Listen: TR6318 Senate marriage (Pugmire)

MPR’s Tim Pugmire reports on the Minnesota Senate passage of bill legalizing same-sex marriage in the state by a vote of 37-30, after more than four hours of debate. Only one Republican joined Democrats on the prevailing side, and three DFLers opposed the bill.

The bill includes specific exemptions for churches and other faith organizations that object to gay marriage on religious grounds. Additional language was added in the House to protect religious freedom. 


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SPEAKER: The bill legalizing same-sex marriage in the state has cleared its final legislative hurdle and is now headed to DFL Governor Mark Dayton, who plans to sign it into law tomorrow afternoon. The Minnesota Senate passed the measure this afternoon by a vote of 37 to 30 after more than four hours of debate. Only one Republican joined Democrats on the prevailing side, and three DFLers opposed the bill. Tim Pugmire has the day's events at the Capitol.

TIM PUGMIRE: Just like last Thursday, big crowds showed up early at the Capitol to demonstrate for or against the gay marriage bill. They gathered inside the rotunda, in hallways, and outside on the front steps. They held signs, prayed, and chanted. But with little doubt about Senate passage, the supporters far outnumbered the opponents.

There were also similarities when lawmakers began making their cases for and against the bill. Both sides were in tense but respectful. DFL Senator Scott Dibble of Minneapolis, the bill's chief author, said the relatively simple change will have a big impact on many people's lives.

SCOTT DIBBLE: With just a few words, we have the ability to bring loving families across the entire state of Minnesota into the full sunshine of equality and freedom that they have been denied for so long and in so doing, help them become stronger, affirm the values that we all share, and strengthen our democracy.

TIM PUGMIRE: The bill includes specific exemptions for churches and other faith organizations that object to gay marriage on religious grounds. Additional language was added in the house to protect religious freedom, but Senate opponents tried unsuccessfully to add even more. Republican Senator Warren Limmer of Maple Grove said individuals should also have their objections to same-sex marriage protected.

WARREN LIMMER: Isn't there room in this state, isn't there room in our statutes for proposals like this where we recognize the rights of people who have deeply-held, sincere beliefs and allow them to say, I'm sorry, I can't do that.

TIM PUGMIRE: But DFL Senator Ron Latz of Saint Louis Park argued that the proposed amendment would actually gut the state's existing human rights act and lead to more discrimination.

RON LATZ: Do we really want to go there, members? Haven't we been there before 40 years ago? Aren't we past that as a society?

TIM PUGMIRE: Republican Senator Dan Hall of Burnsville is among those who object to gay marriage on religious grounds. Hall said, while some celebrate the vote, others are grieving. He predicted the passage of the bill will bring civil disobedience.

DAN HALL: This document will split our schools, our churches, our towns, our counties, our state. It will hurt businesses and confuse children more than any single issue has ever done since the Civil War.

TIM PUGMIRE: Minnesota will become the 12th state to legalize same-sex marriage. After the governor signs the bill, same-sex couples will be able to marry as of August 1. The state will also recognize the unions of same sex people who are married in other states and countries. DFL Senator John Marty of Roseville, who has sponsored previous gay marriage bills, said it's time for same-sex couples to be treated the same as other couples.

JOHN MARTY: And these families, whether some have been able to acknowledge it or not, these families, they pay taxes. They participate in their communities. They go to church. They're active in the PTA. These families deserve the same rights and recognition that we do.

TIM PUGMIRE: The House passed the bill last week on a 75 to 59 vote with the help of four Republicans. Two house Democrats voted against the bill. In the Senate, three DFLers voted no. They were senators Lyle Koenen of Clara City, Dan Sparks of Austin, and LeRoy Stumpf of Plummer.

Only one Republican supported the measure. Republican Senator Branden Petersen of Andover was a co-sponsor of the bill. Pettersson said he felt uncertain about his political future, but not about his vote.

BRANDEN PETERSEN: I've sliced every issue as it relates to this vote up and down and side to side, and I truly couldn't come back to this chamber as an honest legislator and cast a no vote on this bill. I couldn't wake up in the morning, look myself in the mirror, and say that I am honestly doing the work that I need to do, that I'm honestly doing what in my heart and what in my mind is the right thing to do.

TIM PUGMIRE: Governor Dayton is ready to act quickly on the bill once it arrives. A signing ceremony is planned for the south steps of the State Capitol on Tuesday evening. Tim Pugmire, Minnesota Public Radio News at the Capitol.

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