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On his 72nd birthday, Walter Mondale, former vice-president, talks with MPR’s Gary Eichten about America's role in the world, the year in politics, and the century ahead. Mondale also answers listener questions. Program begins with news from MPR’s Greta Cunningham.

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What's news from Minnesota Public Radio on Greta Cunningham to Republican state legislator say they'll reintroduce legislation to create a second kind of marriage contract Senator Steve deal of dassel and representative Elaine harder of Jackson are proposing a so-called Covenant marriage, which would require couples to undergo marriage counseling and a two-year waiting. Before getting a divorce harder says Macon divorce more difficult would cut crime and poverty. I think we've too long focused on making it easier to divorce rather than under greeting in supporting marriage and I see this as a step to saying keeping a marriage intact is important and a here's a mechanism where couples can make a commitment in advance to work at keeping their marriage healthy and happy and stable for themselves and for their children traditional marriage contracts would remain an option under the new legislation, but couples who choose the Covenant marriage would get a $50 discount on their marriage licenses US District Judge. Donovan. Frank says, he should be able to rule by the end of the day on Northwest Airlines work.Ask for a temporary restraining order barring. It's flight attendants from illegal work actions Northwest plants at Union began encouraging flight attendants to call in sick Union officials say they have urged the rank-and-file not to call in sick to protest the lack of progress in contract talks. The Metropolitan airports commission is finalizing Newgate lease agreements at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport and accept the agreements will make it easier for more Airlines to serve the Twin Cities the arrangement create several so-called short-term leases, which airport officials can cancel if necessary, but them access provisions of the arrangement give Airlines incentives to cooperate with competitors the forecast for Minnesota calls for snow likely Statewide the snow may be mixed with Light freezing rain in the far Southwest high today from 18 in the Northeast 235 in the southwest. That's what is update. I'm going to Cunningham snow past 12.Good afternoon. Welcome back to mid-day at Minnesota Public Radio. I'm Gary Yankton. Glad you could join us. Well, as you probably heard on the news under Edward Kennedy today officially endorsed vice president Al Gore for president to Senator. Kennedy said the endorsement should not be seen as a criticism of former, Senator Bill Bradley, but he says Gore would be able to maintain America strong economy improve education and improve health care as well. Kennedy endorsements could carry lots of weight in the upcoming New Hampshire primary were polish Al Gore and Bradley basically tide tonight. The Democrats will meet in a key debate in New Hampshire and we will have live coverage of that debate starting at 6 this evening tomorrow night at 6. The Republican candidates will debate and we'll also haveLive coverage of Ativan and if you can't hear the debates live, make sure you join us here on midday on Friday. We're going to be rebroadcast in both debates are kind of presidential Extravaganza. So you have a chance to hear from all the Democratic and Republican party candidates for president that's coming up on Friday at midday today. We've been joined by former presidential candidate former vice president former ambassador to Japan farmer Minnesota senator and current MPR board member Walter Mondale. Mr. Mondale has come by on his birthday. No less to talk about politics of Foreign Affairs u.s. Role in the world world at really whatever you'd like to talk on this remodel about you. Just call here. 651-227-6006 51227 6000. I'll try the Twin Cities 1-800 +242-282-865-1227 6001 800-242-2828 or guess this our former vice president Walter Mondale. Happy birthday. Mr. Mondale. Thank you.Very much is very thoughtful of you to have me over here today. Well, do you feel wiser? Yes, I listen to your last hours program and I'm an hour ahead now. Well, how would you to this point? Let's start with the presidential politics and campaigning and the rest are how would you characterize what we've heard so far and what we're likely going to hear the during the rest of this presidential campaign Year good Lively discussion of the issues. Are you expecting or kind of a bland appeal to voters? Say say as little as you can get away with? No, I think you'll see a lot of here and feel a lot of heat now. We're just a few weeks away from the Iowa Precinct caucuses and from the New Hampshire primary every one of those contestants know thatMost of the candidates will be done for by the end of those decisions by those two states. And so I don't know if you've noticed but the last month or so you start seeing the candidates making tougher charges getting more personal trying to draw distinctions pull away from the back and I think that you'll see that in Spades now as we get it to the decision. When when these debates are held and the charges and counter-charges and so on start flying as a candidate do you get to take these things personally do I get kind of mad at each other while what did he say about me or is it just sort of Oz politics and I went through a lot of thoseThey are very very important to to national elections now because it's the one thing that people look at and find credible because you can't you can't fake a a debate you can stall a little bit but sooner or later who you are your capabilities, your issues will usually come out and people can start drawing their opinions of you. At least I think the public thinks that that's more credible than Jose advertising or what you say about yourself or even a speech that they might like that you gave it wanted, especially when you pick a president. This is such a fundamental decision for all of us Bears on war peace or Prosperity or values. It's a it's a profound decision that we make together and in the public takes it seriously. So ITake that these debates. The televised ones are very important to the Future these candidates to in and you'll see that they that they do take them seriously. Do they tend to reward the the person who is maybe a little more facile quick on his or her feet good with it with equip. I think the public is looking for. Not froth. I think they're looking for this fundamental question would be the best present. What kind of person are they? Are they strong are they do they have good minds are they equipped with a value system that you can trust would they add dignity and stature to our country all those difficult to generalize things that go into the question of where they'd be a good present. It's very hard to Define and it's not just whether you're good on pop quizzes or what do you got a good joke tonight? It's I think it's deeper than that and people can make a pretty good. That's why they watch I think they're they're asking those those other questions that there aren't it's a it's a very mysterious and I think a very valid process something usually comes out of these debates with time that helps the American people to make a decision. Oh, what about the the retail process involved in the first two tests the Iowa caucuses in the and the New Hampshire primary the candidates spending days Days days were marching around from one little event to another to another to another is that's what I did for you. I know every town in Iowa been there each of those towns many times. That's the price of what we have is kind of an anarchic whole system for selecting a present because it was it's not a national system. It's not a national primary. It's not even the old convention system that we used to have work for the regular Democrats would meet in convention every four years or public is do the same day pick one of their favorites and off we go now, we really have a series of Of primaries and the precinct caucus States like Minnesota each picking their own time. No Central structure to it at all and what we've come up with over the years is what you see now to States you might call retail primary States Iowa Precinct caucuses a New Hampshire with the primaries and that's usually is a key. That's the one place where an outsider in an unknown can sort of make their name and become big-time. Nationally after that. It's almost too late. Remember that's where Carter made his name in Iowa and a New Hampshire in 1976 became denominated like to present. This is McCain's going to make that he's got up. He's got to prove it in these first date. So we have the system of the first two states and then we go to these Super Tuesday is usually wear unless you've got a big name and momentum from those primaries the chances are you're out. What do you so by the time they get them all and fortunately the contest will probably be over. What do you see our will be the I don't know to three big issues this year terms of what the what the presidential election will be decided on. Oh boy. I think they're looking for character strengths of personality. I think they're looking for. Someone who they think has a sense of values that would lead our country essentially and if I think I'm a moderate middle-of-the-road Direction, I believe is where Americans are now they would like it if the decks present knew something about the world and how to lead our country into the future and they will they will continue to be concerned about the economy. Even though they kind of me is done quite well, and I think they're still anxieties about it. They say that each new president is an antidote for the last one. That's something about every sitting president with time aggravates the American people and they want to correct it so they look for that for the opposite of what is your dating with the correct it I'm sure the 1976 Carter and I were elected. Fundamentally because Ford pardon Nixon and the public just felt we've been through so much. Corruption and duplicity that they wanted an honest man honest person and Carter struck them as being that and I think that's kind of the edge that we had in that election in in 80 when we lost. I think there was a feeling that the world was getting tougher and meter and somehow we were kind of like We are a little too idealistic and unrealistic about that did that were we needed to tougher more assertive and reconstruct them is being that kind of person. So I think that people are going to be looking at this election. I would hope that they look at it in a broader sense, but they'll be trying to correct whatever it is that irritates. I'm about to Clinton good year for a priest to run me to talk about what really whatever you'd like to chat about the presidential politics. We hope to get to some Foreign Affairs issues America's role in the world this hour give us a call here. 651-227-6006 51227 6000. I'll try the Twin Cities 1-800. +242-282-865-1227 6000 or 1. 800-242-2828 Beth go ahead plays happy birthday. Mr. Vice president will you know if we have Christmas and then join and I have our anniversary on the 27th, then of course. We got New Year's Eve by the time my Birthday comes along. We don't want to hear think about it. They just gave me a free sandwich here. I think that's the party. I hope you do as well. But I just want to ask you what this has been kind of praying on my mind and it's just a hypothetical you understand. But if for some reason we elected a candidate of illuminated in select to be the next president. It's a government that up so that it would still run fairly. Well, you know, first of all, I think that the American people are very much aware of the fact that a present has to be able and capable and the chances of electing someone who's mentally impaired is I think very limited although I've had some opponents that I thought risk that problem even if we had you know, we've had disabled presents in the pasture Woodrow Wilson had a serious stroke and the government is run by a Agriculture staff or a colonel house and others around him for I think over a year-and-a-half before his presence, you know, we would work it out. This is remarkably flexible and a system that that has worked very well for us not always perfectly for over two hundred years. Now. It's that I think the with all of its problems the best system in the world and it is that because it works around human problems. I was reading somewhere one of the magazines here a month or so ago and the argument was that actually we're not interested in real intelligent Mensa style president and the candidates are really going out of their way to prove that. They're not intellectuals that they can relate to the common person. That is some truth to that. I think it's a different question than the one we just let the birth of the girl just asked. I think she was talking about someone who just couldn't handle reach the stirrups. So to speak it is it is true that the public is not asking for a genius necessarily that they want people that are capable enough who can handle the issues who can leave the country who can make sense when they speak and make the tough decisions and so on but I don't believe this is just a contest to Define who's got the highest IQ. Is it fair to assume that anybody who at this late stage is waging of a full-blown campaign for president is at least got the smarts to be president. Is that a fair assumption? It's you know it in at this stage. Anybody can be running for president Gary you could be you could have nots tomorrow in and of course that would prove the high ability continues to rain, but it infect the team the team that's presented itself to you now is a self-selected tea and it's not necessarily true that every one of them has the capability of being a present. I think those who are not will be quickly weeded out the public will send set your question, please the one thing happy birthday. I've shared it with you for many years. Thank you very much universe. The great day birthday. Anyways, I was interested in some more of your Reflections on. What you have proposed as he's legitimate to business of government. I am part of her color to my attention was some Reflections I heard this morning or how Former, Senator Bradley's proposals for National Health Care or so cheap and modest compared to what George Herbert Bush proposed from years ago. It kind of made me wonder once more where is our common responsibility for one another gone. And since when is the welfare of the insurance company's the prime concern, you know, I'm an old Democrat. Who believes that there's a role for government to bring about a more hopeful and just Society the government can be a problem. We have to work on it where it is, but those things we must do together to say like public education protecting the environment to providing decent Transportation protecting Americans from violence the role of protecting our government in this in our nation in these difficult times advancing science and so on there is an essential role. It seems to me for a decent America that involves the use of intelligent government. We're all talking about it, you know, the internet the revolution of the E channel is and how this is changing a world. It's good to remember I think that the internet Was an idea cooked up in the defense department about 20 years ago through a government research. A lot of the things they are playing the song that we use a lot of Hope for our future is built. Of course, basically on our own individual responsibility is always be but I believe there's a very important crucial role for our government helping all of us move forward to the future. I think I'm a little old-fashioned that but as I look at the today's problems, I don't think we can get where we want to go unless we continue to use government in an intelligent way. There's an argument as you well know, mr. Vice president that as we move more and more into this Global society and so on that the role of of national governments will become increasingly. Less important than that it will actually shrink because so many of these issues or transcend National boundaries. And the rest of you think that's true. Well, I think it may change a lot and there is no question that there's a fundamental change on going on to law now in the globalization of the economy that is far different than it was a 40 years ago. And this will call for changes in our economy in the world's economy a different relationship between National governments in the rest of the world and someone I think the frustrations over that has what exploded in Seattle here a month or so ago a sense of helplessness about other problems that they're blaming on the International System. I think that direction toward globalization is inevitable and the test for Americans to make certain we're the best in the world at it and I think we are right now, but let me just get back to this point about The role of government if there's one thing that's absolutely clear least to me about our future it is that education. Teaching and training every Young American to be his or her best investing in science and technology and research and making sure that the United States is out of head. Is fundamental crucial to our future and while a lot of that is in the private sector fundamental part of it is is what we do together through our schools public schools and private schools too. But we have employers all over Minnesota and throughout the United States that are short of work can't find particular skill feels but not just there and there's a mismatch between what we need to grow and compete in the world and what is being produced by our schools and education and that's a big gap. That'll hold us back. And this this is a needless Gap. We should be doing far better in those areas that we are right now. Everything would be more hopeful society would be more fair and we would all be better off. Get one more call around here before we break for a news headlines and your question for vice president Mondale Goldman. Was your campaign headquarters in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Drugstore good headquarters answers question, but it seems to me. That the hostage negotiations were manipulated so that there's no way that President Carter could have brought them home and the fact that they were brought home immediately after Reagan Guardian really made me wonder if that really happened. I'm going to hang up like you got some of those same concerns there was a book written called All Fall Down by Gary sick who was a top security officer who served us during our term in office who argues that that's the case. I've come to the conclusion that I don't think it was I don't think there was any manipulation and the reason I say that I said, I just cannot conceive of an American official deliberately delaying the release of Americans living under those circumstances even for Dyer political self service. That everybody did their best. I'm glad they got home and I'm sorry they were taken in the first place former vice president Walter Mondale and former presidential candidate Walter Mondale former Minnesota. Senator Walter Mondale former US ambassador to Japan Walter Mondale has our guests this hour and he's come by today on his birthday to talk politics and Foreign Affairs and whatever you'd like to chat with some talk about ghosts call here. 651-227-6006 51227 6000 outside the Twin Cities one 802-4228 to a quick reminder live coverage of the Democratic presidential candidate debate at 6 tonight here in Minnesota Public Radio. The Republicans will be debating tomorrow night at 6. We'll have live coverage. You can hear both debates rebroadcast on Friday here on midday news headlines now here Return to his father in Cuba official say they've determined that Juan Gonzalez has the legal authority to speak for his son a lien on the issue of his immigration status head of Immigration and Naturalization Service says us officials met in Cuba with the boy's father. She says he demonstrated to them that he had a close relationship with his son and that he generally want him returned to Cuba the boy could be returned to Cuba by the end of the week of any stocks going on in Shepherdstown West Virginia are down to committee meetings with experts rather than top leaders. They're trying to resolve differences on such issues as borders security water rides and a timetable for Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights Searchers are finding more bodies in the wreckage of 2 passenger trains that collided in Norway yesterday. There are now twelve people confirmed dead 41 others are missing after the high speed crash. The trains were believed to have carried 100 people official say it could take days to recover the bodies of other victims many have been badly burned 12 other people remain in the hospital today. Original news in Minnesota Department of Corrections is teaming up with a nonprofit group to provide mentors for juveniles leaving. The Red Wing Correctional Facility. The goal is to keep the juveniles from committing do crimes program organizers are looking for about 30 additional volunteer mentors the forecast for Minnesota calls for snow likely Statewide today the snow may be mixed with some light freezing rain in the far Southwest high temperatures from 18 in the Northeast 235 in the southwest tonight. Mostly cloudy Sky Statewide and the snow will taper off to flurries later on Lowe's ranging from 0 in the Northwest to near 20 in the Southeast at this hour. Some snow is reported in International Falls and 18 degrees. Is it snowing in Duluth and 15 degrees Rochester reports Fair skies and 18 degrees and in the Twin Cities Cloudy Skies a temperature of 21 a wind chill index of -6 Gary. That's a look at the latest news or I thank you for 28 minutes now before 1 midday coming through on Minnesota Public Radio former. Vice president Walter Mondale is our guest this hour. An hour of our mid-day program it again. Let me give you the phone number here. If you've got a question for mr. Mondale, all of our lines are busy though. So don't dial in right now. You'll just get frustrated but got the number down and try asking about 5 minutes number in the Twin Cities. 651-227-6006 51227 6000 outside the Twin Cities 1-800. +242-282-865-1227 6001 800-242-2828 misc module before we go back to our callers. I wanted to go back to the politics National politics again in 1984. You named Geraldine Ferraro is your vice presidential running mate, first time anybody at put a woman on a national ticket and I suppose it's possible that a woman would be added to the ticket this year, but fundamentally, there are no women running for president there. No women at the top. What why is that? I'm sorry about One of the things that I hoped I was doing in 1984 was to open that door at the top of American politics that women have done increasingly. Well at levels below the presidency. There are now what 8 Women United States senators. There were only two when I was there a drawing number of women in the US House of Representatives. We see it at the state level mayor's levels and so on but at that presidency and vice-presidency level nothing and since 84 election, it's actually there's been no movement much at all. We had list all in the race for a while. I think that's sad. I wish I think our country has learned a lesson from civil rights and from the women's movement that were much stronger is a nation when we use everyone's talents. We put these discriminatory views and practices behind us. We're always a better nation and we've done that certainly true in public life as well as we see it either that was but I'm just sorry about it. But I think that they're I suppose there still an outside chance that we would have a woman as a vice presidential running mate, of course, neither party. It has a woman now running for president. So it's sort of a disappointing to me Carol your question. Thank you. And my birthday is the truth is too. But anyway on this is regarding a comment that I heard the President Carter stay on the Charlie Rose show the public television Nightline and Charlie. I guess I asked him about where you irritated whistle out of the rough treatment. You got the bias treatment. And he said well know he kind of expected it. But then he said well, was there anything in particular and those president has attained in your feels kind of painful and he said yes, there was one account that I thought was very bad and he pursued us and he's so what was that? He said, well, George will go my one and only proofing book. That was what he used to brief President Reagan in the one and only you bathe. They had and he said that the end of course when Reagan said, oh, there you go again. I thought sure he knew exactly what he was going to say. I thought this was an immoral thing for Real and the present to participate in the end like that former speaker. I do believe that my son haven't been to Nicaragua that there are a lot of things that that we're done that were not I wouldn't put it past them, but maybe you could comment on then. Arise I was in public life for a long long time at every level and while I had my differences with others and with the Republicans, I found most of them honorable people. So I don't think we're dealing with a nation where you have one side with virtue another side without it. I just don't agree with that. But having said that I think what you're describing here was a dirty piece of business because apparently these briefing notes that were prepared for President Carter to prepare for his debates were stolen from the White House. And given to candidate Reagan and the story is any way that George will use those notes to prepare candidate Reagan for his debates with Carter. I don't I don't think that's been denied. So it's it's not I think it's pretty disreputable. Does that kind of thing happen a lot and it campaign stuff ever hurt particular issue of stealing briefing books, but these kinds of underhanded pretty sleazy deals. I don't know if you're old enough to remember mr. Segreti, but in in the old Watergate scandal date is there was a apparently in that Nixon campaign and operation led by mr. Sokrati. Who did it did all these dirty tricks around but I don't think that happens too often. I'm in this is not the sunday-school picnic either and means that you're tough and your competitive you spend a lot of time reading and analyzing what's your opponents are saying so that you can deal with them in debates and the shape your issues and the rest but the mean stuff I never participated in it. I think it's Denise it take when Americans hear about it. They don't like it and I would hope there would be less of it rather than more of it Robert your question often admired you I always listening listening to your at your comments on the Rave it would you ever consider running for the presidency again? Thanks Richard Lui. I hope you would I would be very happy to vote for you and I'll take my answer off the year. Thank you. Thank you very much, but I am cured. I don't like I did that for so many years. If you count the number of years, I went out and work for Humphrey what he ran for president. And then I was on the National Ticket three times myself and I went through all those primaries and all those debates and all those struggles when I finished the 84 campaign was right here in St. Paul down the street when I conceded there was there was a lot of things going through my mind that sad morning but one thing for sure was a sense of relief that I done done that I'd run my course. I've done the best I could I'd had a long and wonderful career in public life and let some of the kids do it now that I feel that way even more than ever and my 72nd 2nd birthday. Is there any reason to believe that Minnesota will ever again produce so many national caliber of politicians. I mean there was quite a run their used to say that there must be something in the Minnesota Constitution that required at least one, Minnesota. Wellstone announced I said well, here we go again, but with his withdrawal for a brief moment, there isn't a Minnesota in the race, but based on my life Minnesota politics, I will bet that will correct that Omission rather soon. I don't have the candidate's name, but I'm sure the candidate does is there something unique about Minnesota that producers are all these people like yourself or is it just that you know, it just happenstance that we have some some top-flight people who going to rise to the top I think Minnesota politics Minnesota Government leadership has been Among the most impressive in the country of just excuse myself from this but I think it's been a state with honest politics. It's been a competitive State. It's been a state that has almost everything that is reflected in the nation in it. It's been a state with a high emphasis on education research. It's been a state with an advanced business Community. It's been a state with a disproportionate involvement in high-technology and international Commerce and scholarship in the rest. It's been a state that's produced leading thinking and Leadership for a long long time. And it's only natural that that would end up that they would end up being a force in National politics. Having said that I think it's a Be taken for granted these things are not something that we inherit from the sky is somewhere. We need a politics and government are nothing less than the business of Freedom itself. And we've got to continue to work and build and improve on on on it. And as we do so, I think Minnesota will be a stronger force in government at the national International level for Mondale. Thanks for taking my call. I want to go back to the past few years to the early sixties when you were a senator. I was watching the HBO miniseries from the earth to the moon and on one of the segments. Shortly after they were talking about the Apollo 1 disaster. They painted You is kind of a villain as someone during the hearings who said we shouldn't be spending millions of dollars. We need it for people and you know, there's just hungry people and so forth. So was it really that way was that a correct depiction of you? I thank you for asking that I supported the moon program the Apollo program what had happened there was we had the Apollo tool for disaster were three astronauts were incinerated on the ground and don't think remember that tragedy and I was a member of the space committee the NASA committee and I investigated on my own and discovered that unbeknown to us. There was some severe severe management problems and he would risk problems that had been in But we managed and this helped contribute to This Disaster. And so I was a leading forced to try to to to disclose these mistakes and to get some progress this series that you're talking about had it exactly wrong. I supported the moon program, but I was very strongly I work very hard to try to reform the program. So it was much more reliable than the one we had. I'm very sorry about that program long-term. Should we continue to spend valuable resources on space exploration? Is that something you don't give him the pie is only so big the needs are great. Is this something that we ought to be spending money on my idea is that it ought to be justified based on practical uses and Science and that should be the main driver of spa. And there's a lot of work that can be done that will help all of us in those fields in Communications in these related satellites in deep space probes that enhance knowledge. I am more skeptical about Amman flight because what we do now, at least it's basically near Earth orbit. I'm not saying there is value connected with it, but it's very expensive. It tends to be quite dangerous and the return is not as high as in the unmanned efforts Dan your question, please Yes, vice president Mondale. Happy birthday. We share the same dates on our a birthday. Happy birthday. I hope things are going well for you today, Minnesota pipe trades in the store here. I've been interested in politics and and Union membership in correlation to the membership dropping knowledge evening out and we think it's the going up. Where do you see the Union labor now and where do you see a 10 years from now and I'd like to get your view on the WTO a little bit. I believe that unions have a very important role in American society. I think fairness decent pay security job safety and the other things that are important to workers and their families require good unions. I'm sorry to see the size of the union movement as related to the size of the workforce shrank cuz it has now for some years. I hope you're right that it's turning around. And so I wish you well it when I ran for office all those years the pipe trades always supported me and it's nice to hear those words again on the WTO. I believe that were in a world economy. I believe the United States has to be a part of it. There's no escaping from the global nature this economy. It's a challenge that's made for the United States where the most advanced nation and Technology the most advanced nation and in the products telecommunications and everything that makes the difference today. It's something that we we we have to master I knocked but I hope is we do so we can we can try to use the American influence to deal with some of the concerns that working people have like slave labor, which is serious problem child labor the environment and so on are those topics that can be rolled into traditional trade negotiations. That seems to be a kind of at the heart of what was going on and it's not clear to me that all of those issues can be fully satisfied through the WTO. There may be other ways, but I'll be frank with you. I don't have an answer right now. What would you say to the folks in some of the developing nations who have argued? Well you guys are in there in the United States you can talk about these high-minded principles and so on but all you're really trying to do is to hold us down and take advantage to take away are the one advantage we have is is low-cost labor and it's just not fair for you to introduce that into this into this realm. Why what's the first thing I would say to that person is that the United States is the largest most open market in the world. That we offer more opportunities that more people in this world than any other Nation. That are educational institutions and the rest are here for more foreign students learning in the United States that this is not a nation that tries to hoard its wealth and sit on it for only our own purposes. So we haven't been that kind of nation, but we have some rights and most Nation should join with us to try to move towards solutions to problems that we have to solve together like the environment air and water don't just stay in one country. They it moves around so we should protect the environment. We've got a right to ask other nations to move in the direction of protecting their environment and our environment because we own it together we have you know, as We Takin products if they're produced by slave labor or if they're produced by child labor, it seems to me we're not That is not inappropriate for us to be pressing these other nations to have a more human rights oriented approach to their problem. I know some of these countries say well you're just trying to exploit us. I don't think that's true at all. Why do you suppose in so it seems like we are perceived to be bad guys in many parts of the world. Why is that? Ice, I think that the rest of the world is often of two minds about us. They want us they need us they appreciate us in many respects, but they also envious and resent our power in stature. And so how we deal with the rest of the world. They good sense and decency that we showed toward others the example, we provide the being decent and non-discriminatory and fair and the rest is very important to our ability to influence the rest of the world, but every once in awhile, we get a bad name for good reason other words. I personally believe that when we press another country to be better on human rights for their own people. When we'd to stay the hand of Sodom Hussain Ora. Some of the others who have our are really evil people we may get a bad name with them, but I'm kind of honored by that. I think the United States has for all of its fault an extraordinary record in this world for standing for decency for stability for National and personal affairs. And I think the world is very lucky. That is only Remaining superpower and its largest economy is the United States of America and not some other country. A lot of time left, but let's get at least one more call Laura Dennis your question answer. I like to sing your Praises by saying I certainly I'm proud you're a Minnesotan and I wish you well in your happy birthday. And my question is what did you doing? Did you make any preparations for possible disasters here with the Y2K. Thank you very much. I love Minnesota. Jordan III the family are glad we came home and you're nice to say those kind words. No, I never got into that. I I figured that the beers were exaggerated matter fact, we talked about this before you went on the program out and I'm not surprised at all of these concerns just sort of fizzle out what I did. New Year's Eve was we got together with some old friends and we figured we'd make it till about 9, we made it to 11 why we didn't make the midnight but based on the first five days of this Millennium. I can't see an awful lot of difference between this one in the last one another caller on the line. Hi there. Happy birthday, Alba. Who is this? He has not nicest Barrett Mondale my granddaughter how nice of you to call. I'm 72. How old are you or you're a nice granddaughter? Are you at school today? I'm glad you could get out of your sickbed to call me. That's very very nice Barrett. I'll see you soon to buy Barrett. She sounds awful goodness. Well 20th century America is fair to say that the 20th century was kind of the American Century. Is that going to be true for the 21st or are and we kind of peaked bound to go the way of Britain? I think our futures if anything's better we handle ourselves right because there's a sort of a global premium as Tom Friedman put it to the American system. We can repay have new ideas or search or entrepreneurship is the best in the world or technological industrial and other skills are Agriculture and the skills of our people we've got we've got the essence of a magnificent future, but we got to watch it. It troubles me that there are too many Americans aren't adequately educated. It troubles me that we still have troubles privately with dealing unfairly with too many Americans. So the more we move toward hope and opportunity toward training people toward getting The Highest Potential out of the American people the more we enhance our future I'm a very I'm very optimistic. I think this is going to America is well positioned for the future give a hoot any more about politics and public life in the rest. You keep hearing well, obviously voting of participation going down and but more importantly I guess you all you hear is making a difference to my life don't care about that. Why would anybody want to go into politics? That's the saddest thing. There's no question that voter participation is down lot of good people are walking away from politics yet politics in the governance of our country and our communities is in many ways the most important precondition for everything. We need my hope, you know, we've talked for in this program. We got to clean up money way too much money. It looks bad. It feels bad. It stinks. We got to change that. There's an attitude in America that is to Wiley found that somehow all government is bad. That's not true. A lot of things if you just think about it are working very well and there's a lot of wonderful people working very hard as government employees trying to help us everyday. And we need to think about. Not just ourselves, but about the community and about our society when we do that. We're at our best and one of the fundamental things we should do is think and bolt and be good citizens. That's not asking too much of somebody who enjoys all the Privileges of being an American to also vote with Mondale. Happy birthday and thanks so much for coming in today great talking with you. Thank you very much for being so kind of me former vice president former Minnesota. Senator former ambassador to Japan Walter Mondale joining us during the 2nd Armored. Midday program know if you missed part of this program. Well couple opportunities. Really number one. This program will be on our website NPR. Org by about 2. This afternoon also will be rebroadcast English program at 9 tonight here on Minnesota Public Radio. I'll remind her again some live coverage coming up later today 6 this evening. We're going to have live coverage of the The debate between Al Gore and Bill Bradley the Democratic presidential candidates from New Hampshire live coverage at 6 tomorrow night at 6. All the Republican candidates will be getting together and we'll have live coverage of their debate. And then again if you whatever reason can't catch both of the debates Or would simply like to hear them again or going to rebroadcast both debates on Friday here on mid day are presidential candidate Extravaganza coming up on Friday. So I hope you can join us Gary I can hear thanks for tuning in today Iran. Midday public affairs programming on NPR is supported by the Minneapolis office of shandwick international a public relations firm dedicated to helping clients. Tell their stories do local National and international services. The first word of mouth of the year 2000 will be broadcast this Friday night at 6 and don't think for a second. We're not feeling the pressure. But we also understand striving to be the best art show around creates pressure.


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