May 2, 1977 - MPR’s Neal St. Anthony reports on debate between U.S. Congressmen Jim Oberstar and Don Fraser over the merits of their competing BWCA legislative bills in Congress. Report includes excerpts of both speaking during debate.
May 3, 1977 - MPR’s Alan Searle looks at Minnesota DNR attempts to bring more order to smelting activities along the North Shore with a Smelt Information Center. The goal is to provide better communication and education to public, both local and from afar.
October 15, 1977 - On this regional public affairs program, MPR’s Neal St. Anthony presents report on aspects of Little League football. Program contains sound portrait and various interviews with administrators, coaches, psychologists, parents, and trainers. Topic of helmet safety concerns is addressed.
October 24, 1977 - MPR’s Bob Potter presents “The Role of the Courts in a Changing Society: Football and Antitrust,” a documentary that explores the lawsuit ‘MacKey v. National Football League,’ which illustrates how anti-trust law relates to professional sports and how the courts helped mold professional football.
January 21, 1978 - On this regional public affairs program, Don Poss, executive director of the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission; and Barbara Lukermann, consultant to the Minnesota State Planning department, discuss building and maintaining a new Twin Cities sports facility and potential impact stadium would have on the Bloomington and Minneapolis sites.
April 15, 1978 - MPR’s Neal St. Anthony presents an opening day profile of the 1978 Minnesota Twins. Includes audio clips on days of old, and interview about current players with pitching coach, Camilo Pascual (a former Minnesota Twins pitcher, and eventual Minnesota Twin Hall of Famer). A discussion with new Twin outfielder, Bombo Rivera, about Garrison Keillor’s song “The Ballad of Bombo Rivera,” closes out segment.
September 1, 1978 - Report on the great American pastime baseball, talking with fans, players, owners and others connected to the game.
October 3, 1978 - Steve Keefe, Minnesota senator and stadium proponent, discusses stadium bill in legislature, which he authored. Program also includes comments from Jim Ford, member of Fight to Advance the Nation’s Sports. Ford shares view of further commitment from sports team owners, and private funding vs. public funding of stadiums.
January 29, 1979 - MPR’s Bob Potter reports live from the state capital on the Minnesota Senate Tax Committee, which is hearing witnesses on the proposed repeal of the metropolitan area liquor tax as it relates to the proposed downtown Minneapolis domed stadium. Witnesses include stadium opponent Senator Robert Ashbach, principal stadium supporter Senator Steve Keefe, among others.
March 14, 1979 - MPR’s Bob Potter and Dale Connelly report from the stadium hearing held by the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission. Topics include various financial and lease negotiations with the Minnesota Twins and Minnesota Vikings regarding a new downtown stadium.