MPR Special Coverage: 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention: DAY 2 - Delegate selection discussed

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Delegate selection process detailed, as well as summary of discussion with state Republican chair Chuck Slocum.

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Thank you, very good evening selection of the 18 at large delegates to the National Convention in Kansas. City is now under way. It looks like we're going to be in for a rather long evening. John Morley has been following the developments since they began John. I understand there was a development which might have cut a couple of hours off the time here what happened? That's why I thought the evening meeting got underway at 8:15 promptly at 8:15 just a few minutes late and the chair was faced with the prospect that aspect of 59 delegate candidates each allowed two minutes to speak on behalf of themselves running for the 18 seats. This technically would have come out to slightly under 2 hours and there was immediately protests and there was a motion to suspend the rules that temporarily were suspended and looked as if everybody would have gotten out of here about two hours earlier. However, some of the Reagan people and I think even a few Ford people objected to itSome publicly a lot privately and they took a Voice vote. It needed a two-thirds vote and did not receive it to suspend the rules. So we're back now to having all of the 59 candidates speaking now there is a compromise going on now because the candidate says so we can hear in the background or not taking 2 minutes each. Some of them are only taking a few seconds each. So it looks like all 59 candidates for this. I think there are 58 present tonight. Well get up and speak and this should be wrapped up within the next I would say 30 minutes 45 minutes or so. There was objection by the Reagan people in other delegates here when the ballots were passed out when they wanted to suspend the rules. They were going to go directly to the balloting the ballot consists of a blank sheet of paper with 18 lines on it. And the delegates says you have a list in front of you there had the list of the 59 delegate candidate. However, there was no candidate designation on the candidates.The people said they didn't know the delegates candidates and who they were going to vote for Reagan or Ford and this is the main objection by the rules will not suspend it. So this is the process where in right now the brief comments in the delegates and specifically who they would like to be a delegate for 4 or Reagan. Are we are aware about in the list now, if we come about to the 70 or 80 Glock 17 or 18 at this point Dick Dale and I are down chatting with party chairman. Chuck's welcome little while ago and he talked a little bit about the bounding procedure which will begin after all these speeches are over with our question to mr. Slocum basically was how well disciplined is this forward majority in and using the majority rule that they imposed on the convention last night how quickly will they be able to move this whole process along we were hopeful, of course that Slocum would tell us all I think they'll elect all the 18 on the first quarter round. He said older very well-disciplined. I think it's going to go very quickly and then he went on to say that that meant perhaps ten of the 18 might get elected on the first go-around. And so I think we're looking at several ballots here tonight Bob the Slocum did point out that they're trying to speed up and make more efficient their tabulations system. Which was an excessive an hour last night at this afternoon straw ballot went in about 45 minutes and they like to cut that even further if they possibly could although having to tabulate so many names will obviously take time. We will be keeping you up to date on developments here from the Saint Paul Civic Center for now though. That's about the way it looks along with technical director. Dave telling reporters John really indict daily. This is Bob Potter at the state GOP convention.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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