Listen: 3712633

MPR commentator Dale Connelly with his humorous Robert Frost inspired poem "Stopping by the Links on a Snowy Evening."


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SPEAKER: Whose woods these are, I think I know. A golfing pal from months ago. He dumped his bag and irons here when winter's winds began to blow.


My foursome's late. I think it's queer. I played two rounds this day last year, but now, no divots will I take. I'm on the course, and there's no beer. Where once was grain, 'tis all a flake. I cannot see the sand trap rake. The cold winds flap my festive clothes. This teatime must be a mistake. My skin is cracked. My feet are froze, also, my eyes and ears and nose. The snow is blowing side to side.

Where fairways were, a glacier flows. I like to walk. I rarely ride. But for this round, I guess I'll glide. Beside the tee, my golf cart leaps. It says Polaris on the side. The course is lovely, bright, and--


--deep, deep, and left, and deep! [SIGHS] Now my tee shot will forever sleep within an icy hazards keep. No wonder greens fees were so cheap.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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