Bob Meek and Liz Quam from the DFL convention

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MPR’s Bob Potter interviews Bob Meek, DFL political commentator; and Liz Quam, I-R political commentator, at the DFL convention. Topics include the battle between Paul Wellstone, Jim Nichols, and Tom Berg, for the endorsement as Minnesota U.S. Senate DFL candidate; Governor’s race; and I-R convention. Meek and Quam also answer listener questions.

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Exactly 12 noon and time to go back to the dfl state convention in Minneapolis where Bob Potter I believe is standing by with our calling guess this afternoon Bob live from Les dfl convention in Downtown Minneapolis. The delegates just a little bit behind schedule at this point the endorsement for a constitutional officers were supposed to get underway at 11:30 this morning. Well, it's been a little bit more time than expected on the rules. And in fact, they're just getting around to the endorsement of the Constitutional officers right now Secretary of State John groleau is at the podium answering a few questions that have been submitted in writing by the delegates interesting section of the rules here allows a question and answer session before each of the endorsement sections. So they'll be a Q&A session of 5 minutes for Joe and roll one for the other state constitutional officers now and then a 30-minute Q&A session prior to the endorsement of the Senate candidates this afternoon, that should prove kind of it.And because of course it's a fairly tight three-way race for endorsement for United States Senate today with Paul wellstone Tom Bergin Jim Nichols all seeking endorsement. So is a political unknown the name of Bob Olson. Anyway, we are going to spend this hour chatting with our political commentators Bob making Liz claman Bob is rdfl commentator Liz are Republican both have been active for a long time with in their parties. They worked on Statewide campaign. They have just been very very active in in Party politics over the years and it's pleasure to have you with us at the convention. Guess. The first thing I like asked as far as this a senate race this afternoon here at the dfl convention is do you detect at this point any any shift of mood among the delegates for one candidate or the other Bob?Be well soon. People probably have the headship to this point. The talk on the floor is that if a candidate can come in on the first ballot with better than the 40% and thought that that would position the candidate for endorsement in a reasonable amount of time reasonable amount of time is 8 to 10 ballots. Not the kind of contest we were through with the Jone in 1984. Okay, if we have eight to ten Bells roughly how long you think that'll take us that could take you well into the evening. The balloting is computerized and such but they're a little breaks taken the creamy chicken ballotine and sometimes the candidates are invited up to give another talk or try to convince the delegates to of their case adjusting. There might be no endorsement at all for US Senate today. Is that still your position? I think that's a reasonable position. There are a lot of strong we held the positions on behalf of Paul wellstone.Probably has the largest number of delegates and very strong the help position some behalf of the Jim Nichols delegates Witcher largely from the pro-life or anti-abortion right still part of the convention at these people aren't really going to trade back and forth. The candidate in the middle is a former legislator and prosecutor Tom bird who is someone actually campaign says the candidate of the Mondale tradition is a very moderate middle-of-the-road Democrat somewhat dull in terms of the campaign reception. He's gotten around the state right to articulate and he would like to see himself as the compromise choice between these two camps. I don't think Jim Nichols are Paul wellstone faux wood. Look at umberger's a compromise Choice as you think is going to make it today. If any I think it's significant thatI moved to limit. The number of ballots Was Defeated about a half hour ago. That means that these delegates that were elected to endorse have come here and they expect to endorse that might mean that we end up here all night Democrats have done that before it will be very interesting because it's Bob says the nickels and wellstone camps don't overlap on much of anything with their positions. And so I think both would have to move to Berg in order for an endorsement to take place. There's also the error for Tenpenny here with a few signs and bumper strips are conveniently placed by all of the tables. He's a congressman from the first district and steering committee person for Jim Nichols, but also is interested in that senate seat himself. If this convention were to either not have an endorsement and Jim NicholsSide or perhaps if Paul wellstone was he endorsed candidate? You might see Tim Penny jump into this in and make it a wholly different contest in. The primary is about what Tim Penny was or was not going to do because of his interest in a senate seat. The last I heard was that he was going to continue to support Jim Nichols even to into a primary fight, which would be very interesting for an elected official to be that open. If Jim Nichols does not received the endorsement commentators Liz claman by Meek with us in this hour of the day, and if you have a question for them will open the phone lines now to 276 thousand is the number of Minneapolis-Saint Paul to 276 thousand elsewhere toll free at one 806-529-7001 800-652-9700 as we talk about developments at the dfl State Convention this weekend in Minneapolis.And we're going to extend this to include the IR convention next weekend at the Loop because we're going to be broadcasting that live. This is going to be our one opportunity to give you however a chance to visit with her commentators about both of the conventions. Let's switch quickly to the governor's race and then and then a few predictions about that I R Convention next weekend Mike Mulcahy was reporting a little bit earlier that the perfect people are saying they got about 56% of the delegates. They need 60. You think they'll get it Bob when I think they're going for broke you see the governor and lieutenant governor Johnson are both out on the floor this morning. They sense that if they can come in with about a 53 55% to margin on the first ballot tomorrow, but they can move the pre-party moderates who are pro-choice on abortion way from Mike Hatch and capture is 60% endorsement within again, a reasonable number of ballots, perhaps 327 ballots.What is your view on the gubernatorial endorsement? Well, I think it's very interesting that Lola perpich has become involved in the endorsement a campaign as well. As I understand that she spent this last week calling some of the hatch delegates seen if she could convince them to support her husband. That's interesting because she has not always been very active especially in the the prea campaigning that goes on with Democratic delegates. I think that if the governor does received the endorsement, it will be evident within a couple ballots that he is going to receive it. And then and I'm not sure that you will see my cat's going to the primary. That's that's what I would find interesting is if he does not receive them endorsement if he continues to take his campaign to the people and the agenda calls for the endorsement for governor tomorrow at the dfl State Convention. I want to get to The Listener questions, but we got to talk just quickly about the Republicans next weekend lizard got an interesting gubernatorial contest there. Who do you think is going to come out again? I don't think we'll know until the convention time. It's very close between printing Dave Printing and Jon grunseth nip-and-tuck. I think I'll be great drama on the floor of the convention and some of the delegates that are that are undecided will make up their minds made. Having to do with the nomination right right there. I don't know the individual Republican delegates. The Frenchie does appear to be a strong candidate to and Jon grunseth is is kind of a second-tier candidate thinking that race right now. I think the real red bow is Tony Carlson know that the Republicans are no longer of one mind on abortion know the New York State Republican party this last week took a pro-choice position on abortion Arne Carlson and Doug Kelly or both running with the pro-choice positions in and I think that there's some people book that believe in a Republican primary that are pro-choice candidate could win that would that would be phenomenal given the kind of folks that make up the legislative bodies of both Democrats and Republicans were something like 2/3 pro-life candidate. McCandless climb are political commentators Bob the dfl their lives the Republican and let's get you involved in the conversation here. We do have some phone lines open still 227 6000 Minneapolis-Saint Paul area callers to 276 thousand Elsewhere One 800-652-9700. I would like to talk politics. So you're interested why go ahead and get on the line will give you a chance to visit with our commentators first question or standing by now. Go ahead, please you around the air. What time do you think the nominating speeches aloe for descendant? What time do you think that they'll actually start balloting? And then the other question is as the gallery open for the public to stroll down and take a look. Well, it's Bob. What's your best guess on when they'll actually get to it? They have been running maybe a half an hour 45 minutes behind I would have to take a look at that time though. They may have set a certain. Just to keep it on schedule. So if they're not done with the other minor constitutional Law Offices attorney-general rod for excetera, perhaps we'll just move at at 2:30. If they know they've got a heck of a contest here in the end. We need to get at it in terms of when the speeches will begin. His mind is going to have that Q&A session pretty much right up at the front right up right up front. Right? So that would be when they get to it that be the first thing we hear that would be quite interesting. I thought it was fascinating here. We just saw John gross stand up and answer questions people had submitted from the floor and it was probably the best exchange. I've seen in a convention in the twenty years now and then is it open to the public? I am not aware of that. It's is very open. There's no fear anything. You can just come down and you get a little visitor pass and then you can miss it in the back here. And in the arena, by the way is it's more like a trade show place. There are no regular galleries around the side. There's there's ample chairs. Placing and I know that the wellstone folks among others have invited to supporters who are not delegates to come down and ensure on their candidates in this there's plenty of space and people be welcome. All right. It is about 12 minutes past the hour dfl commentator Bob Meek Republican commentator Liz Quan with us today on the days. We talked about the conventions both the dfl convention here in Minneapolis and the Republicans next weekend in Duluth. Next caller. Go ahead, please. What's your question today? when I apologize for the basic nature question, but States I'm wondering why? It came about at the time of Watergate when because Democrats are are named dfl democratic-farmer-labor party check Slocum who is then the Republican party chair decided that the Republican should be a coalition of Independence and Republicans. And Hanson. Minnesota has names for both its political parties that are different from that of the rest of the nation hasn't there been some talk among the Republicans of dropping that I an independent ever since they first adopted the name independent Republicans. It's been discussed. I don't see that it will be dropped anytime in the future farmer labor party took place in the 30s in order to accommodate to actually an early forties to accommodate the progressive farmer labor Wing, which was mainly in out State Minnesota with the more urban labor based the Democratic party and wants the two sides got together. We could start electing Governors and senators and wasn't it? The late Senator Hubert Humphrey that pretty much put that Coalition together an architect of it. Although looking at the Republican side of this question. I think it would be unwise for them to move that independent name right now. They have actually brought their party preference in the state up to a virtual tie with the Democratic party. It's quite a move over the last 4 or 5 years and exciting as these conventions are and protect. When we get into the balloting for a for the senate race later on today, I think we need to try to put this whole endorsement process in context. How important is the work that's going on here today at the dfl convention next week at the IR convention, especially given that some of the candidates are already said they're going to run in a primary, please. I think it remains important because of the timing of our primary. It's very late in the election cycle. If you have the impetus of an endorsement behind you you have party list you have party workers. You have a more of a consensus within your own party on on how that you should be helped. It's even even if the precinct caucus system is changed and there's a great deal of discussion about it and and how candidates should be nominated to run for major offices. Even if that happens. I still believe that the party will serve a very important role what you've seen in the last decade is the both parties trying to move from a volunteer-based organization to a much more electronic based organization that electronic organization is going to continue to be needed. In any state the endorsement too. Well the past it's time for the endorsement to Jonesboro was saying earlier makes a difference if you're running for one of these less visible office is one of the minor constitutional officers, but if you're a candidate for governor for the United States Senate you are going to take your case directly to the public and it's going to be in the major television commercials in a campaign that easily can upset any party endorsement. Remember that the party itself is $100,000 in debt, and it does not have a very good record of the pending doors because I think the Applause insects that you're hearing has been the endorsement by acclamation basically for a secretary of state John Rolfe. She is now up on the podium then maybe we should pause long enough just to pick up a little bit of her commentary since we are live here at the dfl State Convention. Let me tell you that our phone lines are still available to 27. 6001 8. 652-9700 Secretary of State Jonesboro dominating fakes to my Deputy Lane boss for her hard work. I want to bring you greetings for my children Michael and Colleen and David and Patrick who can't be here and to share some special information with you. My mom who has been a widow for almost four years now is getting married next week. So we are celebrating a brand new chapter in her life, and I want to send her a very special greeting. I've come here today to thank you for your endorsement. I've asked for your endorsement on seven occasions. You've honored me with it every time. I'm proud to be your endorse candidate and I look forward to working with you in November. I want us to speak clearly to the issues. I want us to earn a popular mandate to govern. I wanted to Lodge Minnesota and our nation on a progressive course for a new century. Our times call for leadership our times call for boldness our times call for action, and we are the people who must answer that call with Democratic Leadership in Saint Paul and two new United States senators in Washington. The Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota deserves your respect and attention. Please be quiet and listen to her remarks. convention over being toy that the dfl party matter anymore that the candidates are just going to go to the primary. We're told that it's platforms not poles that matter not conventions, but commercials not delegates but donors. They're telling us the party is over that we don't have what it takes to elect senators are presidents that we don't understand the boaters or how to compete. I say they're wrong. I say they're dead wrong and we're going to prove it with our endorsements this weekend. I want to tell you that our party not only knows how to compete. It also knows how to lead. leadership leadership is not the garbage on television that passes for a campaign these days. Leadership is not George Bush won in the election with Willie Horton commercials that play on racial fears. Leadership is not the ugly demagoguery brought To Us by Republican. Klansman David Duke in Louisiana, and the return of white power clubs on college campuses across the South and most certainly leadership is not Rudy boschwitz who is so consumed by his personal needs for power that he spends all his time raising cash at the expense of minnesotans. You and I have spent most of our lives trying to build on Minnesota's reputation for fairness and for decency. We celebrated Minnesota's leading voter participation campaign reform across the country while boschwitz has worked overtime to turn Minnesota International symbol for Cash & Carry politics. He plays elections like their lotteries and he has all the money and his name is beneath every scratch. I say Bosch with his wrong. I say minnesotans don't want to sell their elections over the counter. I say we're going to pull Rudy boschwitz ticket in November and we're going to send him into retirement. Our reputation for national elections isn't just known around the nation, but around the world. I was privileged to act as an observer for the Romanian elections last month. I stood in University Square in Bucharest one night as more than 10,000 Romanian protested for their rights. They lived under the terror and brutality of the Chow chesko regime. Women have been forced to Bear children or seek back alley abortions children were abandoned by the thousands and orphanages religious freedom was impressed by a threaded secret police. At the rally there were speakers and Poets and songs and flags and people throughout the square let newspapers and Banners to make torches and they held them high as a signal of their desire for Freedom. We saw people waving the Romanian flag with a hole in the center where the Communist Insignia headband and to rebuke those who would label the protesters Google on which means hooligan in Romanian. They chanted this song Better traps than Traders better whole again then dictator better gulon and militant better dead than red. Like the people in Bucharest like the people in Tiananmen Square and like the people in Red Square we Democrat stand for Liberty. As I stand here today, I can't help but think about our own battle for freedom. We cannot forget the many people who fought for us for that freedom about suffragist who gave their lives to when women the vote about trade unionists for the right to organize about Farmers by the thousands. Sacrifice to create Cooperative marketing about Hubert Humphrey risked his life in his career on behalf of civil rights for Jewish and black Americans about Jean McCarthy with many others were gassed and beaten when they tried to end a brutal War about the glory of griffins and the Nellie Stone Johnson has given most of their life for the struggle for economic Justice about gay and lesbian people are dick hanse's and Ice-T vendeens about mothers and children trapped in poverty weather in the Red River Valley on Franklin Avenue in Minneapolis. I don't think any of those who fought for our rights would look for Comfort to Kennebunkport or the self-made millionaires consumed by cash or the political extra stuff the right ticket for winning elections. And we are not to allow the destruction of the principles for which our friends have bought and died. We have come too far to turn back. Now their sacrifices have not been in vain. Our party's call is not about victory in November. It is a greater call. Our call is about food for the hungry and shelter for the homeless compassion for the week and opportunity for all it's about taking Liberty off the shelf and putting it into the hands of people of all our people no matter their Color Race Creed gender sexual orientation disability income or nationality. It is our call. It is our challenge. It is our vision and I am eager to join hands with you to achieve it. Thank you very much. Secretary of State John groleau who has just been endorsed and giving her acceptance speech at the 1990 dfl State Convention in Downtown Minneapolis. Pop out of here along with our political commentator Sally Bob meet County Republican Liz Swann. We kind of got away from our interview and call in session with him so he could pick up the acceptance speech by Jonesboro thought you might like to hear what she had to say. Did you write that speech to her Bob? I don't know something to do a little something to do with that one. All right. I'm not curious about her a reference to two United States senators. How how does what was that in there for only a short is up for election. There's a lot of talk. I think that's going around in political circles that the two senators during Burger May reach a point where he decides to pull himself out of this conflict. He's now in if that was to occur. I think two of the central lot of people elected the governor would look too would probably be Walter Mondale in Jonesboro. Alright, I'm encouraged. I'm sorry I cannot I need to make a comment on the the senator. I meant I think that that will be the first of many probably this weekend the pot shots taken at the difficulties that Senator durenberger face is right now is the perfect opportunity for them just a few days before the hearing starts and I think we'll hear more of it actually would you say was Gorbachev coming last weekend and the Durr Burger hearings next weekend and Rain making all the farmers happen most fortunate thing for both the governor and for the Minnesota Legislature if we had had another year of drought there would have been a completely Different political scene and much of the debate would have been real vs. Urban on where we were going to get our water in the Minneapolis area very very different your because the drought has ended was crying with Bob maker with us and open the phone lines here. They are the numbers are 2 to 76,000 in Minneapolis Saint Paul to 27 6001 800-652-9700. For those of you outside the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area as we talk about politics in Minnesota specifically the dfl convention this weekend in Minneapolis and the Republican convention next weekend in Duluth, because of course, Minnesota Public Radio be providing cancer coverage of that one as well now, I think we do have that color. Hello. You're on the air. I recognize this with your your guests aren't necessarily responsible for the speech. We just heard but I do have a couple questions and maybe they could answer. Can you tell me which suffragettes died for women's suffrage or secondly can you tell me in what place is Hubert Humphrey risked his life for civil rights. And then finally maybe you could itemized where Gene McCarthy was actually gas. In order to stop the war in Vietnam. Women's history is full of sacrifices that women particularly in the early nineteen-hundreds suffragist movement made on behalf of the winning women the vote and that to those sacrifices should not be trivialized attitude with question such as that, I I would be a very happy to have anyone check the store closest Center in and finding a given piece, but I I certainly wouldn't trivialize it in that way. Jean McCarthy. You could ask Vance Opperman about the gas in that went on in Chicago and I I think Find that the gene took in more than a piece of app and it was received over the years particularly forget set activity on behalf of civil rights and Liz, I see that Mark Dayton is up on the podium. Now, I suspect that he will be going through that to question and answer session for the Auditors position is one of the smaller stories of this convention. He has been seeking the public office in Minnesota actively since he ran against durrenberger in 1982, and he is his coming back now to try to capture this state auditor post could signal very large factor for Mark Dayton and in the future, they won't be immediate but with Most recent experience as an elected official he could be a major force in Minnesota follicles are the Republicans worried at all about marketing. Yes, especially with Arne Carlson promising that he is not going to seek the auditor position again, and he is going on to the primary for Governor Mark Dayton is Bob said it has been a very interesting figure. It's it's like a man that's floating in search of his identity and may be falling into the Constitutional office campaign might fit him better than some of the other positions. He has tried that people can get into a constitutional office and stay in it but it does not necessarily lead to bigger and better things. It didn't forewarn Spanish. That didn't for Jonesboro it in for skip Humphrey it seems as if the minor constitutional offices are resting places for former Senate candidates in a high-profile position is the Hennepin County attorney where the Republicans I am disappointed to say. Have not put up a can of candidate against Mike Freeman and I think it would have been great. If we could have had Cheryl Vassar Tom heffelfinger running in that race. It's a great line, but it's also true that tickling the dfl party. We use our major candidates like Pampers, you know, they get one try and then they're out and I think that that's going to have to change Wii pin. Skip Humphrey Jonesboro Mark Dayton would be very serious candidates for Governor or Senate in Minnesota. And one day. I think the party will look to those offices again. You think I let me ask you when you finally get down to looking way ahead here to the to the November election. Who do you think in the senate race? It's going to be really boschwitz versus whom buy Reebok switch versus Jim Nichols. If Nichols can survive the next few weeks. He has a he has the ability to think himself with a comment or to put himself over the top but I think he could be a candidate and phone. Okay, Liz, what do you think? It's very interesting scenario. It could just as possibly be by Schwartz against wellstone. That might be a more interesting race because the differences between the two candidates would give minnesotans a very clear choice on who to vote for with nickels and Bosch was so it will be a lot of TV and not as much substance on issues. Actually. There's an electricity between the two of them. I watch the garbage shop for coverage start to finish over the weekend and and Rudy boschwitz without announcing the canceling of the farm. Stop it before the White House or any other Advanced people had to work to say about it and it hurts. That was Jim Nichols spot. That's where he was stationed in as soon as that work out to Jimmy said, you know who did this and The charges of the fly at an incredible Pace between the two there's a serious personal just like I think through each other than sounds like the feathers are going to fly. I just about regardless of who wins. I don't think you'll have passion from the Democrats and you use usually need passion to make an excited exciting campaign. All right. Now, let's talk about the gubernatorial campaign. We rely mean that's that could be anybody's guess at this point for both the Democrats and Republicans, but when we get down to November, who do you think our choices are going to be with you on this one? An awkward position for a republican because of the obvious primary. I think that the Republicans need to decide who they are and they will do that in the primary between Arne Carlson and either a printed grunseth ticket or maybe a grunseth print e ticket. I don't know. I don't know. It's Republicans have had trouble trying to decide if they were fiscal conservatives are social conservative. This is the year. I think much of that will be at at least articulated. Well enough to make those decisions. Okay, come November by me to do you think so you could be in the Carlson and the reason is it that the campaign could come to center around me abortion issue as it did in major gubernatorial contest in 1989, which is in Virginia and the pro-life side has every reason to stick with the with Governor. Perfect. He's the sure horse compared to voting for Dave printy and pro-choice people their best chance Mike Vianney Carlson. Their best choice might be on a girl because he is so sure bet in a primary to take out to an unknown on Friday. They pretty then Mike Hatch would be to take out Rudy perfect perpich always starts slowly. Normally he kind of stumbles through the Starting Gate in about mid-race. Suddenly. We have this very, you know dynamic, you know good line to the governor that blew a war in Spanish that took George Latimer out and I ain't seen coming back again. I just I see a lot of the pieces falling together. It's not that Mike is out of the contest though. I think if you have a hatch perfect battle that it's possible if the pro-choice people wanted to stay with hatch and stay in that dfl primary that they could put the governor away. Events that will happen. When is the Olympic Olympic Festival this July which will again give Rudy perpich the prominence that he had with the garbage have visit and I would guess that we're going to start talking Super Bowl before this election hits in November. And again Rudy perpich will have some prominence because of it and the partisan Rebel here, but the States and pretty darn good shape. The unemployment rate has stayed low and the number of jobs being created his State High and the benefits of spy this rain this billion-dollar rain. It's been coming. It's is going to pour into the the farm community the the reserves the grain reserves are at recent time Lowe's of the prices are going to be in proving that the economic factors are are with Rudy purpose. It just no question about it the same way there with George Bush in the white house if it's going to take this the personality contest the the lightning type issues to defeat Rudy perpich. So it could again turn on the question, November turn on abortion or a tax on the Rudy Junior Mary Sue or Lola. I think your help Greenwood turn Montgomery. These are personal charges in the purpose of magic would be to keep the election on the substantiv. Are you better off today? You know, then you thought you might be in Minnesota is better off today and that's going to occur to his benefit. I think the Republicans might be trying to use that to their benefit though because they will use George Bush's the reason that things are better for a Minnesotan and when we get down to it, it probably is because it rained 20 minutes before the hour as we continue our political discussion with Bob live from the DF. Allstate convention and Minneapolis. I'm having a great time talking politics today. If you'd like to join, you can give us a call. The number is 227-6000 in Minneapolis Saint Paul to 276 thousand in the Twin Cities or one 800-652-9700 for those of you outside the Minneapolis Saint Paul Area. I wonder folks if you think it's time to scrap this whole system of doing business is doing politics in Minnesota starting with the precinct caucuses and going through this this State Convention kind of thing and if it is time to get rid of it what will replace it, but if you look at Mike Dukakis his victory here just two years ago. He wasn't a candidate that I could put together a credible national campaign in the same senses of the Mario Cuomo or Bill Bradley at the caucus system doesn't seem to pick the strong candidates. And that's the reason why the professionals the the legislators the members of Congress in the restroom. They really don't have any time for this system. The only reason they leave it in place because the delegates are smart enough not to be dumping incumbents and incurring the rap. They've taken away the presidential role for the caucus system and give him a chance. I think legislators in Minnesota. Would move to a primary soda didn't I endorsement to some very prominent coming so I should think that would have have them hopping that I think it's interesting that the probably the major candidate for dfl State party chair is who is Todd Otis when he was in the legislature voted for a primary system, but when he became into the arena of wanting support from the delegates, the pressure was so great. He had to change his tune and say that he was in favor of keeping the precinct caucus system. I think that reflects very well the attitude of legislators both Republicans and Democrats on what they think of the precinct caucus system. They've seen that it needs to be changed. It's just that the people that are the noisiest in the district are there are the party activists and it may take at least another election cycle before we see too much change primaries are no great reform. It's not as if this is going to bring some new Wonder to the state it's going to enrich the television and print advertising the media that it's going to help their political Consultants. It's going to pay a lot of bills and unfortunately it will take away. What I think is is a pleasant fantasy of a town hall type democracy that they could work through the caucuses. But in fact you go back to Rudy's endorsement by the dfl party 1986 that was purchased with his appointment of leading dfl or so. In his administration go back to 1982 and you have Mark Dayton and doors now. He had the quarter of this convention on the payroll and it's it is not a system that stands real. Well. We got a couple of cars online. I want to get to them at one quick follow-up for you. This this Precinct caucus system did work very well for a while cuz I remember the 68 and 1968. When a bunch of very angry Young Folks took over the system to express their opposition to the war in Vietnam it work. Well at that time what happened along the way where did fall off the track? I think it's been 12 years before the priest since the precinct caucus system has has worked well partly because of the difference in lifestyle that all of us have now you haven't much busier world. You don't have women at home doing the volunteer work of going door-to-door to find out who the identified voters are in each party to do the volunteer work in the in the party structure. When are Lifestyles changed I think campaigning changed and I don't think we've seen what the fruit of a Precinct caucus system for at least 12 years that I think the time in the availability of information. If you can find a hundred people who want to make a decision about a candidate based on what one of these conventions besides your break, but I don't think they're there anymore and as the endorsed candidates are routinely defeated. I think people are saying they get enough information on their own that they're ready to make decisions themselves. All right back to the telephones now and questions from a couple of listeners who been patiently waiting here. Go ahead, please you're on with Bob and Liz Hello. Yes, you're on the air in is at my district convention. We sent delegates to work on a draft Latimer for government for governor proposal was wondering if there was a possibility that that might get anywhere at all if you've heard anything about that right here, I think in the chair for a channel 5 is the color commentator and that's the job that he took that for you at the State Convention Republican that George Latimer probably had a better shot against Rudy perpich then Mike hatchwood because there were lots of people in the urban area that considered themselves Independents are Republicans who are very fond and supportive of George Latimer who do my cats does not pull that same kind of support he is going to get support only from Hardcore Democrats. Okay back to the telephones now and another question. You're on the air with Bob making lip balm. Hello there. The importance of college students on campus are on in the world in in politics has been so outstanding and right now there seems to be a very anti-black atmosphere on college campuses because all the sudden the Asians are eating what he's launching in these white students said they're having a problem. I'm sorry. I didn't hear the whole question the role of college students in the fact that there are in some cases from growing signs of racism at College Bob. You're not in your name. I think it's very disturbing. You know, it comes down to all the the racial. Krampus being used in the manger song lyrics and an Entertainer so such as that fellow on the Saturday Night Live it it is not a very positive to sign an end development and and I think a lot of people in this part of your concern about that didn't you think after the 1960s that we were pretty well done with that stuff or at least now you need to do is talk to somebody that's from Tulsa and you find out that there have been extremely racist problems going on and that area of the Country Inn. And if any part of our country that has problems, you know, it's reflective also of what's going on in other spots. I think it's it will be very interesting to see what happens with youth this year in Minnesota. Are they going to get energized? Are they going to become a part of the political process has been a lot of complaints in the last two elections that The youth are are thinking only of themselves sort of the up-and-coming yuppies who are or are not concerned about the political process be interesting to see if we have used involved particularly in the Third District where Jim ramstad and and past State Senate campaigns have has been able to energize use for his campaign. That'll be fun. I think it'll be good for Minnesota if that happens. I think there was a hope to that Earth Day and in the Green Team idea would capture some imagination bring people into the processing of groups like the clean air and clean water can be bought a lot of young people going door-to-door petitioning working on behalf of environmental issues. And that that shouldn't be overlooked. There is a deal with their but there are some good times as well is there in fact much political activity active party activity on campuses around Minnesota that either you are aware of Come we're out distance distancing the Democrats and that's one of the hopeful signs and one of the reasons that we've been able to raise our political identify identification, especially in Minnesota is because of the number of young twenties and mid-twenties minnesotans who are now identified with the Republican Party State. I think he does connect very well and in before, you know, the professional world rights Paul off really fast, which is a nearly impossible candidate to defeat if someone can defeat him it will be someone who is unorthodox and who can connect politics to people's lives. That's Paul's business. He's been doing it for a decade. He did it with Jesse Jackson's campaign Gear 2 years ago. I think he can have a very strong effect. I think it's a very uphill challenge, but I think he can bring out like young people and seniors and build coalitions. Play some regular establishment politicians would be able to do as someone who loves politics. I'd love to see a Bosch with wellstone raise because I think it would be a fun campaign no matter which side you are on a perfect boschwitz race, if they could get into the same contest that they seem to manage that without without an official contest. It's about 10 minutes before the hour here. We have some more folks with questions Liz claman Bob maker with us and you're on with a Hello to comments and one has questioned the comment wasn't the last caller that are called in and I was kind of I guess I was a little bit upset because I'm also a student at the University and it seems like the Asian kids that are there. They're the ones that are in the library and then the one that are working. That's why I was upset because that's why they're being successful there. They're hard-working students. The comment that I wanted to make about the caucuses, you know, it's not the best system, but I think that might just going to primaries and centralizing the political process really is going to hurt people in the long run and hit a time is centralized anyting it it leaves people behind and now my question is that considering the amount of the fence that is defense industry that is in Minnesota and that I don't know and I'm wondering if you can tell me how much the fence industry is in this state that can affect the governor that is going to be elected and how he's going to try to work around into tried to create new jobs in that in that area. Okay, let's do you want to start there? Minnesota has a very strong economy that hasn't floated quite as as erratically as many other states and it's because of the high-tech nature of many of our Industries and I would hope that some of the defense oriented business now could be redirected to other high-tech needs of the country, especially with the World Market opening up that we all saw very clearly with the visit of President Gorbachev. I I am very optimistic that Minnesota's economy will stay strong and and that Mid-Minnesota will continue to prosper in the high-tech and medical areas. I think the governor in the economic development people with the state have been very concerned if we have Drummond or something, but then one Honeywell sits down and makes things a lot of that goes into the defense business and we've seen layoffs in and problems in some of the high-tech Industries in Minnesota because of that and I think that's the emphasis or the reason behind developing new trade Partners in new markets for for Minnesota products is one of the back to one other comments at the questioner had about the the precinct caucus systems and once you go to the primary and what what's going to be left is a roll people. There are a number of different projects people are undertaking to try to put citizens a more actively into the election process when I'm connected with is called a citizen jury, which is being developed by the League of Women Voters in Minnesota in The Jefferson Center Minneapolis. I think you'll hear more about that as we go through the year. There's also the We the People programmed it took questions from people around the Sun. Two years ago and it's been used successfully took but the candidates more before the questions that minnesotans have and stop a little bit of the stump rhetoric. And and I think we will find some innovations that will will not be the same as the caucus system because I think that day has passed but that will give citizens other ways to participate what about the role of advertising and television in I don't know why it is there a connection between advertising and television and the decline of public interest in politics. I think it has more to do with all the families out there that are double income double kids and don't have time to be involved in any other way than catching the advertisements that are on television. Usually what you have is a campaigns that reflect what is going on out there in the general public and the same same is true with advertising and because that's where we're seeing campaigns being can't the campaign being fat. Is on the television it's reflective of that's the place that many people are getting their information. I think you'll see it in the 3rd District race. You'll see lots of Television there. I think you'll see it in the gubernatorial race and I'm not true about the US Senate race will have to see who the candidates are in a large Wheel of Fortune audience has the delegates Play No role. It is a stage-managed a scripted down to the minute. Lots of a cute video run television has destroyed that participatory politics conventions are are animals that just can't be covered in and don't work well on television and in the election itself, I think it's it's real disturbing that you can get elected president United States with the support of 24% of the eligible voters. Anywhere near a majority 24% put George Bush in office because more than half of the people in America decided to be observers and sit out there that can pain and that has to do with television. It makes people potato couch voters at the same time. I'm not pessimistic about the American people and their ability to judge even if most of their information is coming from television right now, I think right now we are just like the parties are going through a transition where they went from a volunteer-based to an electronic Bass. The same is true with the campaigns and we'll find a balance there hopefully within another campaign or two while we have about 5 minutes left little less than that with our political commentators Liz claman Bob meek and we'll pick up at least one more question from our listening audience your next to Lowe's For waiting Rochester call a question. Nothing is so essential to the elevation of a society as an enlightened electric and this program today. I certainly done a magnificent job. I followed politics religiously for 50 years and I've never heard the finer discussion than the one here today. Nothing no involvement of criticizing eater party and no partisanship whatsoever. Just a very highly elevated discussion are commentators are taking a little bow and I'll let you question sir, Bobby, Do you think I think of the possibilities of an independent being elected are very good? I think that's whole discussion of the TVH has strengthened the ability of an independent Time to Mountain a real campaign particularly one who could finance that campaign effectively that would really make a difference the party the idea of forming a third party. Don't think that we're going to have a green party in an environmentalist party as in Europe. That would be the only one I think that you could really get under way now and I think the two major parties are pretty well coop definition as someone who first was pulled into the Republican Party through John Anderson and then stayed with the Republican party when John Anderson left eye. I just have to say it's very very hard to mount any kind of campaign against two very powerful parties. And that is why we encourage anyone to become involved in the system, whether it's the Democratic or the Republican party just become involved in there is a way that you can make a difference. The parties are still powerful even though they're even though they're not as powerful as they once were. They're in transition. And I think that we should get on with the burial. The problem is we ended up with elections that are run by Consultants. We know more about Rodger Ailes and Bob Squires opinion than we do about Mike Dukakis. Susan George Bush's in an election. It made no difference what anybody thought of Willie Horton to the governing of the nation, but it made a big difference in the campaign and incited racial fears. The political parties have been replaced by political operatives who don't have to govern and don't have to deliver for voters and it's really ruined the process. Did you get the last word? Although? I'm not that pessimistic I do think Bob is right on the Consultants roll. One of the interesting sidelights of that is because it Consultants from other states more and more Minnesota's campaigns are looking like Missouri's campaigns like Texas campaigns like New York campaign because we're all Pulling out of the same pot of consultants and that is kind of sad. Well folks thank you so much. I always love to talk politics in this has been an interesting. Our is always our political commentators Liz. Claman Bob meet Leslie Republican Bob. The Democrats has be broadcast live for the dfl State Convention in Downtown Minneapolis course will be providing extensive coverage of the Republican State Convention next weekend in Duluth as well. Now the first very first question, we had this afternoon from somebody who wanted wanted to know what the schedule was for the rest of the day and we have since learned that the Senate endorsement is supposed to start at 2:30 that so-called time certain which means that they'll do it regardless of where else they are. Basically I think in Practical terms, that means that they'll start sometime around 2:30, even if they're running late on other items of convention business, I would guess it by a quarter to 3 lb into a pretty much for sure. So anyway, that's about the way things look from the dfl State Convention here in Downtown Minneapolis right now. They're in the process of endorsing constitutional officers. I should remind you that NPR's coverage of the dfl State Convention is made possible by the public affairs fund which supports live coverage of current issues and events contributors include The Grotto foundation and Norwest foundation on behalf of Norwest Bank, Minnesota Northwest Capital Advisors and Northwest Investment Services. Not even Steven Smith a half a second for the weather Robert remind listeners that we will return to Minneapolis at 2:30 to hear the endorsement proceedings for the US Senate and tomorrow on midday at about 11:10 a.m. The dfl endorsed candidate is scheduled to sit in at our table for alive call in so that you can have your questions ready for the dfl endorsed candidate for the US Senate. A reminder that Minnesota Public Radio news coverage of issues related to secondary education is made possible in part by a major Grant from Ashland Oil Incorporated and it's Valvoline Instant Oil Change division live coverage of issues and events is made possible by the public affairs fund contributors to the fund include the law firm of Opperman Hines and pay Quinn with offices in Minneapolis and Washington DC and a major funding from Minnesota public radio programming is provided by 3M makers of Scotch Guard brand protectors. That is the midday program for today. This is Steven Smith. You are tuned to know 1330 Minneapolis-Saint Paul in the Twin Cities partly sunny 70° and a West Wind 14. 20 years ago Minnesota Public Radio was celebrating the 2000 members who supported NPR's to stations. Now NPR happily celebrates the 65,000 members who have made this broadcast service possible.


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