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Sharon Sayles Belton, mayor of Minneapolis, talks with MPR’s Gary Eichten about her new budget for the city and the wide range of issues facing the city: housing, crime, schools, jobs, transportation and more. Program starts with discussion about Shubert Theatre and Block E development.

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Thank you Gratis, six minutes now past 11. Good morning, and welcome to midday on Minnesota Public Radio. I'm Gary eichten glad you could join us. Well today is decision day for the Minneapolis city council move it or lose it. The council is expected to vote today on whether to move the historic Shubert Theater to a new site or bring in the wrecking balls and knock it down official say that something has to be done with the theater if the city wants to move ahead with plans to redevelop blocky right in the heart of downtown Minneapolis vote today was expected to be very close to joining us this hour to talk more about the Schubert and blocky and all of the other big issues facing the City of Minneapolis is the mayor of Minneapolis Sharon sayles Belton and that we invite you to join our conversation this hours. We talked about City great chance to talk with the mayor. So give us a call or Twin City area number is 227-6002 276 thousand or outside the Twin Cities. You can reach us toll-free and that number is 1 800 to +422-828-227-6000 or one 800-242-2828. Thanks for coming in today. So it's good to come I should ask you first of all, what what do you want to see done with the Shubert Theater start with you again? I think it's important for us to the move forward on blocky several years ago and the city Spinda. It's our resources to clear the block and Make Way for development 7th. And Hennepin is are one hundred percent of entertainment the corner and we want good things to happen there great things happen this summer. We are The Smashing Pumpkins a hundred thousand people enjoy that concert great activities with the aquatennial there. We know that good things can happen. The Shubert Theater has been sitting there for quite some time and for years people have been talkin about restored or more movie at door demolish. As a former member of the city council, I taken about to demolish the theater and again and Make Way for growth and development. I certainly did so reluctantly because again night I think it's important for us to go to take a strong stand and preservation. But in this particular case, I have decided to raise other questions with the council about the Shubert if we save the Shubert Theater if we move it over to the block if we build infrastructure on the on the other black, what do we will what will we not be able to do with those resources so that we would have spent a movie theater. And the truth of the matter is that every member of the city council has four or five or six things that they want to see us do that are really important and critical and choices have to be made. I don't know what the decision will be our at city council like today. I think it will be a close. So I vote but again a decision is got to be mad. I think it's an For the city to move forward. I personally think that some of the work that we want to do on our City's community corridors are more important. Then this particular theater. I feel bad about saying that but I've got a lot of citizens across Minneapolis who are on Broadway who are on Central Avenue who are on Lake Street where Shane help us restore our commercial Corridor so that we can strengthen the neighborhoods around around us, and I only have so much money to move it. Would you be told that action? Well, the city council today will make a couple of decisions first. They will make a decision about whether or not to move the theater that move I think of that vote. I think we'll be closed. There's another vote of a city councillor has passed to make in this is as much about resources as his the move and that is whether or not we would sell love the land that we would move the Shubert Theater 2 of 4 less than its market value will we give that person a lot to a to the developer or to put this for project together? I think that's about what is a little bit. More dicey. Will they will they facilitate the land sale? I think there are other members of the council who where would vote for the preservation but don't really want to vote for a giving away our city city land for a $4 or less than its market value. That's a tougher vote on the question of whether or not I would DeVito Way of the the move I'm really hoping that the decision will come to me. I kind of as a package and so that I won't have to face of that dilemma. But again if I had to Gary I have to I have to make a decision that I think is responsible economically or for the city and unfortunately, I think that I would a go ahead. I wish I was there with the video. That's just the my my thoughts are today. And again, I'm driven up by my concern about the lack of resources that we have to do all the wonderful things that that we would want to do. I wish there was somebody out there who is absolutely and in love with the Shubert Theater who has a lot of money and would just call me up immediately after the show and say mayor I'll give you the the money to make sure everything I happens. I don't think that's likely but But unfortunately in government we have to make tough choices one of the big picture question before we get to our callers terms of Blocky that that block right in the right in the heart of downtown. How do you see that playing out? Are you going to end up with a real big splashy can a new age development to more of a traditional type development maybe some movie theaters or is it just going to be what it is for the time being which is to say a lot of parking lots absolutely don't want to see that happen and I do want to see Splash in Sizzle and excitement and Flash & flare. I remember the first time that I visited Two Times Square New York night when it was a messy and dirty dingy scary kind of place, but when it was flashing with the neon and and all of that night at wow, this is really cool. I love it. I love I mean I felt alive while I was walking through it and I want people to come to 7th and Hennepin the blackie and feel alive feel charged energized by what happens there. I want to see some new theaters in Downtown Minneapolis quite frankly. I think the Skyway theater needs more than a facelift. It needs a total remake so we can move those the theaters are over to a blocky and add some medicinal and and Dazzle I think of that. We would be a doing well or Brookfield at that has the development rights there and got to deliver for the citizens of the metropolitan area a lot of Splash on blocky. I want to tell you another idea Gary I want I really enjoyed I have enjoyed over the past several years the idea of notion of bringing a bunch of people into Hennepin Avenue and just letting us stand around and going to have fun listening to music and having a beer into a glass of wine or what Ever and I really think that there is some Merit to the idea of trying to create some open space on on Hennepin Avenue it maybe they are black wear ugly. Alexa is in Delaware. They have been Center for the Arts has the idea notion of taking that parking on the service and taking it below grade and creating us some big outdoor space on the black of Jason to Blackie. I think I might be a fun and exciting. I think we do have to think big and I will tell you that the plans are for the Shubert next to the Hennepin Center for the Arts is a beautiful plan is a wonderful plan. The question is can we afford it? Can we really make it happen and Sales Belton is our guest this hour she's come by to talk about all of the big issues facing the City of Minneapolis. And if you'd like to join our conversation, give us a call to 276 thousand is our Twin City area number to 276 Thousand Oaks on the Twin Cities one. 802-422-8282 276 thousand or one 800-242-2828. By the way, we just received word the console out at 7 to 5 to move the theater. No word yet on the second bullet that you're talkin about what to do with the sale of the property that is supposed to be moved to the can I can fall in the bus 75 is what I was told the last night at about the 10:30 and again confirm this morning at 8:30 that that was what would be the vote. Now, you're right. The question is what will happen with the land sale if they stretchy did write their own decision should be made back-to-back, but the who knows whether or whether or not that's actually going to happen bail your question from there, please. Black, I think you're right there with regard to the issue of the Shubert Theater. I think it's lost. Its artistic charm a long time ago when I was turned into a motion picture of the resources as much as I love with you and I'm not entirely certain though that I can't stand where it is. The YMCA and the State Theater, we're both preserved in LaSalle Plaza was able to go after other developers said they couldn't do it because they were buildings. That's not why I'm calling all the way that says as head. Probably agree with you. The reason I'm calling you guys felt you let us down on the issue of the twins ballpark. It seems to me that a strong mayor of a city the size of Minneapolis ought to have assembled politicians Business Leaders in the light and I got the job done. There's no question, but that the ballpark what do you like baseball or not or professional sports or not? Although it helps the entire State and yep, at least publicly you were not associated with any great move. To get the job done. I think you were passive and I think you came on board a day late and dollar short. I'm wondering if your plans are to revisit the issue and do what you can to get thin outdoor ballpark built. Even if it means giving away the infrastructure and perhaps the real estate as well to get the job done their first of all, let me give you some some of my fax prior to the legislature considering funding for the ballpark of the City of Minneapolis under my direction. I started identifying sites are in the city or a a new ballpark. I could not be built. So when the legislature opened up by Anna January the December before that, we already had the city council identifying three potential sites. We also identified the other side that was All the most cost-effective that happened to be the other Riverfront site not all the council agreed with that. But again just looking at the Shirak anomic some of the word from the site was the best after we determine that the riverfront site was the most cost-effective we've been started assessing the cost that are associated with the the infrastructure to support a ballpark being built. We led the charge in the City of Minneapolis to dialogue with other governmental body so that we could does secure their cooperation and donating land to all that was actually done didn't get play Dapper by Adele by the media, but we had done all of that the preliminary work Hennepin County at taking a vote to donate the other land under sure concert certain circumstances in the City of Minneapolis has as well identify the site you might recall that I put forward a package that identified about 50 million dollars are in a public cost that Be Associated that with all the ballpark. We put that out there early and help people to understand. It citizens in Minneapolis didn't really like that very much. And as you know, they are put forward a charger or a resolution limiting the City of Minneapolis to spending no more than 10 million dollar store towards the ballpark proposal we did try to do a rally of the elected officials predict Ledo's on that serve the City of Minneapolis in the legislature together and they would not be rallied. They would not be reality. There was one individual love that I had that was a member of our Minneapolis legislative delegation of that dog was supportive of the our efforts in the legislature to deliver a ballpark and that was representative Richard Jefferson. He's retired the legislature as of on this year. So a lot of things I didn't happen. Well our elected officials. I didn't really want to get Behind this it was not. They're real first priority in the legislature and and they really did feel that there were other issues in the City of Minneapolis that warranted their attention. The ballpark did not resonate to the top of the list. I also would just share with you that the public got really disgusted with the discussions that were going on around the ballpark first. There was one deal then there was a second deal and there was a third deal and there was a fourth you and all in the deal-making was the you know controlled by a higher power over a guy here in St. Paul in the in the capital. So we were left in the position of a responding to Deals negotiated I buy a group we in at the second deal. I just want to say this at the second deal. They understood that they needed to draw the city inside the Inner Circle if they really want to put something together. But again by then, I think the Public's confidence had worn down I think of that the ballpark on the Minneapolis are river front of ears are still important to the overall strength and vitality of our metropolitan area and of the City of Minneapolis, but we're going to have to come to the grips come to grips with the fact that the public does. Not want to be on the one entity holding the bag on the construction of this the stadium. They want enjoy baseball to be certain are they are disgusted with the high salaries in baseball players are being paid to be certain and they don't want to be seen as the Fall Guy and kind of feeling of the gap of four owners and four players and we've got to figure out some reasonable mix I even threw out the idea of a metropolitan sales tax that would give us some money for baseball some money for light rail Transit some money for affordable housing so that we could address some critical issues that were important to the to the citizens and as well address this issue call quality of life that was rejected that by the governor and it was rejected that by a number of a legislator. So I think we all have to sharpen our pencils put on our thinking caps and try to come to some resolution that keeps Baseball in Minnesota and in Minneapolis, but does not put the entire burden on the taxpayer for business reasons, and twice in the last three weeks. I came into the city for dinner for Orchestra Hall. They didn't come in to shop at Target. I can understand you would need a target for help some places in the downtown area, but why detract from Nicollet Mall for that? Thank you. The question really was for us and the city Minneapolis. How do we bring mid-price retail into other downtown? And of course when retailers think about that where they want to locate they want to locate that where the bulk of us. Are there potential customers are what customers who are looking for retail opportunities are located along of the Nicollet Mall. It was a discussion in years past about whether or not they package store should be on Hennepin Avenue Hennepin Avenue is not the retail spine is the entertainment spine. So the answer to that was no the challenge of that that we have are with a retail the target retailer on Nicollet Mall is to have a design of the Target store on the exterior that allows it to blend into the the retail besides all that exists on Nicollet today. So you're not going to see of the Year Tire. Get the logo that you see on Lake Street or that you see at the Target on 36th off Highway 100 in st. Louis Park. They're going to have to upgrade their presents on the Nicollet Mall. And what you'll know is that it's Target in when you go inside and be mid-priced, but what you'll see on the outside is a very expensive design. That ought to compliment Satan's and the garbage day and are some of the other fine or a retailer so that you're experiencing on the mall. So they're going to have to fit in and disguise themselves band retailers doing, you know, the Saks and Neiman Marcus and so on keep hearing Rumblings that it's it's a pretty dicey deal greater than 8 then they are and I think that they certainly are excited about the things that the City of Minneapolis is doing to bring a more residential units into other downtown and they're there. Excited that the but the folks that are moving into the downtown and the housing on the riverfront are again people with disposed significant disposable income in are likely to your shop on occasion that you and that's facts in the end of the other of find stores that another day the the the mall but again, I think you're right. Gary. It's a dicey deal and the everyday are we struggle to keep other retail lust buying in Downtown Minneapolis exciting and vital. It's critical to us continue to be a a 24-hour downtown where one of a 24-hour downtown's in the country. That means that at 5, we don't roll up the carpet and turn off the light so you can shop you can eat you can hang out you can have a good good time. You can have a cultural experience at Orchestra Hall at the Guthrie all in the downtown and we were unique in that way in the country. But it takes us a continuing to work at these things to take to make it happen to go back to the phones and other callers on the line with a question for Minneapolis. Mayor Sharon sayles Belton Kathleen, that would be you some of these issues are very complex. I'm aware but I I can't disagree with that first colored more about getting behind the baseball shaking when there's a man that play about baseball, but that's not really why I called. I'm calling to ask you when there is so much citizen opposition to it. Why are we still going ahead with rerouting Highway 55 do a sensitive environmental area? And where is that? There should be another he is statement them because changes have happened in the meantime to the whole plan of what was happening along about the Hiawatha quarter. But on the fact is that the bald eagles and Peregrine filters to breed and mate in that area and I just think it's and Coldwater campus and his butt in a portent. A fight so I can I just cannot understand why you're on board with rerouting Highway 55. Thank you. Thank you for your call. The rear out of Highway 55 is absolutely been a controversial has been 4:30 or some plus years. I remember being a kid in South Minneapolis Linda and having folks talk to to ask about all the freeways going to come through South Minneapolis over there by Minnehaha. That's terrible and horrible and I thought it was horrible to because I would ride my bike and walk over there with my girlfriends on a regular basis during the summer time bottom line. Is that a decision that has ever been made in a lot of zazz change your right and the other your trap traffic patterns in the number of people who move about the the city of through Alyssa and Corridor have really changed we got to figure out how we're going to manage that the growth. I've been a strong advocate of y'all are Tieks along Highway fares a way for us to reduce our dependence on others. They automobile and I get into some Mass forms of transportation. That was a good thing but even With a light rail love being introduced into of the Hiawatha court or there's a need for us to make some improvements are in that roadway and it is not a line very well and realigning it is going to you know, create the sum you no concern or for the citizens that live there in people who are concerned about protecting the environment. We're going to lose trees out along the highway I-5 Corridor as the road is real real life, but some of these things I think must happen but we have to responsibly do as people were concerned about the environment has to take every step that we can to protect on the wildlife that enjoys of the other River Bluffs there. We need to do everything that we can to ensure that it Still Remains as a a and an area and the City of Minneapolis where we can enjoy the natural beauty and we can invite people to take communion with up with nature through Walk paths in the end bike trails need to do all those things and there are plant in fact to do that, but they they don't happen without some level of sacrificing and I know people are absolutely angry about of this a decision, but it's a decision that has been made up by the state of Minnesota is been supported by the park and recreation aboard and the City of Minneapolis is a affirming are they the actions of of the state here and we will also at the same time do everything that we can to reinforce rebuild and strengthen the park system the the Fort Snelling a Park area that the other along along the high-water quarter area and preserve it for the enjoyment of our citizens and for the Wildlife or just the shower is Minneapolis, mayor Sharon sayles Belton talking about to some of the issues facing the City of Minneapolis. You'd like to join her. Versation if you got a question for the mayor great opportunity to get that question answered. Give us a call 227-6002 to 76 thousand in the Twin Cities outside the Twin City area. You can reach us toll-free at 1 800-242-2828 and we'll get to some more colors in just a second John Raby and on the next All Things Considered life in the Northwest angle that little bit of Minnesota that sticks up into Canada. What's red, but it wasn't. I don't think everybody was pretty healthy and I would end up in jail. It's all things considered weekdays at 3 on Minnesota Public Radio. Like to invite you to join us over the noon hour today second or apartment Day program will be talking with former vice president and former Ambassador Walter Mondale. He's going to be stopping by the studios today and I thought we would focus primarily on diplomacy Embassy Embassy Security who are these people at work around the world? It is inside some of that issue, but of course lots of other things to talk about as well water Mondale our guest at noon today partly cloudy skies are forecast for the state today, maybe an afternoon thunderstorm in the southern part of Minnesota law on the Iowa border eyes today 70 in the North mid-80s in the South looks like it should be pretty dry for the most part over the weekend. Maybe some rain on Sunday in Northern and Eastern Minnesota Twin Cities partly cloudy this afternoon high from 80 to 85 degrees right now in the Twin Cities. Let's see. Go down here. No temperature reading from the Latin Weather Service right now will pass that along a little later. Let's get back to our callers. Lots of callers on the line with questions for Minneapolis. Mayor Sharon sayles Belton John your next I'm worried that side of the principles that have allowed its assets to flourish mean when you know, you think of Minneapolis you think of the lakes and the river in the public access to those and the Arts community in the theaters, and these are all things that were set up early in the century that we are still enjoying today are flourishing and I look at other things later in the century that we stand like that popping the Kmart down on Nicollet and obviously you're not responsible for that the Dome the LRT now In Blocky they seem to be it's like we're trying to be as what other cities are in forgetting what are true assets are and I'm just wondering what your vision What do you think in the twenty-first century that our children are going to enjoy in the same way that we enjoy the lakes and the rivers in the Arts? You know what? First of all I want to share with you that I think our children arguing enjoy the same thing said that others before us enjoyed and we're doing a great work in the City of Minneapolis to protect our River or lakes are in are airstreams. We created the Clearwater a partnership but it is really getting at some real Grassroots strategies that must be embraced in order for us to protect the water quality were collaborating for the first time ever with the cities like st. Louis Parks who's our water ways of flow into the Chain of Lakes in working with Maman good solid environmental programs that are designed to protect the Lakes good work is happening here. And that's going to continue. We've got citizens of that will live longer than the other River from communities all along of the river who are talking about ways in which a week and establish new policies to protect the other waterways of the Mist mighty, Mississippi. So I think Things are happening there and I think people are driven to to to do that because they do want their children and future generations to enjoy the beautiful water valve features are amenities that we have in our community the Park and Recreation board is done a phenomenal job in introducing to us even more Parkways along of the river for us to enjoy if you haven't been down there go to the last piece of the Great River Road that. Was just opened up about a month ago. It was in the place of the old the University of Minnesota or I calm University of Minnesota cold Flats. Remember those big mounds of coal that would sit down there along the River's Edge they're gone and they replaced with Trails for bikes and walking passage. Absolutely gorgeous and beautiful the University of Minnesota's promising us that. On the East Bank of the Mississippi River along land that they control that they'll do a complimentary action. These are all good and positive things on the theater chip. I want to just show With you that the people who support the Arts in the community not only our support bringing additional resources to some of the big large art institutions of the Twin Cities area, but they're also reaching out to the smaller Arts have been used by that are in our neighborhood. So I threw out the city and giving them some of the tools so that they can I bring the masses or two to the yard so that they can bring the children to the yard. So you're seeing of the of the art organizations alike heart of the Beast get support of from of the philanthropic Community. You're seeing a penumbra just enjoyed considerable support greater support than they've ever had in the past of from the the giving Community these things have happened because we want to continue to have Minneapolis and st. Paul to be the cultural centers of the Upper Midwest. So those things will happen if you raise questions about About things like Kmart. Well, there's discussion right now about I'm doing all that bad decision that closed on fun on Nicollet the Nicollet Mall and with it a facilitated the demise of good solid businesses along Hennepin Avenue. I don't know if that'll happen next year or the year after that. But there are some things that are being done to a correcta the quote unquote sense of the past. The domes are the don'ts are to stay the Doma is doing good things for us. I think everybody thought that the door was going to generate a lot of economic activity around it. It didn't because it wasn't really, you know, well plan we didn't deliberately create an opportunity or environment for businesses to grow you want to know a smart thing that we did and I'm going to a wedding is really smart years ago the City of Minneapolis build up river place and they thought that everybody on the other side of the river. We're going to flag over there. They didn't they didn't they didn't Play to it at all. Tell you what we did the sense that decision. We open up the Stone Arch Bridge Hennepin County built a beautiful sea expansion Bridge across the river if you want to know what's happening today, people are walking across their relating to the other side of the river on one beautiful day in the City of Minneapolis lb 10,000 people that cross the Stone Arch Bridge to the East Bank. We need to make those connections are from these the significant and great Investments that we made so that people can connect to them. We've got to create that connection. It just won't happen because we wish it or we think and so Minneapolis is going to figure out over the next couple of years how we can connect to these great institutions and resources be at the Children's Theater the Art Institute the Guthrie of the river of the River Place, whatever it is, we're going to deliberately work to make the connections are to these things that define our community. Terms of L looking into the future. Are you going to have the kind of private-sector leadership that Minneapolis historically has enjoyed it seems like with the global economy all the big mergers corporate headquarters of moving to San Francisco, wherever like Norwest you're going to lose a lot of the the whole line private sector leaders who made a lot of this kind of development over the years possible ogirri. I'm glad that you raise that because as I just said in response to the of the last Calderwood trying to connect to all these braids and natural resources that we have to each other right now in Minneapolis. Are we going to put together a public-private partnership that engages the corporate Community with the Arts community and with the City of Minneapolis to create what we're calling the Avenue of the Arts along 3rd Avenue in Minneapolis. It'll start to in the Whittier neighborhood at the Children's Theater. And at the Art Institute and we'll come down a Third Avenue across of the of the 94 bridge and along that whole Corridor. We are going to enhance enhance of the the art experience so that they'll be a greater presence of the Hennepin County's a historical society's operations on 3rd Avenue will reinforce the the Arts of through a redesign of the bridge along 94. We will draw people from the Whittier neighborhood in the Siemens neighborhood into the downtown along 3rd Avenue. Another big investment that we are engaged in is the expansion of the convention center. We will ensure that it has a strong Arts present with sculpture with water will take you down on 3rd Avenue to the Milwaukee Depot where we're restoring of that the beautiful love that beautiful love building will take you. Further down 3rd Avenue to the river when we will introduce you to the mill ruins South Park where we will unearth the beautiful ruins of Minneapolis has a birth and history Medtronic u.s. West Dayton Hudson American Express. All those corporations are engaged or with us in that effort. Why because they have a presence on 3rd Avenue and they are an active player in the Civic and cultural life of our community and they want to be a part of it. The bottom line is yes corporate Minneapolis will step up to the plate and be engage in activities that they believe are going to have value and give definition to the great City of Minneapolis. And I want to just to take this opportunity to say thank you Medtronic isn't even you know located in the city, but they're their corporate. They're our corporate leader in our community and I'll bet I can Find a piece of aloe vera letterhead that says Medtronic Minneapolis, Minnesota for the mayor also with what she's suspended discoursing on and in that is if she wants to drive everybody into Minneapolis for these activities to keep in mind affordable and convenient parking. All the development will go for naught if people can't get there and park and enjoy the activities. My question really has to do with your Port near port expansion, and it relates to the dfl convention in a brief conversation that the mayor had with my current council member in Richfield Susan Rosenberg about trying to arrange a meeting between the council members of Minneapolis and the council members of Richfield to discuss your poor. Stanchion and I was wondering if she was going to continue to try to facilitate that discussion. And secondly, I'm wondering what her position is on Airport expansion. I realized that things like this are just going to occur regardless of what many of the citizens may have jet to similar to The Highway 55 questions that have been raised. But in this case, we have airport expansion without necessarily Real benefit to the citizens in the form of more competition in Airline. Semi Northwest continues to have a Stranglehold airport expansion. Yay or nay, but first, let me say I'm parking I absolutely agree with you got to make sure that the parking is readily available and that's affordable. You know when it's been all your dollars. So I'm parking when you really want to in a spend it on that steak dinner at Moritz. Okay. I understand that and we're trying to be a thoughtful and mindful about it. And we do have a strategy to introduce more parking into the south end of the Nicollet Mall where we're seeing more and more restaurants in and again a lot of pressure on another parking at currently exists because of the popularity of the theaters in the state in the Orpheum in his wealth the wonderful events that are occurring at Orchestra Hall now on the airport. I have always thought that the state of Minnesota Auto invest us some of its resources and land banking up for an airport. I think it's fine for us to talk about how can we get them? What are the airports where it's currently located? But I think they did for the if we continue to experience a level of of grossa and the strength that are kind of me is is demonstrating it today at some point in time of that. The airport will be too small to accommodate air traffic when the legislature decided to stop over all of the Year discussions about the other dual-track, you know, does it grow or does it stay we asked the electrical her2 to consider ongoing reports about grow so that they could I be more informed about the other I need for a 4 new airport. They legislature did agree with that and did authorize on that does some studies I'll be done now by the University of Minnesota and that the legislature be periodically updated. So the bottom line is let's land bank for the future. Let's keep Echo Valley growth on that. We are enjoying our Inn in our region and then let's look at how we can a manager of the expansion at the existing Minneapolis-Saint Paul Airport my goal and objective as a mayor of the city working in cooperation with the city council was Tua try to relieve a Minneapolis of from are some of the airport noise now we did that successfully by negotiating a a pattern of noise distribution that gives other people who benefit from the airport being in close proximity to their Community some of the noise. We also negotiated successfully with the with the mac and the and the legislature additional money for residents in the City of Minneapolis are to be a relief from some of that noise that the company's airport to present in previous years Gary only single family homes that were eligible for summer. Noise mitigation when we went in and they're just going to go straight and more money for our schools that are impacted money for nursing homes money for facilities. Are there Targets in the care of children and it's well money stuff for multi-family units for the first time in the history of the annoys are reduction of programs more people will be able to get access to North mitigating initiative said that she'll done for them for the most part of their families from being bombarded day-in-and-day-out inside of their home. So if they are pressures of noise, it's not it's not what everybody wants but it certainly is a has been a victory for for Minneapolis on the question of working with the Richfield. Thank you for bringing that up. I have put that issue in front of my staff and set it really is important that the cities of that. Are impacted by airport noise on a regular basis be in communication with each other so that we can jointly Strategizing for the benefits of all communities and it is a high priority of mine and I'm looking forward to that meeting taking place. Star Tribune, I see that you've requested an increase of the city budget of the 3% in yesterday's Star Tribune. I saw that the Midwest housing values 9% and I'm wondering how you can justify a 10.9% increase effectively because of that on a budget at a time when we're talking about what 2% inflation let me share with you what the story really really a sad. The story of said that I established a maximum Levy for the City of Minneapolis has a maximum Levi by Minneapolis is Charter. I'm required to do that because I on September 15th. I Board of estimate and Taxation has to adopt a maximum Levy, but the maximum level allows me to do is to continue to work with City departments and try to further reduce of the cost of government that same article indicated that I was asking every city Department to reduce their budgets. 3% are we will spend the next two months are working with the department so I could do that and to do that in a way that is responsible because it is not my intention that I would ever have to 11th at 3% But I did think it was important for me to a give by the city council flexibility so that we could respond to some growing in mounting pressures that we have over the last 4 or 5 years. Are we have I increase our police department at an unprecedented rate we did so because we wanted to respond strongly and swiftly are two issues about Public Safety some of the support that we got them for that buildup of our Police Department came from resources from the federal government. The federal government said we'll pay the front car associated with your police reinforcements, but you're going to have to pay the back caught with a bad car starter right now the equivalent of 2.24 million dollars the three percenter Levi is equivalent to 2.4% Also, I wanted to share with you that last year the City of Minneapolis, like everybody else so was impacted that buy serious rain storms and rain storms are put tremendous pressure on the infrastructure of the City of Minneapolis. And some of of that infrastructure failed us. So in some areas of the City of Minneapolis residential property was flooded and some people were flooded to up two of their round up to the first floor. So their homes we want that didn't we don't want that to happen again until the City of Minneapolis did decide that we would more aggressive lyrian reinvest in our infrastructure of the infrastructure Investments are approximately 76 million dollars. Will I can't pay for them all in one year until one of the issues that I have in front of the city council is how do we reinforce the infrastructure of the City of Minneapolis our backbone to ensure that the goods and services basic service? Do saw are readily available for our citizens what that comes at some cost. And again, I'm going to try to tweak them out of government as it exists today as I have every year for the past five years, but I don't know what I'm going to be able to accomplish over the next three years and this is kind of a cushion. So you are encouraged me to keep my pencil sharp as I have for the last five years and delivered to you the taxpayers a budget that with limited impact if I have to raise taxes, it will only be to make sure that I have good solid Public Safety to fight crime and violence that we have a solid infrastructure in the City of Minneapolis are so that you can enjoy hot good water quality Goods sewer Services Safe Streets to to travel on I and again that. In the event of a some natural disaster that are the Minneapolis-Saint households. I don't think into the Pete. We're almost out of time here. I don't know minutes left to go. Let me run a couple of couple of things by a very quickly here. Number one. We keep hearing about to catch and release is the is the term polica sweeping up a lot of people who are doing things presumably they're not supposed to be doing it take him down that have no place to put them the immediately back on the street. And we also hear absolute denials that that's occurring. What's the truth released test? That's what we do bring people down to the jail and there's no room to hold them and that they're at they are released not everybody not certainly not the in a vicious criminals who have committed heinous crimes, but we are arresting people in City Minneapolis who are what we call chronic misdemeanants who are constantly out there standing on the street corner selling dope prostituting or doing any number of other things that just undermine the quality of life and we've told our police to arrest them. We've also at old are sitting at I need to prosecute him & geryon anticipation of a again these increase arrests that. We've had out there. We've increased the RR prosecutors in the city. In fact, I jump start at the budget and I gave him five or prosecutors right now recognizing that I really wouldn't have the money to pay for them until January but I did so because I want people prosecuted or violating the law for the rest of the Criminal Justice System need some relief too. We need more beds the old people who shouldn't be caught and released. We need no more public defenders so that the publica these criminals can have their defense and we can have a a Swift and speedy trial. We need to our courtrooms and Equipment Personnel to keep this Criminal Justice System working and working smoothly pushed hard for Community Schools in Minneapolis that whole plan the n-double-acp very critical of the program saying it's going to reset your gate that leads a hypersegregation. I don't agree with them. I think the community school is important. We're moving forward in North Minneapolis to build new schools right in the neighborhoods that those children live in they can walk to school their mothers can be in those schools talking with the teachers and administrators and holding them accountable for our children to learn bus in children across the City of Minneapolis in a 45 minute bus ride is just that make any sense to me anymore might have made sense in 1970, but this is you know that almost the next millennium and we've got to do things that make sense today. And if you put your politician had on for a moment take off the mayor hat but the politician had on maybe they're the same who you supporting for governor. I asked you that you know at the convention I was so I work the floor hard for Humphrey. I work too hard for hard for them because I thought that they had the best answers and the best strategies of for the things that we're facing. I hear are in the state of Minnesota. And I thought that that was the team that really could could win. I still think they are the party is endorsed Mike Freeman and it's really hard for me as a as a party activist from a you know, coming through the ranks at 2 to a buck the endorsement process. so then let you know. Old actively campaigning out for anybody. All right now in the and I think I let you know I might party loyalties or say to you, you know, you got to hang in there with the endorsed candidate. But anyways, they said that it's kind of hard to take out. The mayor's had them that and just put on the political had it thank you very much for putting me in that corner of yesterday is great to be here Gary. I had a lot of fun or just this hour Minneapolis mayor Sharon sayles belt. I'm Ray Suarez critics appointed to the cooling of one atmospheric layer is evidence against global warming but a new study says that when you correct it before unnoticed glitch in the temperature measurement, there isn't cooling at all. Join Ira Flatow on Science Friday for a look at the latest global warming news plus is salt really the culprit in hypertension on the next Talk of the Nation from NPR news. doc of a Nation at one time now for the writers on the


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