March 31, 1999 - Minnesota U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone and attorney general Mike Hatch held roundtables in Rochester, St. Paul, and Duluth today to push proposals that would give patients more abilitiy to fight their health maintenance organizations. The two Democrats say they're responding to horror stories of people who've been denied treatment or doctors who are paid not to refer patients to specialty care. However business groups contend the proposals will lead to higher health insurance costs and less coverage for people who need it.
March 4, 1999 - MPR’s Gary Eichten interviews Paul Wellstone, DFL-Minnesota U.S. senator, from Washington D.C. Wellstone discusses issues facing congress now that Clinton impeachment trial is over. Topics include social security, Medicare, taxes, health care, education and more.
February 19, 1999 - Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone and Republican Senator Rod Grams squared off for the first time ina public debate over social security. Their audience was the membership of the NorthMetro Chamber of Commerce.
January 12, 1999 - Paul Wellstone, Minnesota's DFL U.S. senator, discusses his decision not to run for president and his view of outcome on Senate impeachment trial. Wellstone also answers listener questions.
January 11, 1999 - Senator Paul Wellstone is leading the charge in congress to open the entire impeachment trial of President Clinton to the public. Under the current Senate rules, some key testimony could come behind closed doors. Wellstone and Iowa Senator Tom Harkin plan to introduce what they're calling a "sunshine motion." Wellstone says its important the process be fully accountable to the American public.
September 23, 1998 - Paul Wellstone, Minnesota U.S. senator, talks about current issues facing congress, including a possible presidential impeachment proceeding, campaign finance reform, government appropriations and tax bills, farm legislation, and more. Wellstone shares his concern that congress has lost focus, and answers listener questions.
March 30, 1998 - Midday presents a special report on the tornadoes that destroyed large parts of St. Peter and Comfrey. MPR’s reporters detail the massive destruction in the Minnesota towns and provide updates on aftermath. Program also includes various interviews and accounts from listeners.
November 21, 1997 - Minnesota’s U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone joins Midday to talk about his completed "Poverty Tour" and his possible campaign for president. Wellstone also answer listener questions about issues before the U.S. Congress.
March 24, 1997 - MPR’s Karen Louise Boothe reports that hundreds of people rallied at the State Capitol on behalf of a bill that would restore the cuts in benefits to legal immigrants in the new federal welfare reform law.
February 12, 1997 - Paul Wellstone is planning to retrace Robert Kennedy's tour of the South to focus attention on the plight of the poor. The tour is also prompting questions about whether Wellstone aspires to higher national office. Al Eisele says Wellstone's candidacy would probably be met with surprise on the hill. Eisele is editor of "The Hill," a political newsletter in Washington D.C. He also served as an aide to Vice President Mondale.