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Paul Wellstone, Minnesota U.S. senator, discusses attempts to balance the federal budget in Washington, a shutdown possibility, his upcoming campaign for re-election in 1996, and environmental issues. Wellstone also answers listener questions.

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It is record volume will be more than four and a half billion bushels the weather forecast for the state of Minnesota this afternoon, mostly cloudy areas of Light freezing drizzle and flurries. That's creating some slick road conditions across much of northern Minnesota at this hour look for high temperature is from the lower twenties in the arrowhead lower thirties in southern Minnesota for the Twin Cities this afternoon. Look for Cloudy Skies patchy Light freezing drizzle or flurries. They will end about mid-afternoon look for high temperature today right around 30 degrees south and Southwest winds freezing drizzle 22 National Falls Rochester light snow in 24 in the Twin Cities light snow in 26, and that's the news from Minnesota Public Radio. I'm very familiar like Barry 6 minutes past twelve and welcome back to mid-day on the FM news station. I'm Gary eichten 1995 has been quite a year in Washington DC for the first time in forty years or so Republicans have control of both houses of Congress and it has made a difference all year long Congress has been debating Republican proposals, which would find them.Play change the federal government's role in America. However, very few of those proposals of actually become law and Minnesota senior. Senator Democrat. Paul wellstone certainly gets a share of the credit or the blame for slowing. The revolution Center wellstone is back in Minnesota and his stop by today to discuss the situation Washington the budget the rest and we invite you to give us a call with your questions and comments for Senator wellstone 2276 thousand is the Twin City area number 227-6000 or if you're calling from outside the Twin Cities. You can reach his toll free at 1-800 to +422-828-227-6000 in the Twin Cities or one 800-242-2828 outside the Twin Cities and everything's coming by thanks for happy Holidays. Happy holidays to you any chance that the budget agreement.What is budget impasse going to be broken anytime soon? Yeah, I mean there is a chance. I think I think there are three different issues. Number one there there shouldn't be any government shutdown at all. I mean, you know what I was putting science teacher talked about the separation of powers. I never dreamed that you could have people in the Congress that could just hold a president hostage insane. Look unless you agree with our priorities on a balanced budget to we're going to shut the government down the government should not be shut down. That's that should be independent of a budget agreement. And then I think it's a question of whether or not there can be in agreement or whether or not if there's not an agreement. You just say, okay for the next year. We have a budget for this year in the people in the country are going to decide the priorities about how you balance a budget presents meeting today with Majority Leader doll and speaker Gingrich, and I don't know how far they'll get it or not. It's not just an excuse me. It's alsoIt's morning here. It's also question of some major policy disagreements that I think are critically important and it's also matter. It makes not just numbers is people's lives its values his priorities. So I I would love to see you in agreement that would balance the budget based on a Minnesota standard of fairness. I would not like to see an agreement. Which essentially says when it comes to all these subsidies and giveaways for large corporations corporate welfare there no Cuts there. No Cuts in the Pentagon budget huge tax cuts or give away still mainly going to higher-income people, but when it comes to other areas children education Healthcare, you name it. There are really Draconian cuz I don't think that's Minnesota standard of fairness. It doesn't it doesn't sound too promising. I mean you're digging your heels in the House Republicans have dug their heels in I have dug my heels in but not in the sense of being intransigent in and and not being willing to to to listen or being arrogant but I I do feel very strongly that I personally think that the reason the speaker Gingrich and I'm not going to be shrill on your show or anywhere. I think that his strategy is to try and sort of say we shut the government down until there was a deal because they feel like this is the time for I'm to lock the whole Country Inn on 7 years of priorities that takes us into the next Century Gary. My feeling is that you should not this should be a rush to recklessness. And these are people's lives my God. I had to spend several weeks day and night. I was pleased to do what I'm honored to be a senator from Minnesota fighting just to get energy assistance for people in my state. So the people don't go cold minis are crazy priorities when it gets that Cruller that extreme so it may be that can be in agreement. But I do think and I've said it to President Clinton I've said to him and maybe that's how you know, it doesn't matter but I have said to him look you've given these peaches you order these words. You said that you stood for these values and principles. You said you want a balanced budget, but you're not going to do it. I'm getting were just terms when you think it's too cruel to extreme. You better not now make a hundred eighty degree turn from the words. You uttered people want us to be honestly want to know where we stand. So either there's an agreement based a terrible agreement. I hope that doesn't happen that will hurt. A lot of people shouldn't be here. Fourth Kalima that brings both sides together that's based on a standard of fairness or You just extend the budget for 1 year and you say to the people that country the deal doesn't get cut in washed in the deal gets cut by you you decide who you want to be president. Who you want in the Congress. Is there any chance that Congress will come up with some money for the federal employees who have been caught right smack in the middle of this thing. It's a crazy. It's really an unbelievable system because people would like to work right now that pant by law and then late but but people will be paid later on now La people say with my guy people didn't work and they're not getting paperwork. They didn't do but the people who work for the government want to work they're just they're just the Forbidden from doing so the problem though is that if your it's one thing if if if you're making I'm not trying to bash but if you're making representative or Senator salary is 130000 a year, you can cash flow without being paid for a month or two. But if you're making $30,000 a year $40,000 a year and you've got a family I know you get paid later that doesn't help you right now. So I mean it doesn't flip pain on people much less other people in the private sector that contract with government much less. We getting quite a few calls. We've kept our office open this weekend. We're getting a lot of calls from you know, railroad workers who are receiving retirement benefits veterans who are getting very worried some very very real hardship on people can't get visas at this should Aunt this year and you don't have to shut the company down its independent of a final agreement about choices. We make about our country going into the next Century the Republicans though would argue at least some of them that they have to hang on to that leverage that that's the big stick that they they bring to the negotiations and it's the only thing that they have related to to get Clinton to do it agree to some of their proposals will understand. Once that argument is made understand what it means. I mean what they're saying is look we may or may not be in power next year. Wig we we are revolutionaries. That's what some of these House people say. We want to have it our way. And therefore we're willing to make all sorts of people innocent victims if that's what we need to do. See I don't think that is the only leverage I think if speaker Gingrich and others are so sure that their priorities are the priorities of people in Minnesota in the country The Leverage would be the next election. They don't need to have a lot of her a lot and some people right. Now the leverage would be the next election in either the president or other Democrats myself included agree with them or there's honest disagreement, you know, not hatred but honest disagreement in which case they still have leveraged let the people decide and if people want to speaker Gingrich is a president or someone like him. So be it and people want different people in the Senate and the house and putting in Minnesota. Then that's People's Choice. We'll have leverage because people get to make the final decision in the election to put off the decision on on getting its Financial house in order that long Absol. The point is Depends upon what you mean by getting your financial house in order. I mean, I think you have to pay the interest on the debt. I think that the debt that was built up here in the decade of the 1980s was unconscionable, but I don't think but I think you have to and I think you have to make a commitment to balance the budget but I don't think if you look at polling data, which I try not to look at to often. But if you look at it the fact of the matter is people say overwhelmingly ask a different question say to people you would favor more or less investments in education or in children or in job training. Everybody will say we're in favor of that. So, how come I mean I've had amendments there's been up or down vote. It's all a part of the record 80 billion dollars and seventy billion dollars just in the corporate welfare that was voted down I could talk about he's awake over the next 7 years hundred twenty Billion Dollar Cuts in Pentagon budget would still strong defense that's off the table. So the question of how are you doing? And I don't think you can have all these tax cuts right now. Certainly not 200. 5 billion some of the cuts and capital gains and you name it when you're trying to do deficit-reduction. So either there's an agreement based on the standard furnace now or you simply let the election decide and then the commitment to us after the election that you got to balance a budget. Is it 2002 or 2004? I don't think people Minnesota care about the year except that they want it done soon. They want it done in a reasonable way, and they wanted done it in a way that it is getting me to standard of parents are shared sacrifice. If you will our guest today is a Minnesota senator Paul wellstone, and that if you have a question or comment for the senator, give us a call to 276 thousand is the Twin City area number to 276 Thousand Oaks High the Twin Cities. You can reach us toll-free at one 802-422-8284 college from Saint Paul Place Frisco. I want to start off by saying I appreciate your being. Only a leader but much of the conscience in the Senate and I want to thank you for that. Tom Horn was on this radio program with just two or three days ago and he was talking about about you earlier proposals previous years for a healthcare being in or let the federal government do everything let them take over all the program. So I'd like you to give you a chance to correct that but also can you talk specifically to the threats to our very Healthcare System given the cuts and Medicaid and Medicare and the other programs that the Republicans have been just got him. If you could let me do them in reverse and I'll try to be brief so we can get lots of calls on the Medicare and medical assistance both Minnesota in particular I think is in in a very perilous a place or position because we're kinda skinny kids. We've already reduced a lot of our cause we don't have the same slack and we've also got a significant percentage of our state that still in Greater, Minnesota and Rural communities. So a lot of those cuts are Draconian and they will lead To a reduction in the quality of service of health care for people whether they're elderly or whether they're people with disabilities or or pull one of their children. We cover 300,000 children with medical assistance in our state. It's a very important safety net program on the first part of your question and I can go on and on my hope care center, but I won't on the first party question. I don't know what time was talking about. I'm disappointed. I like them, you know, nobody talked about the government taking over the hospitals or doctors or clinics the single-payer proposal when she was talking about does not call for the government to run hospitals government-run hospitals are government-run clinics are government-run doctors as a matter fact, it's still private sector the difference is that a single-payer means that the whole roll the very large role of the insurance company is essentially I mean dramatically reduced and that I think by the way by the general Accounting Office in the Congressional budget office, our proposal was the most fiscally conservative week to see if Show predicted that between 1997 and 2003 Paul single-payer had the potential to to reduce Health Care expenditures up to 700 billion dollars a year with universal coverage including nursing home expenses were people covered. It was eliminated a lot of the bureaucracy a lot of the administrative waste focused on good Primary Care preventive Health Care back by specialization and I think made a great deal of sense now the insurance industry for that tooth and nail the pharmaceutical companies fought it tooth and nail you name it, but it was a very important proposal now, I have never been so arrogant as to believe that you get everything you want. I've also Paul proposed a lot of other things for healthcare that are very important to my state home base care so that people don't have to look institutional care that people can live at home with dignity and does near normal circumstances as possible covering children real importance of the real important effort on getting physician assistants and and other people out and Care delivery for sin in our state and our country are lots of good things we can do promise right now it what's being proposed has nothing to do with perform. I mean, these are just numbers they have nothing to do with Health Care reform. This is reverse perform, but nobody has ever called for the record. Nobody I know of has ever called for the government to own running control doctors clinics and hospitals and Dubai the way a good many people in the medical profession including here in Minnesota for a strong supporters of a single-payer system. One of the key provisions of the Republicans have been pushing is the whole notion of turning over a lot of the authorities not only in the medical field, but in other areas of the states and when this offer the opportunity for Minnesota to really Taylor a program specifically for Minnesota one that would work here as opposed to the New Yorker South Carolina, whatever. Well, there's there's an A and A B part to your to your question not as in I want to Waffle put this sort of a real important question. Be a part in my answer is that it's a it's a shell game though, because there's nothing that says that you can't provide states with a lot more flexibility. But at the same time have to dramatically reduce the resources that come from the federal government to the state. So, you know, this could become the mother of all unfunded mandates me. What is the state of Minnesota given the kind of state we are in and the kind of people we are when you have dramatic cut the medical assistance and nutrition programs and Head Start and a whole set of other social programs. What what does Minnesota do we walk away from people or do we end up having to finance it at the state level or more specifically at the county level out of a property tax. I mean, I've had County Commissioner say to me in Greater, Minnesota and Metro Minnesota. Look, we're not going to be able to raise the taxes. And so you're going to have to redefine eligibility fewer people are going to be eligible and reduce the quality of services for elderly for children. You name it. So number one, you can have greater flexibility, but why the dramatic reduction in resources just for Purposes of financing tax cuts it mainly go to wealthy people. That's first one the second points different you mentioned other states in this is a real dilemma for me is them as a Minnesota senator? I I go for the waivers go for the flexibility for Minnesota III fact, I wouldn't say the state-level I buy decentralize it down to the I was a community organizer neighborhood community level county level and below the problem is I don't know how to do this without I want to bash other states, but she'll and I lived in North Carolina many years before coming here. I think you still have to keep some national standards. For example, a medical assistant that will be a big debate. Do you want to argue that when it comes to medical assistance and who's eligible and what kind of benefits that you just simply end any commitment as a national community that we might have made that the thought of at least be adequate healthcare for for vulnerable citizens in our country. Do you want to just say the Mississippi North Carolina and every other state do it? However you want to but let me tell you one of the reasons that we moved to some national standards. Because the verdict was pretty harsh in a lot of States. So I think you can have national standards but eliminate a lot of the bureaucracy and and really give States a lot more room for flexibility, but I don't think you should eliminate National stamp. Same thing with food stamps. I lived in the South. Do you want to eliminate it say it's up to you States whether you want it or how you do it. I'll tell you Gary. This is part of the so-called welfare reform, which is not reform. I saw children with distended bellies. I saw children I saw children suffering was scurvy and rickets. I was involved in a lot of that anti-hunger work Richard Nixon, you know, the one that Oliver Stone just made a film about Richard Nixon his presents that we had to have national standards because of the hunger that we had. So there's a place in a way in which we is a national Community where National communities well makes him commit after saying that then I say you'd be centralized. X collars on the line from Maplewood Stewart your question for Senator wellstone High federal employees apply for unemployment to the compensation today. But to the question I wanted to ask you was with regard to the Harkins medical your Medicare Reform Act bill. I work as a Contracting officer in my father who was 86 years old spent 14 days in the hospital this past summer and got about a $20,000 bill and I went through at the end some of the charges that are on here because it was billed to Medicare like $7 for a bandage and just I mean it was just some of the charges were just outstanding Lee ridiculous. And I know that if I were buying the services as a federal employee, we we conduct something called price reasonableness and price analysis. We would never pay six or seven dollars or advantage and I guess what I'm wondering is the the president obviously wants to maintain the same level of services for those people who depend on medical assistance Medicare, but is there any effort on the White House has a bee have to negotiate with Republicans that if they pass the Harkins Medicare bill that are renal passage that they would do that. He would be willing to reduce the actual dollar amount spent on Medicare. I'm good question. First of all, I I am very sorry that you and your family have to go through what you're going through. And I meant what I said earlier to guarantee that there is no reason I I really believe it's in her know. I thought two weeks ago or thereabouts our last week, you know, there was going to be in agreement that the end the government shutdown I heard centered. I don't think the lot of the Republicans in the Senate want it I think it's far more on the outside. They view it as leverage and night that it is completely unnecessary and should not be done on the second point, you know, I am very familiar with Tom's work. He's one of the people I'm closest to in the Senate and it is true that and I think he's got a good GAO government Accounting Office study that sort of further supports what he said and what you said that there is a significant amount of wasted mean it's sort of like just given certain people a blank check and saying you fill in the amount and that's really an area we should go after no question about it now, that's not going to Eliminate 270 billion or whatever the proposed Cuts or I mean that's not going to add up to 270 billion dollars of cuts, but that's an area where there should be real. We should build real accountability into the system the Republican proposal interesting ly enough though. I think actually has a less stringent standard and goes in the opposite direction of where Harkin wants to go. This is an area that's fertile ground for cots. I'm in complete agreement with you whether or not it would make up all the difference. I don't think so on Medicare. I also think that you're going to have to see speaker Gingrich in the Republicans give up on a lot of their tax cuts as well. But this is your absolute right to identify. This is a priority area. I support what are kids doing 100% Belford your question for Senator wellstone, please yeah. I'm a retired federal employee. I guess I fall on the other side of the coin here. And the federal employee, I don't understand why we can't be treated the same as Social Security people do considering Cola raises on sending any benefits that the social security receives. We are continuously the ones that seem to get shortchanged every time such as our Cola was delayed again, and now it's going to go until 2002 couple years ago. We got no Cola whatsoever for the year is there there is a bill in the house bill HR 103. I think it is and there's a hundred and eight. Representatives that have co-signed it to remove us off the budget so that we don't get entangled every year over all the things that happen such as in all the Social Security, there's no problem. We would be most happy to give up whatever we have to do them up. Just like anybody else as long as we're treated the same as a retiree as Social Security is you never seem to be able to get ahead of this bill. Is it do you know in the house letting the house? Okay. Let me know. If you don't mind. Let me just consider. Your question is being almost less a question and more just some advice to me that I ought to take a close. Look at this piece of legislation in and then if you want some accountability with me and other words will then what please call our office in St. Paul and and and talked to Mark Anderson. In our office and I'll try and get back to Marcus to what I think about this. Okay? Thank you. I appreciate appreciate that. You're I calling this to my attention. Thanks for your call. Dwayne is on the line now from Rochester. Go ahead sir. I also know know if people who are not work. Well actually working and they are not getting paid or their next paycheck is only half a paycheck and I'm aware of at least one person who became the essential worker working now for his agency received a handicapped person of the year and he spends hundreds of dollars every month on medication. So your question is just trying to get their passports and I think we kind of talked about that already is a short about short of an agreement to end. The shutdown is Congress likely to do anything. To provide some temporary relief for the for the federal workers, I sure hope so and then I think that's a part of what we ought to do next week. I think that's a part of what we owe to do next week or just another example there many young men yesterday. We were very pleased interior helped us the park service is in a week people up in Northeast Minnesota or worried about snowmobiling with a Lakes was there enough ice cover and you know, we got them to do an emergency situation so that people in Park Service could go out there and do their job, you know people who want to do their job you could care about the Publican. This was a public safety issue there. Lots of people that are affected by this. I hope so good. I mean I'm not saying cuz I'm under so I just think again, I'll say it a million times over me and I'm more than willing to pinpoint blame. I am. I mean, I will tell you right now, I really believe they've made it very clear that the house side that this is their leveraging and you know, I think they're holding people hostage, but even even if I'm not right about that though, I think I am. My second point would be I think everybody Democrats and Republicans alike should just back off any idea of government shutdown. It is not necessary for us to reach an agreement if we can and if we can't as I've said before that's what elections are about people will hold us accountable or guess today is Minnesota. Senator Paul wellstone. If you got a question or comment for the senator give us a call 227-6002 to 76 thousand in the Twin Cities of your calling from outside the Twin Cities. You can reach us toll-free at one 800-242-2828. Next caller is from Two Harbors Bob believe that the president of congressional Republicans are really serious about balancing the budget when they exempt military spending process that only that but the Republicans want to increase military spending by $7 next year and 14 billion and 1997 doesn't seem to be rational plan. All are together that I last two days. It just stayed at home and I've been working on two articles and that's exactly you know what I mean, and I at the beginning of one of the articles that say, it's just incredible and I and I use a story. I'll try to be brief. About a journalist came up to me. Last week against it was and he said well, you know, you must be really worried. Now that the center is about to make a budget agreement. First of all adenoids me because I'd be interested in a budget agreement. I'm interested in balancing the budget depending on how and I looked at him Bob and I said what Center I said why don't you to find the center for me? And he looked at me and I said, let me give you an example when it comes to pain and cuts in the Pentagon military spending stealth bomber at all. And I and I listened to the whole number of different eras 80% of the people the country think that should be on the table and I said when it comes to corporate welfare to journalists who just won a Pulitzer Prize for their work Bartlett and steel wrote a book America. What Went Wrong which was actually about the need to deal with the dead problem. They now written another book called America who really pays the taxes and I said that this journal is pretty well-known journalist I said, but if that's off the table, so the center in Washington gets to find by the pattern of power in Washington, which doesn't even look at any Cuts in the Pentagon budget doesn't even look at any of these cut. The squad corporate welfare area. Where is if you ask people in the country and I've seen some polling that says this is well seventy-five 80% of people say of course that ought to be on the table. I think you're absolutely right. That's one thing. That's most disappointing to me including by the way on the part of quite a few Democrats who are unwilling to take on any discussing these areas. If somebody cut the Pentagon budget given the give him the The Cloud of the of the lobbyists and so on isn't quite likely that what you'd end up with. Is it still be funding these big weapon systems and the the troops would get shortchanged and you'd end up with a Halo military that couldn't do what it's supposed to do. But you with the with kind of fancy good question. You look in the proposed Cuts. That's what you don't you don't that's exactly why you specify she don't say cut X number of dollars a by X percentage know you got a zero in on these stealth bombers. 1.5 billion each 20 being that we don't need 1.5 being that's more than the total cost of energy assistance Nationwide. You got a zero in on what we're going moving forward with Star Wars. Now again, you've got to talk about Trident submarine. You got to talk about something. You've got a deal with some of the big party. Now you can also say was you take a look at Europe in Japan that are we supposed to be playing the same large role there that we played in the pasture plenty of air is to look at with and I think what you got to make clear is that you don't go after listen. We got people the military veteran food stamps. We got people living in pretty awful conditions and some other countries so you can't go after the people that are in the armed services but there's right now at a 255 billion-dollar Pentagon Budget Inn with the end of the Cold War the Soviet Union no longer existing it it just simply defies common sense, but there's a logic behind it, which is the military contractors in what Bob called in mention is true this budget the first time My wife time this has ever happened this latest appropriation body with John and vote for is 7 billion dollars more than the Pentagon asked for and the Very people who were yelling and screaming about cut the budget cut the budget cut the budget go after nutrition programs. Go after kids. They're the ones that want to be additional seven billion dollars. It's not just pork. It's lard. These are out on projects for different senators and representatives who serve in the armed services committee towel rageous. David's on the lion from Minneapolis with a question for Senator wellstone. Go ahead, please thank you. We know it's very important to balance the budget. We know what's important to do it fairly at the same time. We also know that it's a good for the economy, but you can have the environment without the economy. We all know that it's been happening for millions of years quite nicely, but you cannot have the economy without a healthy environment and vice president to who wrote a very sensitive and insightful book on the environment population issues exploding human population issuing loss of biodiversity. All these issues are very important. What actually happened to it was several years ago after they were put into office in Washington on the environment. We see you just ignore it says it work. Yeah, and by the way, there's a I'm going to end up on a more optimistic note though. I agree with the basic in Port of of your question David initially. I mean after the election it was unbelievable people were just walking on eggshells. They were scared of their Shadow. They were ducking for cover and I don't know why and I don't I mean, I mean, I don't know why people interpreted the 19th 1994 election as an election to sort of rollback Environmental Protection. So you had some awful legislation that was beginning to move through the Congress and frankly. I mean a lot of it a lot of it dirty water bill what was called regulatory reform which was awful. I could go on and on and the long and the short of it. Is that for a while there was the silence I think actually now David in the last several months have been the opposite and very little of this very extremely Jen has actually passed hardly anything has passed and it's good on the environment front because it's all doesn't take us into the 21st century but takes his back. Otherwise, there's a distinction farmers in Minnesota. Say my God, I'm Wetlands protection. It's outrageous the way this is implemented. I mean they did that there's there's no common sense here and some of those farmers are right, but you don't throw the baby out with bathwater. You don't eliminate all Wetlands protection and I think now Vice President Gore in the administration and then Democrats and by the way, some Republicans like Center shape is a good example in the in the Senate have become much more vocal on environmental issues and David. This is the only thing the pains me to say this to you. I don't know why I'm saying this I get the truck on the day I shouldn't do this. But what I think that's just awful is it part of the reason is people believe it but are the reason is at the polling data is humble. Mobile and the polling data shows that people in the United States of America. I'm sure minnesotans really lead the way we love our lakes rivers and streams are strongly supportive of Environmental Protection. And finally all of a sudden people are catching on to that. I just wish people that have to look at the poles first you support Bill Clinton. Yeah. Oh, yeah in in a good good many areas. Yes, and and and in some areas, I wish that they would do better but I would imagine that people would say that about me to hopefully say he's doing well in Samaria other areas. We think you could do a better job. I mean, you know, nobody's perfect. I mean, I think I'll tell you the places where I think the administration where the administration is disappointed me the most I think the light is not good at all. I think our country ought to be leading the way Jimmy Carter did this and really promoting human rights abroad. I feel very strongly about that and for a while it goes to David's question. I just Demonstration was too silent on these issues in but recently I think he's become much more of a fighter for people and seems to be standing up for certain values and principles. We'll see what happens in the budget agreement again, I have I said it to him just like we're sitting here I said it to him. I said I'm telling you. I mean you've been politics longer and I haven't other people can tell you different things but your word is so important with people people to have to agree with you on everything but they have to believe that you believe what you're saying and you're doing and you cannot have said all these things over the last five or six months and then sign some deal or cut some deal with Gingrich that goes against that now if on the other hand Republican say, wait a minute, you know, we're going to move away from a lot of extremism of what we've done and there's some kind of reasonable agreement that's a different thing. So I think this budget agreement going to be extremely important if there is one or if there isn't one Parker your question for Senator wellstone place where I think the president is not as strong as he should be I think Democrats aren't as strong as they should be and frankly. I think this is the major issue in the country the major issue in the country. I believe which is the void in politics, which is why so many people are disappointed is essential is is really declining standard of living per 60 to 70% of populations opportunities narrowing prospects for the future dimming people worried that their children won't do as well. This this whole issue of livable wage is decent jobs at decent wages is I think what concern people more than anything else and that's that's a real problem in the country right now. What's the matter about that though? What can the government do while they're all sorts of things that that that that can be done? I mean if you don't want to keep an eye on it real quick and then we'll get back to the credit. Let me sort of this is not necessarily in order of importance number one and it goes again to the budget people understand people understand in Minnesota. You got to invest in Education and Training to have a Workforce that can compete in Center Nashua, That's number one. You want to do that number to I'll just tell you right now, I think these trade agreements Keno NAFTA and GATT in the abstract the world economy may work. But if you don't have some basic minimum standard on labor conditions environmental conditions in human rights conditions people at work in this country lose jobs or get paid less wages, those trade agreements work well for a few large multinational corporations, they don't benefit the vast majority of the people third of all if you're going to do this you going to balance the budget in the right way, it'd be nice. Although I don't have the power. Do it if the Federal Reserve would interest rates go down. Okay, real interest rates go down though. That's a sort of unaccountable part of politics fourth of all, you're going to have to restore some kind of I'll be done. There's a V and then I'll be done. You can have first or some kind of balance with management labor. It just doesn't exist any longer and you're going to continue to see the depressing of wages and jobs that don't have a piece of French benefits unless there's more of a balance that there did used to exist and then finally something that I'm very interested in a friend of mine. Bob Kutner does some real good riding on this and good work is I like to see a focus. I'm going to try and work on this legislatively on what we what you might call gainsharing where you say two companies it cuz a lot of companies in Minnesota, I think want to do this and some companies do it. Look if there are high levels of productivity and you're doing well and there's some government money in one way or another that that's been important you then you ought to be willing to to to to make sure that The employees benefit from this. Okay, and I think we ought to be doing more of that in terms of rebuilding a partnership between business and employees are business and labor. Those are just a few ideas. I mean, I could mention some others, but how about in higher minimum wage for God's sake to ridiculous. I'm done. I heard I heard Army from the house. I got one quick story and I'm done. He said it was at Prescott. AZ said, I'm going to fight a higher minimum wage with every bit of it with every what what did he say was all of my mic with all my fiber and I said God, you know usually reserved that kind of passion for preventing a nuclear war not for higher minimum wage for people ready to go. I fill a buster Parker previous call her a little bit. I would like it's a two-part question first to hear your exact position on mr. Over starrsville opening up voyageurs park or more of it the snowmobile traveland. Casually subsequently, they put these bills through hoping to get into The Boundary Waters second part being a real take on why and I think it is. It's more clear-cut than you said to David when he called earlier that this Administration has capitulated to the right-wing industrial control the members of Congress and we're looking at a teardown of The Endangered Species Act including it in his state where the timber wolf is on the endangered species list and two gentlemen in Cloquet killed one and it's got a $15 fine as resulting from a DWI or higher than that. Well just real quickly and we can have an honest disagreement. I don't think that you know, I don't think everybody is controlled by the military-industrial rider or how you put it. I mean, I'm not a man just an honest disagreement. I and I also think on the environmental front that we could do much better, but I'm just telling you that I'm I'm impressed with the fact that now I think much of the Very extreme agenda is not going through the Congress and I think that's good and I think environmental Community feels a lot better. I I personally think there's room for change. There's there's ways in which we could really improve the way we Implement some of these laws and some of the ways we've implemented. I think we're too arbitrary but on the basic issue of protection for the air in the land in the water. I mean, I I I feel very very strongly that and probably probably were in agreement on it on on on Jim's legislation. You don't mind you and I'll take it then reverse order on Boundary Waters. I have said over and over again that I still push for Minnesota consensus before you take something and put it into the Congo. Not knowing what's going to happen in the house of the Senate. I think that on voyager's were making a lot of Headway right now because I I think the new superintendent has been terrific. I think that there's a lot she's been very open to people in the community and I think that the major proposal which I was in profound disagreement with is simply going to go nowhere which with the Declassified voyager's and turn the state local park. I'm not in agreement with much of or at least part of what your mobile stars is recommending but on the other hand, I'm working closely with him and I'm working closely with Bruce vento as well. And I'd like to see us come up with some kind of a Minnesota consensus in general. I think people in the state do not want to see us go through some kind of bitter. Regional War again over the Boundary Waters. I think people do not want to see it reopened in that way and I'm in agreement with people and stay on that Gus your question for Senator wellstone, please hear us going back and forth a lot on the specific dollars in terms of balancing a budget on specific issues and all that. That's very important. I know I'm trying to get a perspective though on what is ahead in if if say the Republicans took charge in 96 or what if Republicans were kicked out and the Democratic it's just it's speculating. It seems to me if I look ahead and I say what what kind of country is my daughter going to be in in 12 years of 102 different scenario one has to do in my mind with the block grants. I want to see what your opinion is of this in with block grants. If the government says we're not going to determine environmental issue. We're not going to determine how you feed your children and all that how you School your children the black pants that seems each state would determine what happens the right now there states that are giving money companies to come in to build businesses. It seems to me there's an ad that divides the second part we had to do with this order in which I like the way you put it. What's it going to be like for his daughter in 12 years from now or there about on black man see one of my position. I am good very critical of the block grant approach because again, I think there is such a thing as a national community and I think we made certain commitments certain commitments having to do with children having at least an adequate diet or adequate Healthcare or or you know, not being without any means certain commitments. We made on Environmental Protection and I do not want to see our country move away from that. I am a decentralized. I think the concern Critique of overly centralizing overly bureaucratized public policies is in Fallout 4 won an important one. It's also a community organizer critique. I think you can do that. But I do not think you need to move away from from having any national standards and certain decisive areas on the future. I think us. It's a sort of balance and I think on the one hand Gary start out asking me this question you we got to get her economic house in order. I don't think anybody can ignore the debt that's been built up. I know minnesotans are telling me Paul that's one of the things we really want to see as we want to see want to see the budget balance. So I think on the one hand you have to pay the interest off on the debt, you have to be much more frugal on the other hand. I think there's certain really important Investments for your daughter that we need to continue to make I need to continue to invest in education. We need to continue to invest in protection of the environment week need to continue into investment opportunities for children. Tim your question for a senator wellstone. Please take my question. I heard a recent little blurb on NPR about the nuclear National nuclear waste site kind of there was complaints from various states that the Clinton Administration was dragging its feet. But at the end of it I heard the guy who did you actually Senator wellstone one of the few times I've heard it recently that they quote you about you compared it to that if they move forward and move fast on this thing of you compared it to the ethanol boondoggle with a toxic twist. We've already had nuclear power kind of pushed down a throat and told we'll settle this. Don't worry. We'll come up with a way to deal with the ways. But now I guess the way to deal with it is to dump it on the mm. Can people and have us pay for it? Yeah. Well, let me start out saying that those people from Minnesota and other states who are angry at the federal government for not following through on a commitment for some kind of national repository are have every right to to to continue to make their case in the right. I mean, I mean, I'm not in disagreement with that that something ought to be done. The question is what I want to be and you know, first of all the good folks of Nevada are fighting Yucca Mountain tooth and nail. I've said this for the last several years don't expect it to happen anytime terms of a deep psychological repository or depository. My guess is that it's going to be something quite different it'll be interim. It'll be above ground storage somewhere. But the point I was making and I appreciate I forget to call his first name now, but the but the point I was making in here in the other day at its source flows with questions. We've gotten on the show today. I just threw up my hands at this hearing and I said to Chairman Makowski. Who chairs this Energy natural resource committee and some other cause I said, it's like don't you all get it? People are not in favor of not having Environmental Protection. You got a bill here that I thought you were for states rights. Now you have a bill here that says in terms of the transport of this nuclear waste material you going to supercede all state laws. So if people Minnesota worried about the route you got Allah protect the people doesn't matter you're going to run roughshod over all state laws. Number one. Number two, you don't want any environmental impact statements and number three. I mean, could you tell me could you just give me some ideas exactly what's going to happen over the next ten thousand years. That's what we're talking about. And who's going to pay this you want to transfer the title to the federal government who pays for all this so I am skeptical of this particular proposal. And by the way, if it goes to the fluorite, I am convinced that I mean, I'll be out on the floor, but I don't I don't think it will go very far. Earlier question for Senator wellstone, please I am concerned about one thing. They have the gap between the rich and the poor the top 1% mountains over 40% of the total assets in the United States. And is there any way that we can text them proportionately to what they own well and restate the question little bit but I I mean, I I think it's a first of all I think that this is we now have the greatest disparity of wealth and income that that we've ever had since we started collecting statistics on this in our country second of all, I think last year that was I don't know what trillion dollars of bonds. I can't remember the amount of money that was made but very little went to anybody except at the top because the vast majority of people even with higher levels of productivity see higher levels of productivity, which every year we've had the last couple years or supposed to measure into better wages living wages for people. It isn't happening any longer. So the way I'm a Coaching. This is this is to say you got these egregious tax giveaways and loopholes and deductions. I want to plug them that should be part of deficit-reduction. That's my first answer to your question. The second is yeah. I think it should be a part of any system of right now we have in this country to tax cuz we have a regular person's tax code and we have a problem. This person's tax code. We all have only one tax code based on a on a standard of fairness. I'm real interested in some legislative work in this area and the final point I make goes back to the one I made earlier, which is I really believe that the void right now politics is in terms of defining the center is the 70% of the population really feel the squeeze. There was a marvelous piece written in the New York or two issues ago call. There ain't no middle class about a couple in Des Moines, Iowa very well done. She worked at a nursing home at night. He was a factory worker combined income of 33,000 to children just going through their monthly budget unbelievable squeeze, you know, and people have been standing still for the last 20 years. And people feel that pressure and what speaker Gingrich and others have done is they've invented enemies the enemies are welfare mothers or the enemy are the strangers. The immigrants are the enemies of the poor and these are the people that have somehow caused people in the middle to feel the squeeze and it's simply not true and you can bash immigrants and you can bash single parents and you can bash the poor but frankly it'll never deliver for people economically. The issue is an economy that produces enough good jobs at decent wages with decent fringe benefits. We are almost let you go without touching and a couple of other subjects Bosnia is that how's it going to play out in the new year? I don't know. I mean, I I can tell you what I hope for which is why I voted in in in favor of are going as I think I've said to you before and shows I think the alternative would have been a living hell. I mean, I am hopeful that the And right now the reports are optimistic that that we will be a peacekeeping force and that we will have made a difference and that there will be minimum minimum loss of life right now. The weather conditions seem to be the biggest problem. I'm very worried about very worried that the landmines every briefing I got from the military told, you know that mean they told me over and over again, that's a big concern, but I'm hoping for success, but I think the book, but I don't think we know yet. The Middle East you think we're going to end up in 96 with anything approaching a broader overall agreement or I think it's very possible. I think prime minister Perez is very determined to move forward. I had to tell you that I went to the service or prime minister were being it was the most moving day of I think probably my adult life and I think the for the moment those let me put it this way those extremists who believe that taking his life, but somehow sabotage the peace process. I think it's been the opposite right now. I think it is. I think there's more determination is real and in other countries to move forward. I think the agreement was Syria will be key if it can happen, Sade is cunning and he's and I don't know what kind of what his framework is. Yes, but but but I'm hopeful politics you're up for re-election of Stephen Scherer teaches political some chairman of political science department. Drew School. Don Carlton said the day on our area that he expect this to be about the dirtiest campaign in Minnesota History that by the end of the campaign voters will say enough of both of them. I don't want to go out for a while Stone. I don't want to vote for boschwitz don't like either one of them can't stand it. Why don't know Stephen sharer very well. I mean I talked with him down, but I didn't I never knew him very well. So he doesn't have too much of an inside is to sort of my own approach. I've never been involved with a dirty campaign. So I don't know what he's talking about. That means other people who are running can speak for themselves. If they catch fire plane. Listen, I've said over and over again, you know, we can start right here. I want Lincoln-Douglas debates. I'm I think the only incumbent it's going to be trying to get challenge that whoever is the final Challenger to do that. I want Lincoln Douglas debate in each congressional district. I'd love to see people agree to some code on on advertisements. I'd love for it to be out with people focused on issues with real debates. That's what I'm interested. I don't know where Stephen Scherer gets his information from John Furniture going to win re-election center. I'm I'm confident that I'm going to give it everything I have and I and I'm confident that the about sort of, you know, really working hard and and and considering this to be a big honor, but I think it'll be a tough election tough election. Thank Senator. Thank you. Appreciate your coming by Minnesota. Senator. Paul wellstone, I guess today on Monday. Thanks to all of you have been with listening through the hours specially those of you who I called in and tried to call in with your questions and comments or no. It's always frustrating get that busy signal but we appreciate your trying we're going to be rebroadcasting the program after 9 tonight on the FM news station. So get a second chance to hear from Senator wellstone 9 tonight or rebroadcast or is that just about does it for 1995 here on midday? We kick off the new year on New Year's Day with the Howard Center how it's going to be here are old friend talking about the sports in the World of Sports looking back at 95 looking head 96. And then let's see what Talk education Tuesday and Wednesday of Walter Mondale will be here ambassador to Japan former vice-president. So I hope you can join us early next year Michael call Penguins producer of our mid-day program this week to help them out. Randy Johnson is our engineer our editors this week. Collins you and care executive producers Kate Smith. I'm Gary I can again thanks for joining us today and have a Happy New Year. eat my Get the straight scoop on today South with Zorba Paster on your health Saturdays at noon on the FM news station know 91.1. You're listening to Minnesota Public Radio. Kitchen lights. No 26 degrees. The wind chill right now is 11 above at the FM news station kalw FM. 91.1 Minneapolis-Saint Paul thought these guys through the afternoon with Light freezing drizzle or flurries today in the Twin Cities. We can look for a high temperature right around 30 degrees. It's one


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