January 23, 1976 - MPR’s Dulcie Lawrence interviews Phyllis Kahn, representative (DFL-Minneapolis), about prostitution bill going through Minnesota legislature.
May 5, 1973 - On this Radio Free Saturday, MPR’s Marvin Granger and Pual Gruchow interview Phyllis Kahn, Minnesota state representative. Kahn shares her critique of the University of Minnesota leadership.
April 10, 1973 - Rep. Phyllis Kahn says one of the purposes of the proposed divorce bill is to get rid of the adversarial system and inflammatory words. changing legal terms for divorce: divorce becomes dissolution, plaintiff and defendant become petitioner and respondent, action changed to proceedings.
October 6, 1972 - Project Newgate helps reintegrate paroled convicted felons and offers opportunity to complete a college degree. All candidates favor prison reform. Phyllis Kahn, (DFL), believes that the auto review offenders every six months. Prisoners even think prison is necessary. There is a place for incarceration in our society, but that people hit a pinnacle in their sentence and reform and guidance is needed. Earl Fish, graduate of project Newgate, speaks for the project and the need for training and to be in the community.