Vikes, Twins and Gophers talk to gov's stadium commission

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Representatives of the Twins, the Vikings, and the University of Minnesota Gophers football team were in St. Paul today (TUESDAY) to pitch their hopes for new stadiums. Governor Tim Pawlenty has commissioned a Stadium Screening Committee to sift through stadium proposals and offer possible recommendations next month for the Legislature to consider. The teams repeated familiar complaints that the Metrodome is no longer adequate to meet their needs -- and made their case for help from lawmakers. Minnesota Public Radio's Michael Khoo was present for the discussion and joins us now from the state Capitol. Michael, the stadium issue has surfaced numerous times at the Capitol. Has anything changed since the last debate in 2002? KHOO: Yes and no. The underlying arguments for new facilities hasn't changed much. For the Twins and the Vikings, they argue the Metrodome doesn't have the amenities, suites, club seating, or concession opportunties that their competitors enjoy in other, more recent ballparks. It's an economic argument, they say: without a new stadium, we can't survive in Minnesota. The Twins, particularly, however, went out of their way to stress that things HAVE changed in the enviroment since the last debate. They point to a new labor contract agreed to in 2002 that increased revenue sharing between teams and is helping to level the economic balances between large and small market teams. They say that's real progress towards reforming baseball and something that policymakers should take note of. Of course, on the other hand, opponents maintain that there's still no justification for using public funds to finance what is essentially a private enterprise -- whether or not baseball is reforming itself. GRETA: How does the University of Minnesota fit into the equation? KHOO: (paraphrased) They pop in and out -- at one point paired with Vikes, but that appears to be off the table. then they had T. Denny Sanford but he's apparently gone...they say they're still committed to having on-campus footba


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