Minnesota's Opioid Epidemic: She lost her fiance to painkillers and went on to fight for Narcan

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Listen: Lexi Reed Holtum profile

As part of MPR News series “Minnesota's Opioid Epidemic,” MPR’s Jon Collins profiles Lexi Reed Holtum and her legislative efforts against opioid epidemic after the death of her fiance, Steve Rummler. The two were engaged when Rummler died from a heroin overdose of in 2011.

“Minnesota's Opioid Epidemic” presents stories of addiction, loss and recovery amid a public health crisis that has hit epidemic proportions.

Report is third in a seven-part series.

Click links below for other parts of series:

part 1: https://archive.mpr.org/stories/2016/04/18/minnesotas-opioid-epidemic-sons-overdose-death-drives-this-minnesota-legislators-work

part 2: https://archive.mpr.org/stories/2016/04/19/minnesotas-opioid-epidemic-this-white-earth-mom-lost-her-pregnant-daughter-to-overdose

part 4: https://archive.mpr.org/stories/2016/04/20/minnesotas-opioid-epidemic-this-minneapolis-man-is-on-a-mission-to-hand-out-needles-narcan

part 5: https://archive.mpr.org/stories/2016/04/20/minnesotas-opioid-epidemic-three-suburban-friends-got-hooked-on-heroin-these-two-survived

part 6: https://archive.mpr.org/stories/2016/04/21/minnesotas-opioid-epidemic-he-sold-drugs-to-his-own-community-now-he-fights-for-redemption

part 7: https://archive.mpr.org/stories/2016/04/21/minnesotas-opioid-epidemic-after-17-times-in-treatment-this-addict-pins-hope-on-new-drug


2016 MBJA Eric Sevareid Award, first place in Team Multimedia Storytelling – News - Large Market Radio category


Materials created/edited/published by Archive team as an assigned project during remote work period and in office during fiscal 2021-2022 period.

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