Meet the Candidates: Mike Freeman on political issues and campaign

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Mike Freeman, Hennepin County Attorney and Democratic-Farmer-Labor-endorsed gubernatorial candidate, talks with MPR’s Gary Eichten about the issues in the campaign. Topics include polls, education, carry and conceal laws, property tax, and added value on agriculture. Freeman also answers listener questions.

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Thank you. Mike six minutes. Now past 11 today is programming is made possible in part by The Advocates of Minnesota Public Radio contributors include Deluxe Corporation Foundation. And good morning. Welcome to mid-day here on Minnesota Public Radio. I'm very active in 3 weeks from today. They long campaign will finally be over or we should say really the first leg of the long campaign on September 15th voters will go to the polls in Minnesota primary election to decide which candidates will actually move on to the November general election and today as part of our meet-the-candidates series leading up to the election. We've been joined by Hennepin County attorney. Mike Freeman, one of the man who hopes to win the dfl Party primary 3 weeks from today. Mr. Freeman, of course when the party's official endorsement for governor at the beginning of June and back in the old days that would have been at basically the convention endorsement would almost certainly have led to an easy win in September and a running start to November. But this year there are four other well-known candidates challenging Mike Freeman in the September primary Freeman is here today to talk about her. Campaign and just stand on the issues and we should invite you to join our conversation. Give us a call or Twin City area number is 227-6002 276 thousand if you're calling from outside the Twin Cities, you can reach us toll-free at 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 800-242-2828 Mike Raymond. Thanks for coming in today. Will good morning, Gary. Thanks for having me Star Tribune pull out a month ago showed. Skip Humphrey way ahead of all of the candidates. So you were running 4th. How can you make up so much ground in such a short amount of time. Will Gary let's talk about the pole in the first place. So the pole was simply invalid did not adequately screen for primary voters history in the state of Minnesota. Minnesota shows that three primary polls are in Notorious Lee invalid the pole show Paul wellstone behind a week before the primary 1990. By 20 points it showed and Winnie I had by 1.4 days before the primary in 1994. And she won by 20 fact is they can't screen for like the primary voters. And as you said with the dfl endorsement gives us access to the dfl voter list. And what we're doing is were calling those people and the race is a whole lot different picture when you talk to people were actually going to vote in the primary people have been saying your supporters are also calling Republicans try to get them to vote for you to lie. So in one of those Rags that goes out to all sorts of people who are interested in politics. I do certainly is always some some carryover. We've also been doing a lot of telephone fundraising and I'm not shy about asking Republicans to vote for the best candidate the governor's race. I think that some of it but I targeted phoning with a known dfl primary voters is shown this race between Humphrey and I to an absolute dead heat and that's in Virgin that's exciting. How are the other according to your your surveys and stuff? How are the other three candidates doing shows them way down and then single digits. It's really a Humphrey and Freeman race. Do you think the party endorsement means a lot anymore? That's the rules. We've always played on when I stood for governor 1994 did not receive the party's endorsements. The rules of said you step aside. I thought that was The Honorable thing to do and that's what I did. I was very disappointed by the other candidates protectli Skip and and not recognizing and appreciating the party's endorsement. It's unfortunate that we have to have an inner Party 5 into September and that is positive for the Republican candidate who has not had that kind of party challenge, but skip past the answer to his own drummer and I'm comfortable what I'm doing. The party dorsal means alot indication the 3,000 people who were at that endorsing convention knew a great deal about the candidates. They studied our issues. They asked us questions and I'm very proud that they selected the wrong with that comes the identified dfl voter list comes with it. They party sample bout and it's also an indication of people throughout the state that in the first meaningful real head-to-head contest to Mike Freeman. Skip Humphrey Mike Freeman one. Do you think after September 15th? All the Democrats will be able to a kiss and make-up? We know that although there are profound differences among us. Our differences are small compared to the huge differences between Austin Norm Coleman in the radical right agenda selected by the Republican Party platform. I think that will come together because we need to because the real problem would be in the stage of and a guy like Norm Coleman advocating more loaded concealed hand weapons becomes Governor that gets a little frightening for those of us who've worked in law enforcement. Dfl gubernatorial candidate to Mike Freeman is our guest this hour as we lead our way to the September primary if you'd like to join our conversation. If you've got a question for mr. Freeman, give us a call Twin City area number 227-6002 to 76 thousand out side the Twin Cities. You can reach us toll-free at 1-800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 800-242-2828 right opportunity to find out where Mike Freeman stands on the issues in a nutshell, sir. Why do you think you're the best of the dfl candidates in my travels throughout the state over the last three years? I've had an opportunity to listen to a lot of minnesotans and what I've heard from them. He is they believe in the same issues I do and I believe I can passionately and directly talk about the first issue for everyone as education and I had the first comprehensive program about all day kindergarten about class size no bigger than 20 + K through three and four every gradual Minnesota high school the first year of vocational College tuition-free to make sure that we're ready for the good job. I heard a lot about eliminating School violence and making our schools more secure and we've done some major work on that including special detention rooms in schools talked about a meaningful property tax 20% property tax. And I'm the only candidate who is doing that and that will have a profound effect as we move forward. So I think I'm too gaudy issues that really impact minnesotans. I've learned from them though. The issues that I care about him or trying to carry that message in the clearest way. I guess the final thing for Democrats is I'm the person who could beat Norm Coleman, you know, Norm Coleman was skip Humphrey chief of staff and best friend and he's got to work through all that Barnacles is he works through things. I think the difference is that I've called with Norm Coleman about his support for sports stadium with tax dollars in my opposition to that his support of vouchers and my belief that the answer to our educational challenges is public education are profound and I think I have the strength in the leadership to take that message to the Minnesota people and most importantly when I become governor lead in the way. They want to be led mention the tax cut that you've been there for opposing the 20% property tax cut and I guess all the candidates in one form or another been talking about reducing taxes can the state of for that? Cuz what we're hearing now is that we may be in fact be looking at a recession here. Are we getting ourselves in a position where? The candidates will promise is a tax cut and either not be able to deliver or cut taxes and then turn around a year from now and find out what's thinks it's really turned bad on us send it to him for four years is a vice chair the finance committee spent a lot of time trying to learn about Revenue flows and how we spend money and state government my 20% permanent property tax cut in a respected that respectful cut Force used me for renters is based on the permanent dollars that are increasing state budget. Most Economist eight sixty percent of the Surplus will be continued to structural increase. I spend a good share that on this property tax cut and Gary the problem is it with all the other candidates tax proposals and we haven't heard all of the details, but for example take skip Humphreys he calls her four hundred million dollar income tax cut in a hundred and fifty million dollars property tax cut. That's simply not enough proper. Text. Business already got a permanent property tax cut homeowners need to get one. Otherwise there property taxes will go up. I can say flatly hear another people will back me up as skip Humphrey proposal becomes law. Every person's home property taxes will go up in the year 2006 episodes will why is that well, we'll go up because the the one-time rebates that the legislature is funded have funding begins in 1999 and without meaningful property tax reform. The everyone's property taxes will go up and so will renter's property taxes to me or the most regressive tax. And what I want to do is reduce the overall burden for the financing of valuable State expenditures things like R K to 12 schools should not be funded so much in the property text. I'm the only one who does a comprehensive property tax. And as homeowners and renters and skips for example will mean The property taxes for homeowners will go up in the year 2002 to seven 6007 6000 you'd like to join our conversation with the material candidate Mike Freeman to 276 thousand in the Twin Cities outside the Twin Cities toll-free. The number is 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 802-422-8284 caller is from Prior Lake Gerald go ahead place. I really like what you said about the taxes one that I'm a real estate agent and I have seen people literally here on the edge of being cast out of their homes and I like your your stance on at my question. However is on an article that I had read in the Sunday paper about concealed handgun was very compelling the arguments that they made violent crimes actually dropped in the states in the areas where they had allowed concealed handgun and I'm wondering if you have done research on that or are your claims mainly based upon a gun? I believe you're tickling you do research on but I'd appreciate a response on this issue because I've heard from realtors in from homeowners. We talked about Norm Coleman concealed handgun proposal his proposal of adopted would make it very easy for any person to go and obtain a permit to carry a loaded concealed weapon. Common Sense first tells me from my years is 8 years is Hennepin County attorney and we've sent 30,000 felons to jail or prison doing that 8 years that are our streets are not safe or if there are more guns on it than fewer. In addition. The whole series of Studies have shown that crime does not drop when they are concealed weapons more easily accessible been in fact increase. There was a study financed by the the the gun Advocates called a lot study, which has been frankly discredited by a number of much more thoughtful studies, but You know, you can get it all sorts of studies. Let's use common sense. People at a basketball game. Sometimes can get heated when the game is closed and referee seem to be calling. Are you more comfortable the person sitting next to you has a loaded concealed hand weapon. I think not are you more comfortable when you're driving along the street, and they'll be more guns there so that there's a conflict that exists between drivers. Somebody can pull out their peace and solve the issue. I think not I think our society's been much less safe with the Morgans. We had a Gary. Let me share there's a difference between handguns loaded concealed and long guns. I'm a hundred Sportsman my son Matthew and I had a number of trap shoots his part of this campaign, and I'm going to support the right of legitimate Sportsman Hunters to use their long guns in in lawful ways, but I think Norm Coleman is dead wrong. We talkin about loaded concealed handguns are going to make the street safer. He argues among other things all that. One of the things we need is kind of a uniform approach to this issue and that right now we've got a got a patchwork from County to County Sheriff. Sheriff some people can rally relatively easily obtain a permit to carry a gun other places. You can't get one and no matter what your circumstances isn't there a need for some kind of uniform policy. Well, we may be able to make the policy a bit more uniform but I think there's a strong argument that local police Chiefs and sheriffs who know most about the individuals were applying for ought to have a certain amount of discretion and frankly in my view its discretion to deny you look at the studies of people who carry handguns if you're carrying a handgun the first person you're likely to hurt his yourself II is a member your family in 3rd is a person who made for bring you some harm and is Hennepin County attorney there been threats against me and my family. I'm a veteran. I know how to handle weapons in the last thing I would do is to carry a loaded concealed handgun because I'm just I don't like those odds of hurting myself or my family first. For someone who may try to do us harm Matt your question, please. Matthew Willis ER hello, Matt come in matte. Well, I guess Matt is gone off to somewhere else. That's move on to Nick and Burnsville. Go ahead place. No, no, I don't. I don't believe we need any more gun lost the gun law that I wanted the most it took me five years to get from the ledge site your nets mandatory five years minimum sentence for felons in possession of a weapon citizens have a right to bear arms. They have a right to use their long guns. They have a right and certain circumstances of permits are granted to have handguns and you know, the the big argument or the big discussion we had before was more loaded concealed hand weapons hunters and Sportsmen used handguns for certain things and that is certainly appropriate. No, I don't believe we need any more more gun laws. What we need to do now is a legislature finally give us a tool that we prosecutors have been asking for and that is you have lost you lose your right to carry a weapon if you commit a felony and if you commit a felony and you're caught with a gun you going to do five years in state prison, that's very clear. That's very direct. And since we see over 70% of the violent crimes committed with guns. With felons with prior records, we think this could have a major part of reducing crime in our state in general. We keep reading about in hearing about Judges not in not punishing people according to the law and not just with gun laws, but in other areas as well, is that actually happening in Minnesota and you know, what should be done about that. There are certain cases in which judges have not have some some fairly wide discretion sentencing in some judges will sentence lesson. We prosecutors want some time sentence less than families of the victims want I think our judiciary's been also very conscious of our limited prison space and are the way our laws are written the penalties for violent offenders. You're much more likely to do prison time. If you commit a violent offense and if you do a property one and the legislature is constantly looking at that. Answers are not simple in the criminal justice system. They're difficult to do but I think on the gun issue that the things will be much clearer. Now the legislature just gave us as of last August the right and the penalty The Five-Year mandatory minimum. I think that will have a lot to do that's a crime that's easy to prove and it's a clear message to Fallon's you better not be packing or you could do some time and we put too much emphasis on probation and diversion programs not enough on incarceration in Minnesota. That is to say whatev Governor would you would you support any building a new prison building more jail, so it's a lot more people up with it's clear. We need a new jail in Hennepin County. We need it soon and it's clear that we're going to need additional prison space as we move down. The road crime actually has decreased in state of Minnesota to Cleveland crime over the last 2 years and that's a good step. No single Factor can take credit for that. But I think that when we look at Judy sure, there's lots of times in which probation is the appropriate alternative. Let me give you an example. There is a domestic act of violence committed by husband against a wife and he threatens her with a gun. Some people would say instantly send that man to prison perhaps for five years perhaps for longer. It may well be that the victim desires that the person admit to the crime which we insist they do it may be that the person needs to be on a Huber program, which is it the work house at night and released to work at the day. Do we may need a restraining order to keep them away from the family for. Of time, but it also maybe the family wants to continue to have the economic income from that person and that person really meets with remorse and they really do believe that person can be made into a productive citizen and those cases we listen to the victim's we look at the what the probation reports are on some of those people at the request of the victim and the bigger picture Society are better served not going to prison if you only look The statistics you say well, there's a domestic abuser that didn't go to prison or there's a person who threatened with a gun didn't go to prison. What may be the best role for society. These answers are not simple and I think has a prosecutor. I know that this world is a lot more complex than statute-book. Sometimes look like Dan your question for mr. Freeman. I'm more curious about eliminating all taxes and maybe going for a just a sales tax and then use sales tax. Well, the problem being is that people in this state recognized a need for for service is one of the most valuable things we do is educate our children. The first position in my campaign was a comprehensive education program education and a strong Workforce is what bring companies here, which what brings prosperity and we simply couldn't do it merely with the sales tax when you really looking stop see the most regressive tax we have is a property tax it hits you regardless of your income. It's only base in the value of your home in particular for our seniors the value that home may go up even though their income doesn't so, I think that's one of the reasons why I'm trying to reduce the overall burden from property tax or income tax is fairly Progressive or sales tax actually is because we don't tax food and clothing. I do agree with a collar that when you look at the level of surplus, we need to give substantial portions back of the permanent increase and I take about two-thirds of the permit increase and give it back. Comprehensive residential and renter property tax reduction long-term. Do you think we should do away with the property tax total income tax and play sales tax and other fees so that government has enough money to provide the services but long-term. Do you think the property taxes outlived its usefulness know I think the property tax in a limited sense does for example, we live in the city of Richfield and they decide the level too soon, except the level of police and fire and parks and those are local decisions because of property taxes a local tax. I think that's good to have that that make sure we have a level of local control in our city government in our school district. The question really is how much of the overall tax burden should be done by property tax and when you take a state function like education K through 12 education and when your funding 46% of it with property tax dollars, I think that's wrong and that's the Trap we got into as recently as 1995 the legislators help to move us away from that and I would take us Edition. Step for Dave your question for Mike Freeman and part-time Farmers make up the majority of Minnesota's Farm population. Thanks David. And I've done a lot of traveling Greta Minnesota. And by the way, my most prized possession is 23 Acres of the family farm that was homesteaded by my great-great-great-great-grandfather and In 1855 and Goodhue County and my in-laws are from Big Stone County where they farm and why spend a lot of Time Unreal Minnesota, there's great strength and + community in in rural Minnesota, which we need to support. One of the things that that I've done is come up with a comprehensive rural economic development plan that recognizes a strength of our agriculture committee committee, but also some of the challenges the problem in, Northwestern, Minnesota. Where is Price Northwestern Minnesota with scab disease and 4/5 bad years the price falling out with his huge Harvest were having and the Republican Congress passing the so-called freedom to farm, which is really freedom to fail act. I'm really pulling the safety-net right out from under our Farmers for a smaller Farmers increasing. I think we need to help small farmers bring their products to Market in the in the least expensive way many of the small farmers are farming without pesticides and without fertilizers many of the farmers are trying to to bring in more natural lifestyle and product to Market. We need to support that we need to support Minnesota grown when you do increase the number of markets and frankly State can help promote that I think that would be good both for real Minnesota and for urban consumers to of the cameras Doug Johnson Mark Dayton say that the legislature should meet in special session to come up with some kind of a package State pen. Kids to help Minnesota Farmers get through the day of the current crisis. Would you agree with that? I think that needs to be done the real question about how to put to put the the floor back underneath. Our Farmers is federal federal government, the federal government simply needs to move now. I'm glad to hear that has senator Paul wellstone is pushing very hard for secretary Glickman and others in terms of the farm relief package in Washington to make sure Minnesota is remember did not just Texas and Oklahoma. So it's first of burden in the federal government. And I said, I would go as soon as the election is over because I think there's going to be in a meeting of people in washing to do something about that. As far as the state is concerned. We need to see what the feds are doing. And then I think we need to come in with a state program as well. I'd be very supportive a special session. I've also talked about the fact that I want to bring some of the best egg culture people together to find out how we really move forward in agriculture so we can do More comprehensive long-term changes in the 1999 session used to hear a lot about that what you wish to hear a lot though, the word diversification economic diversification was all used in terms of the Iron Range in the pay range needed to get a get away from the heavy dependence on the taconite industry anyting you think anything's should be done to help the rest of Minnesota get away from its heavy dependence on agriculture. I just came back from five days in the rain to let me say the economy is going well. There are taconite plants have more economic than anyone in the world who done a great job working with the timber industry to increase the Harvest in environmentally sound way. We need to move forward to value-added like having direct reduction of Steel on the Range or in Duluth on the North Shore and I think that value-added concept as something we need to do in Greater Minnesota and are on our agriculture. It's not enough just now to grow the corn and ship it out. We need to add value to it like ethanol reaction grow the corn take it to a neighboring ethanol plant create Donnelly ethanol, but a whole series of eye products that are great feed in very good for the economy add value. We need to do that with more of our Agricultural Product. We need to do more of that directly in World Minnesota that will help remove some of the dependence upon the price at the farmer trees directly only from the CD put in the ground and the crap. They harvest Mike Freeman is our guests this our he stopped by to talk about the issues about his campaign, and if you'd like to join our conversation here, we are just three weeks away precisely three weeks away from election day in Minnesota. If you'd like to join our conversation, give us a call to 276 thousand in the Twin City area to 276 thousand outside the Twin Cities 1 800 to +422-828-227-6102 for 22828, and I will continue With more calls just a moment. I'm learning Benson if Northwest Airlines goes on strike. How will people get where they need to go on the next All Things Considered will explore some options for ground transportation Community leaders in Greater. Minnesota are holding Minnesota's first ever World Summit and campaign 98 continues with Mike Freeman sharing his Economic Development ideas for the state those stories and more on the next All Things Considered weekdays at 3 on Minnesota Public Radio k n o w FM 91.1 in the Twin Cities of our coverage this week of the campaign and the focus on economic development. We're going to be talking kind of big-picture. He conomic development what in the world is corporate welfare you guys hear so much about that. What is that amount to what is the proper role of government in terms of helping business? All of the major questions John hot in here will be joining us he is. The culture of a special law Reform Commission State Senate looking into corporate subsidies former States energy. Marion will be here long time State find a senate Finance expert and of course, we'll be on the phone lines as well. I get a better reading on exactly what is economic development. And what is the proper role of government in that area programming on Minnesota Public Radio is supported by Ecolab supplier of cleaning and sanitizing products and services the weather forecast really couldn't be much nicer sunny skies across the state today high is ranging from the upper 70s to the mid-80s Twin Cities Sunny sky with a high temperature in the low-80s right now around the area. St. Cloud with a sunny Sky 74 Duluth Sunny and 75 Argo sunny and 74 Sioux Falls sunny and 74 and the Twin City temperature 75° with a sunny Sky. I guess this hour is dfl gubernatorial candidate Mike Freeman. We're talking about to his stand on the issues 3 weeks from primary. Election Day if you'd like to join our conversation to 276 thousand or 1-800. 242-282-8227. 6001 800-242-2828 Economic Development. Mr. Freeman. Is there any any reason for the government to be giving subsidies to any businesses here? I think we need to Target our support for businesses in it. And in a very strategic way. I think our first investment is education because every business leader I talk to and every employer says the one of the best things about Minnesota is are well-educated hard-working Workforce. That's our first investment. Secondly, we need to invest in those businesses that I have a long history in the state of Minnesota. It seems to me investing in companies that have that long that long history and it's showing a commitment to our company to our state is important third ones that really use our resources when I was had the privilege of sharing three capital bonding bills in the Minnesota Senate the project that I pushed the hardest was additional research dollars at the national resource Research Institute in Duluth, because they're working on Direct reduction of Steel on the Iron Range on the NorthShore. They're working with it. Industry to do the kind of inventory and enhance the Harvest and environmentally-sound what I think investing in things like ethanol which add value to our Agricultural Product make sense. And so those kind of investment that's far superior than what Norm Coleman didn't invest over a hundred million dollars of state and Saint Paul tax dollars into moving a software company for one side of the river together that's picking winners and losers and and frankly is as much as I'm happy that Lawson is here in Minnesota. That's far too much money and a noon in an in ton targeted way. So I think that's one of the things that you can ask if your Governor how will they do and where they do things that will have long-term results for minnesotans. Gel your question for Mike Freeman. Yes, son. I have one point. I agree with everything. He's been saying so far but I have one point to say about the gun issue is I wonder in your studies how much the crime is being committed by stolen and unregistered guns in hang up the phone and listen to others. No question. Then when we look at things that there are Hundreds of thousands of stolen guns out in the street and it is Hennepin County attorney in March of 1992. I sponsor to a gun turn-in program called drop your guns and we anticipate Ames that are used and we provided a $50 stipend. I'm just trying to get the youth to turn in their guns. I was hoping to get a thousand over a month. Of time. We got over six thousand and seven days. If so many guns out there people want to get rid of we got Boosie's we got a sawed-off shotguns. There's a tremendous Market it stolen gun and it seems to me to things we need to have programs were people can get rid of the guns and step forward and get something in return. Secondly. We need to be very vigorous about Prosecuting people who commit crimes with guns including the phone to merely having possession who don't have to commit another crime other than carrying it and I think as a society we need to to raise the issue particular youth. It's just not acceptable. Carry guns particular in urban areas and it's not acceptable to resolve conflicts with use of gods and don't get me wrong. I'm a Hunter and a sportsman. There's a totally appropriate place for long guns and I'm looking forward to going hunting as soon as this election is over in November, but those are that's in the fields and in the sloughs and not of the Urban Street read at your question, please I'm sure you understand the balance of powers and the legislative executive and Judiciary branch. And I know that the governor has a great impact on people's personal lives when appointing judges and I'm wondering what your personal goals are with this area. If you are elected as the governor, it is a very somber Duty and obligation of the governor terms of selection of Judges. I first and foremost one people who will be extremely honest very hard-working knowledgeable in the law. And will not to the greatest extent the human three possible take their personal biases and prejudices to them when they're making judicial decisions. That's very hard to do. But that's the question. I'm going to ask and I'm also going to ask you a question directly judges, which I think I'd have asked all public officials including me. Are you sure that you're representing the people who were chosen you to do this? Are you thinking about the people are you sure that black robe disease is not impacted you I mean one of the challenges in my eight years in the Minnesota Senate when people are kind enough out of an active respect to call you Senator is to go back in your neighborhood where everybody calls your mic and it's real healthy that way and I want to make sure the judges don't get so wrapped up in the road. They wear in the job. They have they do they forgot where they came from. How would you rate the honey? Carlson's judicial appointments been known to criticize the governor about a support for vouchers and using tax dollars to build stadia excetera, but I think I need Carlson's deserves a b or B+ and selection of Judges. He's really selected some good people. His selection of Kathleen Blatz is Chief Justice was masterful Kathleen. Served in the legislature from Bloomington as a republican when I served in Richfield and east Bloomington to Democratic senator. She was great to work with then. She worked in the county attorney's office with me and Hennepin County. She was a good District Court Judge Kathleen has a lot of courage and very bright are needed good ones on that. Damn your next. Good morning. Mr. Freeman. I guess I have a common doorknob servation for you. Now your statement that the property taxes are the most regressive seem to be incorrect and maybe catering or trying to buy the votes of the AARP crowd that when you said that the incoming house value or values are directly related unless that you are retired and don't have a large income. So it would seem it the elderly would seem to live in a house that is paid for and that they're only payment would be there property taxes. Well, Dan in all due respect most of our other taxes are our other two taxes for income and sales and income is based on the kind of income you make if you have a great year you make more income and you pay more taxes and even a higher percentage if you go for Mark lower rates are higher rate when you make more you pay more in a sales tax because we don't tax food and clothing, It's one of the more Progressive sales taxes in the country again, at least in my family. I don't have a lot of money. I don't buy a new Appliance or a new car or New Sofa which is where you collect a lot of sales tax, but every year regardless of whether I had a good year financially or not. I still have to pay my property tax. It's something and I can't just sell my house because I had a bad year at work one year. It's not only for seniors it from everyone else and and I think when most people look at our taxes and they agree that are property taxes in the most regressive and I'm trying to reach home owners and Families. Not to senior citizens Dan kind of touchdowns by s'pose for lack of a better word of a kind of a fun of metal philosophical criticism. That's often leveled at DFS dollars is mafic Ted Mondale candidates running for governor has suggested that both you and Skip Humphrey are guilty of this kind of moving from group to group to group promising things. And when you add it all up at the end, it says it's a budget breaker and and you just can't you can't pay for it. You're promising way more than the state can afford Fair criticism. No, it's not. I think there's a profound difference between skip Humphreys tax-and-spend policy and what we put forth the 1.2 billion dollar per minute Subs Surplus. I spent 800 million and property tax relief and I spent 400 million increase education. That's what I spent things. I've said it out very clearly. It's there with some of the rest of the Surplus. We have an opportunity to do some other things. We need on a short-term. I think we worked very hard to be as precise as we can. You know Ted's written a book and all his numbers don't add up all skip don't add up. I'm sure they'll two of them want to point out where mine don't add up that's part of the political process. But I think what I've tried to do and under the tutorship of Jean Mary him a long time chair of the Senate finance committee will be next to a new program. Try to make sure we cost about the programs as careful as we could and didn't promise and things we couldn't deliver man to your question for Mike Freeman. I was concerned about his comment that it would perhaps be better for some women to continue to live with husband's that had threatened their lives with guns rather than spend jail time, you know, it seems to me that in situations like that women who are in an emotionally abusive situations don't recognize the extent of abuse and I'm just because my husband is sorry doesn't mean that it won't happen again. It's very common for somebody to say, you know, I'm sorry, I won't do this again send them flowers and add one will take them back and the abuse will continue again and I feel like as a society we need to find programs to enable women to feel and self-sufficient and empowered enough to get out of those situations bad and say it's okay for them to go on living in those situations. What I was trying to talk about is respecting victims interest and society's interests as well and not every domestic abuser should go to prison. There are some that are we think and we must have the support of the victim on his believe that they can reform themselves. What I was talking about is a person who doesn't live in the home, but in fact lives in a in a county jail and is released to work so they can work and they can provide for their family and then they can go through treatment and then I have carefully supervised bases can see if the relationship can be reunited if it can't be in the victim doesn't want it. We accept that and move forward in a my office weave weave prosecuted domestic abuse perpetrators, sometimes even against the desire the victim for absolutely certain that the crime was committed and that the the victim isn't able to work through the process for prosecution. I guess that also point out Mandy that I really been Educated in domestic abuse to our work in the domestic abuse service center in Hennepin County. It's the only one in the country. We won national awards for it. We put it together the help and advice of Sheila wellstone who's LED directions in the country. And and I guess the last pointed leave his domestic abuse has a very very serious problem. It's a problem with a lot of parameters. It's not something if it's an easy little boxes across-the-board. It's about human relationships and we have prosecuted people who have hurt others were threatened others and we will continue to do that. We have also recognized at a wide variety of of a punishment and Rehabilitation alternatives are appropriate in this highly complex area back to the phone. So next college from Lakeville Grace wanting to know it whether you're pro-choice or pro-life pro-choice. I've always been pro-choice and I If the legislature would pass a law Banning partial birth abortions, what would you do to it? Tim your question? Oh, yeah. I was wondering mr. Freeman what how you find the community service tax for the disabled and work incentive programs. I'll hang up and listen to finance those programs because what would Minnesota has done is lead the nation and in support for ensuring all citizens have an opportunity to work. I mean, there's dignity and all people in dignity and all work and one of our jobs is to do is to make sure people have the the work opportunities and educational opportunities to make themselves all of what they want and can do I think that's got to be part of State funny. We also need to work with the federal government because as we watch the federal government back off an officer to commitments including support for those people with disabilities, so they can work in and end and the circumstances were they can be most productive and enjoyed the most we got to do some work in Washington, but there's work to do in the state of Minnesota as well. Are you happy with the welfare reform law that was passed and is now being implemented. Would you like to change that in some way? I think Minnesota help to mitigate some of the very penurious and harsh terms of the national act. For example, when the federal government and some of the Republican Congressman wanted to put pressure on and remove social supplemental income benefits from legal aliens were here people. We asked to come you haven't become citizens many because they can't work through the language barriers in after 75 years of age. We ask him to come 10 years ago to suddenly an arbitrary withhold their benefits was wrong, and I worked with a number of advocacy groups is my rolls County attorney and finally the, United States Congress repealed that part of it. There's more work to do in Congress, and I think they went too far. I'm pleased the state of Minnesota has been quite thoughtful about a we provided more education benefits would provide more opportunities for people to get off of welfare. It's still too arduous and one of the things we particularly need to look at it as we get closer down the road is his five-year limitation Debbie. You're next. A business in St. Paul, and I also own a home in Saint Paul and I'm a little concerned right now that there is not a lease between the city of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Wild. Do you have a comment on that? But Debbie you don't always you know, I wasn't part of any of those negotiations and frankly. I'm very uncomfortable with Norm Coleman has thrust upon Parisa taxpayers of Saint Paul and then the people Minnesota we simply didn't have to spend this kind of money on a new hockey Stadium. We could have spent a lot less and done some luxury suites. It would have taken the existing Saint Paul hockey area and made it appropriate but Norm Coleman had to have a new stadium and he's put St. Paul taxpayers at risk the it's pretty clear that the bonding capacity St. Paul is grossly limited and if there's a substantial turn down the economy St. Paul could be in real big trouble. I just think it's unwise to spend state and local tax. Bars on sportsday Tia and I think your Norm Coleman is absolutely wrong there. If in fact there isn't the least between the Wild and I'm not aware of that between the Wild and the city you say ball in the state of Minnesota because after all Norm got the state tax payers to pick up a piece of that there sure better be one Norm Coleman was re-elected by an overwhelming margin last November it would seem you could interpret that to say that the Saint Paul taxpayers are quite comfortable with with the arrangements. Well, I think that the issue of the stadium the problem was the way it was presented was since Norm signed an agreement. He had to go to the legislature to get all sorts of money to bail them out if they had been thrust entirely in the Saint Paul property taxpayers. I can't believe Norm would be re-elected again Norm Coleman's very articulate in Denver. Photogenic and you know, the message of the pride is back is all over the place. The fact is I think State people throughout the state of Minnesota much are going to be very Discerning about as they've learned more about Norm. I think Norm got a pass the issues warrant is precisely bright as they might have been there was division in the city of st. Paul about whether the state taxpayers should take the same Paul taxpayers off the hook into certain extent. They did Norm also shown is really true colors as he sought the Republican endorsement for the loaded concealed handguns the support for vouchers the whole series of anal really quite extraordinary cancer two things that Norm did to go get Republican endorsement. Those are going to come back to haunt him and I as the winner in the primaries September 15th are going to make sure the dorm has to justify in each every one of those back to the Fonz lens on the line with a question for Mike Freeman. Oh my God, I'm calling from Rochester where the big concern is a dm&e railroad disrupting our community in life that I have made it clear back in the July their support of our I haven't heard from your campaign on this issue. Could you play well, I'm sorry. You haven't heard because this issue was brought to our attention in late June and I express severe reservations about having that railroad come through Rochester. We did that to an answer to a number number of questions. And I'm sorry you hadn't heard of it the listings Hardware. This is supposed to be huge amounts of coal. I'm through southern Minnesota and through Rochester being very disruptive to the community to the medical facilities there. I think they are inadequate planning has been done in before any permits are to be granted some substantial review and change needs to be made. That's a position. I took in late June Greg. You're up next. Yeah, I'm calling in regards to urban sprawl issue and specifically the rerouting of Highway 55 to Minnehaha Park area and neighborhood. It's a threat to Minnehaha Park Falls Minnehaha Falls in the communities are against it in that area and lots of people in the Twin Cities and I was wondering if you were going to do anything in regards to that. We look at the issue if your elective thank you Greg. I worked on a task force about the development of Hiawatha Avenue back in 1974 and 75 and you are a latecomer then to the issue of the west of Hiawatha Avenue in his home was taken for the expansion of Highway 55 back in 1959 is a real one and I have toward the area I have talked with him. Were the advocate as well as talk with the highway department seen that I believe that the reroute is not necessary. I believe they can do it on existing Road way up there a little bit more creative and I've asked. To take a careful look and see if they can't do it in Save The Oaks and save the neighborhoods that they talked about. I haven't heard formally back from them. Obviously. I'm just a candidate and it'd be a lot different. When I'm Governor. We need to go forward in light rail that is important. We need to have more trance. At least I still believe it can be done in existing roadway and although the courts of thrown out the lawsuit brought by number of Advocates. What I've done is request. To go back to the drawing board and look at it with an eye toward saving the Oaks and saving the neighborhood as well as the wonderful Park terms of Highway Transportation issues around the state. Would you support a gas tax increase Gary I voted for gas tax increase when I was in legislation 80s, but the late nineties are a lot different we have dollars. Plus we simple. We do need a transit in transportation policy. We've had lack of gov Governor leadership on that issue. I want to bring the people both Transit people on Highway building people ruin Urban together and we can hammer out a way where we can repair our roads in our bridges. We need to enhance our trance and I think we can do that with a part of the Surplus that I'm talking about. The isn't permit because we need a one-time shot to get some Highway building going. We need a one-time shot to do some things in transit and that's something I think we can do without adding to a permit expired and right now we certainly don't need a gas tax increase not a lot of time left, but let's get at least one more call around here. She would like to know if you don't tear apart the other Democratic candidates. I feel we have we have a pretty good field here. And then if you tear them down, it'll just make it easier for Norm Coleman to get elected. And then the next thing you knew know he's doing tourism commercials for South Dakota Democratic party in June by the AFL-CIO in the Minnesota Building Trades for the Minnesota women's political caucus by a whole group of other labor groups and others. I think I've learned those endorsements because of articulate clear reasons of what kind of Governor I'd be any way. I could be the norm Coleman and as we approach the primary when I'm trying to do in a very positive way is to point out the clear issue differences. There is a profound difference in skip Humphreys tax plan in mind. That's not negative campaigning. Frankly Norm Coleman Stacks plan is worse than skips. But I think we need to point out where people have been so people can draw comparison. Skip is a friend Rodger Moore white serve within is a good friend. I like Doug Johnson Mark Dayton is a is a is a fine person Ted Mondale we play basketball together. So it's not a question of that ignores it nasty. Personal what it is is the borders have to see clear differences and there is a clear difference between Mike Freeman and Skip Humphrey on property taxes were the property taxes will go up. There is a difference between Mike Freeman in Rochester Mall in terms of funding of sports Stadium estate tax dollars. That's what the dialogue should be about. It should be done and respectful and appropriate way. That's how I'm trying to do it. Well this week next week schools open they have two for the first time the schools have to wrestle with this profile of learning business. Should we continue down that track or scrap? The concept of profiles of learning is a good one to make sure that a high school diploma has real meaning and not just in narrow areas, but broader the problem is in the implementation in the paperwork requirements and I think the bureaucrats in St. Paul put way too many paperwork requirements Richfield where I live and where my wife is a school board member. It's one of the pilot air is there moving forward some other districts need a little bit more time. And by the way. Have a little fun in this campaign. We're going to have a yellow school bus tour around the state of Minnesota starting on Thursday, September 10th, because of our emphasis on schools and will be talked about education and we figure we'll be safer for riding a yellow school bus last question before you run here. Mr. Freeman five good candidates on the dfl side. You've got a high-profile Republican candidate high-profile Reform Party candidate should be a lot of interest in the campaign and all the experts say nobody's going to vote. What can you do to its / interest in the political process having debates and having an opportunity be here talking with you in this show helps a lot and I think the Twin City present press elsewhere in the state has been pretty responsive appointing it on. I think it's candidates job also to articulate clear differences. It's a job of the dfl party in the unions that endorse me to work jointly with me to help encourage people to come to vote. But you know, it's still August in Minnesota, and we're still enjoying the Lake School hasn't quite Started I think the interest in those races will pick up considerably come September 1st. That's the time when a lot of people made up their minds. That's when we believe the Grassroots campaign. That one is the endorsement of the dfl convention in the AFL-CIO endorsements will kick in and a big way and that's why we feel good and confident about the September primaries. Nothing fundamentally wrong with the with a system at this point. Well, it's something we can talk about changing the system they need to be but I also cognizant of your clock in the little time. We need to make it easier for people to vote. We need to talk about I'm how we make the whole education process to voters clearly clear. There's some ways to take some big money out of politics. There's a lot of things we can do and I'll look forward to chatting with you another day on that. Thanks so much for coming by today. Thank you. I guess that's our Hennepin County attorney. Mike Freeman. The dfl party is endorsed candidates for Governor. One of five deer Fellers who will appear on the September primary election ballot, and of course our cover. Will continue right on through election day here on Minnesota Public Radio. So we hope you stay tuned.


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