Listen: Geritol frolics

Mainstreet Radio's Rachel Reabe profiles a senior variety act in Brainerd, called “Geritol Frolics.” Reabe speaks with a dancer and group’s theatre director.


1988 Northwest Broadcast News Association Award, first place in Feature - Small Market category


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SPEAKER 1: There you go now. You ready?


(SINGING) You're as young as you act

You're as young as you feel

You're as young as you want to be

RACHEL RIEBE: It's with obvious enthusiasm that the Senior Citizens Chorus roars through its theme song, which opens and closes the Geritol Frolics.

[PIANO MUSIC] You're ready to go

You can paddle your own canoe

RACHEL RIEBE: On this Saturday morning, they're rehearsing at the community college in Brainerd-- the chorus in one room, tap dancers in another, a trio of ladies in top hats with canes practicing in the hallway.

OLIVE BOYUM: I used to be sort of a wallflower, and I would never say anything or do anything. And I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. This has taken me out of a shell.

You know how a bud is? A flower, a bud that's folded up, and all of a sudden, it starts blooming out? And you see the petals, and it's all in full bloom. That's the way I feel.

RACHEL RIEBE: 70-year-old Olive Boyum of Crosby was one of the showgirls who tap-danced her way across the stage in the show's opening number wearing gold lamé, fishnets, and a feathered headdress.

OLIVE BOYUM: Yeah, it felt like I was on top of the world. Yeah, look at me. Here I'm 70 years old. And even though I don't have a figure of a 16-year-old, we had a lot of compliments and saying, gee, you got nice legs.


BOB DRYDEN: Olive, stand down at this end, will you, please?

RACHEL RIEBE: Bob Dryden, the theater director at Brainerd Community College, put together the first Geritol Frolics last year after seeing a similar production in Canada. The two-hour variety show, written mostly by the seniors themselves, features the music, dances, and comedy of their era. The 100 cast members range in age from 57 to 81.

Dryden says the group is a joy to work with.

BOB DRYDEN: Now that they have raised the family, sent them to college, worked in hardware for 40 years, and they retired, rather than they're taking the attitude, well, I guess it's time for me to step aside and let the younger generations take over, I say, hogwash. It's your turn.

You are now the stars. You are going to shine. You are going to investigate some of your fantasies.

RACHEL RIEBE: After 19 local shows, the 1987 Geritol Frolics cast was invited to perform last month in Washington, DC, at the annual conference for the National Council on Aging. They returned home and went to work on the 1988 Geritol Frolics show, which is scheduled to open later this month in Brainerd. Already, most of the shows are sold out.

SPEAKER 2: Ready? Go. 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3.

RACHEL RIEBE: 70-year-old Olive Boyum will be back on stage performing a hula dance in a Hawaiian number, among other things. Her daughter, Sharon Simons of Crosby--

SHARON SIMONS: This really gave her something to live for. It really has done a lot for her. She had things going early morning, late at night. She complained about being tired at times. But, boy, she'd never miss a rehearsal, never.

OLIVE BOYUM: That's been a highlight in my life. It'll be something I'll never forget. As long as I can stand on my two feet, why, I'll keep on-- keep on.


RACHEL RIEBE: Geritol Frolics dancer Olive Boyum. In Brainerd, I'm Rachel Riebe.



Left [INAUDIBLE]. Right [INAUDIBLE]. Good girl.


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