January 17, 1975 - Minnesota Senator Hubert Humphrey holds a press conference on January, 10 1975 in the Twin Cities. He talks about the United States in international matters, the energy crisis, and the economy.
August 1, 1974 - Midwest Governors Panel Discussion on Food Power with Congressman Paul Findley, Dr. Lester Brown, Dr. Norman Borlaug, and panel chairman Hubert Humphrey.
July 6, 1974 - Stephen Baker interviews Minnesota's junior Senator and senior politician. Humphrey confesses he is a workaholic; discusses his recent illness; reflects on his political career.
June 2, 1974 - Remarks by Senator Hubert H. Humphrey before the annual meeting of Saint Paul Area United Way at the Hilton Hotel. Speech highlights volunteerism.
February 22, 1974 - Hubert H. Humphrey says he's giving Mondale his support in a national race. He thinks Mondale should run in the primary whether Ted Kennedy runs or not, saying we need good competition. Humphrey adds there's no better way to get known or to grow and know the country other than traveling around and seeing it.
February 22, 1974 - Humphrey says while he's heard rumors, he's not ready to be buried or to retire. He intends to be on the job and in the Senate, and hopefully in 1976 seeking an opportunity to continue to serve the people of Minnesota.
February 22, 1974 - Humphrey talks about cuts in allocations, that Minnesota did not a two percent cut in allocation in March, and that he's working hard with government officials including Mr. Simon not to lose allocations in future months.
September 27, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow reports on Minnesota AFL-CIO meeting, and if group will endorse Senator George McGovern for President of the United States. Reports includes excerpt of speech at AFL-CIO convention from Hubert H. Humphrey in support of McGovern.