Listen: CathyAnn Beaty is a lesbian mother

MPR’s Mike Maus interviews artist CathyAnn Beaty about being a lesbian mother. Beaty shares her thoughts on the importance of acceptance and diversity in raising a child.


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CATHYANN BEATY: That's what the child will know from the minute it is born, is that it has two moms. And it also has-- is going to have quite an extended family, my parents and my siblings and Sandy's parents and her siblings are all very excited and supportive. And so it will have a large family around it. It will have a church community of almost 500 people that attend on a weekly basis, which I'm sure it will be involved in at some point, in some basis. And so that is just going to be the norm for this child.

I know that there are going to be situations when this child goes to school where other children have different family environment, or maybe not so much different environment, but a different structure. And I think from the beginning, talking about diversity and the importance of diversity, the fact that this child is not alone with having two moms-- there are lots of lesbian couples having babies. There are gay men, couples who have children, some of them by adoption or by being married formerly and have joint custody of their children.

There's lots of children at our church more and more all the time. And really allowing this child to be involved in those kinds of communities as well as in the straight community through school. And there'll be some-- I'm sure there'll be tensions and struggles, just like there are for biracial children, for Black children who live in mostly white communities and go to white schools. And children who are in different, quote, unquote, situations have their crosses to bear, certainly too.

The more lesbian couples and gay couples have children, the more that kind of thing starts to get dispersed. And it isn't such a burden for the only person, the only child that has two moms or two dads. And within the lesbian gay community, as I said, there are many, many more couples having children.

And it's really important for our child, I believe, and so does Sandy, to have exposure to those children as it is for our child to have exposure to as many different diverse situations as possible, because that is the world is made up of diversity. And I think in this culture, we have a tendency to try to homogenize everything. And I think that's the unhealthy-- that's the unhealthy perspective, as opposed to seeing diversity as a very integral part of who we are on the planet.

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