Mainstreet Radio’s Leif Enger profiles The Up North Family Theatre in Brainerd, Minnesota. The children’s theatre founder hopes to create an important arts institution in the area.
Mainstreet Radio’s Leif Enger profiles The Up North Family Theatre in Brainerd, Minnesota. The children’s theatre founder hopes to create an important arts institution in the area.
LEIF ENGER: It's almost rehearsal time, and the 80 cast members of Babes in Toyland are cruising costumed around the expansive floor of the Old Brainerd Armory. It's a building with untamed acoustics. Drop a wingtip in here, and the sound returns to you tenfold. It's no problem, says director Neil Vanderpool. There are lots of curtains to be hung yet. He predicts fine sound, heroic spectacle, and crowds transfixed.
NEIL VANDERPOOL: What I hope will happen is is people will see this and they will go, wow, this is a great thing that they are doing. It's a great thing for our youth to be involved with. And hopefully, it will take off and fly.
LEIF ENGER: Whether any theater production flies is largely up to the director, but even more so in the case of the Up North Family Theater. Although there's lots of volunteer support from actors to costume makers, funders for a permanent children's theater here haven't exactly lined up at the Armory doors. So Vanderpool, who came from Brigham Young University a year and a half ago to direct plays at Brainerd Community College, has so far paid most of the bills himself. If everything goes well, if the audiences average a couple hundred per night, Vanderpool says he will break even and the theater will continue.
NEIL VANDERPOOL: You know, Fred Adams of Cedar City, Utah, created the Cedar City Shakespeare Company 15 years ago, and he did it the very same way that I'm doing it. Ashland, Oregon was created the same way. And those are very famous Shakespeare companies in the United States. And some theaters are started very bare bones, just scratch. You think of the Guthrie, you know? Mr. Guthrie started that thing. You know, he used his own money.
LEIF ENGER: Among Vanderpool's believers are a group of almost fanatical cast members who range from 5 to 76 years old. The younger ones especially, are brimming with the discovery of grease paint, of the dramas that accompany long nightly rehearsals, and of the play itself.
SPEAKER 1: And Mary and Allen are boyfriend and girlfriend. And Tom and Jane are going together steady. And then there's this big fight and everything. And so both the couples go to Toyland. And in between that, there's, like, this-- they see a big spider web and everything, and a big spider tries to eat them.
speaker 2: I really like the play because we all work together as a family.
SPEAKER 1: And it's fun to have our problems like families, like people fall in love with each other.
And then we get yelled at.
I did, I fell in love with Neil.
LEIF ENGER: Others are less excited by it all. Does Jeremy fierce to dress tonight in white and red satin want a permanent children's theater in town?
JEREMY FIERCE: Yeah, maybe. Not really into acting. I want to be a professional hockey player.
NEIL VANDERPOOL: Are we going to start getting focused and make this thing work? This little group of girls better get with the program. Now get over here and get with it.
LEIF ENGER: It's 7:36. Rehearsal is behind by 6 minutes. Neil stalks and glares, all director now, six minutes late. Be happy, he says, that this isn't opening night. What would the audience think?
The Up North Family Theater's first production, Babes in Toyland runs March 10 through the 20 at the old Brainerd Armory. Leif Enger, Main Street Radio, Brainerd.
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