A photography exhibit at the Whittier Gallery in Minneapolis aims to showcase young Somali men who are improving the lives of others in the Twin Cities. MPR’s Nikki Tundel meets the Somali-American photographer, Mohamud Mumin, behind the exhibit and catches up with some of his subjects.
Mumin is based in the Twin Cities. This is his first solo show.
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TOM CRANN: Gone to a photography exhibit now at the Whittier Gallery in Minneapolis that aims to showcase young Somali men who are improving the lives of others in the Twin Cities. In this installment of our Minnesota Mix series, Nikki Tundel meets the Somali-American photographer behind the exhibit, and catches up with some of his subjects.
NIKKI TUNDEL: The necktie appears first, then the lips, and the crinkled nose and the eyes. The eyes must measure two feet across.
MOHAMUD MUMIN: Here we go.
NIKKI TUNDEL: Photographer Mohamud Mumin is unrolling a portrait of a Somali teenager. And it's huge. [? Five and a half ?] feet tall and [? three and a half ?] feet wide.
MOHAMUD MUMIN: I wanted something big. It's always good to see something up close.
NIKKI TUNDEL: After years of seeing images of Somali terrorists in the news, Mumin wanted to provide a different picture of his community. His first solo show will do just that. The exhibit features larger than life-sized images of 13 Somali men, all positive influences in the lives of others.
MOHAMUD MUMIN: For me, it's trying to tell stories that oftentimes don't get to be heard or seen.
NIKKI TUNDEL: The men in Mumin's photos include artists and teachers, a youth ambassador to the White House, and the founder of the Somali basketball league. Getting to this point hasn't been easy.
Like the others, Kaamil Haider is a refugee. His family fled war-torn Somalia when he was six. Crammed on to a cattle boat heading to Yemen, they were stopped within sight of the shore.
KAAMIL HAIDER: The Yemeni Coast Guards wouldn't let us actually settle. They were afraid there were militias on the boat. People-- because of the hunger, because of the thirst that we had, and because of the fear, people started jumping off the boat.
I had a brother of mine that was older than me who could swim much better. So he kind of dragged me on his back. And on the way, we bumped into little children that passed away. I will never forget that image.
NIKKI TUNDEL: Haider says the war in Somalia profoundly shaped his identity. Still, refugee is just one part of who he is. Today, he works as a graphic designer, and volunteers much of his time at a mosque. He's grateful that Mohamud Mumin's photographs represent people's lives as they are now.
KAAMIL HAIDER: Mohamud's work is kind of almost shifting away from just being a refugee and just being an immigrant, but it's moving towards shining a light on young Somali men that are doing something for their community, for the world, for themselves, for their families.
NIKKI TUNDEL: It's Saturday night at the Whittier Gallery in South Minneapolis. Mumin stands quietly in the corner, surveying two years worth of work.
MOHAMUD MUMIN: Maybe I'll need a moment to just take it all in.
NIKKI TUNDEL: Gallery goers, both Somali and non-Somali, position themselves in front of the portraits. Some move in closer and closer, until their cheeks almost brush those on the images in front of them.
SPEAKER 5: That's me right there.
NIKKI TUNDEL: Ahmed Ali is a mentor in the Somali community, and one of the men showcased in the exhibit.
SPEAKER 5: This guy here, Ahmed Ali-- he's Black, he's Somali, he's Muslim, but he's also a great citizen and taxpayer. He cares for his community. And he's not so scary. So--
NIKKI TUNDEL: Abdifatah Farah, a community activist and youth advocate, poses for photos in front of his portrait.
ABDIFATAH FARAH: Honestly speaking, I really, really, really like looking at that picture. It looks like a mugshot, but a good one. If you were to take a mug shot of people that are doing great things, this is what it looks like.
I think the Somali community-- they're going to be like we are so proud of them. This is our community. And this is the story that we want to show.
NIKKI TUNDEL: And it's a story photographer Mohamud Mumin says he's privileged to be able to share.
MOHAMUD MUMIN: I'm hoping it leads to bringing people from different walks of life together.
NIKKI TUNDEL: Mumin locks eyes with a giant portrait in front of him and smiles. Nikki Tundel, Minnesota Public Radio News, Minneapolis.
TOM CRANN: And we'll have photos from this exhibit online at mprnews.org. Minnesota Mix is an ongoing series examining the impact of youth and ethnic diversity on Minnesota's arts scene.