Listen: Hmong American Partnership opposes marriage amendment

MPR’s Sasha Aslanian reports on the differing viewpoints of various Hmong community groups over the proposed constitutional amendment on marriage.

The board of the Hmong American Partnership says the marriage amendment would hurt its communities and families. It also stated passage of an amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman would shut off a conversation about gender and sexuality that's just beginning in the Hmong community. Shades of Yellow, an advocacy group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, is also vocal in its stance against the amendment.

The Hmong American Alliance Church and members of Hmong Village Shopping Center are supporting passage of marriage amendment.


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SPEAKER: The state's largest nonprofit serving the Hmong community today announced its opposition to both proposed constitutional amendments on the November ballot, voter ID and the marriage amendment. The board of the Hmong American Partnership said the photo ID requirement would erect barriers to voting, and the marriage amendment would hurt its communities and families. It also said passage of an Amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman would shut off a conversation about gender and sexuality that is just beginning in the Hmong community. Hmong amendment supporters are also gearing up for the race. Sasha Aslanian has more.

SASHA ASLANIAN: The debate over marriage is prompting some new and difficult conversations in many groups across the state about sexual identity and who should be able to marry. The Hmong community dove in today with the announcement from the Hmong American Partnership in Saint Paul. President and CEO Bao Vang said the partnership is an inclusive organization that could not ignore an amendment that it believes would limit rights for gay and lesbian members of its community.

BAO VANG: We do not believe in the discrimination of any groups. And being-- Hmong, being the minority community, we understand and know how that feels.

SASHA ASLANIAN: Vang put the issue of legal recognition of marriage into terms that would resonate with many Hmong people. She described how in traditional Hmong heterosexual marriages, people can be married in the eyes of the community, but not the law because they don't have the right paperwork. That can cause problems when they don't have documentation that entitles them to legal benefits and protections.

BAO VANG: If we already feel that discrimination or we already feel that that's unjust, imagine what that feels like if you're from LGBT community.

SASHA ASLANIAN: Vang conceded that opposing the marriage amendment may be controversial and even unpopular in the Hmong community, especially among its elders. But it's an intergenerational conversation that the Hmong American Partnership is committed to having. On the other side, Minnesota for Marriage already has two Hmong groups working to pass the amendment, the Hmong American Alliance Church and this place, the Hmong Village Shopping Center on St Paul's East side.

SHONG YANG: This is the largest indoor shopping center that we ever have, even in Lao or in Vietnam or in Thailand or in France.

SASHA ASLANIAN: Shong Yang is co-owner and President of this Hmong megamall. He wants the marriage amendment to pass.

SHONG YANG: I don't like the idea of a man marry a man or a woman, marry a woman because God created us and God create a man and a woman.

SASHA ASLANIAN: Yang approached Minnesotans for Marriage about joining its coalition, something Deputy Campaign Manager Andy Parish says is happening among many different groups of voters.

ANDY PARRISH: They're coming to us. They're saying, what can we do in our community to help pass this Amendment? It's been really humbling to see people of all faiths and of all color join behind and understand that marriage is profoundly good for society and that children need a mom and a dad.

SASHA ASLANIAN: Shong Yang, the shopping center owner, says he doesn't know how the Hmong American Partnership could come out in support of same sex marriage because he thinks most Hmong people are on his side.

SHONG YANG: I believe that 99 or whatever percent that, you know, against that gay marriage.

KHAM MOUA: Well, I would say that he's wrong in his declaration that 99% of Hmong people are staying with him on this.

SASHA ASLANIAN: 23-year-old Kham Moua leads a group called Shades of Yellow, an advocacy group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people that got its start in the Hmong community almost a decade ago. Moua says they've always been part of the Hmong community, but faced enormous cultural pressure to conform.

KHAM MOUA: Many families will attest to this when they individuals within the community who are 70, who are 80, who have never had a partner, who chose to live their life alone because they didn't want to explore their feelings or they didn't want to go against cultural or family values. There are individuals who are in their 40s and 50s who no longer come around because they identify as LGBTQ.

SASHA ASLANIAN: Moua says he's a lot more open because he's young, but he concedes the route to acceptance even within his own family, has been difficult. Moua says in the months ahead, his group plans to work with Minnesotans United for All Families to educate the Hmong community about the importance of marriage to gays and lesbians and to urge them to vote no. Over at the Hmong Village Shopping Center, Shong Yang says he's willing to pass out brochures to his 400 vendors and their shoppers to make sure they understand the importance of voting yes to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

4% of Minnesotans are Asian, according to the 2010 census, and the Hmong make up the largest group. And in a tight race over this amendment, both sides know it could come down to who does the best job mobilizing every group of voters. Sasha Aslanian, Minnesota Public Radio News.


In 2008, Minnesota's voters passed the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution: to protect drinking water sources; to protect, enhance, and restore wetlands, prairies, forests, and fish, game, and wildlife habitat; to preserve arts and cultural heritage; to support parks and trails; and to protect, enhance, and restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater.

Efforts to digitize this initial assortment of thousands of historical audio material was made possible through the Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. A wide range of Minnesota subject matter is represented within this collection.

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