November 21, 1980 - MPR's Nancy Fushan prepared this look at Mixed Blood Theater of Minneapolis and their production of the musical revue "Wake!", based on the career of black minstrel performer Bert Williams, combining music and social history.
July 10, 1975 - Gresham Alexian Brothers spokesman reads statement about decision not to deed title of the novitiate property to the Menonomie Tribe. He says for the past six month they have consulted counsel, interested parties and Wisconsin governor's office. Efforts have shown it is impossible to deed title at this time. High cost for minimal maintenance estimated at $40,000 per year; tribe has indicated this provides additional financial burden. Implementation of programs would be impossible due to high cost for renovation and repair and zoning changes and tax regulations. Deeding now would divide the tribe as it seeks to comply with the Restoration Act. Adverse local non-Indian feelings would be heightened. This is contrary to Alexian Brothers desired goal. Although they've attempted to comply with terms of agreement such compliance is not possible but they feel condition of this agreement has been met as best as possible.
February 20, 1974 - Speaker wants to give back to the people the right to initiate measures and approve or reject laws passed by the legislature. He says this issue could be addressed at upcoming precinct caucuses and action could still be taken this legislative session if the people let their voices be heard.
February 20, 1974 - Unknown speaker talks about people having input to the political process. He mentions the problem of people having a feeling of alienation, that the individual is powerless in dealing with large instittutions and how people have a desire to feel they have opportunity to influence the process.
February 4, 1974 - Unknown speaker says the problem of national health insurance can be split into two parts. One part is financing, the other is the delivery system. National health insurance only addresses the first problem: how to get dollars to people who need to buy care. The second problem concerns doctors and hospitals and their performance. The speaker talks about lessons to be learned from Medicare, which was instituted five years ago. Health services shifted from the middle class to the old and the poor, and prices for services escalated much more than anyone expected.
January 8, 1974 - Speaker Skendnatore(sp?)talks about security in place for the AIM trial. Areas of heightened security include the St. Paul AIM Center, and the Federal building. The speaker hopes to discourage major congregations by AIM supporters at the federal building, with most rallies taking place in the neighborhoods near the AIM Center.
January 8, 1974 - First speaker talks bout how the trial affects her personally because she?s Indian, it will affect her children, and says anything in that courtroom affect all Indians in the country, if treaties aren?t honored every Indian in the country will be affected. Second speaker says the Indians were first here. White people and immigrants who came here have a lot to learn about how to relate to the land and live in a cooperative and communal way. Indians know how to make use of resources and land without damaging and exploiting it.
November 27, 1973 - Discussion of what exactly constitutes a necessary situtation for intervention from the executive council in regards to energy consumption. Speaker addresses the notion that an energy based situation must affect life or property to warrant further action such as rationing or outright non-usage.
October 17, 1973 - Speaker reads a statement about 3M admitting to wrongdoing and paying the price, which goes beyond the penalty imposed by the court. The company is re-examining its procedures for company contributions to ensure no improper use of company funds.
October 13, 1973 - Unknown speaker says she's surprised. At past rallies for Jewish independence Arab demonstrators have been peaceful, carrying placards, but today she?s really surprised.