Minnesota Meeting: Alexander Dubcek - Trade with the Czech Slovak Federated Republic

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Alexander Dubcek, the chairman of the federal sssembly of Czechoslovakia First, speaking at Minnesota Meeting. Dubcek address was titled “Trade with the Czech Slovak Federated Republic.” He talked of the economic future of his country. Dubcek spoke through a translator. Former Governor Elmer L Andersen introduced Alexander Dubcek.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

If there is one thing clear, it's that this is an appropriate time to be brief. Yes lien. So your sled I get the names of all the things that might be said about our distinguished visitor in speaker. I think the one most ridiculous Carson is the one most inner heart Miss. Leymah tabouret Vista genius remote active is his steadfastness to principal Yahoo. Yahoo! Citizen is the model that his career has been a model believe it was you.To all of us everywhere that principle is to be preferred above position pronounce. Shook me up a poached egg becomes 02080273 /g G princip the leadership disaster David. We know the travel he experienced but what an incredible record to have stood steadfast for 20 years, we measure at the Ritz.While history was catching up you did he study. Advani lavezzi and a wonderful. He could have that thrilling November day in 1989. It's time you took some sweets table. It is actually when 200,000 of his countrymen gathered mystical City Hall. I'll be back just go slow Svenska calling. We want dubcek Lamar's jewelry jewelry after 20 years. He came up smiling. What about such electric? So B will obviate susmita Metrology.Any came up in Minnesota. I'll be very upset with us, Minnesota. But we should not forget that this is a trade Mission miss me miserable Manolo Sanchez. So just your sister if we love chairman dubcek and what he represents. Yes. There's a mom at our G open loop circuit two subsets. Then we should find ways and means like this when Julie nightsisters possibly to reach out as he and his colleagues are reaching out yuck. There's a note on to effectuate trade relationships. They steal the results the opportunist who company to company between us no Skipper must be removed and the wonderfully strong talented skilled people of the Federated Republic of Steel block nasty relief. Just go slow and Squanto Czechoslovakia. The title is trade little upward with the Czech Slovak Federated Republic just go a slow in school for the Athenian publicly. And what an honor is mine to present. One whom I admire so much you thought which is David chairman of the Federated assembly said this the ice. It's the roof Alexander dubcek Alexander. well, I was in a dummy 03302, Minnesota 15 team, Teresa Otto Jessica witness who prostrate every rupee stupid 9016230 Vivia We don't Senators to dr. Mao simultaneous Emoji. So period of Show Business sympathy promotes problem ecma-262. See production Gene variation Sam. Yet ownership has launched a National Historic ski will ladies and gentlemen, I would like to use this opportunity to thank you again for the invitation. I have received from the state of Minnesota Czech and Slovak federal republic a state of to equal Nations 15 million Czech and Slovak X in the middle of Europe has set out on A New Path of its development. We have taken a route on which we are not isolated and where we can rely on General sympathy and help offer to us, but we shall have to solve our problems ourselves. Yet in Karachi, but it took me Smitha cuckoo city tax money, press ke re stupid. Nah, no boots to erase. It has a problem Norman parkis. Ooh terrible business value of w be able to reach any Star Rose Villa be Priscilla crew near stalinism 00306210 V democracy with Nova movie. Whoo-hoo. Concealer. Hollow voice cocoapods will be a Halo of Georgia Tech put Minkoff previous low morale new cage November 4024802069803 sthe borrows be totally to do most Jesus said 'no problem humor is Mu W Slavic Roots K enero de Brava Democrats. You hospitals co-prosperity to social news probably was everybody else here in a hot naughty ruskov national student visa. Which Jeannie Nashville Ludo Australia totally too much culture nacho nacho him. It's our own mission our historic role. We have made already one attempt 22 years ago during so-called Prague spring to solve our problems. Our attempt limited by the conditions of those days wasn't allowed to unfold to break through the straitjacket of stalinism and open the door for Democratic development. It was stopped by military intervention in Czechoslovakia the following 20 years deepened the economic as well as moral Crisis crisis. When the resistance against totality culminated in November last year, it was clear that the Revolutionary movement will go further on the destruction of totalitarian power is not enough. It is necessary to rebuild the whole society from the scratch to purify it and Endo it with the Traditional Values. It used to probe to profess or strived for for in the past humanism Freedom human and National rights democracy economic Prosperity Social Justice our November movement in which the spontaneous yet cultural Behavior determination of the majority of population to overthrow the totalitarian power and enthusiasm of young people particularly students played such an important role succeeded in Breaking the resistance of the old system and shifted our society considerably for Towards democracy towards free development now Stella Priest album 0306222 radi Parliament to both Amanpour. You don't have that yet. Oh be Tony Roni the yo princie do again pause Williamsville. Any some wazzle. Don't I wish Uhura do not share publicly Navajo president pandava table - oh nightly show a th $90 video show who follows up his speech problem Academy has redness Nashville, November Viejo Vivia history secret conscious a preview periodic miss your show is my previous body politic School Hospital School plural two rows way democracy a democratic structures polishness see potato Paratha economics care reform a disaster. Vanya will be the rock music Nardo Chico Slovak 0 was botulinum federative newspaper Adam started soon after achieved bodies of administration legislation the government and Parliament were reconstructed and one day after being again elected the chairman of the lot of the letter after 20 years 21 years. I was inaugurated the new president václav Havel into the highest office in our Republic our first and at the same time most important task was to confirm the irreversible character of our post-november development by necessary legislation. You know historical short spell of five months. We have past 65 legal acts which guaranteed the principal Civic rights and Liberties political and economic morality development of democracy and Democratic social structures set down the conditions for the process of economic reform and for the establishment of principles of mutual coexistence of our two Nations Czechs and slovaks in the common federal state. Roddy bizarre, so do they feel NE Sedona Federation more severe has about authentic gave or less unique Naruto Sakura public policy priorities. Kri, Banda sea economic a total of Dobie Gillis robot. Navami technology evangelist who has a pot Peru National Democratic 866 economics que Presta get stuck, too. Scrappy dappy swim Nas V boy more pieces that Gina shot sista is some of the Rhema heedlessness NE our base Akiko big problemo 980000 City just okras policy process termed oversee nearest aisle four inara. You stole a chimney Olivia's naked immediately. Mr. Myko. Foucault Vale register Touhou a be taught or sister Betsy Layne tuck Nina pirogova Pavel Isa some of their image yet. Oh yeesh team Jae Hee. Mr. Rossano. See see D. I now see William pre-classic terenas 950930718300 be Nicholas a productivity process drastically musée du prik to move the tent ovv near catastrophe ski, Nina Havana Scrooge a British Navy. Tuara Novotny. She put me in key reform Leo petronius. Doris who never had any trouble we see how just 068378 team history direct evening sister me priest about you malli fungal rot. Another system moves many seats a bully. Ah start over a new Zoo stolley Arizona. We believe that strong Federation can be based only on the authentic willingness of national Republic's that strong both politically as well as economically this period culminated in free elections in which our population expressed their consent and support to the Democratic path. We have we had taken and to the economic reform my brief account of our recent development might give a false idea that it is a matter of fact affect process and ambiguous and uncomplicated one. It is not the case. In fact, it is a complicated and often painful process in which new relations are often hindered by the resistance of the old structures still surviving particularly in some agencies of Center and Regional Administration and in some Enterprises as well as by the lack of Lucien preparedness and knowledge. I will give you some examples of what worries us. The unfavorable Trend in our economy the heritage of the past regime, unfortunately prevalent the production some branches dropped the productivity of work decreased and the wages increased even even though this development trend is not critical it is disturbing because it doesn't create a most favorable conditions for the reform measures necessary for the establishment of Market relations. One of the reasons is that the old Central istic system ceased to function while the new systemic changes where sanctioned but have not started working yet. What's the temperature right now? Circa crazy first comes Alleyway Aquinas leaky know she put 4 e+ U Democrat. Is he crying pretty risqué aggressive. Obviously. If Tom just made me murali me Vada me supportive of Tom. Here's a sneak peek Rod history reform. We premise Ravi start sway hospitals to reduce pollution has totally taeho. Centrally Cisco directive new system na Min Ki just goes from a school board member roopa Anish octant obras toponym a of bureaucratic scary again a new company. Whitney has a he politics key missed or strategy over Yugi. I responsibly was length the depot. Hope he may help cupramine story me who seemed a race. A Muslim enemy, press exact same logic Mercy Hospital ski Whispering a grainy cooked or IMS mineral sleep at really amazed economy. The may just awfully you do know sprayed me missed. Lately the consequences of the Gulf of the gulf crisis and our support of democratic countries opposition against Iraq have also begun to appear our present difficulties are caused by the heritage of economy burdened by internal debt of devastated environment and more relate this story to society. The route we have taken is difficult because this for the first time in history that an industrial nation is transferring the economy and the whole society from the totalitarian central control system to market conditions czechoslovak industry has been almost totally state-owned only if you add bureaucrat bureaucratic management and incompetent decisions irresponsible and harmful interference exercise by political institutions lost confidence of the people and their ability to adapt you will be able to grasp the profound changes. We shall have to implement if we To resume our position among the industrial developed countries, which we occupied in the past. And which used to be a favorable one. Simply speak to Mu a passage in Geelong programmable of Sociology regular wanna travel through VA hospitals 2003800600 zaku. Darnay initiative of Lodi, very tacky variant economy scary for me Tory hammers near a clue of Nauvoo Effectiveness see National Hospital our star who knows economic schiappa trainee 33408083000037870262. Not marinate in Flats here authoritative word Apostle 0066804 School a label of mothers. I am I selfish to contribute to the enforcement of our goal and our only program which is the socially regulated market economy. We shall have to and that will be now domain content of the legislative activity of the federal assembly and the government chose such a model of the economic reform which would enable Speedy Revival and the effectiveness of our economy and which would be at the same time taking into account the social feasibility of the economic measures. We want to avoid a social tension causing failure of economic measures. We want to avoid the danger of excessive inflation, which so badly hit our neighbors Poland and Hungary. Zito with a new video - go see not stava Memorial University of wa the story me Victoria brownie chocolate as aruki Hospital does not mean of only prohibit over. Ooh, Pena see lots of nice heel to stamina mosquitoes need to start an athlete new privatization you pasta teachers just he started sector 0305085 stoop. There are additional capital O. Dhananjaya economic 7362048436490049 Kanya demobilization economic fairness. Nijo-jo, Australia. Network analysis problem Yahoo! Finance nijo, Daniel Viejo administrative a whole system. That is way better Jesus in our Steve explaining Stato pre-doctoral 23070. Stalo doctor honoris causa America University some seduced retool welcomes album America panic attack or hospitals Goosebumps. Do we do know it will be extremely difficult and it cannot be done without difficulties the coming period or will be a crucial one for the federal assembly, which we'll discuss in pass a number of important legal acts which should form the legal basis and guarantee of the market economy that is of the free movement of goods money and labor that means to carry out the nationalization and subsequent privatization of the substantial portion of the state sector which will among others also, Open our economy to the foreign capital. We shall support private Enterprise and then one of the monopolization of our economy and eliminate all restrictions on foreign trade furthermore. We are ready to eliminate all still existing obstacles such as for instance defects of the Legal Financial Taxation and administrative systems during my previous visit to the United States when I was awarded a doctorate honoris causa, I already met with great interest expressed by American entrepreneurs in mutual cooperation with Czechoslovakia. But if you see a business opportunity leads our initial solution has the national company Connie some president Cheney repertoire important winky preachers liver. President Mama Pomeranians roof new school new mommy qualification, Robotnik 00 dobrica dare technicals. Hope Nick drove a party. Mommy school senussi will get Rowdy see mommy relative named a loser. She knows it's really awesome Millard West 0020439003402580032 are an important initiative. There you go, Mommy. There are some principle will give Lo hee Nima may involve you miss dream rubato historian a she's Naruto device pillows occult honors thesis Louis lepke. Oh sweet. That's why we are eliminating the inter imperfections of our legislation in the economic sphere in order to encourage foreign participation in our enterprising activities. I am convinced we do create conditions attractive for foreign businessmen. Our industry is considerably sound even if some of our industrial branches may be obsolete. We have qualified qualified workers and good technicians capable of creative work. We have experience and tradition. We have a relatively relatively low foreign debt less than 8 billion US dollars. That means approximately 503 $530 per capita. All this together with newly created conditions for Creative initiative and Enterprise represents in my opinion guarantee of our success. But Obama about Eugenie Jill Zarin, it's AA Co Ronald certainly partner does with OVI group ski integration approaches. So supposed origin of especially crying upstage toward a common currency. Narcissistic. Narottam, Domino City. Yes, Esther Buddhist Nazi doctor stupid modern 00236 m+ semester sport package happen promotes rivers of cards are additional Capital talk therapy Tania. Hi Bob. Habibullah. Keep his Manhattan near zero Billy Ami dami upon EI Muchachos. Some supportive in the va's was the situation here is Confluence co-host Adam Chelsea pressure. 0403 Hudson Terrace, Jack Williams oppose or knows we have we have no other choice. I believe that the rich and long history of our nation's their General and cultural standard who deserve a better fate. That's that's why we recognize only one goal for us the joined the world and European integration processes on equal footing to join a family of developed countries and to succeed in Merce Merce Liszt competition. We are not returning to the past. We have set out on the path leading to the Future and we are grateful for any help offer to us, which we which would make our journey less troublesome. Ladies and gentlemen, I considered it necessary to outline for your situation Czechoslovakia has recently gone through our current intentions as well as problems. Thank you for your attention.


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