November 16, 1998 - Joan Growe, outgoing Minnesota Secretary of State, talks about election reform proposals, including run-off elections, earlier primaries, the party nomination process and Governor Arne Carlson's run-off proposal. Growe also discusses ideas of MPR listeners.
September 17, 1998 - Joan Growe, outgoing Minnesota Secretary of State, talks about her proposals for election reform, and analyzes the low turnout of 20% in Tuesday's primary election. Growe also answered listener questions.
June 12, 1998 - Doug Cogan, director of IRRC's Tobacco Information Service; Joan Growe, Minnesota Secretary of State; and Judi Dutcher, Minnesota State Auditor, discuss tobacco stocks and the State of Minnesota’s decision to end investing pension money in companies that are related to tobacco. The debate over investing based on reasons beyond financial performance is highlighted. Guests also answer listener questions.
November 6, 1996 - Midday looks at election results with MPR political analysts DFLer Bob Meek and Republican Tom Horner. Program includes news conferences by the winners/losers and call-in from listeners and local political members.
February 20, 1996 - Joan Growe, Minnesota Secretary of State, examines the possibility of a presidential primary happening in Minnesota. The state has long had a caucus system in place. 1992 was the first time in decades that a primary took place in the state. Growe also answers listener questions.
November 14, 1991 - An interview with Joan Ruth Growe, who ran for U.S. Senate seat in 1984, on how women running have more hurdles than there fellow male candidates.
January 29, 1988 - MPR’s George Boosey and Dan Olson interview Joan Growe, as they wait for Patricia Schroeder to give the Carlson Lecture, "Election '88: Are We Americans Facing the Issues?" at Northrop Auditorium.
October 19, 1984 - MPR special coverage of senatorial debate between Joan Growe and Rudy Boschwitz. Agriculture policy is highlighted. Debate was held at St. Johns University, and sponsored by Minnesota Public Radio.