June 4, 2010 - Dale Connelly joins Midday to talk about his 34-year career as a radio reporter, humorist, writer, and music host at Minnesota Public Radio. The two reflect on many of Connelly’s momentous on-air moments and includes clips from The Dale Connelly Show. Connelly also answers listener questions.
June 11, 2009 - The Orange Mighty Trio plays their own special brand of “hybrid” chamber music. MPR’s Dale Connelly interviews members of the group about their music style and writing process.
November 29, 2002 - An excerpt from an August 2002 interview with Minneapolis folk-blues legend Dave Ray, who died on 11/28/2002. Ray talks with MPR’s Dale Connelly about how hearing classical guitarist Andre Segovia perform changed his life.
February 28, 2001 - MPR commentator Dale Connelly with his humorous Robert Frost inspired poem "Stopping by the Links on a Snowy Evening."
November 18, 1998 - As Ventura prepares to take office, he is sure to remember the political experts and lobbyists who gave him little respect before the election. Now some of those same people are flocking to his office asking for jobs. Morning Show humorist Dale Connelly imagined how those ‘career politicians’ are feeling about now with the song creation "Governor Body"...(with apologies to Leonard Bernstein and his "Officer Krupky" from West Side Story).
June 30, 1993 -
June 22, 1992 - A broadcast of MPR’s The Morning Show at The Centrum, located at Concordia College in Fargo-Moorhead. Program contains skits, interviews, performances and readings.
August 23, 1991 - On this special ‘Live at the State Fair’ of The Morning Program, hosts Jim Ed Poole and Dale Connelly discuss suggestions for a Minnesota State Fair song with local singer-songwriter Ann Reed and callers. Food and animals are the most popular pitches amongst listeners.
August 28, 1987 - An early morning at the Minnesota State Fair with Dale Connelly and colleagues as they present a live broadcast of The Morning Show from the poultry barn. The hour includes commentary, skits, interviews, and performances…oh, and a lot of chickens.
April 25, 1986 - MPR staff Loren Omoto, Dale Connelly, and Mindy Ratner talk with MPR’s Kate Moos about how they are celebrating the gubernatorial declaration highlighting how radio workers’ services improve life in the state of Minnesota.