Worldview: Mike Maus commemorates final Worldview program

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Listen: Mike Maus commentary to commemorate final WorldView program

On this final program of Worldview, Host Mike Maus provides a farewell commentary on the two-and-half years of presenting this hour long daily program on international affairs.

WorldView was the pilot program that launched the PRI syndicated program, The World.


(00:00:00) The friend who used to be the pastor of st. Luke Presbyterian Church in Wayzata told a story a few years ago that with a couple of additions says a lot about this program Nikita Khrushchev, Jack Kennedy and Golda Meir were talking with God one day Khrushchev asked if there ever would be peace between the Soviet Union and the United States and God said not in your lifetime, but certainly an hour's Kennedy asked if there would be peace in Northern Ireland and God said not in your lifetime, but maybe in hours and Golda Meir asked if peace were possible between Arabs and Jews and God said not in my lifetime, but quite possibly an hour's this is the final program of world view the world has changed dramatically in the two and a half years since we went on the air on the very day that a cuckoo speeded the events that led to the breakup of the Soviet Union and the final collapse of Communism Britain and Ireland have proposed a framework for peace in Northern Ireland that has raised hopes that the IRA Will end its terrorism and militant Protestants will join in the much-needed work of reconciliation that could end ulster's troubles and Yasser Arafat of the PLO and Yitzhak Rabin of Israel for decades mortal enemies shook hands in September and promised to work together for a peaceful Middle East In Our Lifetime. There's still much to do Wars to end in Bosnia and Angola and Liberia religious tensions to reconcile in Algeria and India and Sri Lanka race. ISM and threats to human rights to end and in more countries than we have time to mention but still These are times of hope. It's been a privilege to focus attention on the hopeful spots in global Affairs as well as the realities that threatened The Hope and on how minnesotans are close to and involved in what's happening around the world. Many people in the community helped get us started including Bill Rogers Richard bore and Dean Morrison special. Thanks go to my colleague Nancy Cole our first producer who helped give worldview shape form and texture countless others including Nick Hayes Roy. Grow Joe. Mestan Hauser Pam costain and Larry Wiese David weisbrot Barbara. Fry Doug Johnston all have helped make this work the most fun. I've had in more than 30 years in broadcast journalism. Worldview was a risk for Minnesota Public Radio. When I told my former colleagues at CBS news in New York City that I was hosting an hour-long daily program on International Affairs. They all said you're what no way so I want to make sure credit goes where credit is due to mpr's management. Especially Vic Bremer and Dick Forney and to mpr's members who encouraged and supported the development of this program. Sure. I'm unhappy that it's been canceled and I'm not alone one listener called to say at a time when the United States and Minnesota are becoming more aware of our trade economic and other relationships to people in foreign countries. It seems strange that MPR would reduce its International reporting. The writer Wallace Beery says successful writing draw strength from its region, but he says there's a big difference between region and regionalism and Barry warns of the danger of parochialism of a narrowing of the writers Vision. It's a warning worth heating here, but life goes on with new challenges. I'm going to do regular commentary on NPR in addition to working to expand the range of voices whose opinions you here, and I'm going to do some reporting on Minnesota business. Global Marketplace, Susanna Randy and John RL. Our production team will go on to other assignments and MPR in our intern Chad Ford is off to work with the macneil/lehrer NewsHour in Washington when I went away to college. My dad admonished me always to be curious about everything worldview has been my way of continuing to live up to that challenge and of sharing the results with each of you. Thanks for listening.


Materials created/edited/published by Archive team as an assigned project during remote work period in 2020

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