Over the decades, MPR has presented the many different perspectives of Minnesota politics and politicians. This collection is home to a multitude speeches, interviews and debates on the issues of the day. Important topics of civil rights, environment, crime, budget, legislation, and campaigns are addressed.
Click on link to these well-known figures to see audio segments directly related to them: Michele Bachmann Arne Carlson Keith Ellison Hubert Humphrey Amy Klobuchar Eugene McCarthy Walter Mondale Tim Pawlenty R.T. Rybak Jesse Ventura Paul Wellstone
November 30, 1967 - Minnesota Senator Eugene J. McCarthy announces he will challenge President Lyndon B. Johnson for the 1968 Democratic nomination for president.
July 1, 1968 - Taking a break from his campaign for the presidency, Eugene McCarthy reads his own poetry to a group of students at a Minnesota university (possibly St. Johns).
July 11, 1968 - A conversation with Eugene McCarthy at St. Johns, in Collegeville. Gary Eichten and Pat Smith asked McCarthy questions as he was taking a break from his presidential campaign.
May 11, 1972 - A news feature of the "Eight Days in May" - anti-war demonstrations known as the Dinkytown riot. McCarthy is sympathetic to the protests.
June 12, 1972 - Various speakers nominate, testify in support of Mondale at Minnesota DFL state convention. This is followed by Mondale speech excerpts.
June 12, 1972 - MPR reporter Dulcie Lawrence summarizes events at the DFL state convention.
August 18, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow interviews U.S. Congressman John M. Zwach on education funding. Topics of discussion include busing and final bill passage.
September 8, 1972 - Presidential candidate McGovern greeted 200 supporters in Duluth. He was surrounded by media and participated in staged events for the press. McGovern talked about grain speculators making a killing at the expense of American famers and taxpayers; this money should have gone to the farmers. He said there should be an investigation into how this deal was negotiated.
September 11, 1972 - People react to George McGovern speech, which included farm issues. They also discuss topics of the Vietnam war, criticism of President Nixon, and U.S. economy.
September 27, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow reports on Minnesota AFL-CIO meeting, and if group will endorse Senator George McGovern for President of the United States. Reports includes excerpt of speech at AFL-CIO convention from Hubert H. Humphrey in support of McGovern.