July 2, 2009 - MPR’s Mark Zdechilk presents the MPR Special Report “Minnesota’s Unending Senate Battle - Al Franken's Road to the Senate.” Chapters include The Campaign, The Election, and The Recount Trial.
August 27, 2008 - Democratic National Convention: Day 3: President Bill Clinton speech
April 1, 2004 - “The Few Who Stayed: Defying Genocide in Rwanda,” an American RadioWorks documentary produced in cooperation with the PBS program FRONTLINE, profiles individuals that resisted the forces of genocide by presents their haunting stories.
April 1, 2002 - American RadioWorks’ John Biewen presents “Corrections, Inc.,” a documentary that examines the business and financial aspects of imprisonment, and how some of those with vested interests help to shape who gets locked up and for how long.
January 1, 2002 - An American RadioWorks/Minnesota Public Radio/NPR News documentary project titled “Massacre at Cuska,” which looks into a mass killing during Kosovo War and it’s aftermath. In 1999, Serb death squads attacked the Albanian village of Cuska, and within hours, left 41 unarmed civilians dead.
May 6, 1999 - An MPR Special report on Kosovo, highlighting various reports on potential peace settlement and status of refugees from war. Program also contains interview with Nick Hayes, chair of history department at Hamline University, and comments from President Clinton.
January 14, 1999 - Suzanna Sherry, and Michael Paulsen, both constitutional law professors at University of Minnesota, discuss the opening of the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate.
December 29, 1998 - Walter Mondale, former vice-president, and his son Ted Mondale, former state senator and gubernatorial candidate, talk about politics and politicians...then and now. Topics include leadership, trust, and necessity of genuine debate. The Mondale’s also answer listener questions.
November 11, 1998 - Veterans day remarks by President Clinton at Arlington National Cemetery and Governor-elect Jesse Ventura at the V.A. Medical Center Ceremonies, and at Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis. Program contains pledge drive segments.
September 11, 1998 - Congressional reaction and political analysis of the Ken Starr report to Congress on President Bill Clinton. Steven Schier, Carleton College political scientist, discusses release of report. Program also presents Clinton speech from the White House, and statements from members of Minnesota's congressional delegation.