handed to us on a platter. So we go out of our way to get it. We work at I think today we have around 83 artist. We have many local artists that go to Bismarck and enter the art shows. They have one rabbits. They have even hung been chosen to hang their picture in the governor's mansion. And it just snowballed and it's amazing of it that the talent they have. Will have a farmer come into the bank. Anxious to get back to his tractor and he wants something taken care of at one of the tellers windows, but he'll take them home at off and with his dirty boots trudged from painting to painting looking at H1. Admiring them shortly and when they are changed we see that same fella come back and do it again and they it it tells us that there is a latent undeveloped appreciation of Art in all of us. That that has two that can come out if given an opportunity. Right. That's the only spot in the whole United States to my notion. Nightwing gets in Eyes Wide Open Spaces around you know and a few guys farms land you think a small town is a good place to grow old and and retired plastic Road. and a small town people who look after I got neighbors here. The check on us every day. If I live in Belmar, I don't think they would do that. I need anything why? If I can get down to get it by their brand, what would you miss most if you had to leave here? I don't intend to leave here. I am going to worry about that. I got my place. on the hill radar for me Going to take me away from here. That'll take me on the hill. People will make their small fortune here and then they'll move out to California or someplace where there is a warmer climate and then they'll be home sick the rest of their lives and I could name you quite a number of them who've done that and are now moving back to Mont. You become attached to a place lots of these old people. It's an explainable but everything that happens here means something to them everyday, but if they live in an apartment till it's all Los Angeles or someplace like that to Phoenix. The neighbors don't even know the man and then certainly don't give a damn about them and the worst mistake they can make is to fill out here in their own age and their own and then be strangers the rest of their lives someplace. You can't live in a place as long as I have and and not miss it one fellow told me he said even if I can't home to anymore in Fallout, he said if I wasn't here during those fall days when One of the first 50 60 years. I've been going out to shoot a food Grouse or some pheasants are the ducks start flying. Why is it that kill me should I couldn't live without that it's there's no one sentence definition for why a person loves his home. So, how'd you make out on cars last night? We can make it over he's going to come over here, too. Hey, I got to put my things on. But I couldn't get you full of friends were over last night where they had to move out of the car. You never got the game you played. escalator alive Download John Mayer Who moonshine sometimes stuff always get to Moonshine there. Swig of that moonshine between 4 miles north of Worcester You know what? He's going to play that someplace we going to get arrested because it takes everything we just talking about. I think the yeah person ask consider the old story about the elephant returning to to a burial ground, you know, and I think as I get older and as most people get older you you tend to Do you want those things those sights and sounds which have hold more security for you? And I I feel this in my life. Isaiah I've enjoyed many places in the world not only in America. per considerable. Of time, but the I've drifted then I say drifted because it's pretty much an accident that I'm back in this country. But I think that but I'm going to stay here. The fact is you through a. Of time you make you make Provisions. You can see that although you might not be annoying at the Eyrie making Provisions for staying. So I am sure that psychologically you returned to the burial grounds and you go and I get a special feeling when I go out in the Badlands where I can sit on the heels in my light on my land. This is so it's a it's a fantastic feeling you because I don't know whether it is because of Having been raised in this country of ours because you own a piece of the real estate. Or is something that you can do with as you want to maybe if they're made maybe it's all the same. I don't really know all these Farmers here. They're not farming just to make money there their they're also farming because they love the land. In other words. There are people who who tore up their roots in the old country because there was no chance to plant their roots are for their families to plant them. My mother's father was considered pretty well-to-do man in Germany when he and his tribe finally came over to this country. My mother was about 18 years old when she came over here from Germany, but he only had 15 Acres which was considered a large acreage in Germany and maybe six or eight children. Well, those people that the prospect of going someplace where they could get a quarter of land or where there was land to be obtained. Not the little acre Parcels. It's a honey cuz my folks and I were talking about it yesterday. And we'd never sell our land. It's too precious to know cuz it seems like everything is being taken over by buildings are like that gasification and we just won't let it and I want to have we may be the only ones but we're not going to take us and I just love the land and I'm staying here I care about it, you know, I've learned to respect it and take care of it know that if you abused it you may not get it back and just to really hold on to what you've got a special places out in the farm. They like or the grass gets really tall and then we've got a place just received the east of us will call Little Niagara and it's a constant water running and it's just a little Brook but it runs all the time. It's just got the prettiest on Etsy. Peaceful and you can see and sunrises and sunsets and I know I just really like how lucky I am and how much I love this place and mostly just a lot of meditation. Call development in this area. How would you feel about that? I don't like it. But I think I'm against it mainly because I think it's going to upset my lifestyle. I don't have land and I'm not involved in that type of thing. But I definitely think it will disrupt the lifestyle of the community from ice on person who I think we have eaten too many people as it is now. And of course Cole development or oily Dover NH. Industrial Development is going to bring in more people and I don't particularly want this to happen or I can see where it would be good for the small town business man in the community. As far as at least it could be good. It doesn't necessarily have to be good as far as economics go with great problems ecology. Why is a Weather going to be such serious problems that unrepairable or not. I don't know but it definitely will change things. I think the coal and oil development is here and it's going to come I don't even do about energy is needed in the United States has a hole in the world is a hole. So we're going to have to development Hopefully they'll go slow and and do the best job with the least disturbance they can do. And that with the less problems. I'm concerned mainly because of the pollution. I'm consuming about air pollution, but I'm also concerned about people pollution and I feel it would change our way of life. And of course this time against if it changed it to the point that it would really become. A drastic change I feel my family and I would leave I think if we're going to have a lot of people pollution than I would just as soon live in a larger Community because then I would have some more of the cultural art advantages and not the disadvantage of these people. I've nothing against these people coming in but I think if they come in we're going have a lot of Chances with him. It's going to bring around a lot of problems and police protection. It's going to bring about a lot of small riots more drunks more problems of any kind sewage problem School problems and it will change your whole way of life to think that this land as we talked about earlier that his grandparents homesteaded. Maybe nothing but a spoiled bank for our children are our grandchildren. I get very emotional about it. And I'm not going to try and quoting facts about it because I don't want to get into that. It's just a thing I have. Can work out here across my Horizon not be able to see it anymore. I think we just be simple or we're out here. I think this is basically would have scared most of us. We live out here for several reasons all of us have our own reasons, but I think our overall view is that we live out here because we love the Open Country. We love the Clean Air would love to see the stars at night and we love to see our neighbor and we enjoy just this part of the country. We like the hills. We like The Buttes would like it just as it is. That's why we're leaving here and don't get the idea that we wanted to stay just like this because we're all Progressive people and we do change with the times and we do always start new thing, but Wheel of the Elbow Room out here and a large influx of people will hurt this thing that I hope is that no matter what the population increase. I just hope that we can keep our own identity. The only feeling that we expressed earlier this Personality that the Southwest District has I mean it's it's something that you don't find and I hope it were strong enough to hold on to our own identity here and not just lose it. I want to Hometown Mott North Dakota one in a series of sound portraits of explorers of values concerns and character of life in small towns. The series was produced by John St. Dennis Hamilton and Bill Sebring of Minnesota Public Radio Station kccd Moorhead buns for the series were provided by the North Dakota committee for the Humanities and public issues.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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