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On this special Midday program at the Minnesota State Fair, MPR’s Gary Eichten chats with Howard Sinker, sports analyst and state news editor for Star Tribune. Sinker discusses homerun derby, performance enhancing drugs, and new Vikings season.

Sinker also offers prizes and answers questions from the fair audience.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

Thank you Gratis, 6 minutes past 12:00 programming a Minnesota Public Radio is supported by the travel tourism office of Cass County inviting you to join us for fall color fun in north central. Minnesota has lakes and woods great times, North. Com. Good afternoon. Welcome back to midday here on Minnesota Public Radio today broadcasting from the Minnesota State Fair last day of the fair. This is Labor Day last opportunity to come out to the fair. If you've been thinking about it last stop. Can you stop by our booth here at the Minnesota Public Radio Show location. We're right across from the NBA Slam Dunk session near the corner of Judson Nelson. So if you're out at the fair, make sure you stop by. This is a kind of a tradition this hour and the timing really couldn't be better. You've heard all the Expressions, you know baseball is Dad. Nobody cares anymore National Pastime whose time has passed. Tell that to the 50,000 people gathered at Busch Stadium in St. Louis this afternoon or for that matter the millions who are going to be clustered around their TV sets this afternoon to watch. History possibly get made St. Louis Cardinals Slugger Mark McGwire with 60 home runs will be trying to tie and then break Rodger maris's home run record of 61 in one season. What's more he'll be trying to break that record against Sammy Sosa and the Chicago Cubs Sosa has 58 home runs and he has a chance himself to break the record McGwire and Sosa had they had and one of them or expired exciting as Sports contest in years a contest. That's really generated interest Barbie on the athletic field then if the Home Run Derby isn't enough for you. There are the New York Yankees to consider if they could win more games in any team in the history of baseball and the closer to home here the Minnesota Vikings yesterday launched what could be their first Super Bowl season in over twenty years lots to Stew about lots to talk about and joining us today as well as become. Our Labor Day tradition is sports analyst Howard Sinker former baseball writer for the Star Tribune who is now the state news. Editor for the Star Tribune conversation as well. If you'd like to talk about the Home Run Derby baseball football. Whatever have a microphone here. Don't be shy just step right up. If you're listening on the radio. Give us a call. 227-6004 1 802-422-8282 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828. And we have some added incentives today as always Howard is brought a bag full of goodies. So those are people who ask questions will it will get a prize including understand. How are the treasured Sid Hartman paraphernalia who asks a really good question or makes a really incoherent argument gets an official piece of mail that was addressed to send that sweet. We have all kinds of really cool stuff. Even if you don't get that will give you things it'll be worth carrying around the fare for the rest of the day, I think about it. I mean you can impress friends. Without you know, you're a first close personal friend of her and her hands it hurt me or at least you know a guy who can to 2828 if you're listening on the radio those of you right here just step up to our microphone as we talked about the Home Run Derby and whatever else you'd like to talk about the World of Sports Howard. I think the national league schedule maker ought to be nominated for most valuable person in baseball this year. You couldn't really design it any better to have those two teams those two players going head-to-head at a time when both of them have a legitimate shot to set the most important record in sports Emily. I think the most glamorous record in any in any professional sport. There is the 61 Mark being a big one Babe Ruth held the record with 60 home runs in 1927. That was a magic number and then marriage came along and hit 61 in 61 and that's really been the thing that people have gone after usually usually fruitlessly now for for about three-and-a-half decades and that it's happening now at a time when baseball needed something to get itself jump-started and like you say, it's a Cubs and Cardinals. It's a great rivalry. Imagine being in central or Southern Illinois today where the landscape is equally divided between seven Cardinal fact, it's just it's a perfect thing. It's a holiday game. It's too wonderfully traditional teams in one of them. The Cubs of all teams has even independent or in the postseason race. Now that there is no longer any question. Is there one of these two guys is actually going to break the record. Now it now we're only talking about when they do it correctly write on the Elias Sports Bureau calculated Meguiars chances of not against breaking the record at like 4302 one. He said three streets 3 has 21 games left in the season. He's had three streaks in his career which dates back to the early eighties when he didn't hit a homerun for 21 games. But yeah, he'll get it. It's just when but really who's going to finish ahead of Maris is going to be the Home Run Champion for the year that just comes down to who's had at the end of the season. I think well historically what's what's more important here to be the first one to 62 or to be a hat at the end of the season. Are there going to remember the person who has 65 at the end of the year. Oh, yeah. I mean they're they're both really interesting nuggets be wonderful. If they both did it the same day. Let's say so-so hits to today and they're both at 60 going into the game tomorrow night. Then they should just take everyone else out the field and play one on what he gets as the visiting player heater. Sammy Sosa would get to bed first and might break. The record in front of Mark mcgwire's Hometown crowd McGuire when you can have a chance to bat. Is that if that if the opportunity exists for that to happen in the game is on the line Sosa is not going to see anything within about 16 feet of a strike zone baking a 16ft within the strike zone are on Mike Morgan former twin is going to be pitching for Chicago today. Is that good or bad news? For Mark McGwire keeps the ball around the plate doesn't walk many guys gives up a lot of solo home runs their scouting report on Mike Morgan back to you herb. And let's see how many of the kind of hit what were they going to end up at the end of the year range, you know, once they reach once they break the record you can expect him to have a couple days off you can expect them, you know, the really kind of Ratchet back a little bit unless there's an actual honest-to-goodness Home Run Race going on between the two of them and even if that's the case, I really think we're looking at the mid-60s either way. They're either going to see someone's going to see fat pictures or they're going to be so intense. Competitive, but that's a reasonable way to expect them to finish out September. No doubt. The Home Run Derby is excited to fans all across the nation, but it's all so captivated players and former players on Minnesota Twins, Greg Kirby Puckett who himself had over 200 home runs virtual shoo-in for the Hall of Fame course, he hit the the big dramatic homerun in Game 6 of the 1991 World Series RV always be remembered for that. He says he's been following the home run count down just as close as everybody else. Come back is that they're not going to be broken? I think 44 Baseball fans this year. Maybe we've had a lot to cheer about you know, we've got there. Like I said, look at McGuire and social chasing me a sand and we all thought the one of us is going to chase Hack Wilson, but I think that Hack Wilson 290 RBIs that's going to be record it stands for I don't think in my lifetime nobody's going to do it and I'll think about going to hit in 57 straight either. That's a hard task to do to sew I think those two records going to stand but as far as the homerun record, I hope the McGwire and Sosa both go if not both and then the whole Mac doesn't strong guys been able to get a good pictures to hit man in the end of a long way. I mean, they're not doing anything that hasn't been done for years. I mean, they're still going about the game the same way and they both work hard and and they respect the game and I think anytime you see guys like that they love the game and they speak highly of each other. I think that they know they're both class guys. I know both of them personally in the class of guys and I'm happy to see I'm happy for both of them how you feel about this controversy about Maguire in the the druggies taking I don't I mean whatever he's using the name of the drug got it. It's not illegal in baseball. So I mean what he's not doing anything wrong if he's doing something wrong when she was taking like a steroids or whatever it was and then he got caught in this illegal. Of course, there's something wrong with that. But what what Mac is taking is is is is in the rules and so I mean he's not doing anything illegal. And people just trying to make a big deal and kind of tank what he's trying to do it but he's going straight ahead as usual and not even worrying about it mean in football. You see the guys taking the same thing he's taking but that drug is banned in football. And so he got suspended for four games, but in baseball is not band and they as we know of anybody knows maybe they'll take Maca to work out but he loves to lift weights and he's a big guy big strong guy and he lifts weights and he works out every single day of his life. And I mean in order to maintain the strength that he has he has to do that. So what what he's doing if it's not wrong, but I think it was wrong for the reporter to go in this in his locker and an internal bottle around and read what it said. I think that was definitely wrong. That'll be like me going in his office and looking to see who all his contacts are. You know, what you just don't do that. I mean that's his locker and that's it. That's his that's his property. You don't do that. But you know what, he's dealing with it now, he's taking a lot of people and I'm sure somebody who's had to deal with the public Spotlight for a long time, but he seems to be holding up pretty well. Like I said What's just trying to break the record? He lost his hair and everything. I mean Max not losing his hair. He's going to buy business as usual and he said he's he said he feels good. He's locked in so I'm cheering for my mama. I'm a fan and I'm looking at TV every day just like everybody else and and I want to see the store going when he does it too because he deserves it man. He's been through a lot and his career you got hurt a lot initiates, but he's maintained he been healthy to hold you to pretty much the whole year and he's Gees on the last 3 years and nobody in baseball is ever done and he's hit the you know, 50 plus home runs three consecutive years in a row, that's a lot. That's more than three years and almost have my whole career. So, you know, that's a historic. Kirby Puckett talking with Minnesota Public Radio is Jim Beckel a talking horse about the the efforts to break Rodger maris's record and they seem to have succeeded though. He's still one short. So so three short, you know, I was waiting for your pocket the other The Immortal and Mortal Kirby Puckett line. Yeah Maxi in the ball real good. What about Andro, the the supplement that McGuire was take I was talking to some folks yesterday who don't follow baseball at all pay little or no attention. But you know, it's become such a big story. They're kind of aware of it. The very first thing that came up was the fact that he was using this this drug or supplement or whatever it is. You know professional sports amateur sports sports that are off the pages of the sports section have always had drug or chemical controversies of one sort or another. I'm sure that McGuire do when he got into we're using the stuff that was legal in baseball. There's a controversy about it just like their controversies about you know, tens of thousands of things out there in sports and general health issues as to whether it's good for you or bad for you whether you should be taking it when you're in your 30s, you know, keep that stuff away from high school kids are the controversies almost been good for it because it's a good for the homerun issue because it's brought people. It's brought attention from some people who might not otherwise pay attention to it Howard Sinker is what a sports analyst Howard Singer with a star to Tribune annual Labor Day program with Howard is we Sort through some of the big issues and not so big issues in the World of Sports are those of you gathered around here. If you've got a question, in step up to the mic. Don't be shy if you're listening on the radio. Give us a call. 227-6002 to 76 Thousand Oaks. I'd the Twin Cities one. 800-242-2828 Howard again has a full bag of goodies to offer. Let me get there's a fella been holding on the phone. Let me get his question in and we'll get to you right away Glen. Go ahead place to wait Wakeland. Why aren't you here? If it's such a beautiful day. I'm on my way to go fishing in Wisconsin right now. Say I wanted to call and just ask for you to compare and contrast Howard the differences between the race that took place in 1961 between mantle and Maris current race that's going on between social and McGuire. I'm going to cut off and I just listened to your answer and I'll Glen don't go away too fast. Make sure you leave your your name and address and so on so we can send out a prize to you. Okay? Alright, thanks. Hope you have a wonderful day at the fair. We will we promised the mantle Maris thing was kind of interesting back in 61 because of course they both played for the Yankees mantle was kind of a of the cult figure. He was the idle and Maris was The Outsider that the guy who came later the guy who was really sort of a curmudgeon. I mean, he was not he did not handle the media particularly. Well a guy named Bob special who was the Yankees public relations guy at the time always was frustrated and always was angry at him. Self that he never figured out a way to help Maris cope with what was going on. But what happened was it contributed to this image of mirrors is kind of an unlikable guy. He was not the guy who the Yankees relied on year in and year out the way the Yankees relied on mantle and he wasn't colorful. He wasn't nearly as interesting and he never had another year that was particularly good after their father Sosa McGwire race. And then when Ken Griffey was part of it Griffey to both of them were sympathetic characters. I think I think people like them both. I think people would just as soon see both of them break the record and I think the people aren't really playing favorites in this one with the exception of the fact that this time of year when the Cubs are in a pennant race. Everybody is a Cubs fan and I think that there's some polling for Sosa is the underdog but but McGuire hits 9000 foot home runs, I mean, he's one of those guys Anything else so I mean it's it's a cool race because they're different types of players. They have different followings and I think social is probably the most valuable player in the National League because remember his team is battling for playoff spot and I'm acquires team is is terrible what's Glenn get for his efforts? How are digging through his pile of goodies there? Here's the treasured Sid Hartman paraphernalia who's here? Because they need to carry it around for the rest of the day. I think we should give our pan. So he can remember where he should be looking whenever he's on the internet at home a little promotion promotion version of homerun power in production in this season, or is this very good hitters really coming into their own or are we also seeing the dilution of the pitching as a result of the expansion having an impact on this particular season? I think the answer to all of your questions is yes. The thing that is happening right now is pitching is diluted because of expansion. I think the talent pool in baseball is generally diluted because of competition for for among other sports for talented young athletes. And if you're a hitter if your Mark McGwire or if you're a hater Wanna Be Your going to take advantage of that. I mean, he's bigger and stronger and the pitching just isn't what it was years ago. I mean, that's so you know most teams. I mean look at the twin staff. I mean who's going to frighten Mark McGwire not want to say something twins staff Bob Tewksbury couldn't hit that blooper. Yeah, but you know, that was a give him some time to figure it out, you know pitching basically, I mean to have a high paying job right now in a training to be a left-handed pitcher. Cuz I mean there's an incredible market for them in the big leagues. Is there a is there a point at which the expansion become self-defeating in the sense that Major League Baseball has now not only scoured the United States but the world Japan Costa Rica the Dominican Republic Australia every country imaginable and there is just so much pitching maybe 16 teams, maybe 20 teams really have major league pitching in the rest really isn't at that level are that caliber right there probably is enough pitching to stock about 20 teams right now and do it fairly well, but what's also happened with baseballs, they run out of places to put teams. So I mean the curve at the same time. I mean it'll look what's happening with the twins. Where are they going to go right now, you know Wisconsin Dells, so I mean, I don't think we have to worry about there being 32 teams or 36 teams or whatever cross the road because they're just they're not cities that can support contemporary baseball. Thanks for all your questions and Howard what this is this gentleman received. So when you do go to the Rodger Maris Museum, you'll know the two or three things that are also available to do in that area to 276 thousand if you're listening on the radio and you have a question for Howard Sinker would like to pick up one of our valuable prizes. You'll probably have to declare this now on your taxes. These are extraordinary really valuable. 227-642-2828 J your next good place. I'd like to make a comment about and roll in the McGwire home run Chase and see what he thinks about this track and field my sport has been rocked by scandals over various performance enhancement performance enhancing drugs, like and roll. And if it's a lot of bad press for it and I'm one who thinks that baseball should treat it the same way that these drugs should be banned in baseball. They're dangerous both of the players and two young people and they give an unfair Advantage by Kirby Puckett had a couple of interesting comments. He claimed that Mark isn't doing anything different than people did 35 years ago, but he is the drug is different. He also said it's remarkable. That hasn't been heard all year. Well, a lot of people don't realize that these performance-enhancing drugs really avoid injury to help players avoid injury and if he hadn't been taking the drug with McGwire have lasted All Season without a major injury, which he's had off in his career. That's my comment. I guess maybe you can find a question and it please, you know anything I would say in response to that would not be nearly as eloquent as what you said. So I'm just going to shut up and say that you know that those are interesting points. You clearly know more about it than I do. And it's what one of the beauty of it. I mean if you can put Beauty on the back of someone who's taking what seems to be a performance-enhancing drug is that that it's Sparks debate and debate is good. And it's and it's reasonable debate. It's not sure the twins go to Charlotte. What does Jay get for his eloquent question? Yes. Yes. We're all off drugs here at Minnesota Public Radio performance enhancing drugs. I might add of course, you know what let's send pins to our collars for me to remember. I am goes out to our caller still for those of you gathered around there is the treasured treasure. Sid Hartman paraphernalia that Howard is offering if you ask a question your go ahead sir. Talking about this baseball thing and then this football thing. What kind of coverage do you land toward Winston Cup Nascar racing? You know, I don't work in the Star Tribune sports Department anymore, which allows me to deflect that question as an outside or what I've seen is that the paper and an end if you want to disagree with it, you can you can disagree with this. I think the paper is realize that there is so there's more interest in auto-racing that we might have. Wanted to believe several years ago. And while there is not enough for people who are fans such as yourself, there's probably more than there was before but probably it's more important what you think thank you. What do you think racing is Big Time? And it's a it's a real big Sport and it's getting a lot of to popularity and the attendance indicates that let me ask you sir. If I could a question. I don't know anything about racing power doesn't know much more. How is it that this Jeff Gordon keeps winning all the races what's going on there while he has a good philosophy. He just refuses to lose. and they're just better than the rest of the teams and and when your win 10 out of 24, so it's indicative of there their a team effort, but thanks and for you we have because I knew someone was going to ask an auto racing question the American Motorcycle Association 1988 to 1998 media guide all right to 276 thousand to 276 thousand if you're listening on the radio and you've got a question for Howard Sinker if you're calling from outside the Twin Cities one 800-242-2828 or Labor Day tradition Howard comes by each Labor Day to talk about sports and frankly. There's more to talk about this year than there normally is what with the big Home Run Derby this afternoon Chicago's down in St. Louis the two big home run hitters going head-to-head and somebody will probably possibly today break Rodger Maris home run record should be pretty exciting Paul's on the line with a question. Go ahead sir, and his blazing speed. Randy has publicly mused about running in the next Olympics. Well, how realistic is that? I mean how fast is here are Mighty comparing? And how is that play out with the Viking to feed if he went ahead and tried to do that. Now, that's a great question. We should bring track Guy back to it to answer that honey. You know why the Time Michael Jordan Harbor fantasies or whatever by crossing over and being world class in another sport Moss. If I if I if I'm remembering right runs a 40 in the 4.2 something range, but there's no such thing as a 40-yard dash in in in international competition how that would play out in a hundred or how that would play out, maybe more realistically and some kind of hurdle event. I don't know. I mean guys got to hurdlers body and he's got wonderful speed. So it's really a matter of what he wants to do and what the Vikings would allow him to do. I think in a narrow wear sports needs all the good. Publicity it can get that to allow Moss to pursue that dream if it's a realistic one would be a good thing. Let me ask you this. How hard did Randy Moss for those of you who aren't familiar with who he is. He was there first the Vikings first round draft choice this spring he had a lot of problems with the law serious problems with the law and the Vikings were criticized fairly round Leaf in some quarters for even taking him now. He's here and apparently Keeping his nose clean. He certainly is proving to be a terrific football player. What were the Vikings are correct in and drafting him or should they have looked for a better citizen? Let's say I think they probably should have drafted some go for maybe that would help him right now. Maybe maybe tutu Atwell would have caught two touchdown passes yesterday and had a Tampa Bay defensive back safe know he's not the best I've ever seen but he will be assured, you know, Joaquin andujar when he was asked it really good questions. That didn't have really good answers. What kind of look at reporters in the face back when he was with the Cardinals in the early nineties and say, you know something on you never know and you know, when I think about Randy Moss and I say, you know guys make mistakes in their early twenties or in their teens and they can grow out of them. Look at a model citizen like Jr. I mean, it's the same thing jay-r Rider Randy Moss. Randy Moss. Looks like he is on looks like he understands his responsibilities as an athlete and a citizen after messing up when he was in college jay-r Rider never never never got it. So you just never know you really don't so the Vikings going to the Superbowl this year yesterday is victory over Tampa Bay pretty impressive deal everybody or I'm not everyone but a lot of the experts were picking Tampa Bay to win the Superbowl and they got thrashed by the locals yesterday. You know, I'm only taking it one game at a time schedule. We still got the Bears twice, you know, you just don't know about those things. It's a long season will let the fan start talking Super Bowl but those of us here we talked into microphones. I just don't think that's something we want to get into. Yeah. There's a chance they might go to the Superbowl pretty good teams out there. I mean the 49ers Play won in overtime yesterday, but they kind of slept walk through a game with it with the Jets. The Packers are going to be awfully darn good and there's some potentially good team. So we just don't know about yet, but you have the Vikings are good team Vikings are really good team, but they're good team is fun to watch. I mean right now they're constructed for playing in the Dreadful down. It's just it's a it's a good show Pro Sports cost to explore Air 2 Cut Pro Sports tickets cost too much money, but I think they're worth the money right now Red McCombs. What's your take on him? I looks like he's a little bit more for real and Tom Clancy screen stuff. You should know I'm not giving this guy contract extension and then he realized how much the green men to the players. He watched how green work during training camp and and he did what? Do the right thing he rewarded him and I mean if that's a motivational tool for the players, I was a great thing and and green probably deserve the contract you just because nobody in the media lights dim the screen. I mean, you know Rodger Maris hit 61 home runs without reporters crawling all over their house at 4 football baseball cross over there a sports analyst Howard Sinker is whether this hour or broadcasting live from Minnesota State Fair those be clustered around Howard has brought with him a number of valuable prizes. All you have to do to qualify for one of those prizes is asked how her to question you don't even have to stump and that's fairly easy. Just put all you have to do is ask him a question and among in the bag there somewhere is the annual hallowed Sid Hartman souvenir. How we haven't got her annual Macalester College Football question yet this year those of you listening on the radio to 276 thousand to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities one 802-4228 has been waiting for a while. Go ahead fill. Whatever good that you guys are going to send me I'd gladly traded for that motorcycle mediamag. Alright? Okay. Thank you, I have two questions one that we hear all this publicity on Maguire where in the Upper Midwest here. Could one here at 9 cable, you know some super radio station ESPN radio today. It's another AM station you're calling from South. Good question. Did you have a home computer? Yeah, look for it somewhere on the internet that I get to other major league baseball website and see if they have a real audio and I'll bet you can find it on the internet my real question. They've always got the radar guns on the pictures as anybody put a radar gun on that ball. Is it leaves McGuire's Mighty bat? I don't think they have once can't her beg line the ball back up ahead of a cup of the head of a Detroit pitcher. Go back in the mid-eighties. And I think they got the ball out like 92 common and 105 going and I don't know. I don't know the answer to that one. Thank you for this is like techtalk. Thanks for the call Phil. Why don't more pictures get hurt give them the the power that these are some of these guys hit the fall. You would think that more pictures would get hit with batted balls than men do. You know, then picture control would be an issue in the scuba tutorial primary and I'd hate to think of where these guys would stand on it, you know the picture come back at the picture then I think we realized but you know, if they come back on a half they go buy them really more than half of what comes after stopping a lot of them with their glove. I mean, it just doesn't happen in the picture is a relatively small piece of the action. Do you have to be pretty precise? You know, it took two to hit a fastpitch softball right back up the middle. It's more likely that you will hit it to the left or right and straight back. I think we have coming up next now or are annual Macalester College Football question. Still nothing on soccer. Usually we get a soccer question. What would the World Cup having been played you think you know World Cup fever is still as still infecting Minnesota Vikings talk eloquently about that question. Please call morning to ask the traditional Macalester College Football find the time and I'm able to make my own visual estimate of how many there are out there pushing a blocking machine and just how much they might weigh. So, how are you hired a guy named Dennis check would never been a head coach anywhere before so is a result after Saturday stunning victory over crown of Saint bonifacius. He's one of his coaching career is the John gilardi St. John's Pizza Anna and the most important thing last year if you went to a McAllister game, we put the ball I teach there. Okay. So there we I went there. So it's we we put the ball on the ground three times and if we were lucky we got to punch. Against the crown on Saturday at according to the Star Tribune. We threw the ball 27 times that's two seasons worth of passes. We showed them in the midst of all this analysis. No, no because I might have football players in the class. I teach Wednesday and I would hate to give them incentive. Either to do well or to do for Ali. Thanks for your call. Jim Milling around out here. If you'd like to join our conversation or talking sports with Howard Singer sports analyst he has a number of presents 2% If you have a question to step up to the microphone, don't be shy this is midday coming to you from the Minnesota State Fair last day of the fair. We're at the Minnesota Public Radio bulletin. If you come out to the fair, make sure you stop by on this last day. We have you all have our t-shirts sweatshirts caps records CDs in a rush. So last chance here at the State Fair again to 7802 for 22828 pyxie. Go ahead, please. Good morning, actually, good afternoon. What's up, 40 minutes and not a one dimension of a one sport victim of my call list of a pixie. What do you want to talk about? Of newspapers and The Listener to my favorite NPR. I'm just really surprised there wasn't any attention given to women and I know we've been at McAlester you have a great team to cross country Runners get the WNBA here next year and the Gopher women's soccer team is trying to defend its Big Ten title and I don't mean to be demeaning you but I don't want to okay. But you know what? We're not going to send you a pain. I did bring University of Minnesota women's soccer media guide. That's what you want. Right? Okay next time the hole with some topic so I get tired bring you all up myself. Play that well versed but I just know that that's a whole half of the population missing in this conversation. Actually, this is Radio we fake it don't you know, okay. This is illusion. Thanks for the call. Pixie. Let's move on to Joanne Joanne. Listen to ask about women. Really is terrible right? I wanted to ask about women supporting a pixie. Thanks. By the way. I wanted to ask about women sports specially the WNBA. I mean are we actually seeing the possibility where women are being taken? Seriously as men in Pro Sports also up here in Grand Forks the UND women division 2 Champs and basketball NCAA two years in a row. I mean, this is serious stuff. How come we don't hear more about it? I don't know. We just talked about her bed 92nd. So we did kind of replicate the pages of most major Metropolitan daily Sports sections right now. It's still a fledgling Enterprise. They're coming to the Twin Cities. I know the one of the things that are the Star Tribune has done is they've designated one of their Sports positions as a women's sports reporter who will be covering University of Minnesota women's sports will be covering the WNBA who will be doing women's sports issues. And I think that's a good step. I think it's important that the newspaper have somebody who understands women sports who can do the comparing and contrasting thing and who can be in a position that necessary to advocate for them but to understand them as well as is Traditionally sportswriters of understood men's sports Howard day. You don't work on the sports Pages anymore, but When you did what's what comes first the fan interest or the coverage all good stories. The fan interest is used to decide on a day-in day-out basis how much coverage a team will get if the University of Minnesota women's basketball team Drew 4 5 6 thousand fans of game if they came close to filling their Arena, we would cover them in a way that would seem much more like feet coverage instead of just dropping in to tell the good stories and then writing shorter pieces about the games and not sending anybody in the road with them. Is this new WNBA team going to catch on around here yet sang for Mark. It's a good question. I mean, I have a season ticket base of 5,000 5000 people to put down deposits for tickets that says something Whether they're going to draw 10 12000 a game remains to be seen back to the phones and other callers on the line with a question for Howard Singer. By the way, again, those are View Milling if you just joined us here Howard is answering questions. He has a where's the bay? I don't think people believe you actually are we got stuff? We got stuff from all over something. It says, how are acid Hartman on it? I mean come on. All you have to do is ask a question. And here we have stuff for free for children to your question. Thanks for taking my call reaction from Howard. I can't turn on the television or listen to the radio without somebody talking about the the march to the Superbowl with the Vikings and don't you think that this is setting it up for I mean If they don't make it and they have a successful season, they're still failures and the hype created all through the preseason and with all the sportscasters on local TV and everything. Just you know going nuts after each game. Where do you say how is there any kind of balance that can can we talk about a successful Vikings season without Super Bowl Super Bowl Super Bowl the time playing for their playing to go to the Superbowl. They're not playing if they weren't doing that we'd all be dissing him because he's happy just to go 9 and 7 to make the playoffs. That would be miserable. What's the weather? This is High Sports is about hide information in a way that the people can decide for themselves what to do and not just you know, that's television television show business. They need people to watch the games there hype Builders their height makers of course newspapers would never do anything. But I mean really, you know what? I mean, what's you know that there's really very little harm in it as if you start from the perspective the television sports is probably more entertainment than it is news. And I mean if you don't like it, you know, you got options you can watch CNN where the Vikings are just you know, another team in the NFL, you know, you can go places that aren't Viking Santa. But I think it's fun. I'm not a viking to I think it's fun to watch people get wrapped up in it. Okay, Brian. The disappointment year after year of the hype hype and then things happened that you know, it's just like it seems like I guess I'm a little more pessimistic than I am out of state. You think they can still rally and then go 9 and one for your call Brian. We got a lot of gifts in that much time. What is Red McCombs real name? And you think he's going to take the team to San Antonio eventually now, he can't relate because I think he if he thought San Antonio could support a franchise. I think there would be a he would have made noise about that in the past. I don't know his real name. I don't care. Ask ask said that question. What do you know? I mean, you know, what's Hulk Hogan's real name? this guy I've got two things for your first of all, you've got the official Arkansas State media guide because something we had to do something with it after the game yesterday. Or you can impress your neighbors with that deal. I'll tell you the Star Tribune college football section with Glen Mason on the cover and it says playing catch-up. What should I I don't know. I think he looks like Amanda just about to spill some catch up there. It's really a useful section. I know when you got the paper couple weeks ago you threw it away. So there's another one for you mark that I date down on your calendar. You'll never forget this, you know, this is better than winning the lottery pick people win Powerball to need that. You got this stuff here prizes to give away people. Let's hope they'll be the valuable Sid Hartman paraphernalia to give away and we've only got 10 minutes and I can I almost want it. I got a ringer in the crowd was wondering if you know anything about the NPR softball team. Well, can you give us 30 seconds? I thought they put him out there to keep him away from the ball. She gets all the prizes so hard back to the answer. Oh, yeah. Hello. Yes, when I turn my radio off has to do with what you been talkin about today and it deals with Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa and what you been talkin about today is these two gentlemen beating Rodger maris's record? Well, Mark McGwire would have to hit two home runs today in order to beat it. I mean you didn't say anything about matching their records. I know that I'm picking nits, but I believe you are caller about you were talking cosmically really here were talking in the big picture the rest of the season he may well try it today. And since he's facing Mike Morgan. He may well beat the record. I'm sure that might be, you know possible but you know, I just wanted to mention it and I didn't expect to be on there. But thanks for taking my call. Okay, thanks for calling back next year and place. I dare question Thunder fan and Howard would comment in the playoffs again. Particularly exciting a Klein voltage here. What's the long-term outlook for that franchise? And you know, I would like to be a major league soccer team. I think the problem right now is I think a little disappointed in this year's attendance and I think though and they play two exhibition games against MLS teams lost them both by one goal against Kansas City and against Chicago, although the Chicago Lighthouse was really to go Lost Explorer on a penalty kick with one second lap, but I think that I think it's still down the road yet at the same time. I think they're still kind of happy with where they are Saint Paul Saints only drool at three thousand fans in there in the playoffs this year. Does that mean that the bloom is off that road? That's like Gopher hockey that people just don't go to the first round of the playoffs. Cuz I am bought tickets for it. They still been selling out this year. It's still a great show. If you're not worried about the quality of the baseball that you sing. Of course, if you're worried about the quality of the baseball you're saying why would you watch the twins? Can't your question powered Sinker, please? Can you picture a scenario where soccer will be followed with the same passion in this country as it is worldwide? Nope. Thanks for calling though it's just I mean it it's a game and I think we're getting excited about because our kids play it. I don't think it's not that doesn't have a hundred years of history of the baseball has here maybe up the road maybe at the USA has a viable World Cup Contender will get swept away in it. But day in day out year-in year-out know I don't see it in our lifetimes other callers on the line with question for Howard Sinker pant. That would be you go ahead Place imagine this but whenever anyone brings up you sort of shunt it off and make little of it is that because of some people are afraid the team's going to silent tone in spite of what I've heard and a little bit of his trust in him and nobody wants to offend him right now because he's got the big bucks. I know I don't. I think you may be imagining that one because I think it's great that somebody step forward and really had the money. This is a fun guy Red McCombs is a trip as much fun to watch. You don't have too many owners who are in that that are you you don't have too many owners who are in that ballpark. I don't think he's taking the team anywhere. I trust him. I love you read. I wish you lots of bears. Okay, Mike your question for our & Sinker, please. haha America from outside the state they fly into the airport and they spend on average $200 a piece. So I think that's a large amount at least three times the visitors that the twins bring in. I was wondering what specials do you do is the right threshold for Public Funding of the new Twins stadium if there is one I know Mike Freeman is answering that question about 50 feet away from me and the body's answering that question about a hundred feet away from me how I feel about public financing of the stadium is irrelevant compared to what you think compared to what happens on the primary later this month and compared to what happens in November. I don't want to talk about public financing of the stadium. I'm bored and there's a there somebody at the microphone. It looks like you're bringing a present bag. You look like you're bring your prize back from last year for an exchange. Oh man, I'll trade ya sure Saturday. Realistically. What do you think he needs to do this year in order to keep that not mess it up. This is good to eat healthy all the receivers. Keep catching balls Robert Smith the stays in one piece and the defense plays reasonably. Well, I mean last year, you know one difference young Jerry ball the defensive tackle the guy who they picked up in the middle of last year. He weighed 597 pounds. This guy was about to do an audition with WCW and now this year. He looks like a football player. He can do two or three plays in a row without needing oxygen. I mean these guys know that I have a chance is to have them lose a couple games when it doesn't matter and not to mess it up. It's good team and I'm not a hype guy. You guys watched me in the past the Vikings QB 3. They got nine and seven all over them. I promise you that okay. Oh, hey, I got something for you for those glasses. Hard, I think it's I think it's time. Here you go. Now your this is the Dallas Cowboys official weekly. And what you have to do is go back to the microphone and read the mailing address and then you got to leave it on your coffee table. This is the big moment of the show really big moment of the fair. We waited 56 minutes to do this. This is to Sid Hartman 425 Portland Avenue Minneapolis your own personal Sid Hartman mail and now you're the Howard where we're running out of time here rapidly. Let me run down a couple of quick questions here for him to go next door and ask for the sunglasses that are really just a review McGuire going to break the record or tired today. Today. It's going to happen tomorrow. Okay, we're not home watching the game. It's not going to happen. We never did get to the Yankees or they've already won a hundred games best team in history best team with Chuck knoblauch another good team. They're good team that they look better than they really are because they're a lot of really bad teams out there McGwire Sosa break the homerun record will we've been forget about Babe Ruth and Rodger Maris. Will they be lost out? Play we we still remember Adlai Stevenson. Don't lie still, you know, we were members of Franklin Roosevelt's hasn't faded from the landscape and so will remember 65. I know you're going to ask for that. Okay, and let's see twins. They're going to be here for a couple of years there going to be any good next year in about the same worse. What's going on with him, Cardinals after Ron Coomer MLB salary cap salary adjustment deal. Will he play a New Year's Eve McGuire were playing for the twins. Would anybody care if McGuire were a tree? What kind of tree would he be powered? Thank you for coming by today. We have more presents. I don't know. I don't know. I just want stuff, you know in the next couple minutes on my kid is raising his hand, you know, but you got to carry it around the rest of the day kiddo die if you guys want stuff we've got really quit while we got some kind of nice stuff up here. If you've always wanted Jim Klobuchar memorabilia, we have the next best thing is nephew. Of course for Dallas Howard Singer who is the state news editor for the Star Tribune and used to write Sports for the Star Tribune like to remind you that programming on NPR supported by carousel automobiles the Aldi store featuring the arrival of the all-new A6 Avant Quattro wagon this fall 544-9591. That's it for midday today by tomorrow will be back in the studio among other things. Are we talking with dfl gubernatorial hopeful? Skip Humphrey what country's longest river begins here in the land of 10000 Lakes the Mississippi makes many communities River Cities listen for stories on the river and its future each day this week at 5:50 on Minnesota Public Radio, Canada W FM 91.1 Listen to Minnesota Public Radio. We have a fair Sky now 69 degrees at Kenner W FM 91.1 Minneapolis. And st. Paul should be a nice and sunny all afternoon high in the low 70s another 3/4 degrees warmer clear and cool tonight and a sunny sky is forecast for the cities tomorrow with a high near 70.


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