September 21, 1995 - A special Talk of Minnesota program, reflecting on the life and times of Rudy Perpich, the former Minnesota governor, who passed away earlier in the afternoon. Program presents reports from the capitol, and commentary from individuals who knew Perpich. MPR’s Gary Eichten also takes comments from listeners.
April 4, 1995 - Roger Moe, majority leader of the Minnesota Senate, talks about the state property tax reform.
November 29, 1994 - Senate DFL leader Roger Moe on status of senators Skip Finn, John Marty, Bob Lessard, and developing new leadership team in the DFL caucus for upcoming session at the State Capitol.
April 29, 1993 - A Midday interview with Roger Moe, state senator of the 2nd District. Moe comments on Governor Carlson’s tax plan and the varied approaches on taxes at the State Capitol.
January 27, 1993 - Roger Moe, Minnesota state senate majority leader; and Curt Johnson, deputy chief of staff for the governor, discuss Governor Arne Carlson’s budget plan. Moe and Johnson also answer listener questions.
October 12, 1992 - MPR’s Leonard Lee reports on Governor Arne Carlson’s opposition to new taxes as a way to deal with state deficit.
August 24, 1989 - MPR’s Karen Boros reports on politicians doing more than people watching. Boros interviews numerous Minnesota politicians on the importance of meeting, talking, and even dancing with fair attendees.
March 16, 1987 - The controversial bill allowing for the release of $24 million from the 2002 Fund for economic development on the Iron Range was recalled from the House during Senate session. News of an FBI probe of Endotronics, Inc., that surfaced after the Senate had voted final passage on the measure, prompted Majority Leader Roger Moe to make the motion for recall. The recall motion prevailed on a 51-15 roll call vote.
January 7, 1985 - Minnesota Journal host Gary Eichten presents a collection of reports and news items for Monday, January 7, 1985.
May 18, 1981 - MPR’s Bob Potter reports on continued debate at the Capitol over a tax plan and the growing chances for a special session. Segment includes speech excerpts and interview.