MPR News editor-at-large and retired host Gary Eichten has worn many hats during his 40-plus-year career at Minnesota Public Radio, including news director, special events producer and station manager. He has served as host for Minnesota Public Radio's live, special events news coverage, and has hosted all of the major news programs on Minnesota Public Radio, including Midday, which he hosted for more than 20 years.
A graduate of St. John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota, Eichten began his career at Minnesota Public Radio as a student announcer at KSJR (Minnesota Public Radio's first station). Among the honors Eichten has received during his career is the Corporation for Public Broadcasting award for best local news program. He also assisted in the development of two Peabody award-winning documentaries. In 2007, he was inducted into the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting's Hall of Fame. Eichten has also been awarded the prestigious 2011 Graven Award by the Premack Public Affairs Journalism Awards Board for his contribution to excellence in the journalism profession.
December 23, 2016 - When Minnesota poet, author, and musician Bill Holm sat down to write a Christmas letter, he sorted through a lifetime of memories and put some of these memories in his 2009 book titled Faces of Christmas Past, published by the Afton Historical Society Press. That same year, Minnesota Public Radio produced this "Voices of Minnesota" special, with Bill Holm reading from his own book.
July 10, 2014 - An MPR News Presents program held at Westminster Townhall Forum with former Vice President Walter Mondale.
October 25, 2012 - Minnesotans are involved in a passionate debate about marriage during 2012 election season. The two sides began squaring off more than 40 years ago. This project draws from MPR's extensive audio archive to explore the origins of this election day showdown over same-sex marriage.
October 10, 2012 - MPR presents a debate for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District between DFL Congressman Tim Walz and his Republican challenger former State Representative Allen Quist. The debate was a "Debate Minnesota" event, held on October 9th, 2012, at Minnesota State University in Mankato. Topics include small business, economy, budget, and Medicare.
January 20, 2012 - MPR's Cathy Wurzer and Minnesota Public Radio listeners turn the tables and ask questions of legendary host Gary Eichten as MPR's pre-eminent news host retires on January 20, 2012, after 45 years of radio broadcasting.
January 20, 2012 - A broadcast of "Heckuva Farewell," an event for MPR’s Gary Eichten, held at the Fitzgerald Theater on January 19, 2012. For his last Midday show, Gary interviews Vice President Mondale, Minnesota's senior statesman. The two hold a wide-ranging political discussion.
December 23, 2011 - Midday presents a broadcast of Of Mirth and Mischief, a performance of stories, winter fairies, and elves from writer and humorist Kevin Kling at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul.
December 21, 2011 - Midday re-broadcasts Lisa See, author of Shanghai Girls and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, speaking at the Hennepin Country Central Library in downtown Minneapolis as part of the Talk of the Stacks series. See discusses her writing and the influence of her Chinese American heritage.
November 18, 2011 - On this Midday program, MPR’s Gary Eichten talks with DFL Congressman Tim Walz. The two discuss the The congressional “supercommittee” efforts to cut the federal budget deficit by $1.2. Walz joined a bipartisan group urging the panel to "go big" and exceed the minimum target. During conversation, the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are addressed. Walz also answers listener questions.
November 11, 2011 - On this special Veterans Day Midday program, a remembrance of legendary radio dramatist Norman Corwin with a short documentary on his career, and excerpts from his masterpiece, On a Note of Triumph, which remains the most listened to radio drama in U.S. history. Later in the hour, author Tim O'Brien reads and discusses his critically acclaimed short story collection on the Vietnam War, The Things They Carried.