February 1, 2005 - American RadioWorks presents the documentary “Say it Plain - A Century of African American Oratory.” Spanning the 20th century, this audio speech collection is a vivid account of how African Americans sounded the charge against racial injustice, exhorting the country to live up to its democratic principles.
October 2, 1992 - All Things Considered’s Gary Eichten presents a summary report of the week since shooting death of Minneapolis police officer Jerry Haaf. Eichten shares various audio clips of police and activists speaking on the crime and its aftermath in the community.
June 20, 1989 - Rev. Jesse Jackson giving keynote address at the annual Minnesota Bar Association. Jackson’s speech was titled "The Future of Justice in America: Lawyers as Agents of Change."
April 15, 1985 - The Rev. Jesse Jackson speaking to nearly 4,000 spectators April 1, 1985 at Halenbeck Hall. Jackson was touring the state to rally Minnesota farmers. He spoke about the farming crisis, the federal deficit, defense spending and education. Jackson said urban dwellers and rural farmers must unite for economic justice. Jackson came to Central Minnesota to appear at a rally in support of Starbuck farmer Jim Langman. A foreclosure sale on Langman's farm was set to be held in Glenwood that day, but when the mortgage carrier, Travelers Insurance Company, heard of the impending rally, it called the sale off.
November 4, 1974 - MPR’s Gary Eichten reports on Reverend Jesse Jackson’s visit to the Twin Cities. In a speech, Jackson says local inner city shopping complex project is evidence of what can be done when people want something bad enough.
November 4, 1974 - MPR’s Gary Eichten reports on civil rights & political activist Jesse Jackson’s visit to the Twin Cities for a groundbreaking on an inner city shopping complex, one of first in country conceived and developed by minorities. Jackson is president of group called PUSH (People United to Save Humanity), which encourages minority business ownership.