MPR’s Stephanie Hemphill reports that Duluth Mayor Herb Bergson is supporting the city's annual gay pride festival in a proclamation thanking those in the LGBTQ community for their contributions to city.
MPR’s Stephanie Hemphill reports that Duluth Mayor Herb Bergson is supporting the city's annual gay pride festival in a proclamation thanking those in the LGBTQ community for their contributions to city.
STEPHANIE HEMPHILL: Bergson will issue a proclamation thanking gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people for their contributions to the community, and welcoming participants to this weekend's activities. It's a change for the city of Duluth. Former Mayor Gary Doty declined to recognize the event during his 12 years in office, but Bergson says it's the right thing to do.
GARY DOTY: Everybody is equal. It doesn't matter if they're Black or White. It doesn't matter if their sexual orientation is different than mine. Everybody is equal, and everybody's welcome in Duluth.
STEPHANIE HEMPHILL: The twin ports gay pride event includes a parade, a picnic, music, and other activities. It draws participants from around the upper Midwest. Stephanie Hemphill, Minnesota Public Radio, Duluth.
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