April 24, 2007 - Speaking hours after the announcement of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin's death, Vladimir Putin, the current president, praised Yeltsin for ushering in "a whole new epoch" for "a democratic Russia." What is Yeltsin's legacy, and what will Putin's be?
June 7, 2004 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan passed away this weekend at the age of 93. He spent the end of his life in seclusion battling alzheimers, but his legacy lives on. We take a look at the lasting effects Reagan has had on America's economy, foreign policy and domestic political landscape. Guests include: former Vice President Walter Mondale; former Republican U.S. Senators David Durenberger and Rudy Boschwitz; Mitch Pearlstein, the President of the Center of the American Experiment; Chris Farrell, MPR senior economics correspondent; and Melor Sturua of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute.
December 31, 1999 - Russian President Boris Yeltsin resigned this morning. Melor Sturua of the University of Minnnesota Humphrey Institute and a columnist for Isvestia; Nick Hayes, Hamline University History Professor, and Patrick Dale, St. Olaf College professor, join to discuss.