Over the decades, MPR has presented the many different perspectives of Minnesota politics and politicians. This collection is home to a multitude speeches, interviews and debates on the issues of the day. Important topics of civil rights, environment, crime, budget, legislation, and campaigns are addressed.
Click on link to these well-known figures to see audio segments directly related to them: Michele Bachmann Arne Carlson Keith Ellison Hubert Humphrey Amy Klobuchar Eugene McCarthy Walter Mondale Tim Pawlenty R.T. Rybak Jesse Ventura Paul Wellstone
January 2, 1974 -
January 2, 1974 -
January 16, 1974 - MPR’s Gary Eichten reports on Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson’s State of the State address, with the "energy crisis" being Anderson’s highest priority and support for a separate Department of Energy to address this issue. He also supports the federal 55 MPH bill to save on gasoline usage and Campaign finance reform.
January 17, 1974 - U.S. Senator Walter Mondale is contemplating a run for U.S. president. Fundraising has begun, says Mr. French, a Mondale supporter and spokesperson.
January 17, 1974 - Minnesota U.S. Senator Walter Mondale says if he makes a presidential run, he will not allow his campaign to interfere with his senatorial obligations to Minnesota.
February 6, 1974 - MPR’s Gary Eichten reports on Minnesota State Senate vote against the “Ban the Can” bill. In debate before the vote, bill author Win Borden stated he wants an environmental rights bill to address jobs lost due to environmental protection measures; Senator Arnie Ulland claimed the bill is discriminatory as it doesn’t mention wine or whiskey bottlers or out-of-state suppliers; and Senator Robert North remarked that despite talk about cleaning up the environment and saving natural resources, no action is taken and all we get is rhetoric.
February 22, 1974 - Humphrey talks about cuts in allocations, that Minnesota did not a two percent cut in allocation in March, and that he's working hard with government officials including Mr. Simon not to lose allocations in future months.
February 22, 1974 - Hubert H. Humphrey says he's giving Mondale his support in a national race. He thinks Mondale should run in the primary whether Ted Kennedy runs or not, saying we need good competition. Humphrey adds there's no better way to get known or to grow and know the country other than traveling around and seeing it.
February 22, 1974 - U.S. Senator Walter Mondale speaks about his proposed child abuse bill’s main purpose, which is to support demonstration programs to prevent, identify, and treat child abuse. He states many agencies can apply for funding and the programs could be broad or specific.
March 2, 1974 - Minnesota legislator Allan Spear details the three things no-fault divorce bill does…changes terminology (words have less of a fault connotation than traditional terms); removes requirement for corroborating witnesses; and removes current grounds for divorce (substitutes single ground, irretrievable breakdown of marriage relationship).