Forum: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Words of Warning to the Western World (aka America: You Must Think About the World)

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn, exiled Soviet author, makes his first major public address in the United States at a banquet in his honor given by the AFL-CIO. Solzhenitsyn ‘s address was titled “Words of Warning to the Western World (aka America: You Must Think About The World).” Speech was translated, after a brief initial technical issue.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

Good evening, and Welcome to our Sunday night Farm program exiled Soviet author Alexander solzhenitsyn made his first major public address in the United States on June 30th of this year. He spoke in New York at the invitation of the AFL-CIO an invitation which had been extended and refused about a year earlier Minnesota Public Radio originally broadcast on July 1st at noon because of the attention it received the number of requests for a repeat broadcast. They are airing the soldier missing address once again this evening.licensed squishies Yu-Gi-Oh card workers hint We're having difficulty with with sound with the technicians. Please suggested. and I suspect that the other sound difficulties are those Hey, baby, I miss you. So sneaks in on the sound system. I suspect they are some difficulties are those for The Interpreter because we were hearing quite well. Giving a few instructions as some of which were in English. I was saying creative life has many years as a stonecutter in a Foundry as a manual worker in the name of all of those who have shared by the two persons with me today who are working here. I can start my speech today by an appeal to my brothers. Brothers in labor and not forgetting also the many honored guests present here tonight, but I sad workers of the World Unite slogan Who am I not ever heard that sound? She wouldn't and today you can find it in any Soviet. As well as in every issue of problem. but never have faith leaders of the Communist Revolution in the Soviet Union ever made application of these words sincerely. and in there meaning when Manuka Honey years how many allies have been promoted over the decades? We keep forgetting radical in facing lie. Which nut on the leaves of a tree but I don't remember what you believe Francis I recently published crime near 1919 description of factories in petrograd. effective March 19th 4 months after the October Revolution healthy petrograd factories And what is more they were shooting machine guns in the courtyard of independent Fun Factory? Does anyone now can actually call in 1921 shooting a Communist Party? When the rising from one of them was a true genuine worker. It was a man that worked at a bench until the end of his life. This was Alexander who has ever heard that name today. Precisely because he expressed the true worker interest in the Communist leadership. the years before the Revolution in Russia Communist party was run by position at the Communist military since he was a story and his name is unknown to most people here today, but I record before the Revolution the head of the Communist Party in Russian since that time he's working class has never been able to stand up for its rights. And in the pictures from all of the simplest living vital interest at least strike as counter-revolutionary. cause of probably either of the textile strike some of the sound of snoring update major workers Uprising in 1962 after all of the thought History will shortly be published in your country here. Was a time when we went in a peaceful demonstration machine guns and throw them away. And even the wounded and dead no, no family there to collect them dead. But all were taken away in secret. If I say those present here. Those who understand this I don't have to explain in our country After the revolution. The leaders of the British trade unions are free to play this unworthy game. and visit to these so-called trade unions and then receive visits in return. AFL-CIO has never given into these illusions. the American workers movement Has never allowed itself to be blinded and take slavery for freedom, and I today in behalf of all of our oppressed people want to thank you. when liberal thinkers and wise man of the West who have forgotten the significance of the meaning of the word. Here in the west have sworn that in the Soviet Union. They were no concentration camps at all published 1947 map and map of concentration camps and looking for this. Tested me feel like I was at your allies here. There also exists another Alliance at first glance a strange one a surprising one, but if you think about it, in fact one if a savings this is the alliance between communist leaders and your capitalist. This is nothing new. the Arnold Hammer who is flourishing here today laid the basis for this when he made the first trip into Russia even in Lenin's time in the very beginning of the revolution first years. He was extremely successful in this intelligence Mission and now and since that time. for all these 50 years We have a continuous and study support by the businessman of the West. of the Communists helping their communist leaders They're clumsy and awkward economy, which couldn't ever overcome in some difficulties itself. continually getting material and technological assistance And the very first major construction projects in the initial side your plans were built with American Materials even telling himself recognized that two-thirds of this assistance was obtained from the West. and if today the Soviet Union is hay as powerful military and police. Force and it has these forces and others at other levels in order to crush are moving for freedom in the Soviet Union. And unfortunately, we have to thank Western capital for this also. I can recall the recent instance. businessmen Hunter initiative established an exhibition of criminological technology in Moscow. The spins the most recent and elaborate technology, which here is your country is used to catch criminals listen to them to photograph and tell them to recognize criminals. This was taken to Moscow. to an exhibition Order that the criminologist. not understanding What sort of criminals would be chased by these persons in the security agencies in the police and it decided to purchase it? And you are pissed his men were quite willing to sell it. Only a few voices hair-raising up or against it was this deal locked. It didn't take place. But you have to realize how adroit the KGB is. This technology didn't have to stay two or three weeks in a Soviet building under Soviet Garden two or three nights were enough for our persons there to are they look through it and to copy it. and if today Christopher being hunted down some of the best and most effective to buy the best and perfect the technology for this unfortunate. We also have to thank you. This is something which is almost incomprehensible to the human mind game. All limitation of countries only to get money from somewhere. Can I have to admit that linen? Porto this whole process Who knew the West much better than Russian he always wrote to you always said that the Western capitalist. What do anything to supply our economy? They will fight with each other to Stella's good cheaper and quicker. They will bring it themselves. without thinking about the future and in the difficult moments of a party meeting in Moscow. When things are hard for the difficult, we will give a rough to the bourgeoisie. Who was a fairy? to hang the whole bourgeoisie Landon said immediately. Bell Supply What's the second of the twenties and thirties to forties the 50s now is the end of Western capitalism. We're going to destroy you didn't hear. We're going to bury you. They didn't believe that either I took it as a joke. Now, of course, I've become more clever in our country anymore. Nothing has changed, this city ology. It goes to the same as they were. Stead of the simple and Hearty couldn't keep his tongue. In order to understand this now, I would take the liberty of making a short historical survey. Which. 7 code trade stabilization of the situation recognition of realities. These relations at least 40 years old. Let me remind you. What sort of system I started? It was the following. It was a system. They came to Power by an uprising drove away the constituent assembly. capitulated to Germany which was They introduced the check car. shooting and execution of that trial strikes they plundered the villages to such an extent that the peasants have to crush the church 20 provinces of the country into a famine 1821 the Volga famine the famous for typical communist To seize power without stop producing timer went off hunger. I see the snow in Vietnam today almost in Portugal as well. Wendy 3 years Civil War Civil War Play purpose Civil War. When they got the country into a civil war America America say, they're hungry the so-called American relief Administration to set up. headed by President Hoover and it did many millions of Russia lies were saved by this organization. What sort of gratitude. Did you receive for this? Not only have they tried to erase this whole event from the popular memory. I even started to accuse them of being a clever spy organization. Clever scheme of American imperialism to set up a spy Network in Russian. This was a kind of system which introduced concentration camps for the first time in the history of the world in which to say not to see if the person who named Earth. This was a system of hostages and the persecution of families exist to this day. Hounding people John because the bravest person who is not afraid for himself would still shiver at the threat to his family first. long before Hitler Foster registration we didn't have gas Chambers in those days. barges hundreds of thousands of persons were put into these barges and the barges were sunk to the crayon factory system exterminated all additional parties. not only the party itself, but the members of every party the members of every party was exterminated by system which introduced genocide of the peasantry 15 million peasants were sent off to passport system, causing Six Million Ways to Die in the world didn't even notice in time. And asleep because I have to have to stop because we've got the 1933 rated behind your President Roosevelt recognize kind of assistance. remind you Washington did not agree to recognize the French convention. Because of its savagery objecting to the recognition of the Soviet Union the beginning of friendship. In 1964. I was delighted. I'm sorry. That was a 19-4 that you could buy the defeat of the Japanese. And everyone was down on Russia because it was a conservative country. I want to remind you once again, how could they enter into an alliance with such a conservative country conservative? Like Russia was at the time the scope and the fish today does not permit me to say more about the former Russian. I just want to say that the information from the Revolutionary Russia has been obtained in the west from the hands of those were either not sufficiently competent or not sufficient. I can change it. And I just want to sign for the sake of comparison and number of figures which you can read for yourself and then Gulag archipelago volume one, which has been published in the United States. And I think many of you may have read it. Those are the figures in accordance with the calculation of the Specialists of the most precise subjective statistics in the pre-revolutionary Russia during the 80 years before the Revolution the years of the Revolutionary movements when they were attempts on the tires life assassinations of star Revolution during these years about a year. Let me see the famous Spanish Inquisition. In the archipelago eyesight the 18 19 19. They give a proud report to their room of their revolutionary activity and they apologized that their data is not quite full but 1918-1919 executed without trial more than a thousand persons a month. This is written by itself before it was able to understand how it's going to look in history and at the height of Stalin's terror in 37 38, if we divide the number of persons executed by the number of months. We will get more than 40,000 of executed persons for months. These are the figures 17 a year more than a thousand a month more than 40,000 in months. This is how I progressed. What in Russia was being cold conservatism. What made it impossible for the Democratic West to form an alliance with Russia of those years and this country was the Soviet Union a few of the world England France United States have entered into a military Alliance. How is this to be explained? How can we understand this? Here we can offer a few explanations. The first explanation that we can offer is that the entire United democracies of the world is too weak to fight just one Germany alone and Hitler alone, then it is a terrible portend. It's a terrible prophecy for the present day. If oldies countries together could not defeat one little Germany at the time of Hitler 1 more than one half of the globe is flooded with the toilet arianism want to accept this explanation. Then perhaps the second explanation. This was simply an attack of a fear of the Statesman of the day. They didn't have the strength of Spirit and the Indus confused state had decided to enter into an alliance with the Soviet totalitarianism. Our final destination is the dishwasher deliberate divided self by means of another totalitarian system. I am not talking now about the moral evaluation of this. I'm going to talk about that later, but purely in terms of common calculation. What profound self-deception is that? We have a Russian proverb to help you against the dog. If the dogs are attacking you fight against the dog fight against the dogs. What time will the will consume or chase away the dogs but they will tear you apart as well could have defeated one totalitarian regime after another the german-soviet instead of which it had the Soviet totalitarianism has it helped to bring into existence of surgical at arianism that of China and the oldest head finally a precipitate of the present World situation. Roosevelt in Quran during one of his toast made the statement. He said I do not doubt that the three of us meaning Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin lead our people in accordance with their desires. In accordance with the rains. How are we to explain this will leave it to the historians at the time had listened and we were astonished with the Americans and I was in those troops which were marching towards Elba. A little bit more and I would have reached Elba and would have shaken the hand of the front troops of the United States Army. But a little before then I was taking off to the prison. And my meeting did not take place. But now what does grade delay? The same hand has thrown me out of the country. And here I am. Instead of the meeting at the elbe. With a delay of 30 years for me. In order to tell you as a friend of the United States to tell you what is friends will wanted to tell you then. Which our which our soldiers were prevented from telling you on the elbe? There is another Russian proverb. The enemy is the Yes Men, but the friends will argue with you. It is precisely for that reason that I am the friend of the United States precisely because my Because my speech is prompted by the feeling of friendship. That I have come to tell you my friends. I'm not going to tell you sweet words. The situation in the world is not just dangerous. It doesn't just threatened. It is catastrophic. Something something that has been comprehensible to the ordinary human mind has taken place. We there. The powerless everidge Soviet people couldn't understand year after year and decorative. What is happening? How are we to explain this England France United States? The states which were victorious in the Second World War. Victoria states have to dictate the peace and they have to receive good conditions firm conditions and create and existence which Accords with their philosophy with their concept of Liberty. their concept of national interest instead of this beginning and Yalta your Statesman of the West for some inexplicable reason. never York and your present approvals has not offered any conditions have not pose any conditions before the Soviet Union before he had given them unlimited Aid he had given them unlimited 8th, and then he had given them without any need for it. were the occupation of Mongolia Moldavia Estonia Latvia Lithuania were recognized immediately after that almost nothing was done to protect Eastern Europe and seven or eight countries of Eastern Europe were also surrendered. Stalin had demanded that the Soviet citizens who did not want to return home be handed over to him and the Western countries and handed over one and a half million human beings. They have taken them by force. English soldiers for killing Russians who did not want to become prisoners of Stalin and have pushed them by force to Stalin to be exterminated. This has recently come to light just a few years ago that I've million-and-a-half of human beings for destroyed. How could the Western democracies have done this? And immediately after that. The other thirty years the constant Retreat to the surrender of one country after another I'm to the point. Where now in Africa. There are Soviet satellite countries taken over by them Portugal is rolling into the press down into the precipice. During the Thirty Years War was surrender two pillow totalitarianism than ever ever in the world history after any War had the defeated country surrendered. There was no war but it might as well have been. For a long time we couldn't understand this. We couldn't understand the flabbiness of this of the truce, which was conducted in Vietnam. Any ever Soviet citizen understood that this was a Sly device which made it possible for the northern Vietnam to take over Southern Vietnam when it so chooses. and suddenly this is being awarded by the Nobel Prize for Peace a tragic and ironic piece. This is a very dangerous and station. Which may arise as a result of this 30 years to retreat? The field for the world that's comes as a result of it is to to give in as quickly as possible to give up as quickly as possible. If you get peace and quiet at the end cost mini papers in the Worcester versus let's hurry up and end the Bloodshed in Vietnam and have National Unity there. But near the Berlin Wall nobody spoke of national Unity. One of your leading newspapers after the end of Vietnam. I had given a full big headline the Blessed silence. I would not wish that kind of lesson silence to my worst enemy. I would not wish that kind of. National Unity upon my worst enemy I have spent 11 years in the archipelago and for half of my lifetime. I have studied this question. Looking at this terrible tragedy in Vietnam from a distance. I can tell you. A million persons will be exterminated 425 million in accordance with the scale of Vietnam will spend time in concentration camps and will be rebuilding Vietnam. And what is happening in Cambodia? You already know? It is genocide. It is full and complete destruction within the new form. Once again with their knowledge is not up to the building gas Chambers. So in a few hours the entire Capital City the guilty Capital Cities emptied out old people women children are driven out without belongings without food go die. This is a very dangerous attitude towards the world when you get this feeling he go ahead Give It Up. Now we hear voices in your country and in the whiskey Vault Korean we will live in peace. Give up or shut off course Israel. Give up Taiwan Philippines, Malaysia. Thailand 10 African countries just let us live peaceably. Give us a possibility to continue driving our beautiful cars in our Splendid highways make it possible for us to play tennis and golf. Let us make our cocktails as we are accustomed to doing. Let us go see the beautiful Tuesday smile and the glass on every advertisement page of a magazine. But this is how things are turning out to be. I just turning out to be the snow in the west oldest had become a means of accusing the United States now in the west we hear many voices which day it is the fault of America. And here I must decisively state. But I must defend the United States against these accusations. I have to say how to say that the United States of all the countries of the West is the least guilty in oldest and has done the most in order to prevent that United States helped Europe to win the first in the second world war. It has a lifted up you are from the disaster of destruction of the war twice for 10 20 30 years. It has stood as a shield protecting your while European countries were counting their pennies and we're trying to avoid a means of not paying their standing armies or better yet not to have them at all how to leave NATO countries thousands of years of civilization and culture have begun this how old are closer and they should be able to sort the situation out better. I have come to your continent for two months. I have been traveling and it's wide open spaces and I and here it is possible to miscalculate here. You must make an effort to understand the situation the United States of America. For a long time and showing is said to be the most magnanimous the most generous country in the world. Whenever there's a flood an earthquake a fire a natural disaster disease, who is the first to help the United States any prophecy United States? And what do we hear in reply destroyed and the representatives of the third world jump up on the table to vote against the United States. But this does not reduce the load in America shoulders the great burden in America shoulder. The course of history has brought his major the leaders in the world your country can no longer afford to think of her eventually your political leaders cannot sync only about their state only about their party about your small situations where will or will not bring a higher Post in the state about someone you must think about the whole world and when the new political crisis in the world will arise and I think that it's we have just come to the end of a very acute crisis in the next one will come any moment. The main decisions will fall on the shoulders of the United States of America. He was already here. I have heard some explanations of the situations. I will allow myself to close but I have heard here. It is impossible to protect those who do not have the will to defend themselves. This was said about in 1/2 of today's Europe and I'm three-quarters of today's world the will to defend itself is even less than if we were told we cannot defend those who cannot defend themselves with their own human resources. But they won't Manpower but against the excellent powers of all of us doesn't have a standing army example, we were told it is not possible to protect those who do not have full democracy remarkable argument with a lot. This is the right here in your newspapers and here in the speeches of some of your political leaders who in the world ever on the front lines of defense against the military has my husband able to sustain full United States, even the United democracy of the worlds were not able to do it America, England, Canada, Australia with the first danger of hitlerism. You have stretched they hand out to Stalin you call that maintain total democracy. No, that's not it. If there are many addresses of this kind many species of this guy and it's also said that if we use the tongue and I'm going interest is using Whatsapp. If for example in China and the Soviet Union are both participating in the in a quiet way and it will send you a table tennis team and a pilot or one-time cross the North Pole on the way to America and a few days later. They're going to go into space together. The typical spectacle typical show. I remember very well. The year was 1937 June of 1937, over by the Cove benecol have accomplished their heroic flight again across the North Pole and have landed in the state of Washington and each month Stalin had executed more than 40,000 persons a month. And telling you what he was doing he sent those pilots and have elicited from you as trustful Delight the Friendship of two countries across the North Pole. Nobody will say anything but this was a show a show to distract you from the real and what is what is the occasion now? Is it gonna versuri 38 years anniversary book Pilots were sent here. The memorial was inaugurated in the state of Washington. Call over here on his worthy of the memorial. But in order to prevent the truth behind the memorial to should have been a wolf and on it showing the exact you showing the skulls and bones. You should tell you I apologize for so many things but there are so many things being said in your purse and radio. But we cannot ignore the fact that North Vietnam and Khmer Rouge have violated the agreement, but we're willing to look into the future. What does that mean? Does it mean let them exterminate people who participate going to have the time for Stalin? Broke into the future. They look into the future this way in 33 and 41, but it was and nearsighted look into the Future 2 years ago when a non-guaranteed pointless and the spruce Dental they have forgotten to collect your own Americans. Such a hurry just sign this document this some kind of 1300 Americans. Will they have vanished we can get by without them? How is the. How can this be part of them indeed? It is possible in the war to be missing in action. But the leaders of North Vietnam have a part of them. He's still being kept in prison and do they give you back your compatriots know they are not giving them back and they're putting you conditions before you at first they say they removed you from power now, they're saying I have the United States restore Vietnam. If the government of North Vietnam has difficulty explaining what happened with your brothers with your American pows, who am I on the basis of my experience in the archipelago can tell you this quite clearly? There is such a law in the archipelago those who have been treated the most harshly and who have withstood the most bravely the most honest the most courageous the most unbending. They never again come out into the world. They are never gain the world because what they will tell the tales that will tell will not fit into the human mind. Part of her return pows have been told that they were tortured. This means that those who have remained were tortured even more oranges late, but they have not given an inch of your best people. These are your first two Heroes who in a military combat. and today fortunately They cannot hear it take courage from a plug-in Burger Swedish Diplomat who is 45 years? And you have some historical figures who have political axis is masochism. to understand properly What does Daytona has met all these 40 years friendship stabilization the situation Trade Center? I would have to tell you something that you never seen or heard from how it looks. American American What volume of the archipelago of the USSR? And they told me there about 1. And when he came back, he said that wonderful. The State security arrested him and demanded a term of 10 years. What the judge said? I don't have checked, but there's not enough evidence. So the judge was exiled to Can you imagine what this means and what sort of prize for American imperialism? And America said they were good roads in a prison cell has a lot of Christians. At least we're not ones who are cooperating with Hitler. There was some of those to spend some time in the west and had been liberated from German prison by The Americans. To be liberated by the America, but he did but what he would tell about. I don't know if he's got any other terms. During a visit to Moscow American correspondence were reporting a doctor in the streets of Moscow. Example in the following way. I'm just going down the street with a microphone and ask Siri. What do you think about the wonderful? I'm delighted. I'm absolutely Overjoyed by this fact. What is this mean? If I'm going down the street and must go and some American comes up to me with a microphone and asked me and I know that one yard away from him is a recording everything. I say, of course I was safe. But what is the value of such correspondence if they simply transmit to you here in the West? You helped us many years with Lend Lease. But we've done everything to forget this to erase it from my mind's not to remember it. And now I've come here. before I came into this all I dragged. My visit in Washington a little bit in order to take a look at some ordinary parts. And this I know for the first time. That in every state during the War years there were Soviet friendship societies, which were collecting a gift and all these were sent to the Soviet Union, but we never never never never received them and furthermore know I never even told us that these where this was being done. I only learned about it for the first time here this month the United States. Everything was said in Stalin's days. And all of this is a heavy sediment and says anytime. Anytime they come out with the headlines bloodthirsty American imperialism wants to seize control of the world poison Will Rise Up from the sediment many people in our country will believe this will be poisoned by it and we'll consider you as a dresses. the Soviet system It's so closed. That is somewhat impossible for you to understand it here. And your Serie titians and Scholars write the works trying to explain how things occur there. I saw there was some naive explanations which emerged from United States are actually funny to Soviet citizens are inhumane ideologies. Not at all. Not at all. I have to give it up one step Haven situation such as not to affect one of the other affect the left side. They're all the same some sort of a struggle for power. for the third possible explanation that's thanks to the growth of Technology. There is a technocracy in the Soviet Union just growing their hair is growing number of Engineers and the engineers are now running the economy and will soon determine the fate of the country rather than the party. I will tell you though. The engineer's determine the faith of the economy as our generals zero, everything is done the way the party demand. That star system. Assistant treasurer for yourself. It's a system where for 40 years. I haven't been genuine elections, but simply a comedy of farce. system which has no legislative bodies of legislative system without an independent press a system without an independent history Where the people have no influence either on external or internal policy? Square any which is different from what the sink thinks is crushed and let me tell you that electronic bugging is such a simple thing. It's a matter of everyday life. We had an instance United States where there was surprised in the least. It's a system. Where are unmatched butchers of millions like mother to another smaller than him? Assistant where these shows these forces continue today and every fart quote. Where every Farner surrounded by a couple of secret agents working according to a set scenario. It's a system. Where in the Constitution has never been carried out for one single day? Where all the decisions? I made somewhere up in up high up by a small group and secret and then are released on the country like a bolt of lightning. And what is the signature such persons worth? how Goodwin rely on their signatures to a document of they thought Ask your specialist now, they'll tell you even in recent years the Soviet Union has succeeded in creating wonderful, but you're even better than those for sure used by the United States. Is the top needed or not? Not only is it needed its needed like like hair. It's the only way of saving the Earth. So instead of instead of having a world work to have two ton, but a prudent. And if it has already been ruined. And he's such a word which is used today TED Talk. Howard safe very very difficult characteristics There are only free. the first place disarmament not only from the Yusuf of War but also use of violence not only but also Not only this sort of Harm's be used to destroy. Your neighbor's to destroy your fellow countrymen. This is not a date. If we here with you today can spend a time in a friendly way. We're over there people are groaning and dying and in psychiatric insane asylums. The doctors are going around for the third time with putting injections in people. And the second sign of the top is the following. Let it be not one based on smiles. Knock on the verbal concessions, but it has to be based on a firm foundation. You know the word from the Bible not on Sand Button Rock. It has to be a guarantee that this will not disappear overnight. broken overnight we need that the other side the other party to the agreement have some control over attacked some control by public opinion control. And until such a control exists, there's absolutely no guarantee. simple condition What's what day is it? When they employ the sort of inhumane propagandhi, which is used which is called in the Civil War. logical Warfare Pacific Union and communist countries can conduct negotiations I know how to do this. For a long time they don't make any concessions and then they give a little bit. And then that everyone says trying for they look they have paid a confessions time to sign. the European negotiations of the 35 countries for two years now have Painful a painfully been negotiating and their nerves are stretched to the breaking point and they finally made concessions. a few women from the communist countries can now marry foreigners Had a few newspaperman. And now it's going to be permitted to travel in some places. They couldn't travel before thank you 1,000 of what natural or should provide for natural rights? Marriage, which people should be able to do even before said she goes to taken and here in the west were here all sorts of people raising their voices during these two years of negotiations and other countries of Eastern Europe. The pressure has become increased depression has become increased even in Yugoslavia and Romania leaving aside the other countries and it is precisely now. Austrian Chancellor is saying got to sign this agreement. What should an agreement with this be there proposed to cream it is? The funeral of Eastern Europe and Western Europe with finally once and for all sign off Eastern Europe. Perfect, New York be crushed velvet pound once and for all. Just don't bother us and the Austrian Chancellor thinks that if Austria at the edge of this grave will not fall into it, too. and we from our lives there have concluded. That there is only one thing which can be raised against violence and that is firmness. You have to understand the nature of communism. Ideologies teachings is that it considers to be a fool anyone who doesn't take what's given to him in front of him if you can attack attack, then go back. And the commonest latest respect only firmness and our contempt contempt and laugh at persons who continually you are told. You say and this is the last quotation. I'm going to give you from the statements of your leaders. Power without any attempt at conciliation will lead to a world conflict, but I would say that power with continual compliance continual Retreat. There's no power at all. Back from our experience. I can tell you that only firmness. But make it possible to withstand the assaults of communist totalitarianism. We see many historic examples and let me give you some of them. Look at little Finland and I can 39 which by its own forces withstood the attack you and I can 48 defendant and stood up for Berlin only by your furnace and there was no will conflict. In Korea 1950 you stood up against the Communists. Don't lay by your firmness and there was no conflict. command night in Cuba and the less I know our negotiations with Trump and he started to send if he hasn't been removed. He was planning to go to Germany and to continue at genuine. Let me remind you. The man who is a name is not associated with weakness. Landon when he came to power and panic yielded to Germany, everything was Germany wanted just he said take what you want. Germany took as much as it wanted and gave a minute of Stacy said give a turkey a turkey. It's almost an unknown fact, but Linden. Mater petition to the Kaiser of Germany Asking the government to calm down, Ukraine. And us to make possible a boundary between the Communist Party, Russia and Ukraine. What's the question making a boundary with Ukraine and getting away from you? We dissidence in the USSR. Don't have any tanks. We don't have any weapons. We have no organization. We don't have anything. Hands are empty only. a heart and what we have lived through in the last half-century of this system. and when we have found the feminist within ourselves to stand up for our rights we have done so Add if I hear today. It's only by a furnace of spirit. We have withstood. And if if I'm standing here before because of the kindness of the Goodwill of Communism not thanks to that talk but thanks to my own furnace and you are friends support. They knew that I would not give up one in not one here. And when they couldn't do more they themselves fell back. It's wasn't easy. Pandora conditions, this was talk to me by the difficulties in my life. Can you give yourselves any one of you were in the same situation you would have learned the same thing. I don't want to mention a lot of names but take valium a Bukowski. His name is now almost forgotten. Atwater meant a lot of names because however many I might mention there are more still. One week with two or three names. That means we forget the other prisoner sent by the calculation of language specialist 7000 on a person's on now in insane asylums, and he was proposed. Go away leave go to the west and then shut up. And this young man? Are you on the bridge of death said no, I won't go. I have written about the person so you have put in insane asylums. Let us You released them and then I would go west. That's what I mean by. permissive Spirit to stand up against tanks and Chicken finally evaluate everything I've said to you today, and I'm coming to my confusion now. I could say We don't even have to have a conversation on the political level about this to the morrow level and say. In 1933 and 1941 you are leaders and the whole Western world. in an unprincipled way made a deal with totalitarianism and for 30 years. We've been paying for it and still going to pay for it in a worse way. one cannot sync only and the let the low level of political calculations Is necessary to fake also of what is Noble? What is honest and honorable? Not only what is useful? Idroid Western legal Scholars have now introduced the term legal realism. By this legal realism want to push aside any moral evaluation of Affairs. If such laws have been established in such countries, then these laws which provide for violence have to be recognized. respected present time concept is widely accepted among lawyers that is higher than morality is something which has worked out and developed tourism relative something incorrect and amorphous that isn't the case that the opposite is true morality is higher than law. Loft Our human attempt somehow to instill in the laws a part of that Marla sphere which is above us we try to understand that bring it down to earth and presented in the form of laws. Sometimes. We're more successful sometimes less. Sometimes you actually have a caricature of morality morality is always higher than law. And we cannot forget this ever. In our heart and soul we have to recognize. in that it's almost a joke now to talk in the Western World in the 20th century about where is that good and evil, these are almost old-fashioned Concepts but these are very real and genuine Concepts Concepts from a sphere Which is higher than most Good and Evil. and instead of Getting involved in short-sighted political calculations. We have to recognize play concentration of world evil. And the tremendous force of hatred is there and it's flowing from there throughout the world. We have to stand up against it and not try to give to it give to it give to it everything which it asked for. today There are two major processes occurring in the world. One is the one which I have just described you as a process of giving up giving up and giving up and hope that some point The Wolf of eating enough. second process one which I consider the key to everything and which I will say no will bring to all of us in the future. process of under the cast-iron shell of Communism in the Soviet Union for 20 years in the Soviet Union and other communist countries. There is a liberation of the human spirit. A new generation is growing up. One which is steadfast in its struggle with evil. One which is not willing to accept on principle of compromise is which refers to lose everything life. Salary conditions of Life conditions of existence is not willing to sacrifice its conscience and making deals with evil that in the Soviet Union today. Marxism has fallen so low has become an anecdote. simply a nagato contempt No serious person in our country today even students in the schools can talk about not smiling. At this whole process of our Liberation which obviously will entail social Transformations is a process. Which is slower than the first one the process of concessions were you there? When we see these concessions they surrendered we are frightened why so quickly why so headstrong prices so rapidly why every year I started by saying that you are the allies of our Liberation movement in the communist countries. And I call upon you. Let us think together and try to see how we can adjust the relationship between these two processes. Whenever you help defending your own future. So let us try to see. How far we can go to. Stop this senseless process of endless concessions to aggressors these clever legal Arguments for why we should make one concession after another again, give up more and more and more. Why have you got to hand over increasingly more and more technology complex shuttle developed technology what it needs for its citizens. at least slow down that process of concessions if not stopped it all together and make it possible for the process of Liberation to continue processes will combine and yildiz our future in our small planet there no longer any internal affairs. Nick, this latest safe don't interfere in our internal affairs. A lot of stranglers citizens and quiet and Beast. I tell you interfere more and more interfere as much as you can we beg you to come in. MSY understanding my own tasks. That is why I have perhaps interfere today and your Internal Affairs and I apologize for it. I have traveled a lot around United States and this has been added to my earlier understanding of it what I have heard. I'm listening radio from talking to persons and talkin to experience persons. America in me and I'm on my friends and amongst people think the way I do over their citizens. Evokes sort of mixture of feelings of admiration and compassion. admiration at the fact have your own tremendous Force what you perhaps do not even recognize yourselves. You're a country of the future young country country of still a country of tremendous geographical distance of tremendous princess. back together with these qualities lead to confidence and trust and your trust has already and several times in a good turn. And I would like to call upon you. Call a fat America 2. not make it possible for those wise persons, who are In attempting to establish an even funnier it adjustments of justice and even find her degrees of equality. Some because of the distorted views others because of their shortsightedness or others because of self-interest. The struggle for peace and for social justice not leave to you. Lead you to a first Road. Cuz they are trying to weaken you they're trying to disarm you or wonderfully wonderful one which has never been seen before in history of the world that only the history of your country of History of the World. I just called Ponyo. the ordinary Working Man Of America as represented here by your Trade union movement. Do not let yourself become weak. Cells be taken in the wrong direction to try to slow down the process of concession stand help the process of liberation.


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