Vice-presidential debate between Al Gore and Jack Kemp

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Midday presents a rebroadcast of the vice-presidential debate between Vice President Al Gore and his republican challenger, former Congressman Jack Kemp. The debate was held at St. Petersburg, Florida. Debate was moderated by Jim Lehrer, host of PBS’s NewsHour.

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1.1 You're listening to Minnesota Public Radio. We have a sunny Sky 43° 10 W FM 91.1 Minneapolis-Saint Paul Twin City weather forecast sunny skies through the afternoon with a high temperature in the low-to-mid 50s partly cloudy tonight. That should warm up tomorrow with the temperature high in the low 60s. 12 is the time in mid day continues here on Minnesota Public Radio. Good afternoon. I'm Gary. I can glad you could join us. Actually. We have an expanded edition of midday. Today. We're going to be rebroadcasting that vice presidential debate. First of all, though before we get to the debate. Let's take a quick look at the Minnesota weather forecast. I need a partly sunny skies through the afternoon high temperature today mid-forties in northeastern Minnesota to the upper 50s in the southwestern parts of the state partly cloudy skies are forecast for tonight with lows ranging from the low 30s to mid-forties, then tomorrow partly cloudy windy and warmer with highest tomorrow ranging from the upper 50s in the north to near 70 in Southwestern Minnesota. St. Cloud currently with a sunny Sky 41 Rochester sunny in 42 Duluth cloudy in 36 Fargo with a fair Sky 49° Twin City temperature 43 and skies are Sunny the extended forecast by the way for the weekend dry. Mild on Saturday. There's a chance for some rain and it's going to cool off a little bit on Sunday. Well last night vice presidential candidates Al Gore and Jack Kemp got together in St. Petersburg Florida for their one and only debate of this selection campaign. Today. We're going to rebroadcast that debate so you can get a chance to hear for yourself what the candidates had to say here is the moderator of the debate PBS host Jim Lehrer. Welcome to the 1996 vice presidential debate between vice president. Al Gore the Democratic nominee and Jack Kemp the Republican nominee. This event is sponsored by the commission on presidential debates the rules and format as drawn and agreed to buy the two campaigns are almost almost identical to those of the presidential debate last Sunday night in Hartford. It is 90 minutes long. The candidates are not permitted to question each other directly. I will ask the questions with no limitations on the subject. There will be a 90 second answer a 60-second rebuttal and a 30-second response to Each question and with the help of some lights I will help the candidates abide by those time limits the order for everything was determined by a coin toss. There will be three minute closing statements, but no opening statements. So we go now to the first question and to Mr. Kim some supporters of Senator Dole have expressed disappointment over his unwillingness in Hartford Sunday night to draw personal and ethical differences between him and President Clinton. How do you feel about it? wow, 90 seconds I can't clear my throat in that is seconds. Jim mom Bob Dolan myself. Do not see Al Gore and Bill Clinton as our enemy. We see them as our opponents is the greatest democracy in the world. People are watching not only throughout this country, but all over the world as to how this democracy can function with Civility and respect decency and integrity Bob Dole. Is one of those men who served the United States Senate is public life. Is it public record? He fought on the battlefield. He is worth with Democrats and Republicans. In my opinion it is beneath Bob Dole to go after anyone personally clearly Abraham Lincoln put it best when he said you serve your party Best Buy serving the nation first and I can't think of a better way of serving this nation in 1996 and by electing Bob Dole the president of the United States of America. These issues are fully capable of being understood and reflected upon by the American people. This is a democracy in which we have the freest press in the greatest First Amendment rights in the history of mankind Bob and I respect that these issues will be aired but they'll be aired with dignity and respect and ultimately leave it to the American people to make up their minds about who should be the leader of this country into the 21st century. Thank you. Mr. Lehrer, and I'd like to thank the people of St. Petersburg for being such a wonderful host my family and I are very glad to be here. And I would like to thank Jack Kemp for the answer that he just gave I think we have an opportunity tonight to have a positive debate about this country's future. I'd like to start by offering you a deal Jack. If you won't use any football stories, I won't tell any of my Warman humorous stories about chlorofluorocarbon abatement. to deal I can't even pronounce it. When I do want to talk about tonight is Bill Clinton's positive plan for America's future. We have a plan to balance the budget while protecting Medicare Medicaid education and the environment. Creating millions of new jobs including 1 million new jobs in America's inner cities. I'm excited about the chance to talk about this plan and even more excited about the chance to work on it. If you the people of this country will give Bill Clinton and me the privilege of doing so for four more years as president Gore. Foreign policy on domestic policy. Our foreign policy is ambivalent confusing. It is sending strong signals to the wrong people and we have learned over the years that weakness is provocative. The domestic economy is not doing what it can do this. So present please read our capacity Bob Dylan. I believe we can do a lot better about the potential of the American people to lift themselves up and not have their lights controlled by the United States government in Washington. As far as president. What do you see is the political philosophy differences in a general way between you and President Clinton on the one hand Mister camping Senator Dole on the other the differences are very clear. We have a positive plan based on three principles. We want to provide opportunity for all Americans. We insist on responsibility being accepted in turn by everyone and we want to Franklin our communities and their ability to support families and individuals in our common effort to create a bright future. Here's how we plan to do that. We have a balanced budget plan that has targeted tax cuts for middle-income families. We've already given tax cuts to 15 million of the hardest pressed Working Families in America our plan for the next four years features a $1,500 tax credit call The Hope Scholarship for tuition at community college junior college or college a $10,000 tax deduction for college tuition for those who go further so that in essence no American family will ever be taxed on the money. They spend for college tuition also tax relief for first-time home buyers tax encouragement for savings and helping paying Healthcare expenses and a tax break actually the elimination of Games taxes on the on the profits from the sale of a home. All of this is within a balanced budget plan which protects Medicare Medicaid education and the environment. Jim this economy is overtaxed over-regulated it too many people suing each other's too much litigation. Our education is not up to the standards at the American family in the American people want for their children and clearly the welfare system is a disgrace to our judeo-christian principles. It's not the values of the poor that should be called into question the values of the welfare system from Washington and that prevent people from climbing out of poverty. Our biggest debate with this Administration on domestic policy is that they think we're in our fullest capacity and we've reached our potential and the two and a half percent growth is enough for America. Frankly. That's just not good enough for this country. We cannot just run the clock out on the twentieth century it clearly we need to lower the tax rate across the board on working saving and investing. I know my friend Al will suggest that's trickle down economics. Well tell if It's Tricky Economics ask Dan wood so young entrepreneur owns a restaurant in Harlem if it's trickle-down, he said he would hire 60 more people if we would cut the capital gain tax talked about our positive agenda for the future a moment ago. Your original question was about to contrast the plan from Senator Dole. And Mr. Kim is a risky 550 billion dollar tax scheme that actually raises taxes on 9 million of the hardest breast Working Families. It would blow a hole in the deficit caused much deeper Cuts in Medicare Medicaid education and the environment and knock our economy off track raising interest rates mortgage rates and car payments. We stopped that plan before we will stop it again. We want a positive plan for growth and more jobs. Mr. Kent back to the Philip the philosophy question. Do you think there's a basic full of philosophy difference between these two tickets or is it about specifics with both of you have talked about this is a perfect example of Bob Dole and I want to cut the tax rates across-the-board on each and every American working saving resting and taking risks in America. All wealth is created in arbroath is generated by risk-taking entrepreneurs tax rate on Capital America is way too high is too high on the family and is particularly too high on working men and women the average family in America Davidian level of income probably is spending 25 to 26% of their income sent to the federal government. That's more than shelter food clothing and energy. That's just not right when I was growing up in Los Angeles. My parents would have one working family one Breadwinner for family was the only Necessary now if a woman wants to go to work or a man wants to go to work it ought to be their choice. Not the choice of the Washington DC establishment Bill Clinton the president and Al Gore suggests that they'll give us a tax cut. But only if we do exactly what they want us to do. That is an America that social engineering the tax code should reflect our values in a judeo-christian sets that work honesty and integrity and contracts and property and investment savings should be rewarded and Bob Dole and Jack camm are not only going to cut the tax rates across the board and lower the capital gain tax. I'll be glad to talk about a little bit later cuz they're not enough time. But we're going to repeal the 83 year-old code and replace a seven and a half million words with a flat Earth Fare separate code and that will take this country roaring into the 21st century. This risky tax scheme would blow a hole in the deficit. You don't have to take my word for it time Newsweek US News & World Report Business Week 83% of hundreds of Economist and a random survey just recently all said it would blow a hole in the deficit. There's another feature that I would like to hear. Mr. Kemp speak about just before he joined a senator Dole on the ticket. He said that the plant the part of the plan that raises taxes on 9 million of the hardest working families in America was unconscionable. That means it's wrong and it shouldn't happen. I agree. It is still part of the plan. We believe that taxes should not be increased on those families. We have a plan to cut taxes on middle income families within a balanced budget plan eliminating the deficit and protecting Medicare. Medicaid education and the environment every time this country in the 20th century has cut tax rates across the board revenues went up the economy grew and I am surprised at this point in his career that vice president Gore and the president cannot understand that you get more revenue from a bigger pie and clearly creating more jobs reduces their social welfare. Drain clearly makes more opportunity for Capital to be invested in our inner cities. Frankly L. We shouldn't just Tinker with a capital gain tax. We should eliminate it in the inner cities of America put Capital to work make Democratic capitalism and jobs available in our inner cities in the United States. Vice President should federal government affirmative action programs to be continued. Yes, President Clinton address this issue when he said mend it don't end it diversity is a great strength in America look around the world at other places where they have not paid attention to the necessity of promoting Harmony between different ethnic racial and religious and cultural groups. We ought to be very proud in our country as most Americans are that we've made tremendous progress, but we all don't recognize that we have more work to do. Now. The first thing that we are trying to do is to create a million new jobs in the inner cities of this country with tax credits for employers who hire people who are now unemployed. We are seeking to have vigorous enforcement of the laws that bar discrimination now, I want to congratulate them for being a lonely voice in the Republican party over the years on This question it is it is with some sadness that I referred of the fact that the day after he joined Senator Doles ticket. He announced that he was changing. His position was here to there after going to adopt Senator Doles position to end all affirmative action. That's not good for our country Bill Clinton and I believe that the United States of America has its brightest days ahead and we will see them even brighter if we promote diversity and Harmony among all our people Jim my position on affirmative action has been clear ever since I left the professional football career for congress in 1970. Some people think I quit playing a few years earlier, but I retired in 1970. My life has been dedicated to equality of opportunity and our democracy should provide that not equality of reward. Affirmative action should be predicated upon need not equality of reward. Not equality of outcome quotas have always been against the American ideal. We should promote diversity and we should do it. The way Bob Dole has been talking about with a new civil rights agenda based upon expanding access to credit and capital job opportunities educational choice in our inner cities for a young urban mother who can't get the type of an education she wants for her child and ultimately what type of ownership and Entrepreneurship from public housing residents and DC the Nickerson Gardens in Watts Los Angeles people need to own and that's what Abraham Lincoln believe it when people on something they have a stake in the American dream that is affirmative action in America. Smash Brothers With all due respect I do not believe that Abraham Lincoln would have adopted Bob Dole's position to end all affirmative action. There is a specific measure on the ballot in California. It was embodied in legislation introduced by Senator Dole to apply to the whole nation. Mr. Kemp campaigned against it spoke against letters against it went to California to fight against it and now has endorsed it. I don't think it's a minor matter. I think this is one of the most important challenges that our country has to face in the future and I hope that Mr. Kim will try to persuade Senator Dole to adopt Mister Kemp's position instead of the other way around. What is your position? Do we have a serious problem in the United States right now? This country has yet to deal with the type of inclusionary policies. It is so in very important for Americans white and black Jew and Christian immigrants and native-born to sit down and talk and listen and begin to understand what it's like to come from that different perspective. Our country is as the Kerner Commission report suggested number of years ago was being split but they said between white and black I think it's being split Jim not so much between white and black although that's still a very serious problem. We really have two economies are General economy. Our national economy or Main Street mainstream economy is democratic is based on incentives a small DL. It's capitalism and incentives for working and saving and investing in producing and the families and the things that really lead to progress up that ladder that we call the American dream really Universal. But unfortunately in urban America and I was glad to hear the vice president talk a little bit about it. They have abandoned. There's a socialist economy is no private housing is mostly public housing. You're told where to go to school. You're told what to buy with food stamps. It is a welfare system that is more like a third-world socialist country and what we would expect from the world's greatest Democratic free enterprise system that must change and it will under Bob Dole and Jack Kemp. Remember what I said just a moment ago if it were not so he would have told you. The problems between races in America must be addressed. The good news is we're making progress. We've seen 10 and a half million new jobs created in the last 4 years. We've seen the unemployment rate come down dramatically. We seen the African American unemployment rate go below double digits for the first time in twenty-five years and it stay below for 25 months in a row. We have empowerment zones and Enterprise communities 105 of them in communities all across the United States of America. Let me tell you a story about Joanne Crowder in Detroit. She was on welfare for eight years until the empowerment Zone was created there. She just got a job in the new business that that launched its Enterprise right in that empowerment Zone. We want to do that for Millions more all across the country. Well with all due respect Jim there 9 empowerment zones a few little tinkering with tax credits around the country for inner cities Los Angeles after the riots did not even get an empowerment Zone believe it or not. And it's just unconscionable in America to have left lot South Central and East LA out Earl Graves Black Enterprise Magazine said the single greatest to turn to black advancement is the lack of access to Capital Credit and ownership that will change. We will Green Line every city in the United States where there is unemployment and Welfare and we will eliminate the capital gain tax on eliminate the tax on a welfare mother that takes a job. That's the answer of ownership and Entrepreneurship to low-income. People based on need not the color of their skin. List of vice president if re-elected. What would what could we look forward to in the way of an inner-city policy from a Clinton Gore II a second term. Before I answer that specific question, let me say that we did put an empowerment Zone in South Central Los Angeles. It is in the form of the largest community development financial institution ever created in the United States or in any other country and it is creating jobs in South Central Los Angeles right now the Congress passed an Enterprise Zone after the Los Angeles riots five years ago. It was vetoed by the prior Administration now to your question. We have a specific plan to create 1 million new jobs in the inner cities of America with tax credits for employers who hire people coming off welfare, cuz we passed welfare reform that we promised to end welfare as we know it and we are implementing this new legislation. We have moved 1.9 million people off of the welfare rolls and into good jobs in the last 4 years. Our new plan used to have 1 million more jobs in the inner cities, but that's not all we are also implementing the plan to put 100,000 Community police officers in our cities. We've only got twenty thousand out there. We are ahead of our 6-year schedule as matter fact there 8 here in St. Petersburg already on the beat. You may run into one of them leaving this Auditorium tonight. St. Petersburg is safer the cause of this Urban agenda that we follow but we want the focus to be on Millions more jobs and were very optimistic that it's going to happen. There's no Enterprise on there are empowerment zones, but you have to do with Bill Clinton and Al Gore want you to do $5,000 tax credit if you hire somebody that's unemployed. But you've already got to have an existing business. The answer is to say once again Green Line any area in America that has been redlined for lack of mortgage money like Credit and capital just say that area qualifies for no capital gain tax zero NADA. That's what Eleanor Holmes Norton wants to do in the District of Columbia. And this Administration said the DC Drop Dead Drop Dead. We don't want to change the legislation that would lower the tax rate in DC allow welfare mothers to take a job without any tax on the first 190% of her income and no capital gain tax and should be done in every Urban Air of America that would make Capital flow back and you can't have capitalism owl without Capital. You may want to give a tax credit, but it won't work. Well, we have 105 empowerment zones and Enterprise communities all across the United States of America and with all due respect. That's 105 more than were there when we came into the White House. We have been implementing them in a determined way. They are making a difference. You know that empowerment Zone that I mentioned in Detroit is creating jobs. Not only for Joanne Crowder who feels proud that she's off of welfare now and we're proud of her it's creating jobs were hundreds of others and similar initiatives are working in the other empowerment zones. You said recently that one of the problems related to this that was that all the capital was in the hands of the white people. What did you mean by that? The single greatest problem in our opinion domestic in the domestic economy is that this tax code 83 years old a relic of the Cold War and hot water inflation and depression 7 and 1/2 million words long Over Texas capital Over Texas working men and women and families. Clearly. The gordian knot needs to be broken in one Fell Swoop Bob Dylan Jack him as soon as we get through this first step of cutting tax rates across the board are going to repeal the whole code while Bill Clinton and my friend outdoor defend the status quo. We're going to repeal the seven and a half million words of the US tax code and make it once and for all tax income once not twice three four, and if you dye it confiscate your estate, that's unacceptable. We must have a tax code going into the 21st century that does not protect the establishment and this tax code does by cutting and eliminating the capital gains by cutting and eliminating the estate tax or bringing the top tax rate down to something reasonable like here it goes again. I think in peacetime it shouldn't be higher Bob and I don't think he'd be here in 25% be phased in the capital with flow out in the economy. We would have people getting access to Capital small business men and women African American Asian Americans Latino American female American would be able to start their businesses Dana Cristo. The Lancaster said the day the tax bill is passed in the Congress. She will open a new Factory with 40 or 50 or 60 employees in Lancaster, Pennsylvania built. All that trickle down. I call it Niagara Falls. The problem with this version of Niagara Falls is that Senator Dole? And Mr. Kim would put the American economy in a barrel and send it over the falls. It is a risky 550 billion dollar tax scheme that actually raises taxes on 9 million of the hardest working families again to Camp oppose that and called it unconscionable now, it is part of the plan that he is supporting. Not only that though. It would blow a hole in the deficit. It would raise interest rates that means higher mortgage payments particularly those with the variable rate mortgage has higher car payments. It would also lead to much deeper Cuts in Medicare Medicaid education and the environment it is extremely risky and ask for these harsh words. I don't take them personally. He said much worse about Bob Dole when he said Bob Dole never met a tax said he didn't hike he wrote about 450 separate Provisions in that code. You better check with him before you eliminate it completely he may be getting royalties. Hey Jim, a 550 billion dollar tax cut. Something else does not want to mention has to be used against the context of a 50 trillion-dollar US economy output of goods and services over the next six years a 550 billion dollar tax gun in a 50 trillion dollar economy over six years is one and a half percent and the only whole it would blow is a hole in the plans of this Administration to try to Tinker with the tax code and defend the indefensible it would blow up the bureaucracy, but they'll expand the economy that's important for America vice president. What about mr. Kim's Point that he's made a couple of times that what we need is to throw away the current the present tax go to write a whole new tax system you agree with that. We passed the taxpayer Bill of Rights. We have fought for it new Provisions that now make it possible to File over the telephone. We are fighting for tax reforms across the board and most importantly we have a plan on the table right now to cut taxes on middle income families with several specific Provisions. We already cut taxes on 15 million Working Families in this country with an average of about $1,000 in tax relief to those making $25,000 a year or less and for the last two years. We have had middle income tax cut on the table in the Congress and they would not they weren't accepted by Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich because they said they would not pass them without cutting deeply into Medicare Medicaid education and the environment. We are determined to move forward during these next four years with the tax cuts that President Bill Clinton has proposed. Here they are again a $1,500 tax credit for tuition a $10,000 tax deduction so that no family pays taxes on the money for college tuition capital gains eliminated for the sale of a home a tax break for first-time home buyers and for health care expenses and a $500 child tax credit. You only get a tax cut in the Clinton Administration. If you do exactly what Al Gore and Bill Clinton want to do that's not America when John F Kennedy cut tax rates economy grew unemployment went down and we balance the budget and revenues went up indeed the Secretary of Treasury under John F Kennedy and the deputy secretary Treasury under John F. Kennedy endorsed Bob Dole plan to cut rates cut the capital gain tax balance the budget provide a $500 tax credit and clearly it plan should be to live The economy to get more Revenue Medicare will be saved because it'll be put into a commission or both Bill Clinton and Bob Dole recognized. It has to be studied by the same people that would study or did study I should say the social security system and saved it in 1983 and 84 look we can bring down government the growth of government spending but we have to grow the economy and Bob Dylan Jack Kemp's opinion. We should hey Matt doubling the size of the American economy in the next 15 years under their policy is it will take 30 and 40 years. That's not acceptable. The chairman of their national campaign steering committee, Senator D'Amato said that Bob Dole would have to cut into Medicare in order to pay for this proposal. But that he would wait until after the election to do it the proposal to cut Medicare that Senator Dole push before and shut down the government to try to enact would have already raised by $268 the fees paid by the average couple now on Medicare he tried to double the deductibles and give people less in return. We have a balanced budget plan that protects Medicare and gives tax cuts. Is it really possible to balance the budget without reforming drastically the entitlement programs including Social Security and Medicare? disgraceful the campaign being waged to scare the American senior citizens in this state and my home state of well. About Medicaid Medicare in Maryland now. the amount of money being spent did try to mislead American people is demagoguery and only in the Clinton White House. And Al Gore's mind could an increase in spending per capita on a senior citizen from $4,800 in 1996 to 7200 over the next five years be considered a cut. Does anybody like the Bob Dole almost gave his life for his country who is served in the Senate who helped save Social Security crawled out of a foxhole on Riva Ridge in Northern Italy 1945 to save a wounded radio button. Does anybody think in this country that he could possibly want to move our country ahead and leave anybody behind of course, we can balance the budget course. We have to hold down the growth in entitlement spending, but clearly you cannot down some budget gym without growing this economy. It's only growing in about two and a half percent. We should double the rate of growth. Double the size of the American economy s means more jobs more wealth more income and more Capital particularly for our nation's four and those left behind. Micellar are balanced budget plan extends the Medicare trust fund 10 years into the future a commission is fine. But a commission would not do any good if we adopted this risky 550 billion dollar tax scheme, the word scary has been used a couple of days ago. I went with Governor Lawton Childs who is here to Sarasota to the Friendship Senior Center. I talked with a woman they are named Dorothy warnell, and she said, you know, we may not be as sophisticated as some of those people in Washington, but we can add and subtract here are the numbers. She's adding and subtracting. Bob Dole's plan would have already imposed an extra $268 on the average Medicare receiving couple and his plan would have doubled deductibles. It would have cost an extra $1,700 over the lifetime of his plan. And eliminated nursing home standards and guarantees of Nursing Home Care for Seniors that Bill Clinton prevented it from happening. We will never allow that to happen. Jim mom Medicare is too important. Do senior citizens around this country to play the type of politics is being played on this issue. Is losing 8 billion dollars as we stand here tonight. By the president's own Trustees of Medicare three members of which serving as cabinet. It will be losing 23 billion dollars a year by 1998 something must be done about dolazim suggested it commission. But clearly you cannot say Medicare Social Security or any program for the social welfare net of American people under which they should not be allowed to fall unless we grow this economy at least twice the rate is going today. That is the issue not scaring people. Vice president has accused you of demagoguery. well As I said before he use much harsher language when he talked about Bob doll. He said that Bob Dole solution for every single problem was to increase taxes. He said just the two years ago that the Bob Dole tax increase of 1982 was the largest tax increase in the history of the world, but let's get to the point. Medicare has been adjusted 23 times since it was created in 1965. Bob Dole incidentally just bragged this year that he was one of only 12 people who voted against the creation of Medicare in the first place. I don't think he's he didn't believe in it then and the plans that he promoted last year would have certainly been devastating to Medicare again. Don't take my word for it. The American Hospital Association said, it could have closed 700 hospitals the Catholic Health Association the AARP and many other groups who pay careful attention to Medicare said that the Dole Gingrich plan on Medicare would have led to deep Cuts possibly set up a two-tiered system and would have ended the the kind of Medicare system that we have our plan extends Medicare 10 years into Future we will always protect Medicare within the context of a balanced budget plan. Folks they have no plan. They have absolutely no plan the president himself suggested that the reduction in the growth of Medicare over the next five or six years are to be held to 6% under the Republican plan irrespective of the numbers. It will grow at 7 or even more but that is beside the point what has to be discussed is how we as a nation are going to create the size of an economy great and National wealth that would at least double this 6 or 7 trillion dollar, we would have six trillion dollars in 15 years extra. Well for the American people another trillion dollars of Revenue with which to save Medicare Social Security and you can't do it with the tax code and a regulatory code and people suing each other with frivolous suits as this Administration is allowing to happen that has to change and it will end up Jack Kemp Play mr. Kemp has unintentionally made a mistake and saying that a President Clinton a called for a reduction of to 6% or whatever. You said, I believe you referring to the Money Magazine interview and the publisher of Money Magazine. Just sent Mr. Kim a letter two days ago asking him to please stop in accurately siding Money Magazine. It is not what the president said. It is. Not the presents position. Let me make clear what his position is. We will save Medicare we will stop efforts to hurt Medicare and will do it with in a balanced budget plan. Mister Camp what if anything would a dog Camp Administration do to change the current legal status of abortion? I will answer the question, but for the record, I would like to release the letter to our friends in the Press of the letter. I got from Money Magazine suggesting that Bill Clinton wanted and lower the cost of living allowance for senior citizens is a way of reducing Social Security and I decide the we recognize there's no consensus in America. This country is split between those who call themselves pro-choice and I'm sure very sincerely and those of us who call ourselves pro-life. It's a very emotional issue. I'm sure it is for a woman. It certainly is for those of us like my wife and myself. We have three adopted grandchildren. We thank God. Every night of our lives that a young woman was given a choice was given the opportunity to choose life. This country should not be torn asunder over this debate. It has to be carried out with Civility and respect and Bob and I believe it can be but we should recognize that every human life is precious and there should be all of the protection that we can give for an unborn human being and to think that in this country. for every three birds There is one abortion. But even worse than that as ugly as that might be and I know it's a tragedy too many people both on the pro-choice and pro-life position. We have a president who vetoed a congressional ban on the ugly and Bruce and practice of snatching life away from a child just moments before he or she enters the world that is unacceptable. President Clinton has made it clear that he will sign legislation outlawing procedures such as this if there is a an exception to protect the health of the mother. We're serious health consequences such as the inability to have any further children are involved and her doctor advises her. So what is really at stake here is whether or not women will have the right to choose the platform on which should mystery camp and Senator Dole are running. Pledge has a constitutional amendment to take away a woman's right to choose and to have the government come in and order that woman to do what the government says no matter what the circumstances Mr. Kim has voted 47 out of 47 times to have such an amendment and to restrict this completely no matter what the circumstances even where rape and incest is involved. We will never allow a woman's right to choose to be taken away. There is no consensus a constitutional would not pass we must use persuasion not intimidation. Bob Dole Jack camm will try to remind the American people what a tremendous asset our children are and why there should be a protection for innocent human life including got to be on board. But I think that this Administration Beto the one chance they had to band that practice without working with people in the Congress who would have loved to have had the opportunity to stop that. Gruesome practice is just unacceptable the American people and Bob Dole would never have vetoed that ban on partial birth abortion in the third trimester of a woman's pregnancy is the war in Bosnia really over or is it going to break out again? Once the US in the NATO troops leave the fighting has stopped in Bosnia President Bill Clinton showed tremendous courage Vision wisdom and leadership in having our country. Take the lead in rallying. Our allies bringing the warring factions together in Dayton, Ohio and hammering out a peace agreement that has ended the war in Bosnia. We hope that it will stay over with elections have just been held there is great progress toward peace and Reconciliation in Bosnia. We ought to be very proud of our soldiers who have played such a critical role in bringing about this peace in Bosnia. It's not the only case where Bill Clinton has provided such leadership. We have restored democracy to Haiti with scarcely a shot being fired. We have seen movement toward reconciliation in Northern Ireland. And in the Middle East the Bible says there will always be wars and rumors of wars as the presence of the other night there always be troubles in this old world, but the United States of America Can be counted on to provide the vision that the world looks for from the United States of America Bill Clinton as president has provided that kind of leadership. We are more secure and stronger today because of Bill Clinton's handling of foreign policy. Bob Dole supported the deployment of troops in Bosnia the problem with the foreign policy of this Administration. There is none ambiguous contradictory. It is precipitous to go into Iraq bombing before we had even consulted with our allies think that Sam Nunn, Georgia Colin Powell help put together the Coalition in the Persian Gulf were not even consult it. It was not only precipitous. It was a sign not a strength but if weakness what's worse, they declare Victory they've declared Victory and every deployment we have more deployments in 4 years than any previous for years and I can think of I'm 61 years of age. It's unbelievable that ambiguity can be called a foreign policy. Let me say what a friend of mine told me and I believe it for my whole career weakness is provocative an hour message should be clear and that's what our message would be to the world under Bob Dole was commander. chief of the United States of America we did of course consult with our allies before we bombed is Saddam Hussein. But sometimes the United States has to take unilateral action when our interests are at stake. General Schwarzkopf is in the audience tonight. We're awfully proud of the way. He led our Coalition organized under former President Bush when the United States lead toward the repulsing of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait three times as he's tried to get out of that box. Saddam Hussein has felt the sting of a swift certain response from the United States of America under President Bill Clinton. What's the campus Senator Dole as criticized the president on Haiti that he handle that wrong? What did he do wrong? Well, it was a Bob Dole and suggested that there be a fact-finding commission President Carter was on it. Colin Powell was on it. You cannot say in our opinion that hate is a great success clearly. It was maybe the right thing to do, but we did not go in with enough information. We cause problems in the first place by denying Caribbean countries and third world countries a chance to trade freely in the United States. It causes economic problems and turmoil and then we turn around as we did in Mexico having to bail him out. We caused the problem in the first place and it cost us 20 to 50 billion dollars to bail him out a t is very ambiguous as best. We pray that democracy comes to Haiti. But so far the message from Haiti is quite ambiguous notwithstanding the Declaration of Victory by this Administration. Well, I didn't hear anything wrong. The fact is we restored democracy to Haiti when I say restored actually, it's the first real democracy that Haiti has ever had and it happened with scarcely any shots being fired. I was in the Oval Office the night when President Clinton dispatch start troops from Fort Bragg. It was a tense moment the planes were in the air and our negotiators were talking with the dictator down there. And when that dictator got the news from his spies outside the gate that all these planes were taking off. He said let's get out of here. That's how I was done. It was one of the most def uses of diplomacy and military force in combination that you will find anywhere in the annals of the history of this country. I was so proud of our press In the way, he handle that and the results so far is excellent. And we hope and pray that it will remain that way. Many more results like Bosnia Haiti and Mexico and the Middle East and we won't have much success one of the most serious one of those serious problem was the tremendous effort by this Administration to force on Mexico a developed nation of their beso. The economy is drop by almost 40 to 50% Then we go in and bail amounts. We caused the problem and then we have to bail them out. We should have a foreign policy is predicated upon thread on spreading democracy by giving people opportunities to trade freely with us and making sure that everybody recognizes the rule of the the Golden Rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you diplomacy first and don't bomb before breakfast. Miss vice president Mexico, we caused the problem and then had to go in and bail amount. No, that's not right when they start talking about the Golden Rule. I thought he was going to talk about the gold standard again that used to be an integral part of this so-called the supply-side economics, but it may be something else that he now agrees with Bob Dole on because Bob Dole voted to take us off the gold standard a wise vote in my opinion. Most of all Economist say that if we did that it would throw us into a deep recession or depression and throw Millions out of work, but let me come directly to this question know when there was a crisis involving the Mexican peso again, President Bill Clinton showed bold and dynamic leadership. I want to hasten to add that Senator Bob Dole gave critical bipartisan support at the time. He agreed with the present. He supported the present. He said this is a wise move. He could not get a majority in the Senate and speaker Gingrich could not get a majority in the house to go on record and support on it. So the president as presidents often have to do when alone and did the right thing, you know, people said it was a big risk at that time. We've ended up making a 500 million dollar profit all of them. We're using that five hundred million dollars to further reduce the deficit if come down 60% already. It's going down even more toward a balanced budget and this is helping unbelievable that we could cause a drop in the standard of living of a friendly country like Mexico by nearly 40 to 50% unemployment goes up. We send you a tax dollars and IMF money to Mexico and we make a profit at that level that is gives new meaning to the word profitability for US foreign policy the pain suffering the unemployment the bankruptcy is a lost the standard living the people of had to come across the border of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas if that's our foreign policy for the third world Latin America, I believe more than ever we got elected president who understands trade who understands honest money who understands private Enterprise. Glen is France Democratic capitalism, not socialism caused by the IMF and the Clinton administration. Well, I fail to understand the basis of the charge that we caused the monetary crisis in Mexico. They manage their own monetary policy years ago. We used to hear this phrase in American politics to the blame America First crowd. I never like that phrase. But if it was going to be applied today, it would have to be applied to this statement. The United States of America shouldn't be blamed for the management of Mexico's monetary policy. We helped our neighbor in an hour of need and they survive they're stronger. They're coming back. They paid us back and we got a dividend in the process. What's the campus Senator Dole the other not criticize President Clinton for cutting defense spending and dust cutting jobs in California? Is that a defense spending should be seen as a jobs program as well. I don't think the gym the Bob Dole was suggesting that the defense of our country is a jobs are a social economic programme, but it's clear that the defense budget of this Administration has taken defense is a percent of our national economy to a lower level and it was prior to Pearl Harbor that's dangerous and that's provocative and the mixed message the ambiguities of US foreign policy. I believe and Bob Dole believes is causing not only problems for this country throughout the world, but particularly here at home and the changes that were made overnight in California caused very severe dislocations. And then of course the president ran out to California and announce. Well, maybe we'll have another be one or B. But that is not the way policy should be made it should be predicated upon the defense needs the security needs the Strategic needs of the United States of America. And that's how they'll be made under Bob the oldest president. Well, first of all, there are virtually no large differences in the defense budgets put forward by President Clinton and put forward by the majority in the Congress in the last two years are very very similar. There is a huge difference in our economic plan this risky 550 billion dollar tax scheme that I talked about earlier is said by the Concord Coalition including Republicans like Pete Peterson in Warren Rudman to pose a threat to our nation's ability to have a sensible defense budget in the future. They've gone on record as saying that this attack scheme would not only raise taxes on 9 million hard-working American families. What would all So lead almost inevitably to deep Cuts in Medicare and in Defence, we have a balanced budget plan that protects the defense budget also Medicare Medicaid education the environment and give tax gives tax cuts to middle-income families every time in this Century with lower the tax rates across the board unemployment on saving investment and risk taken in this economy revenues went up not down at the purpose of the tax code is to raise revenue. We have to think as John F. Kennedy did about lowering the rates. They can't go to zero they can't go too low because there's not enough Revenue but President Clinton apologize in Houston for saying whoops. I raised your taxes and they're too high President Bush apologize for raising taxes. Bob Dole knows that the rates have to come down across the board and then Get to the most important parts to repeal this code and go to a new system and the 21st century vice presidents. Some Democrats have charged that the environment would be in Jeopardy. If I've been Senator Dole are elected you share that fear. I certainly do let me first say that inciting John F. Kennedy's attacks got in the 1960s. I want to also remind you that mr. Campus pointed out in the past. Bob Dole was in the Congress. Then he was one of those who voted against John F. Kennedy's tax cut the environment faces Darth read from the kind of legislation that Senator Dole and speaker Newt Gingrich tried to pass by shutting down the government and attempting to force President Clinton to accept him. They they invited the lobbyist for the biggest polluters in America to come into the Congress and literally rewrite the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. President Clinton stop them dead in their tracks. We have a positive agenda on the environment because we believe very deeply that it's about our children and our future clean air and clean water cleaning up toxic waste sites when millions of children live within 1 mile of them that's important. We have a plan to clean up two-thirds of the toxic waste sites in America over the next four years. We've already cleaned up more in the last three years in the previous two administrations did in 12 the present just set aside the Utah National Monument. He is protecting the Everglades here in Florida. Bob Dole Is opposed to that plan President Bill Clinton will protect our environment and prevent the kind of attacks on it that we saw in the last Congress and that are included in the Republican platform. And so will Bob Dole El real Franklin Roosevelt said 1932 that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. The only thing Jim they had to offer is fear fear of the environment fear the fear of Medicare fear of the new fear of Republicans fear of Bob and probably fear of cutting tax rates. They ain't seen nothing yet. Look we recognize that this country has to live in balance with our environment every one of us who have children and grandchildren recognize how we have to reach about it is not Jobs versus our environment. Both are important. This is the most over-regulated Overly litigated economy in our nation's history and of call it business man or woman who sits down and has a chance to express his her interest and how to make the laws work and call them a polluter is just outrageous and it's typical of the anti-capitalist mentality of this Administration that will change because we believe in Democratic capitalism for everybody. There are lots of jobs to be created in cleaning up the environment all around the world. We're seeing problems that people want to stop because they love their children. They want them to be able to drink clean water and breathe clean air. They don't want them to live next to toxic waste sites when the United States of America takes the lead and protecting the environment we do right by our children, and we also create a new business opportunities new jobs new sources of prosperity for the United. Lights of America and we're going about it in a commonsense way, but the Tempe Mission already before and you said don't Meet the Press Sunday that the federal government engages in quote regulation reign of terror. What exactly do you mean? Well, exactly just what I said regulations that would take property or reduce the volume some farmer or Rancher or homeowners property for Wetlands or endangered specie and take that property or reduces value without compensating. The owner that is a reign of terror in Oregon not too long ago a farmer took 25% of his property and declared it a wetland did we had to run off of snow that allowed it to be declared a wetland, but he did it himself voluntarily he found within a couple of years that the bald eagle began to use it as a habitat the Corps of Engineers Bureau of Wildlife and Fisheries, all of the federal agencies came onto his property declared it a federal Wetland and said he couldn't drive you Coulda took away the road. It couldn't Mendes fences and they Pay the value of the Lost of the they wouldn't pay or compensate. I should say for the loss of value to that property. How can we as a free Society turn people into enemies are adversaries of the United States government OSHA. Does it eat a dozen or two dozen and you name it? We should recognize that this country should live in such a way as to build an alliance with our free enterprise system that can build a better America for our children and our grandchildren we can do it. I just got to take new leadership in Washington. Well, it takes values that recognize the importance of the environment Miss Kim voted against the Clean Water Act voted against the renewal of the Superfund act. We have been taking a new approach protecting the environment but getting rid of unnecessary regulations, we're eliminating 16000 pages of regulations. We've entered a into a new project or Project Excel. This is at the EPA where we enter into a bargain with businesses when they say will exceed the standards. We say give us give the EPA way to measure the progress and then throw away the rulebook all together. Now, this is the kind of common-sense approach that can clean up the environment while eliminating unnecessary red tape make no mistake about it though. There are those who would like to go much further some have even proposed and this bill he cites would do it that polluters ought to be paid if they agree. To stop dumping poisons into the river. The pay polluters provision is wrong. We fought against it will never allow that. When I went to Congress from Buffalo 1970. You can almost walk across Lake Erie because of the pollution. Today thanks to the secondary and tertiary treatment plants which many of us voted for on both sides of the aisle, which actually started under Richard Nixon a Republican president. Our water is clear in the Great Lakes. We've got a lot of progress and we made and we got to make more but to turn the country into a regulatory effort by the federal government to suggest that we can't work in harmony a with the environment of business is a big mistake. We should use incentives not always using sticks against business in America and the jobs are the crates with the vice president. Does the government of the United States is now operated by the Clinton Administration operate on a reign of terror through a Reign of Terror, of course not we're taking a brand new approach to eliminate unnecessary regulations unnecessary bureaucracy. We've got lots of examples of this there was a story in the newspaper the other day about the a home testing. That the FDA had held up that happened under a rule in the last Administration. We said change that rule. It's being changed now. It's under consideration by the FDA right now and it will be changed. There are thousands of other examples. We believe that there is a new approach. Let me give you an example from OSHA. We're Reinventing the way OSHA does its job some people would like to eliminate OSHA. We think that the protection of job safety in the workplace is very very important. But what we've said is luck start measuring the results we found that the inspectors were being rewarded on the basis of how many fines they issued. We changed that completely they used to go in and give somebody a fine if they didn't have a poster on the wall informing employees of their rights. To use this as an example of our new approach now if they go in and see that posters not there they go out to the trunk of the car and give him a poster. It's the same approach that we're taking in all the Regulatory Agencies. We're making a lot of progress. We want the protection with common sense not nonsense. We have to have the type of economic Prosperity that will allow us to generate the revenues to provide this technology 10% of all the emissions 10% of all the hydrocarbon emissions oxides going into the air are caused by just 10% 100% of all the emissions are caused by 10% of the automobiles. Now, there is technology that would allow infrared technology to be used to identify those cars that are providing or the pollution in our atmosphere is not being able to be used because we are going to take every automobile driver in America all 110 million Automobiles and charge them 17. 20 or $25 look without to go after the ones that balloon not go after the men and women who want to be able to drive their automobile to work or to school and make sure they have the type of opportunity to live like everyone else without having themselves regulated by of Washington stablish, but we can use technology. That's the answer if it get the technology you've got to have a growing economy is a condom is not growing fast enough and it will endure Bob Dylan Jack Kemp. Well, the economy is growing very strongly right now. We've had 10 and a half million new jobs created just in the last 4 years in the last quarter. The growth rate was 4.7% The average growth rate is also coming up. It is higher than in either of the last two Republican administrations. Bob Dole said in February of this year. This is the strongest economy in 30 years the Conservative Business Journal bearings says, this is the strongest economy in 30 years. We've got good solid growth. Let's don't risk it on some 550 billion dollar risky scheme. What measurement do you use Mister camping saying the economy is not growing the way it should be. Well, as I said earlier Jim it takes to Breadwinners to do with one Breadwinner could have done just a relatively few short years ago, as long as a woman or man wants to go to work it out to be their choice but in America today that woman or man must work in a family to 1 to pay the tax and the other to help the family. That's not America. It doesn't leave enough time for the children. It doesn't leave enough time for people to Joy their families. It doesn't allow people to save the family is the most over-taxed institution in the United States of America when I was growing up in Los Angeles a family the median level of income might have sent four or 5% of their income to the federal government today is supposed to 30 or at least twenty-seven or twenty-eight percent. That's just unacceptable and Pharrell Gorda keep suggesting that we can't afford to reduce the tax rates across the board on the American people and on the formation of the capital necessary to create the new jobs for America is Totally at odds with experience of both Ronald Reagan John F Kennedy and other times in this Century, one of the things that's very very important to call it a risk. His game reminds me of the fact that this Administration is suggesting if they're going to give you a tax gun, if you'll do what they want you to do. They want to cut the capital gain tax, but only for homeowners, I put the small business men and women of America, they create 91% of all the new jobs. My daddy was a truck driver who bought the truck and started a company. We need more truck drivers become a truck owners and it can't do it if they don't have access to the capital and the seed corn for the next generation of truck and jobs for America. We've had the creation of more new small businesses in the last 4 years in each of the last three years than in any other year in all of American History. We've seen the creation of 10 and a half million new jobs. We have the lowest combined rate of inflation and unemployment in 30 years Business Week Magazine said, these are the kind of results that you want lower inflation lower interest rates more jobs and more growth all within the context of a balanced budget. We have reduce the budget deficit for years in a row. We've cut it down 60% after it went off by almost 300% during the previous two administrations. Now, this is the kind of growth that we want more of we think we can do much better still that's why we're pushing these income tax cuts. For middle-income families in the context of a balanced budget that protects important programs. 4 years too late you told us at 4 years ago, and we still don't have it. How can we trust administration at all of a sudden four years into our the last a year of his four years? Tells us and now they're going to follow through on the promise. They made 4 years ago. This economy is not growing fast enough the Habs are doing well the gym the Have Nots are not doing well. There's people hurting their families. I can't stay together as jobs that are not being created and the unemployment rate in our nation's inner cities is somewhere between 16 and 25% as morally and socially unacceptable in a modern-day economy. That's my president Senator Bill race the same question two presidents on the other night about keeping promises made. What is your reaction to that? What is your response to that charge against you and the president President Bill Clinton promised to create 8 million jobs. He's created 10 and 1/2 million new jobs. He promised to cut the budget deficit in half. He has cut it by 60% He promised to end welfare as we know it. He passed and signed the welfare reform law. He has already moved 1.9 million people off the welfare rolls into good jobs. We've got a plan to move 1 million more off welfare during the next four years. He promised to implement the death penalty. We passed an anti crime bill that has 60 new death penalty Provisions. He promised to pass a plan that would put one. 100000 new police officers on the streets it is law over the opposition of Senator doll and twenty thousand of them are already on the streets 2000 Altima have been funded already for here in Florida. We're ahead of schedule and we're going to get the additional 80,000 new police officers on the streets in the coming for years. 45,000 of them are now already funded that is a record of promises made and Promises Kept. He promised middle income tax cuts. We cut taxes for 15 million families and our plan to cut them for All middle-income Families has been waiting for action in the Congress for 2. In the next four years. We will pass it. Well, I ought to say that this is the best economy in 30 years just staggers the imagination. We have a growth rate of the last four years of about two and a half percent. My friend. Al Gore says is better than the Reagan years. It isn't that irrespective of whether he thinks it is or not means less than the fact that this country cannot morally and socially economically accept an economy running out the clock on the twentieth century. We're Treading Water. We have families that are hurting we have people are unemployed. We have people with no property. We have an Administration that is demolishing public housing in our inner cities. I'm not providing anything else but more public housing their solution to the inner city is more excuse the expression, but it's true socialism. It is not for the people it is for the government to tell them where to live where to go school. We need school choice. We need to privatize public housing. We need to sell it to the residence. We need to put Enterprise zones in America, and we need to lower the rates. Taxation on labor capital and the factors of production that will happen under my bill. We are demolishing the outdated projects that did not work and we're replacing them with new units that do work and we have private voucher. So that individuals can choose for themselves where they live and we're selling these units too many of those who want to buy them Mister Camp had a good idea when he advocated that years ago. He talked about it. We did it and we're going to do a lot more of it if we have the opportunity with the help of the American people. What's the camp summer saying these days that something's gone terribly wrong with the American soul that we become to mean too selfish to uncaring and the spitting incident how it was handled. The baseball players used as a recent example when you think about that. civility responsibility racial reconciliation Healing the wounds of our country has to be one of the greatest most singularly important goals for this country here on the edge of the 21st century the name of American democracy. Can we say to Eastern Europe? The Democratic capitalism will work there if we can't make it work in East LA or East Harlem or East Palo Alto, California, how can we tell South Africa and the new Mandela government democracy in private property in limited government and the rule of law and stability will work if it is not working in our own backyard. You're at home or the South Bronx. How can America go into the next century and leave so many people behind USA Today just a few weeks ago did a study he said the affluent are doing very well in America Haves and the Have Nots in the poor are being left behind. It's a giant in my opinion Zero Sum game kind of like musical chairs. When we were young boys and girls growing up and it seemed like when the music stopped the big guy elbowed out the little guy from that last year. That's not America folks. We need more chairs. We need a bigger table. We need a greater banquet. We need to pray more wealth. You need to create more jobs and more access to credit and capital and educational choice and opportunity for any man or woman and child to be with God. Nothing to be not with Washington DC wants him to be I think this earlier that throughout much of his career, Jack Kemp has been a powerful and needed voice against the kind, of course in an incivility that you referred to in the question. I think it's an extremely valuable service to have a voice within the Republican Party who says we ought to be one nation, we ought to cross all of the racial and ethnic and cultural barriers. I think that is a very important message to deliver and we are to speak out against these violations of Civility when they do occur you asked about the the incident involving Roberto, Alomar. I won't hesitate to tell you what I think I think he should have been severely disciplined suspended perhaps immediately. I don't understand why that action was not taken the same could be said of so many incidents in all kinds of institutions in our society, but I compliment mr. Kemp for the leadership. He has shown in moving us away from that kind of attitude. I mean that very very sincerely but I'm trying to make a bigger point that civility cannot return to our country unless every person feels that they have an equal shot at the American dream. If you're born in this country to be a mezzo-soprano or a master Carpenter or a school teacher like my daughter or professional football quarterback. Nothing should be in your way and removing those barriers is what Bob Dole Is All About Moving our country for word and leaving no one behind. It's not supposed to agree with that thesis that that in order to solve the problem with civility the the the problems in the American Soul you have to it's an economic problem more than it is something else. I think that economics is one of the single most important parts of this problem. That's why we're focusing on tax credits to hire 1 million more people coming off welfare in the inner city. That's why we're focusing on an economic policy that has already created 10 and a half million new jobs and is going to create Millions more within the context again of a balanced budget that protects important programs. We have focused especially on the most distressed areas because we cannot leave anyone behind our empowerment zones and Enterprise communities the tax credits that will encourage the formation of new businesses the new approach by the small business administration to get more loans. A two individuals that have not had equal access to Capital in the path. These are parts of the plant another part of it is the community development financial institutions and the and the law that says deposits that are made in a community in the inner-city site should be kept in the community not entirely but some percentage of them should be kept there that prevents that money being taken from the community and invested in some Go-Go investment on the other side of the world and when they invest in the community, they find that there's a better pay back rate more small businesses are created and the community and proved that's happening in America today not fast enough but faster than before and we think we can accelerate it with our plan. There really is no separation between a strong community and a strong economy. And you can't have a strong economy without strong communities in strong families. The word economics in Greek came from the word family or law or custom of the family a family without a job. We're both Breadwinners are away from home and I cannot spend time with her children or can't send the child to the school of their choice rather than just a choice of the federal bureaucracy cannot possibly be as strong as a family that has the nurture the love the dignity and the justice that goes along with one Breadwinner a strong job and a bad man or woman wants to work. Is there a choice not just to pay taxes. So we need both we need strong communities strong School Sweeney schools that nurture the type of discipline and respect from teachers and parents and Bob Dylan wants to empower the public school districts and the teachers not the federal bureaucracy at the Department of Education. Wellness Center for doll has said that he wants to abolish the Department of Education. He voted against the creation of Head Start. He vigorously opposed the Family and Medical Leave Act, which was the first law that President Clinton signed as president. Now Senator doll has suggested that he would repeal the Family and Medical Leave Act if he had the chance if he was elected president, we believe in more educational opportunity and measures to strengthen families not restrict their access to education. What do you come down on that? Do you do you believe it should be repealed the Family Leave Act I would have voted for it. It's in place. They're answer this Administration to every single problem is another regulation and another text. Clearly in America with need I am astounded to think that you can have a strong Family Leave Act or policy buy a business if they're not making a profit if Darla jobs if there is no type of policies that will enhance the formation of the seed corn in the oxygen in the capital that would allow that company not only to retain their profit but too invested as I said earlier Dana Cristy's Lancaster, Pennsylvania who runs a small little manufacturing or distribution center in Lancaster said that she has an entrepreneur would start a whole new Factory if the federal government would cut the cost of capital. She wants a capital gains rate reduced and Al Gore and Bill Clinton. That is somehow trickle down economics. Tell that to Dana Chris Van Woods. Tell it to the men and women that I met in south-central tell it to anybody who understands how to make Democratic capitalism work. I want to say it one more time the real excitement of a doll camping. it would be to get out of this current tax code and redistributes wealth and create a brand new system for the 21st century is profoundly pro-growth and stops the double triple quadruple taxation of income from work savings investment and entrepreneurial risk-taking in America The question is are recall. It was about family and medical leave. Here's how it works. If you have a child who is critically ill or has been seriously injured and you have to stay with that child in the hospital. Some employers have said you can't take too much time off in spite of these circumstances. I personally know people who have been fired because they made the choice to be with their child. Don't tell me this doesn't happen. It happens all across the United States, but since Bill Clinton made this the first law he signed it has been used 12 million times by American families to reconcile the demands of work with the responsibilities to the family. We now one of extended to PTA meetings and schedule doctor's appointments. It shouldn't be repealed it ought to be extended 75% of Who have been had experience with it? Say they like it it works. Well, it was here before Bill Clinton and it will be here after Bill Clinton Senator song goes good friend of Senator Gore vice president Gore suggested that he was afraid his party was falling into the Trap of loving the employee but hated the employer you cannot love labor and hate employers. You cannot drive this wedge between workers and management and businesses were providing family leave. They will continue. They should they've got to make a profit and the tax on business Capital labor and families is too high and it will we want to reduce that regulatory burden and that tax burden in a new doll camp Administration. Gentleman, that was the last question. So now we go to the closing statements. There will be three minutes each and astrocamp. You were first fantastic hospitality and my friend outdoor for a vigorous debate. I think this is the most exciting time in the history of the world to be alive. We lived through What gene Kirkpatrick called the bloodiest Century in Mankind's history we have defeated in this system of ours. Fascism Nazism communism socialism is a functor debunked around the world. Evil of apartheid has ended there's only one last question remaining for the next Century indeed the next millennium. Can we in America make the world's greatest liberal democracy this Democratic experiment in private property limited limited government the rule of law respect for families and traditional judeo Christian values work so it can be a blessing to our country and a blessing to the rest of the world with all due respect to this Administration. I've got a foreign policy in disarray. They have a lack of credibility around the world weakness. I said earlier it's provocative and clearly this economy is not performing up to the standards that we would expect from this great nation going into the most exciting global economy. The world has ever known. Something to miss our culture seems to be weakening all around us families are under tremendous pressure. People do not do not feel safe in their homes. A mother doesn't feel safe sending your child to school. Our schools are not educated. It's not the problem with the teachers. They are overworked and my daughter will tell you they're underpaid and we know that they need to be empowered. We need to reform education. We need to reform welfare. We need to reform litigation and Regulation and we certainly need to reform this tax code. It is a product of this terrible Century of war and recession and inflation. It can be done. We need somebody who understands the potential of the American people that we're not just doing well for ourselves we need to do well for the rest of the world because they're looking at us and we need to make it work in every neighborhood and community in America and for every family so that no one has Bob Dylan San Diego acceptance speech is Left Behind. Bob dolls, I said earlier Is a man of Courage a man of principles man who crawled out of a foxhole on Rivers Ridge in 1945 to save a wounded brethren? The Bible says no greater love hath a man and he give his life. Well, Bob did just about he been through the valley of the Shadow and he is commander-in-chief can take this country with the courage of Churchill the principles of Lincoln and the indefatigable optimism is Spirit at this nation expects from as commander-in-chief and the next president of the United States, Bob Dole. as president Thank you very much. I missed earlier. Thanks again to the people of St. Petersburg. And thanks again to Jack Kemp. I have enormous respect for Jack Kim. And for Bob Dole. They're good men. I don't agree with their plan. I've tried to make that clear tonight. And one reason. I've tried to make it clear is that in just 27 days the United States of America has an important choice to make between two approaches to the future of this country. We have a plan that will create Millions more jobs bring the deficits down further and balance the budget while protecting Medicare protecting Medicaid protecting and preserving the environment or air or water the Everglades the tongass the Mojave desert in California the Utah Red Rocks area all of which have been protected by President Bill Clinton. We also have a plan to expand access to education. There's a family in the audience tonight the McNeil family who lives right here in St. Petersburg. Both parents are teachers. They're not rich in money, but they have strong values and they value education. Their oldest son is a freshman at St. Petersburg Junior High Junior College. Their younger son Roderick is a sophomore in the same High School. Don McNeill teaches at Roderick is concerned that he may not be able to get the tuition he needs to go to college when the time comes our plan gives a $1,500 tax credit to make that Junior College essentially free and a $10,000 tax deduction to make it so that no American family are almost no family will have to pay taxes on the money. They pay for college tuition. This plan also gives tax breaks on the sale of a home up to $500,000 in profit tax-free. It gives a new break for first-time home buyers and again all in the context of a balanced budget. We have seen progress during the last four years because policies like these have been working this risky scheme that I've described tonight has been said by many objective observers to not add up. It would be a serious risk our plan by contrast has been working and will work more. We want to build a bridge to the 21st century, and we wanted to be strong enough and brought enough for all families to cross and we want it to lead to a brighter future for America does our best days are ahead. Thank you. Even listening to a rebroadcast of last night's debate between vice presidential candidates Al Gore and Jack Kemp that debate was held in St. Petersburg, Florida last night the only debate between the candidates for vice president of the United States now, I normally of course we re broadcast our new now our feature here on midday rebroadcast it at 9 in the evening. But of course the debate was on last night and many of you who tune in at 9 heard much of the debate last night. So no point in RI broadcasting the debate instead, we're going to continue our political coverage going to hear from Richard lamb former governor of Calif Colorado, you'll recall that he wanted to be the presidential candidate for the Reform Party Ross Perot was selected instead Lando continues to call for a third political party in this country. He says that's the only way that major significant changes necessary changes are going to be made In terms of Social Security Medicare other middle-class entitlements in the light. He spoke at the Minnesota meeting and it will be broadcasting that at 9 tonight. Love a chance to hear from Richard Lam could have a third-party view of what's going on in this country. If you'll be able to join us then tomorrow over the noon hour. It's off to the National Press Club the a different take on politics Al Franken. They Minnesota native Saturday Night Live regular political satirist. He's doing some work for the Clinton the people he is at the national Press Club tomorrow and you'll be able to hear what he has to say live here in our midday program. Programming on Minnesota Public Radio is supported by the Pillsbury company Foundation caring for the community by giving kids a loving lift. We're going to break for station identification than on most of these stations are going to be rejoining or joining rather Talk of the Nation from Washington. We have a sunny Sky 48° F Kennedy Avenue FM 91.1 Minneapolis Saint Paul or Twin City weather forecast for the afternoon calls for a sunny Sky a little warmer weather is forecast for the Twin Cities then by tomorrow. It said 26 minutes now before 2 and we're going off to Talk of the Nation Korva. Coleman is sitting in today for Ray Suarez the subject today sportsmanship. It's on the minds of a lot of people these days there. Was that spitting it sit on the course involving Baltimore Orioles second baseman, Roberto Alomar record of weeks ago and now he's playing the Umpire who he spat at has forgiven him, but the discussion about sportsmanship continues across this country Korva Coleman hosting a conversation today or what's the date of the Kindred Andrew Zimbalist and June ferenstein. Let's go off to Washington now for Talk of the Nation. Welcome back to Talk of the Nation. I'm Korva Coleman sitting in for Ray Suarez.


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