Listen: Same-sex couple settles in Rice Creek Lodge wedding dispute

MPR’s Sasha Aslanian reports that a private hunting club in Little Falls, Minnesota, has agreed to pay for the wedding ceremony and reception of a same-sex couple it refused to accommodate.

Cole Frey and Adam Bock, of St. Cloud, filed a complaint with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights after Rice Creek Hunting and Recreation Inc. turned down their request to book space for a country-themed wedding.


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SPEAKER: The Minnesota Department of Human Rights today announced a settlement in the state's first case involving a gay couple denied service at a wedding venue. The state's marriage law expanded to include same-sex couples a year ago. Although discrimination based on sexual orientation has been illegal in Minnesota for decades, the case involves a Saint cloud couple who sought to marry at a private hunting club in Little Falls. Sasha Aslanian reports.

SASHA ASLANIAN: 20-year-old Cole Frey wanted to find an outdoor venue for a country-themed wedding to marry his fiancée, 18-year-old Adam Block. Earlier this year, Frey called a place that seemed to fit what he was looking for.

COLE FREY: When we first contacted Rice Creek Farms, they told us that they had openings for our wedding date. They collected our information. Once they found out that the wedding was between two males, they stated that they wouldn't be going through with it because they don't condone same-sex marriages, and they're just not ready for that yet.

SASHA ASLANIAN: Frey says he was a little shocked since he knew Minnesota had legalized same-sex marriage in 2013. He contacted the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, which began an investigation. Commissioner Kevin Lindsey says the complaint seemed to indicate the company had violated the human rights act, which prohibits discrimination in public accommodation based on sexual orientation.

KEVIN LINDSEY: We also wanted to confirm that this was not a misunderstanding. So we did have testers come in and seek to reserve the wedding hall space. And when they informed the respondent at that point in time that they were a same-sex couple, the response was almost identical.

SASHA ASLANIAN: An attorney for the Hunting Club says the employee who declined to book Frey and Block ceremony made a mistake. Attorney Paul Rogosheske says the LeBlanc family, who owns the club, had been given bad advice. They erroneously believed a private hunting club could claim a religious exemption.

PAUL ROGOSHESKE: We couldn't apologize enough to the couple, and it was a sincere apology. You've got to understand that when you're very, very religious and you're in a community, such as Little Falls, which is very, very religious, and you went to church all the time, sometimes you just don't understand the difference between religion and what the law requires.

SASHA ASLANIAN: As part of the settlement, LeBlanc's Rice Creek Hunting and Recreation Inc agreed to cover the $8,500 cost of Frey and Block ceremony and reception at another venue, issue an apology, and comply with the Human Rights Act in future business dealings. This is the first such settlement since same-sex marriages became legal in Minnesota a year ago last August. The Minnesota Department of Human Rights cannot discuss the number of cases it has pending, but commissioner Lindsey says most inquiries have dealt with employee benefits questions and calls about wedding vendors have tapered off. But a group opposed to same-sex marriage says it continues to hear from businesses concerned about this issue. Autumn Leva, spokesperson for the Minnesota Family Council, says the Minnesota Department of Human rights shouldn't be in the business of punishing business owners who express their faith.

AUTUMN LEVA: The same-sex marriage law does not protect business owners or individuals. The only people who are given religious freedom protection in the law are some churches and religious organizations, and not even all of those. So it really is a very hostile environment for business owners and just individuals of faith who want to exercise their faith in the public square right now.

SASHA ASLANIAN: As for Frey and Block, the men will wed a week from today in another venue near Little Falls before a gathering of 30 guests. They say the settlement feels like a weight has been lifted, and they hope other businesses will learn from their experience. Sasha Aslanian, Minnesota Public Radio News.

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