Listen: Perpich - State of the State

A message to the Reconvened 70th Session of the Minnesota Legislature and the Citizens of Minnesota.

Governor Rudy Perpich addresses a joint convention of the Minnesota State Legislature on the state of the state, followed by legislative reaction.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

Lion from St.Paul Governor Rudy perpich address is a joint Convention of the Minnesota state legislature. This is Bob Potter speaking to you from the gallery of the Minnesota house Chambers and in just a moment Governor perfect will be escorted into the chambers to outline his views on some of the major issues. He's dealt with his first year in office and to make legislative recommendations for this 1978 session those recommendations will focus on income tax reductions.This address was originally scheduled for last Wednesday, but it was postponed until today due to the death of Senator Hubert Humphrey. The House and Senate convened in joint session about 15 minutes ago 134 house members are sitting in their usual spots 67 senators are sitting in the well of the house chamber just in front of the roster. Sergeant of arms has just announced the arrival of the governor and he will be escorted into the chambers now in just a moment. At the speakers dinosaur the Speaker of the House Martin Sabo and the president of the state senate or Garrity. Also in attendance. This noon are the justices of the state supreme court and the States constitutional officers, the governor Halley Olsen Secretary of State of Jonesboro State Treasurer junkyard auditor, Bob Mattson attorney general wiring schematics. And now as you can hear let my perfect has entered the chamber escorted by a committee of ten lawmakers fire from the house and 5 from the Senate. Hands now with President Garrity and speaker Sable and with the Constitutional officers who are also at the restroom with him. Members of The Joint Commission constitutional officers members of the Supreme Court and guess I present to you the governor of the state of Minnesota the honourable Rudy perpich. The governor was introduced by house Speaker Martin, Sabo. Justices, mr. President, mr. Speaker members of legislature federal constitutional officers distinguished guest good friends and fellow citizens. I warmly welcome this opportunity to speak to the legislature and to the people of Minnesota. Women throw sad and difficult. Senator Humphrey has come home for the last time the rest of the state. He deeply loved We can best honor his memory by striving even harder to achieve the humanitarian goals. So which is brilliant lifetime was dedicated last January when I first appeared before u.s. Governor, I promised that I would work hard for our people and respond with compassion and Imagination to their needs since then. I've gained much experience and I hope some new wisdom and fresh insight. For 12 months this Administration has worked hard to open the entire decision-making process to our people. We have snot The public's assistance in developing a broad range of programs and policies which directly affect the quality of Our Lives. I consider I have to insist on openness and government the most important contribution. This Administration has made to Minnesota Government will be difficult for any future Administration to close this door to the public or to ignore the priorities of the people. The number of critical times during the year The public's involvement was essential in helping to resolve the problems with confronted us life January 18th. If you recall the executive Council declare the First Energy emergency in Minnesota History. We were then in the midst of an energy scarcity made even more severe for the coldest early winter in 100 years this legislature quickly passed legislation enabling us to put our emergency plans into action. It was not always easy for a citizens to accept a personal hardships their energy shortages imposed but given access to all the facts. They responded with a very special Minnesota spirit that distinguishes our state in times of crisis. Because of their tremendous voluntary conservation efforts, we were able to escape the massive shutdowns and loss of jobs, which were plaguing other states together. We successfully managed to whether our first crisis of 1977. But you're also stopped for the resolution of the reserve mining case and issue in which a great many individuals that had long and deep involvement in before. I became Governor has engaged in the struggle to Halt The Dumping of taconite tailings into beautiful Lake Superior. The stage was involved in years of litigation to protect both the health of our people and the natural environment from the effects of such jumping last April the Supreme Court rendered its long-awaited decision in the reserve case quite frankly their selection of Oppo F7 for non land disposal site was not my first choice, but I directed the appropriate agencies of state government to move quickly to accept and implement this decision. The Supreme Court decision in this case may not have satisfied all of us, but this case points out. Once again, then our democracy there's a system of law to resolve disputes if democracy is to endure our respect for law must also endure. This is what is not at the heart of the present Powerline controversy. No issue has taken more my time the parties in the dispute and had the fullest access to our entire political system to the governor to are state agencies to the legislature into the courts. What is the review of some of our efforts to resolve this dispute because I'm proud of them and because I'm confident state government has demonstrated its ability to act responsibly and responsibly in this matter almost as soon as I became Governor. I visited with a number of the affected landowners and poop and Grant counties. I met with representatives of the power cooperatives. I'm at the leaders of the legislature to the public hearings be held on the power line issue. The legislature was most responsive those hearings were held you then passed a bill which I signed into law last June responding and eight separate ways to the concerns the landowners expressed at the hearings your bill substantial increase the compensation pay to owners of lands crossed by power lines. Landowners including those affected by the present Powerline may not select 10 annual payments with 8% interest instead of one lump sum payment and annual payment will also be made by the utilities to all owners of land crossed by a line in addition to the text. Then I'll pay to the county the owner of a farmer Homestead Property to be Cross by Future Powerline may require that utility to purchase the entire property not just the right of way and then the routing process no longer will state-owned lands receive priority over agricultural lands. In addition to this legislation. We are taking other steps to respond to the landowners concerns. The State Department of Health is reviewed all of the known research relating to the health and safety issues involved and we'll be monitoring ozone levels along the line. The case has been heard in the course of our state the Minnesota Supreme Court the highest court in our state as a firm that proper procedures were followed and routing the power line. It has authorized continuation of construction. We've employed a professional mediator in attempt to bring the sides together. We have secured funding from the Ford foundation for a science Court, which I propose to publicly re-examine all of the health and safety concerns of the landowners. I think it is clear that all of government has worked hard to be responsive. We have willingly all of us gone the extra mile to act with justice and human concern for the rights of all parties. I think it is clear that all of government and we go again the same thing last time. The plaza de Paz last time was once too and I still regard the science card as the best mechanism for resolving this controversy. I again calling all parties to join with us to make a science Court a reality. I'm confident that if we apply to the power line issue the same Cooperative spirit with which we have met all of Minnesota's other major problems tool will be resolved successfully as a further extension of openness in government. We have also developed an open appointment process through this process is my intention to make government is represented as possible of all the groups who comprise our society or appointments commission has received applications from nearly 2,000. Minnesota citizens many were encouraged to apply because they fell for the first time to get a chance to compete on a fair and equal basis. I am proud to have appointed a substantial number of women a minority group members to boards commissions and keep posting government where they Never served before and in the coming year, we will we will do even better too often in the past. There's been good reason to regard affirmative action hiring and promotion efforts merely is tokenism. But our state Commissioners have been instructed to engage in an all-out effort to increase job opportunities for those now under-represented a successful affirmative action program will add a fresh welcome and needed to mention to the conduct of the state's business. For the 1978 legislative session, you'll be pleased to know that I propose no lengthy legislative agenda for your consideration. I know you're eager to make this a short and productive session. I would do all that I have that I can to help you reach this objective. You may remember when I dressed you last year I said the time is coming when Governors and legislatures will no longer be judged on the number of their new proposals for the success and passing them instead. The test will be our wisdom and skill in making prison laws work for our people. This is more true today. You have enacted impressive body of laws to meet the needs of our people notice up to us to make these laws work as they were intended to provide the best possible service to the people of Minnesota at the lowest possible cost my own efforts. This year will be concentrate on working to improve the management of state government. Nothing will strengthen the people's face and government and their elected officials more than a responsive cooperative and well-managed administration with me to strong beginning tours this with the aid of a new task force on waist and mismanagement. It is help us to find new ways to cut government expenditures and save millions of dollars. Annually. We're reducing our inventories and disposing of our Surplus and not obsolete assets. We're cutting back a long distance phone calls out of state travel in state-sponsored meetings will save thousands of dollars by canceling many periodical subscriptions. We're reducing the size of the state automobile Fleet. We shall only purchase Vehicles offering better gas mileage and lower maintenance cost and this time of inflation and rising cost the savings will help us maintain needed programs and services. Since I have been Governor, we have not purchased a single filing cabinet and state government. This is helping us to make excellent progress toward our goal of a 30% reduction in the number of our government forms, and we are finally beginning to translate them into English in addition of a state agencies to reduce Personnel by 2% by July 1st. There's also the news about the state's economy. Basically our economy is sound if it were not for the plight of Minnesota's Farmers. We would have good reason to begin this year in an optimistic mood. I hope shortly to speak with President Carter bought a great fear for the future of farm families throughout the Midwest is tragic that are farmers who do so much to lessen hunger in the world are so poorly rewarded for their labors still a great economic diversity is a state justifies a bright economic outlook for Minnesota as a whole throughout the 1970s. Minnesota's non-agricultural job growth has exceeded that of a Nation Minneapolis-Saint Paul is now the 11th largest non-agricultural employment area in the nation are the 25 largest employment. The areas in the United States is the only area outside of Sunbelt states to have an employment growth rate above the national average. Minnesota's retail manufacturing sales in the current year have been running ahead of the national average. This is also true of our personal income. Our rate of unemployment continues. Well below the national average. But sometimes speakers can conceal almost as much as ever. To think of the unemployed only in terms of percentages is to forget that thousands of individuals individuals and Minnesota are out of work. I can still remember when I was a boy everything seems to stop when my father couldn't find work the same situation still prevails and many many homes throughout our state. This is why despite are encouraging economic advances in Minnesota. We still need more jobs decent meaningful jobs security the dignity and the freedom which comes from being employed in discussing a strength strengthen job climate is important to recognize are we in Minnesota have done well to bring in more jobs to our state we have done. So despite the handicap of our weather or distance from most major markets in the fact that we are at the end of the energy pipeline. The reason for our success is to be found in the productivity and a positive attitude of our people Minnesota possesses a highly motivated. Well trained and educated labor force labor and government have an excellent working partnership Minnesota business Community has also shown great willingness to cooperate in solving a States most pressing problems. We will comment on the road again to provide greater number of jobs for our citizens this legislate. Who has helped to foster a favorable job climate with the passage of much Excellence legislation, but there's still more that we can do. Let me suggest immediate actions for your consideration. I'm recommending appropriation to session of $840,000 to help attract many more visitors to our state and spur the growth of the tourist travel industry throughout Minnesota or tourist industry. It is already one of the largest and most important industries in our state. It has a tremendous potential for creating new jobs new business and increasing tax revenues increase tourism can be especially helpful too many of our small communities, who's the economies are largely dependent on such business. We can also begin construction of any authorized project earlier. So that workers can be hired faster. In fact, we've been doing that for this past year. We have already begun to cut down on the time required required for environmental impact statements and under burn some paperwork that Delight delays construction. We must remove barriers to Greater employment by making our buildings more accessible does a handicapped. I hope you have a great to accelerate the pace at which this is not proceeding many of our largest employers are high technology companies is especially important to our economic future that we encourage their research and the technology necessary to spark the growth of more such science oriented firms. These firms can supply many of the answers to our Vital energy and environmental needs from their creative creativity will come tomorrow is jobs. I'm there for recommending planning money for a new civil and mineral engineering building at the University of Minnesota. This was Hilti to be part of the Institute of Technology. Will be built underground making it a conservation model for the nation. It's graduates can help to provide a continuous flow of creative ideas and advanced technology. We are seeking for Minnesota a job climate is more than just tax rates. It is also added to it each one of us can do a great deal on our own to improve the job climate in Minnesota. If we all work just a little bit harder do our jobs just a little bit better. We will demonstrate that our system can indeed do whatever is necessary. So that full employment can Thrive our success will depend upon the teacher who stays after school to help a student the business the Pioneers in the development of new products and services the worker who finishes a task a little better or a little faster the employer who hires the handicapped person or the recovering alcoholic the organization that fully utilize the talents of women and minority members. If we are to be a truly successful Society, you must also act now to preserve our state's most precious resource, the Minnesota family. They are now undergoing a transition greater than at any time in our history marriages end in divorce in the United States more often than anywhere else in the world in the past 10 years. The divorce rate has doubled the rising number of single-parent families has been particularly notable as of 1975 Minnesota had 70,000 single parent families already 162,000 Minnesota children under age 18 are living in such households of every ten children born in this decade for expected to spend part of their childhood in a one-parent household this fast like these that we will explore at the first Minnesota Governor's conference and families, which will be held this mean My own view is that many of our public policies do not serve the changing needs of Minnesota families. They may in fact actually be weakening the family structure. I'm concerned that households headed by women have especially along comes at all educational levels women throughout the United States are still earning an average. I'm nearly 40% less than their male counterparts. We need to remedy this inequity. We can also develop greater job opportunities from working parents of school-age youngsters their programs with permit job sharing and more flexible schedules at family should not be needlessly operated or separated. We can see content a job transfer policies, which sockless lignore the school year and strong Community ties. The recommendations coming out of our conference will be presented at the 1979 White House conference on families. I'm sure to Minnesota once again, but received National recognition for the Excellence of its contributions. For this legislative session. I have one Chief priority reduction in the State's income tax. It is important to our people and Tori conomy. There's a general agreement that our state's fiscal management is excellent. Our budget is balanced. We pay as we go our credit rating is AAA the highest rating a state can obtain. I'm proud of this record that I want to preserve it. I also recognize that governments need to set money aside for unanticipated needs. It makes good sense to keep some money in reserve but we expect a substantial Surplus at the end of this biennium. I believe that any excess funds Beyond The Prudent Reserve should be used to reduce taxes. We all worked hard last year planning our state budget. We allocate our resources carefully and I see no need to begin any costly new programs. If I thought for one moment, we would have to lower the quality of the services. We now provide I would not stand here advocating that we lower taxes in, Minnesota. If I thought it would jeopardize the economic health of our state. I assure you I would not know ask you for a tax reduction, but we can afford a tax credit this time. We do have more revenues than we anticipated last year. We are finding someone ways to save money and operate government with greater efficiency. In addition tax reductions at this time was Ferrari economy Improvement store has image as a good place to do business and also improve our job climate last year at this time. I indicated my desire to see the individual income tax in Minnesota, both reduced and simplified. However shortly after the legislative session began. It became clear. The local property taxes would increase of stamps substantially unless additional State resources were used to prevent this from happening. I therefore joined you and responding to the impending property tax prices and deferred my own income tax proposals, Minnesota tax, Minnesota tax legislation last year. The trend of recent years toward reducing Reliance and the property tax is a means of financing the cost of local schools colonies cities and towns as a result. Most property taxes will not be going up this year. In fact most homeowners will pay a lower property taxes this year than they paid last year Ramsey County tax officials predict property taxes reduction raising from 4 to 11 % it for Saint Paul homeowners also because of changes and in the law last year most minnesotans will be receiving bigger refunds this year to the state's property tax refund program known as a circuit breaker a relative National Property Tax in the ranking has been declining steadily in 1967, Minnesota ranked 11th, highest elevation in property taxes pay per person in 1975 who dropped the 22nd, July 1st to 76 we drop the 24th. In a safe. We dropped an Altec series from 35th to 36th in the sales tax from 3rd to 4th and individual income taxes and from 4th to 6th and corporate income taxes. We know all pale ore sales and property taxes per person than the national average these signs are encouraging especially in view of our sound economy and are balanced budget, but I think we can do better and now is the time to do it. I particularly concerned the Minnesota still ranks. Number one in certain income levels of the individual income tax my income tax proposals to share design to change our number one status where possible and to provide some degree of relief to All taxpayers In addition. I'm asking you to provide some additional tax relief for business in our state there is already been much discussion of your mom to the balance anticipated in the State Treasury at the end of the biennium making Revenue projections is exceedingly difficult, but based on the best available information. I'm proposing a program for tax reductions. Going to 102.9 million dollars and that is based on today's estimates. Making these proposals in a Cooperative spirit and I want to Ghent express my desire to work with you to refine the elements of these proposals today are like 2% essential so that I text proposals to you and a priority need I'm confident we can afford to connect all of them in this session. The highest priority is to expand existing low income and working for credit from the current maximum $7,800 for a married person. It was for dependents to new maximum of $8,900. This proposal will extend this credit to another 100,000 taxpayers and provide settlement in dollars and relief in the biennium next. I'm proposing a permanent reduction of income tax rates, which will provide $82 in income tax relief during the remainder of this biennium almost all taxpayers will receive some benefits. After many hours of considering almost every option available to us with determine that this proposal which pres the relief of a broad base of income and family situations is a ferris foremost minnesotans remove us from 11 of the 17 categories in which Minnesota income tax liabilities are now the highest in the nation. My third recommendation is to take the final step in the face out of the employer's payroll tax already. We have eliminated the stacks on firms with payrolls up a $250,000 removing this bird at a cost of 11.2 million for the last year and this biennium will improve the business climate and helped to create more jobs. I'm also proposing to measure to simplify Minnesota itemized deductions for our taxpayers a lot of 1.6 billion dollars for this purpose. The final recommendation is to remove the sales tax on newsprint and ink This tax is not consistent with our overall policy which exempt from the sales tax materials, which are used in production. The cost of this would be 1.1 million for the last year of this biennium in the year ahead. Is Governor intend to work as hard as I can because I have goals for Minnesota. I like to see Minnesota become a model among the states as a place where people matter place where the communication between the people and their leaders are so open and so frequently exercise that the government really is the people I like to see Minnesota's a place where people will have their faith restored in the political process in a government that is a model and its management of the state's affairs. I see Minnesota as a place where state employees take pride in their work and we're creative Innovative and efficient programs to improve the security and well-being of our people are developed and copied by other states. I want Minnesota to show the rest of the country the central important role State local government must perform in our state. I've every confidence the people State and memory Bliss legislature will join me in these undertakings so that all of us can continue to improve and share in the good life here in Minnesota. Have a good session. Thank you very very much. Life in St. Paul, you been listening to the dress by Governor Rudy perpich to a joint session of the Minnesota Legislature. Governor shaking hands now with members of the executive Council pretty General Spanish matching 250 Sharon are the members of the legislature now. Angie is being escorted from the chambers back to his office. Incidentally legislators who escorted the governor in today or family Senate dfl is Bob was sorry for International Falls. Alan Frank North Minneapolis and independent Republican Steve dangle a Randolph and Dolores knock with White Bear Lake or it's not going to that we need to do a state senator for the reason they want a special election for the senate seat. Anderson president remove the drink convention doing all right, I mentioned in our eyes on favor indicate by saying I was named oceans have to join convention stanza turn the house speakers say both including the formalities of this joint convention. Not just for the record the house members who escorted the governor out where Lyle a blend of Bloomington, burkelman Duluth Janet Clark of the Apolis helping the darling of Fountain. My correspondent John really is on the floor now and he's able to get some reaction to the governor speech from Senate Majority Leader Nick Coleman John, especially with emphasis on the tax proposal. I was very pleased to see the address of the tax proposals are there is something there for almost all the individual income tax payers. There's something there for business and it was a great deal of stress in the governor's message on the economic climate. And I was also pleased to see that those who have the most difficulty in meeting the ravages of inflation of also are considered the Working Poor and expansion of that program. I think that the message also show the governor's Agony over the occurring Powerline proposals and a really touched on the things that we need to do as we head into 1978-82 million-dollar income tax cut this year. I think that the legislature has been want to take a look at the figures at the Department of Finance presents in February, but they is a governor mentioned that seems like they will give us a prude and balance in addition to everything else. I want to know if the federal income tax cut effects are in there too, but there will be it'll be substantial relief granted by the legislature whether it's exactly that amount is too early to say well this is a test case it says session for the governor who just came in a few days before the session last year. Some people say this will be the session with the governor will prove whether or not he has so cold leadership ability is whether they dfl leadership will dictate to him what priority should be made. How do you see that? I have Parramatta an issue is it? Well, I think you know that your makeup if you want to talk about it that really is not going to be tested anymore needs to be tested. He is a leader is demonstrated that Thank you very much. Senator Senate majority leader of Nick Coleman and now to set up an alternator Robert Ash back. When you come right over here by your reaction to the to the address Senator also, well with emphasis on the Beast the tax proposals what you have commented on on several occasions already this year. The factor puzzles are really a scaled-down version of our proposals. The last two sessions. We're very happy to hear is proposals. We're glad he verifies the Surplus which we indicated was available and we're going to support him. I hope he exercises leadership. So he gets his colleagues. The legislature does a point of interest tax proposal. We're going to try to improve them up first and we were very disappointed that you didn't indicate. You don't believe the tax on senior citizens at the signing the law last June or the tax on military pay. We think you are those things must be removed to 82 million-dollar income tax cut. Is that enough for you? Well, we've got three hundred million dollars. We might just as well give it back to the people that we've already overcharged him that much already. So what we have to do is return it to the people is there it should be returned. You're still saying $300 Surplus. I think that you want the official state position from commissioner Christensen is off out from in the 60s to 70s to about a hundred fifty million. So that's climbing up toward your figure. Are you confident of 300 million? Yes, I expect 300 volume. They've come up there figures in the past twice and each biennium and in time they will be up there. I figure again if it if it should be for 300 million. You would want more than 82 million. Oh, yeah. I think we ought to give most of it back don't censor overcharging the taxpayers. What is there anything about his address anything that he touched down on the number of subjects? He touched upon the governor that you had some problems with you talking about people being involved in the government of process opening up to the people have them participate because people matter I was very disappointed mention the United States Senate seat open the special election. Therefore. I thought he ought to mention that he support a special election to the people could really participate in the process. What about Ariel Humphrey? I don't know about mirror home for you. That's his mystery like to see her take a caretaker position. Even if a special election should be held in a few months. He many people have indicated desired and the public wants to fill the vacancy by an election and I think so, that's the route we have to take. Thank you very much. Robert Ash back to before we go off the air Bob also get some comments from my house Speaker Mark disable, perhaps one or two others and I see the house speaker right over here. Let's see if we can get him right now, Okay. I'll have to tell me about 5 feet away, but it's about 13 people away right now reminding that everyone and their work has been done yesterday affect anything you discussed yesterday and then not really I think I should basically a continuation of what he talked about that then this process has been accessible open and we want to continue to have that form and remain open to to hearing from people in their concerns. Speaker save on pardoning. Can we ask your initial reaction to the address? And as it pertains to taxes why I said generally speech was very positive and I was very pleased with it. I thought it was a proper emphasis on where we are on this take several things. I agree with Okay with the governor that it's necessary to keep some Reserve that it's not a session where we have made sure new programs cost money in terms of the total hours available for tax adjustment set my initial inclination be that there a hundred million might be a little high might be found her to do so much smaller Mom. I'd be sympathetic to his proposal his top priority of adjustments lower income tax brackets and degree that additional dollars available. I would want to look at his proposal along with maybe some mold from Josh. We just spoke with Senator Ash back to the seminar later. He is still predicting the up to a 300 million dollar Surplus. The official state position seems to be approaching 150 million. If a trip climb well above 200 million dollars will the the dfl in both houses being an embarrassing situation not to pass some type of substantial income tax cut. We're going to keep on track of what Revenue estimates. Alright, I think your figure is probably accurate to wear. The number will be for this session. You know, I hope it's slow but do we have to deal with what's a realistic estimates are at this point in time, you know, the minority has no responsibility if they're optimistic estimates are wrong and we do today and what he calls a substantial income tax cut if he doesn't get a cut or a very small cut that is seen as kind of a token cut. Is that going to hurt him politically next year? No, I think he has feelings too many continuing discussions and I'm sure there before the sessions over will they have worked out to a certain consensus? Thank you very much house Speaker Martin Sable. Finally House minority leader Henry set up a pool is just joined us and congratulations on finding is the House minority leader your reaction to the address and emphasis on taxes. But I feel that it I'm going to be very supportive of the the tax program as outlined by the by the governor. It doesn't corporate virtually. All the elements of the Republican tax program has been advocated over the last 4 years. There's only one variation in in our to program the other variation which is really in a mount our estimates indicate that there could be another seventy-five million dollars in tax relief in the program and should be put in there. Well this big test session for governor perpich regarding leadership ability clouds with his own party. Obviously the the house Democrats have killed a similar package in the last 3 years and it's going to be interesting to see whether with the visibility of the governor that those positions can change and will change the governor in terms of principle is going to get a lot of support from the Independent Republican caucus and obviously there's going to be some concern by many of the dfl leaders in the house will vote against these in the past as to how they can change their position and still maintain their credibility while I was at you might have heard the question. I asked how the speaker Sable do you think that if some type of substantial income tax credit is not brought out, especially if the Surplus approaches or goes well beyond two hundred million dollars politically will that either the dfl party in the state and or the governor? I think that they've already been hurt the Republicans have won the last five elections. I think the governor is reacting to what I Believe is a mood of the people that we have to do something about our income tax structure. And I believe they are going to be hurt. Seriously if they don't then act at least as potential part of his package. Thank you very much House minority leader Henry savacool independent republic in from Albert Lea. This is John really on the floor of the house back up to Bob Potter and the gallery. All right, John. Thank you very much. We'll just briefly review a few of the highlights of the governor's address the snoring you called, of course for a major cut in state income tax is 102.9 million dollars over the two-year biennium send the reduction in income tax was his chief priority for the session specifically the governor called for 7 million dollars in tax relief by expanding the low income or working for a tax credit be called 482 million dollars and income tax relief to benefit practically all taxpayers. It called 411.2 million dollars in release the businesses by dropping the payroll tax about a million dollars from reducing the sales tax on newsprint and ink And another million and a half for simplification of the Minnesota income tax form on other matters, the governor outlined some economic measures what you'd like to 78 legislature to pass including an appropriation of about $800,000 to the Department of Economic Development to attract more tourism were visitors to Minnesota. He said that there should be buildings made more accessible to the handicapped to ensure their greater employment and he called work state to help to Aid the science oriented in high technology firms in Minnesota and proposed the new civil and mineral engineering building at the University of Minnesota part of the Institute of Technology, which could be used for research in that area. The governor recap to what he considered the achievements of his first year in office. He said he was particularly proud of the opening of the government process to the people of Minnesota. He also said that for the resolution of the reserve mining case through the Supreme Court follow up by state agencies was a major accomplishment of his administration course, the power line problem the issue that the governor admitted to spend a great deal of time on over the past year still basically unresolved farmers in West Central Minnesota still vehement Lee opposed to the construction of the UPA CPA line Farmers here at the Capitol yesterday and indicated meetings legislators. There's probably not going to be very much action taken at least by the legislature on that issue this year. This concludes our live coverage of Governor pictures address to the Joint session of the legislature funds for this broadcast provided and park by the Minneapolis Tribune Harley. This is Bob Potter reporting from the capital.


In 2008, Minnesota's voters passed the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution: to protect drinking water sources; to protect, enhance, and restore wetlands, prairies, forests, and fish, game, and wildlife habitat; to preserve arts and cultural heritage; to support parks and trails; and to protect, enhance, and restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater.

Efforts to digitize this initial assortment of thousands of historical audio material was made possible through the Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. A wide range of Minnesota subject matter is represented within this collection.

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