Jesse Jackson - Budget Cuts and Military Spending: Their Influence on the Future of Fundamental American Institutions

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The Rev. Jesse Jackson speaking to nearly 4,000 spectators April 1, 1985 at Halenbeck Hall. Jackson was touring the state to rally Minnesota farmers. He spoke about the farming crisis, the federal deficit, defense spending and education. Jackson said urban dwellers and rural farmers must unite for economic justice. Jackson came to Central Minnesota to appear at a rally in support of Starbuck farmer Jim Langman. A foreclosure sale on Langman's farm was set to be held in Glenwood that day, but when the mortgage carrier, Travelers Insurance Company, heard of the impending rally, it called the sale off.

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let me express my special the light and this glorious opportunity to share with you on this. occasion we've have a tremendous visit the Minnesota since last night and we're up in God's country with the Langley family. We received a couple of a call a couple of weeks ago from the language family indicating that Vail Farmers want to be auction off today. Jim lineman gloves the reach out and ask for help and fall support. And by doing so he gave us. The purpose of serving the half and some meaningful way. When we decided that we would come. And go to Glenwood and state with that family on last night the ministers began to meet. and the students began to meet and immediately began to write store is at the farm must have the spirit revived and this morning more than 2,000 promise came together and Jim Layman's Farm is still here is because not only did they delay the sale of his farm for 30 days. Now The Travelers a company wants to complete a renegotiate the deal it seems if it's far more so, you know, he'll be planting this spring it was that about Because this crisis is so cute. And the calls you can make such a difference. I choose to make a rubber formal presentation to you today. because every generation of Youth every generation has its challenge. And must get the call. I've been today but you inviting us here today. We are grateful. Before chance to enter the summation of download with you. We might leave here from different points of view having arrived at Common Ground as we seek Humane carthus in our nation. As we seek Justice at home and Tisha bra. 1955 Rosa Parks refuse to go to the back of the bus and does she reached out the snatch down the cotton curtain of Apartheid. A student's of that generation led by dr. King the 26 year old student came to her rescue and today own rescue and thus a new day was born in 1964 students refused. Give me the option to eat at Woolworths. And for that gesture, they were jailed. They made a sacrifice. But they serve that day. In 1965 students have the obligation. the pay taxes the obligation of died in Florida walls, but did not have the right to vote. And blacks did not have the right to vote and Hispanics did not have the right to vote. And poor whites weather pay poll taxes did not have the right to vote. And European ethnic who could not pass literacy test in New York and Massachusetts and Pennsylvania did not have the right to vote and shoot us heard the challenge of your day. And they came falling. In 1966 and 67 we found ourselves in. Examine this war in Vietnam. We lost more than 55,000 Young American men. The stroller at least with the 5,000 households and almost live but they're there with the impact of Agent Orange and from the body's. And the response of cancer and even the destruction of the fetus within the womb of their wives. Those two guys look great. Because they did not have an hour I me my attitude. The cost of their gender was not about their car and then executive office and their position. It was about humanizing iworld. It was about Justice and peace abroad. every generation Has it challenge opportunity? to make a difference there is upon us now a sense of immediacy. About a crisis impacting Rural America. Will be heard on Sprout around the world this week about 2,000 family farmers will lose their Farms. If you weeks ago if I want to seven Farmers got arrested in Chicago protesting. Small towns in Minnesota shut down on Monday, January 21st. so twelve Thousand Palms businesspeople townsfolk and school children karate at the steakhouse in short our nation's rule communities are being destroyed and now they're beginning to resist. Just this day. We put 10 crosses. bales of hay express our concern but tenant farmers who committed suicide recently in this area because of the impact. I'll just crisis up on their lives. We who would be city Folk know about Urban Decay. We know about hung up. about malnutrition about joblessness The number of studies conducted by hospitals and Health Department the showing significant numbers of poor and hungry children ages and too thin for their height. In Chicago one study found over 20% of all children failing to row properly. We know the way out of the crisis in our cities. Pharmacy here tell us that that's also crisis in the country Rural America is in a crisis as well together. All religions draws us together. We live in a time in the world history of when the very existence of the Human family is threatened by family and hunger by miss you say about natural and Human Resources by greed and avarice and by nuclear Holocaust Urban dweller and former Chef proper white producer and black consumer all of us are coming. Like I said, they cannot make its quotation and I'll come and commitment to dignity and life. I values by myself together, They can all my accounts in order to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. We need the house the homeless and provide jobs for the jobless renew to your guns and more butter. We must choose Farms over arms to be a civilized people. It is fundamentally uncivilized. They have the capacity militarily the overkill the world. And destroy everything got in more than for the X. f-zero veto a bill back at Savage the lives of many family farmers in the name of we do not have any more money must balance the budget and come right back and run through a bigger than a half dollars bunny MX missile. We must choose a human race over the nuclear waste. We need fuel missiles and more housing. Do submarines and more Subways the Bible teaches that we must judge character? By how we treat the least of these. Blood by how we refer to those who live in the mansion How to reach out to those who live in the manger we must judge a tree not by the ball hit where's but by the fruit it Bears our society has elevated greed and Profit the Sanctified levels last year 90,000 corporations. Mesophiles and corporations made a profit until you go taxes. Joy electric a six and a half billion dollar profit in 3 years And no federal income taxes 100,000. The beach was made $100,000 a month and pays no taxes while poor people making 2,000 a little pain patches. That is unfair. It's reverse Robin Hood. It's time for a change. Go same misguided values. The mother-baby minutes of personal greed have let our nation the scrum the precious resources, but have snow area of national policy at a budget. I'll treat them dollar deficit is it no small measure directly related to the unbridled escalation in military spending spending more and more military hardware in Verde letra less secure than ever in our history defense spending generates fuel jobs in any other Area Public spending with a dose of little of utility to our society. Male clothing no housing medical equipment and supplies in short nothing of her death about you when basic American Buffet dilation and fed the world when these basic simple Farmers ask for parapet and not charity the president of the United States export the farmers. I stayed and we should have stayed the Palmer and export reaganism. We must shoes to meet peoples needs instead of corporate greed. I Paralyzed by state. I promise this must be realized. Despised and rejected come together when she was a path of life and health and turn them current death and destruction. Real feel bad about ourselves the most ingenious to mention about meeting last night and a day with the governor of privilege and male frasi and with the farmers Bureau Minnesota. We made the Judgment. We're going to reach out to the campaign for economic Justice and relate and correlate and coalesce the rules, the urban consumer the Palm State Governor to use who lost their scholarships the one who cannot get AIDS and women infants and children we must turn to each other and not only chowder and redirect the course of our nation and we can between 1972 and 75 the Consumer Price Index for food one up 48% The amount of Americans are paying for food that actually went to the farmer increased by only 8% between 73 and 75 after-tax profits for food corporations after-tax profits Rose 54% in the nation's food bill by the end of the 1970s commodity prices went down for the price that consumers paid in the store State high that means both the farmer and the consumer end of the deal Farmers got less for their products. In fact that he would have loved to meet production cost for Consumer prices State high in the meantime food covers made proper Splatoon on 54% Do not call the urban dwellers will now unemployed. Do not call. The phone was greeted the fact of the matter. Is there an umbrella is not lazy there Evansville a chain law for a job at the stock market came on for a job in the steel mills and the also plants do not call the rule, the quintessential American lazy and bad businesspeople, of the strong over bag of American dollar is not the fault of the farmer market shift is not the fault of the urban dweller. That's also steal Electronics rub and textile jobs with the South Africa Taiwan and South Korea for slave labor on the organized labor. Tell people. I'm not pull the cost of laser for people work the hardest. And the longest on the massive job and make the least amount of money for people wake up America Verde play Sweet High Street sexual for Bay Rays. I left the appointment at 4:10 to give the people a chance. If somebody said give the phone a parapet. I'm not charity American life is is my black a blanket all piece of one color cloth one color a red white and blue American life is more like a quilt. mini patches how many pieces in Minnesota? If it's somewhere. Best leadership during this hour must be identified by party label. wet bar ideas encourage in the trenches what the people we're having the problems. I come to tell you today. Batman 41 million people in poverty 1/5 abomination all that for the 1 million in poverty a little known fact put it on me. Why? 12 million LeBlanc Hispanic, Asian Indian mostly female and mostly young a black or brown hunger hurts in those 41 million people who are former co-workers and steel workers and farmers and stock market work with those same workers were down at the bottom of our economy fell down there where the bolts are stuck in the dark and all bolts in the dark of the same color. It's time to rise on TurboTax and rise above Race and sex. It's time for economic economic Justice economic Justice economic Justice fact about it. Grand Theft Auto MOS Easter week not just because I see people in churches going through Rhythm and ritual. When was Easter week? Rochester, Minnesota I know it's Easter week because we see our government. and its leaders elected by the people We need to play the role of Pontius Pilate. and wash their hands as if they can do nothing to save the farmer. phone number for Farmers face crucifixion They face awesome blocks. eviction simulation German alcoholism and suicide almost Easter Jesus was not guilty as charged. And the phone was charged of greed and poor management and as being a master Berlin the Farmers on Matthew the same Palmer's the federal American History of the World deserve a chance and Redemption if I'm Nation can rebuild Europe after that been bombed into the day if I can make flowers bloom in the desert in Israel Nation could save Chrysler and save Continental Bank we can save the family farmer. yes, because Yes, we can. Black Jesus Realized we're not going to hide it. We're going to face the crucifixion. We cannot stop the government. and as Leaders The Martian Man Hands open throwing rocks. and hiding your hands we cannot stop him from acts of crucifixion. the government cannot stop the Stone from being rolled away. We cannot stop that crucifixions and they cannot stop by Resurrection. We will have live leader. So insensitive to the people will fund the five 6 and we will be heard. Google password best power in unity as we come together we can right the wrongs about Nation. Every come together. We're going to talk to Dallas. As we come together we can make mountains low. Ashley come together we can make the Crooked ways straight. As we come together. We can move from a racial background. 3 Commandments common ground and on the morrow has higher ground as we come together. We can live with all of us every time together. We can choose negotiation over confrontation in Central America as we come together. We can break up the shameful disgraceful relationship between the American government and South Africa as we come together. Wicked play cruel Farmers from Minnesota and feed hungry people in Ethiopia Somalia as we come together. It is time for the rainbow. The Florida Dover now we must establish the Covenant without God. A righteousness of love and sacrifice and drugs and alcohol that it's time for rainbow. It's time for a new covenant a new commitment the peace. ed jobs at Justice It's time to realize I use a formula plus if I had a boat. Did I store Supply chairs? I Spears the twenty bucks. It's time for new priorities. America news weather desire to go to school I'm a real to learn. Alabama State College the program by using the cool houses at night. I'm not getting breakfast and lunch in the daytime. MMA fall asleep hungry in a warm classroom Indian program for climbing and Sheldon destruction if one goes to Interstate University in Minnesota. California New York for four years it would cost less than $20,000 those same four years in the penitentiary will cost more than $100,000 schools that there was a better than gel that their best free much education. I want you to turn away from drugs and it 11. and alcohol because the greatest fights required pickles more sober and Spain you must fight the good fight. You must keep your course and you must not give up. You must be able to have the kind of chemistry as far as weeping may endure for a night. But joy comes in the morning, you must have a kind of inner strength, even when it's not as nice balls. You must have the time. I'll be the strip. Reagan says you stay fight back. You must have the kind of interest rate. What are you to survive? I tell you let nothing. I'm about to break your spirit. Bible scripture that says that all five farmers and farm families remember to listen coalition this Rainbow Coalition for economic Justice. Just go down to Washington. Is there such thing as a parade it registered as just go with another parade if you've just goes another Parade of Lights around the Indians. It's just another parade as soon as this just another parade who we go together. Infomercials from love Southeastern West collected the we have the power to be heard. The writer said when he says it this way if my people Porto about my name hate my face and praying and turn from their Wicked Ways. New world of suffering 3 character character Breeze speed Eminem face will not disappoint Steve Palmer in Minnesota. Stop wall in Nicaragua Justice in South Africa and nuclear warfare. That's all cuz that's all day. Thank you and God bless you. Reverend Jackson will take Reverend Jackson will take questions. Now. There are microphones in the aisles towards the front. May I have your attention, please? we've been asked to have a few minutes of questions and answers or should I say discussion? and you want to do that process ball? about 15 minutes Yes, sir, What would you propose right now or in the near future to reduce a deficit or even balance? You cut the deficit in the areas where it is being created. It's been criticized Central it into area and escalating. Capital intensive military budget and wasteful we can cut the military budget without cutting our defense those extra 21 MX missiles unnecessary information security so you can cut it at the area of cost overruns and unnecessary Weapons Systems on the military side on the other hand corporations must pay their taxes and when they get tax break have attached to that tax break an obligation to reinvest in this economy and retrain this Workforce Andre industrialized Nation as a priority, you're sending cannot balance the budget of General Electric get to six and a half billion dollar profit and pays no taxes. If not a thousand Corporation make a profit and pay no taxes. And so you challenge Corporation to pay your fair share of taxes on the one hand and cut the military. But it without telling on offense only other you text farmers who are producing and U-turn tax consumers in the tax producers by allow Farmers to feed the world, which is that how is ended greatest calling? I do not think very much of the Star Wars playing all the star Warriors. I think that what they do is that they create and people a lot of insecurities on the unknown. And then tell you they have a solution that's incomprehensible. But insecurity that they have created one big Miss number for example is a defense system. The reality is that is no defense system against a nuclear attack. We are alive today because Russia decided not to kill us last night and they all live because we decided not to kill them. That's not the best. That's the terror. If F in Western Europe rubber ducks dial, I'd bass and Eastern Europe represents. I have the Sarah you think Star Wars can stop him for being 5 and East Germany and West Germany and East Germany to England off of France. The Russian submarines are closer to us. Now, then when Reagan took office, we cannot stop them if they spot at us. We cannot call a secure the council meeting and make a judgment. All we can do is leave a muscle system on automatic ever. Tell it against them within 6 minutes, which means that both systems are so technologically advanced their butt Ian is a human's ability and that and we should stop playing games. What the minds of people giving the impression we can stop we can save America on nuclear attack cuz we cannot. Yeah, I know. What is this again shows that we have the wrong priorities because it is very clear. Even the grace commission report put that vest for some modest shows billions of dollars of cost overruns little games. They have been going through with Gerald electric and General Dynamics. The last four or five weeks are simply response to public pressure. But clearly the Cornerstone of American democracy. Is it sceducation sister the winds back undercut entertaining a generation of Youth by not providing scholarships. Even if it's Surplus scholarship, we will be installing the nation with Surplus scholarships then Surplus missile because we are. What if we do not agitate you and leave you unable to compete with your competitors in the New World on us then we are done the Russia what Russia could not do for themselves made Americans Bonneville the world competition. Are we going to challenge All Nations including our own Nation to engage an economic and cultural isolation against South Africa and southern Africa? What's up? Africa is an occupier. We cannot maintain our self-respect and remain in South Africa's number one trading partner and for the record Russia or the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is not supporting South Africa. It's America Israel Anthem written in Japan and West Germany Western democratic nations, use South Africa as an economic prostitute and use slave labor with undercut organized labor and have no regard for human rights and then call ourselves free democratic. It's time the end that relationship lie. Not you know I mentioned in the South African question. and the arms race could I get the school to take a major position and prepare to engage in a major demonstration to choose Farms over arms and save farms in Minnesota. MLK in Minnesota Minnesota weather in Minnesota Great. I'm all for saving South Africa. But charity begins at home if we are in fact put styles of Young Americans. farmers And her Banuelos across lines of race and sex and region and religion in the streets of Minnesota Wicked ignite a fire on the Bose surround the country and we was playing on my phone will also save Nicaragua and South Africa and end the arms race demonstration to have an impact. There's no doubt in my mind, but the day but when they heard the reaction of the people and what I had been three on this phone as they saw a 2004 Mustang backed up the call Action Pack 1988 I must be a Monday or country. I have to go to wait before I say things like that. No, it's really been early 86. We have a lot of focus. as we turn the Rainbow Coalition Anthony permit Progressive political organization we must return money in a 264-748-2788 suffice it to say is not just a party but it is a direction and your voter registration and active political participation in the greater measure determine what's peaceful in 88. I look forward in the meantime your continued support and if I would've on how they expect you all support, thank you very much. first of all, I said unnecessary Weapons Systems BP cost overrun and greed the kind of is now being exposed and number three almost 50 years after second world war will spend more than half of all military budget defend the Japan and Europe 50-year play the last permanent military welfare a big gross national product to defend themselves and will pan step of the 8% about GNP to defend their I'm at least as concerned about the spending military using our money to the fair in Minnesota and Missouri Farmers, as I am NATO. I'm at least that's what about home as I am abroad at least I'm sorry. Yes, sir. Will Foreman really is a special category? It's not just a regular small business after all an industrialized Nation needs farming. And steal away that does not need electric razors and washing machines and Gucci shoes. And so for us to jeopardize the most basic industry in a society that are feeding people. To me. It does not make a sense beyond that the strongest weapon America really has in the third world is not bombs, but food is sold. Last night all the small businesses can't wipe out malnutrition. in the sky Which of course I'll give it to the bad hell and cuts the lifespan of a small businesses. I'm not be installed in Ethiopia and Somalia on a sedan. And so I will torture Department Agriculture and Industry are small farmers reserve a special place because they have a special role and we should not put Family Farm alongside other small businesses as if they had won the same for them not Miller by businesses are in what you called the phones the economy of Souris. Farming is a necessity. There are varying degrees of development in the rest of Africa Africa. Haven't been raped. So Long by Colonial powers out to all the first African state was just made independent 28 years ago and sold the process of development does take some time my position on South Africa that Aid the man that that be human rights and democracy and Nicaragua our country must measure human life by one yardstick what it is Nicaragua number to the Cross will stop after the number one trading partner iron bomb is not just casual. Tomorrow will directly implicated every time a blockage shot in the back in South Africa. It was over the pre rogative America gross investment there and The credibility of America give that government give wins back engaging divestment and disinvestment. We will force the American South African Corporation combined leverage the force that the government to lease Grant Public accommodations a basic right of citizenship for people to not have to walk around 2Pac call Bishop Desmond Tutu. Bishop of Johannesburg Nobel Peace Prize winner does not have citizenship in his own country all the right to vote. He has been stripped of the most Elemental right extremism something that you can have literally a white Dropout who was a drunk and imbecilic having more rights than Bishop tutu. That's from the Midland roast is just wrong. It has to change. That's all. My attitude about it is not punitive because I think that is a formula in South Africa in French eismont of the people who deserve investment, but for disenfranchisement that must be this investment and divestment that's a live option the price you pay for justice sweet fruit the price you pay for Injustice is bitter fruit. At least you have a choice of high row with a low row.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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