MPR Archive presents a collection of varied Native topics in and around Minnesota. Stories include interviews, commentary, events, speeches, documentaries, and reports.
August 30, 1973 - MPR’s Kevin McKiernan reports of harassment by the FBI and federal marshalls coming out from Wounded Knee. Occupiers talk of rapes, shootings and beatings. Currently there are several harrassment suits opened against some FBI officers in Rapid City.
August 31, 1973 - MPR’s Kevin McKiernan reports on Clyde Bellecourt’s hospitalization, and discussion to move him over security risk.
August 31, 1973 - MPR’s Kevin McKiernan interviews unknown speaker, most likely Vernon Bellecourt, after arrest with Russell Means at Baptist Hospital while visiting Clyde Bellecourt on Aug. 30, which immediately followed indictments handed down by the Indian grand jury in Custer.
August 31, 1973 - Vernon Bellecourt, American Indian Movement leader, is fasting until all arrested are released on reduced bond amounts.
September 2, 1973 - MPR’s Kevin McKiernan interviews unknown speaker, most likely Vernon Bellecourt, after arrest with Russell Means at Baptist Hospital while visiting Clyde Bellecourt on Aug. 30, which immediately followed indictments handed down by the Indian grand jury in Custer.
September 3, 1973 - MPR’s Kevin McKiernan reports on the condition and fall out from shooting of AIM leader Clyde Bellecourt.
September 18, 1973 - Vine Deloria Jr., a treaties expert and author of "In Utmost Good Faith" and "We Talk, You Listen," talks with Kevin McKiernan. Topics include religion, treaties, and Wounded Knee.
October 18, 1973 - Clyde Bellecourt talks about the federal government conspiracy to assassinate the leadership of the AIM. He says the government is blatantly trying to silence voices of oppressed, such as the Black Panther leaders, the May Day 1971 crowds, and the Indians indicted for Wounded Knee. Bellecourt states that Oglala Nation and AIM accept the challenge of BIA.
December 16, 1973 - Ron Libertus speaks about American Indian art, Native American culture, and family et al.
February 20, 1974 - MPR’s Bob Potter reports on Clyde Bellecourt speech on Indian reform policy.