Minnesota Meeting: Teddy Kollek - Jerusalem, Toward the year 2000

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Teddy Kollek, mayor of Jerusalem since 1960, speaking at Minnesota Meeting, in Minneapolis. Kollek’s address was titled "Jerusalem: Toward the Year 2000" - a reference to the turn of the century celebration Israel plans to mark the 3000th anniversary of the Kingdom of David. The moderator for this Minnesota Meeting was Lewis Lehr, a member of the board of Minnesota Meeting and the Chief Executive Officer of 3M Corporation. Minnesota Meeting is a non-profit corporation which hosts a wide range of public speakers. It is managed by the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota.

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Friends, I'm really very honored to be deep admiration. vote for Senate and Vice President Humphrey I deceived and went into the hole and told him that you received him only because he had to be mayor of the city and not because he had risen to a higher position and I had the pleasure of having Man that deleted off City Hall. various occasions And of course Holland Cleveland is a very old friend besides that I have in the group here many people who have visitors in Jerusalem. And do my visited in years past get in the city and it's a great pleasure for me to come and get these particular auspices. My subject is Jerusalem. Of course, it's the only song I know. and I believe the being a male maybe nothing more important position than others, but it is the basic political position in communal life and to work at The Tides Inn to try. To create a community or improve a community. Maybe more maybe Doom maybe may do more for democracy than any other position. So I try to stick to it and I'm still trying to stick to it as long as they'll have me. I was is a more complicated city than probably all others. You started talking a little around the table. We are a heterogeneous City. So I menu few cities, but we are heterogeneous by principal and forever. Evil that walked into the old city a hundred years ago, but nothing around yet existed. You would have found separate. Armenian quarter on the right a Greek water on the left. Let it go to the castle lyrics to the old Union Church is a little further down a Muslim and a Jewish quarter since 1840. The Jews were the majority in Jerusalem before that. We didn't have it there sensors, but I believe they became a majority on your very short while before everybody kept to himself kept himself you had better relations in West relations, but everybody lived around his house of worship His school's the sound of his language the smell of the food. that this particular group of custom 2 On song I don't know since this has remained until today. And I think will continue and I'll explain why. We have a few thousand Armenians in Jerusalem, and maybe they had a good point to his stated your Dominion Freight. the Armenians came to Jerusalem in the fifth century when the debt Kingdom of Armenia became Christian in order to live as Armenian Christians in the city of Christ. They didn't become a Arabs then it didn't become text later. The didn't become British citizen become jordanians. They don't want to become Israelis. Do you want to continue as Armenians to live in the city of Christ? This is the only reason for being there. NBA Draft simulator anything else have their language and their schools and their libraries? and of course that patriarchy and a dimension El Charro Diaz Arabs Want to be taught the Quran? history of literature and I don't have to continue more examples here by people who came in here. And those children go still somewhere to a Spanish-speaking School. Let's say circling the Next Generation read the Declaration of Independence and Mark Twain, and I don't know what else and they regard themselves as I mean the people in Jerusalem regard themselves as jerusalemites. But not necessarily as his latest. This is the basic problem. still the city was divided in its history of Falls Thousand Years only for 19 years, and I'm not quite clear in My Mind by people Overstock back to that this to that division instead of the United City. in another 15 years in the year 2000 we should celebrate 3000 years. I'm David the king having made Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish Kingdom. so and this was the capital of the Jewish people that are not. I Believe by uniting the city again And text yourself. Baby for the text and Sue the jordanians back. NBA volume not to attack and be with the text. Get made it back to City people who do it before and after will testify to this evening and I'll explain that as well. It's a better seat if you haven't solved all the problems, but we have solved many. It's up. My lost told you I think even this country where you once believed that every problem is soluble. If you put enough energy sold in money into it. You have come to the conclusion that there are problems which answer these problems are there to be lived with them? And to catch every opportunity to do something when you can. The city has grown / 65,000 Jews in one side. And 65000 Muslims and Christians on the other side. On our side we had about 2,000 Muslim Adams and about a thousand Christians small minority on the other side. You didn't never singled you guys no Jews allowed at if you're not allowed. to visit the places to go to importance to us. in spite of all Amish disagreement In 67 the city was United and we tore down the Walls already fighting it. Renew, the devil's a great deal. different language different Religion different Dash different services I'll chairman has already felt that this we try to equal out the services. only 10% of the people I pulled her into homes today 100% the others went to the public well today 100% of the people have. Voltaren down but every problem you solved you create the problem. So when you have Fulton in your homes and water is free and before that it was ration to about Wednesday for 6 days. You create the problem of sewage and that we haven't solved yet. Fort Lauderdale Lee Bender news that ucation two girls, Indiana schools Existed in the Jordanian low, but it wasn't cut it out percentage rent. Now all the girls went to school to the problem of the mothers who didn't mind not knowing to read and write as long as only the men in the family knew how to read and write one to the right to learn to read and write we had last year. Able to do keishin courses $2,000 billion to gradually who learn to read and write in the economics. We are proud of it. But maybe before that if I speak about education. I should touch up something else. GIF tried not to interfere with the life of the various communities. Maybe this is the reason why we have so far and you can never know what will happen in cities had no clashes in the community. We were prophesied. That would be great but murdering flashes every day. And could easily I become a Belfast the Beirut Soweto in South Africa. I don't know what else in this country you had flashes in some cities. It does. Yeah, I from time to time an individual terrorists act. Unfortunately. You have them in many countries in the world as far as We Know. Got all them both from the outside and Drew's limited not involved. That doesn't mean the people love each other if people would love each other. There is no problem people dislike each other. And then what were the reasons? Jerusalem has absorbed more. immigrants Jewish immigrants from Muslim countries than any other city in Israel 15% in Tel Aviv. 25% Andrews will be at 68% people who came from Morocco in the west Tropicana stand in the east. And the Jews came from these countries. Identify some how the Arabs in the country with their Muslim overlords at the Home Depot 2nd of Zelda for switch. Be better protected group 7 oz equals. So there's no reason to love them. In Ola Wars, we only fought against the Arabs. We lost in Jerusalem over 2,000 over the years 80 during this last war. Image of you before the war or against the wall. Euodias your son your husband your father by skilled madame's so there's no love lost. the Arabs regard themselves as occupied and I'll be thinking to my local patient. You know, it's an occupation. If you are under occupation, you have no chance to compare with other occupations. Your confession. Under is the hospital care patient, you know. So they have no reason to love juice. With all these differences be increased ride. To do something which in this country has not succeeded, but we have no choice and that is separate and equal. The reason being that Arabs want to go to Arabic School status knowing that gratian. I mean, you don't want to go to a minion schools. That is no integration Greeks want to go to Creek schools and Israelis want to go to Hebrew school. Atoms want to study. the Koran and their history and their literature and we left them after the fight for their own government city is responsible for Education government wanted a different curriculum. We left them in the curriculum, which is a curriculum is accepted by all the other countries in the copybook, you know, when it said when there are 10 choose and you killed six how many remain this kind of thing we crossed out. Without adjudication is accepted children or young people who goes through High School paid for and conducted by the city of Jerusalem an acceptable amount of universities all over. Dillard's additional Synology blue and that enables them to choose and to go to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. If there's someone about 400 have so chosen others have chosen to go to other schools. We have made several decisions which deprived us with will be deprived of ourselves. sovereignty when in 67 did you decided? To offer Arabs the choice between remaining jordanians or becoming Israelis. We knew that very few who decide to become Israelis. Because they don't have to cut them off from crossing the open Bridges to Arab countries with cut them off from their relations and various other things. But we decided this bathroom our sovereignty. There are many other such examples the most important probably the Temple mount. Holy place in Jerusalem at a very difficult thing. Because of the holy places one of the main reasons that we are under the microscope of the world. I think that bit the kept today the day we were free worship the best example that we have every year 1515 200,000 Muslims come. And visit the vast majority relations of the people who live there, but many come from as far away as Malaysia and Pakistan and Morocco and Kuwait. All countries did I inferior to you still at war with us? But they are allowed in. under free access to all the places Of course, I don't have to speak about. Free access for Christian pilgrims to come from all over the world about half a thousand every year. But see the contrast what happened before? When nobody who lived in Israel Muslims and Christians and Jews and I'll choose from all over the world, but allowed to visit the remanence of the old Temple the railing. I believe that eventually all of this is not my theme because I do not believe that Jerusalem makes the peace in the Middle East. What we can do in Jerusalem is not have anything to do prevent the peace in the Middle East when it will come about but this kind of action. Could be widely developed. and together with ideas of autonomous district with the city could eventually not very soon. But the other problems are the basis for some kind of solution. Very thorny and difficult problem of Jerusalem. But those are my own personal ID is not necessary ideas of this is making policy and we are only running the city. Got trying to make it a beautiful city. a civilized City with music and concerts and museums mainly got is storing all the ancient Beauty. That's difficult to do one of the grade riddles to me is by a great people like the Arabs. Who have done may be the most magnificent architecture? In centuries past has sounded like four of their own great attitudes. If you have done a great deal to restore. What exists? It was a simple formula for us. Give me where are the owners of the estate the substance neglected it for two thousand years. We have to come back and put it into good shape again. This it is a poor City. And we were able to do this kind of our activity mainly with the help of gifts foundation with you started in 1967. But you did a great deal for the beautification of the city. Maybe I'll give you one example, which has nothing to do with restoration if you have something to do with the city. annual bicentennial we were thinking what can we do to show our gratitude to the United States? City of Philadelphia years ago had sent those full-size replica of the Liberty Bell Liberty Bell. There's a sentence you can't live with this Rod all the Landon told inhabit that off. 2600 years ago in Jerusalem Every chose some common bases. We should goes back even Beyond Roseville The Truman Nixon the others. So we decided Cynthia gave in the center of town 9 acres of land. And decided to create the Liberty Bell Garden. and then the Liberty Bell Garden Thanks for the help of a family here in this city who did a very long shaded. Which is named after Hubert Humphrey and we have the whole family there to no great to some years ago. It's a beautiful walk. But the city of Oz budget beautified by help from outside Jews and Gentiles alike FIFA true Slim. And do an able to use the city funds for the problems that I told you before. education need for lysak health opportunities and social services at least in or in addition to the other tensions distension. This wouldn't be a reason for tension. Soviet with lucky you never know. What as I said before you never know what might happen in the city. Tomorrow has become a very beautiful city. For the first time it has become a green City. And as I said before I invite you all to come as often as you can, but took me the year 2010 to stay on until then because I couldn't leave an important occasion like this didn't experience gangster. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Mayor weed. We certainly appreciate your being here. As a matter of fact before lunch. Mayor Latimer said, you know, I would cross many rivers to come and hear a the mayor of Jerusalem speak because I know him he's quite a gentleman and I think it's real tribute Mister mayor because Mary Lattimore didn't cross many rivers, but he did cross the Mississippi River to come to Minneapolis. The mayor has agreed to take questions. If you would please use a microphone because this is being broadcast on public radio and that if you ask a question, please go to the one of the microphones and I'm sure the mayor will be happy to answer. Please go right ahead. Mister Miracle just say a word about the about Jerusalem the city boundaries of land Economist since 67. Could you give us some idea what has happened to the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem? In 1967. We took all that out the jury side and the added mainly empty land. Rich I'm rich nobody lived And whether we're not even Orchards or any kind of agriculture. all of this goes Basinger dating rule all of this today is so to say on the Westbank. A few months ago at a Congressional Delegation. The average was headed by mrs. Ferrara before she was elected to become candidates for Democratic Party. and Jost because how should you know, what is the best bank and I seem to detect in the boys that you somehow sold the Westbank side of the, Mississippi. So I took her out to the Terrace outside by. Drum and showed her the best bank on the Yachts from that in between that had been the Dividing Walls to fill. You have no the added to the boundaries since 67 a single inch. there are the reason government not the present one. Try to establish. more and more Jewish settlements beyond that boundary in the Westbank in Judea and Samaria Beaver game still has not other political grounds that everybody keeps to himself or speaks out as he likes, but because we didn't want young people particularly to leave the city and live outside. Just because of a great advantages and mortgages and other things but the city boundary itself had not been changed in 67 if that is what you want instead of what you are referring to. Oscar Mayer over here this question isn't that complicated? I'd like to know the name of a good middle-class restaurant where the locals go where they serve good lamb. Well, the National Palace in my opinion is the best out of restaurant. Current weather service very good lab another one that you completed. It is called Philadelphia Philadelphia because I'm an the capital of Jordan in the in in Roman times was called Philadelphia by the Romans. It's an older, Philadelphia. I can recommend both and a few others, but do should be sufficient for you. Go ahead. Go ahead in this year Jewish youngsters from concentration camps and permit them to emigrate in England. I happen to be worth in the World War II, but I never realized how did that happen very often. Jasmine is Rafael independent something which I wrote In the book in 19. 38 You got permission to bring? Festival $3,000 mm young people to England in spite of the fact that they was unemployment. They are obligate themselves only to work in agriculture where hands were liking and You are able to take out of Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia. He's 5000 people. I just wanted to cut come into on this year when I saw you here. I didn't even think that you were 60 years of age 73 years of age and is still going strong. Being a man is a very healthy occupation. I met here. Will you please comment on how you are the people of Jerusalem the people of Tel Aviv how they feel about the proposal that the capital B met move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. advantages and disadvantages Well, then I'll give it is not about the capital but about the US Embassy. We decide where the capital is. It. It fell through it. It was decided for us 2985 years ago and we shall change that decision suddenly now. I think if I was a mistake about of the United States not to move the capital before 6070 / I think it would have called. What are the three major difficulties? when the idea came up now to move the time movie Embassy to Jerusalem. I was very hesitant about to do that. Try to explain this to those who move this not because I'm against it as a model. It should be in Jerusalem because every country is should be free to decide its capital and very few have such an ancient claim through the VA Ave. But I was hesitant about it because I felt in the end with all the decisions. Of Congress and Senate it may not come about and then it will only show the strengths about a black male. So I sold a bunch of stuff out of this. but the other day is people did it because they believed in it. BK mixed up with your presidential campaign shouldn't have We'll see what happens but the evening United States you decide to move already 2009 is obvious late. So what does it matter if we can wait a little longer? What's America Jew explain a little bit more about the restoration and Redevelopment that's taking place in Jerusalem under whose auspices that is and what kinds of collisions are coming together. What kinds of things are being actually done in a physical sense? Well, the most important is the old city. In The Old City a great deal is being done, but we tried to preserve the character of The Old City. The old the old city is preserved under low of antiquity. the Jewish quotes about destroyed entertaining times in order to eliminate any memory Of Jews ever having lived there that Ball Z tension. So there we were able to dig down deep and profound. Betty Estrada Muslim buildings visit dime bildungsroman buildings and some pure Eminence a very ancient three structures from Victory from the first Kingdom All this is restored. Maybe the most beautiful not the most important but most beautiful reconstruction is one of Roman Byzantine shopping Street Garden Center Street, Iva Roman camping in Oklahoma City. Be able to still hold it for the Jewish quarter of Oz because Debbie had no difficulty to take down. You have it installed the few buildings that were burned at the time of the Temple Mount Vernon 70 when the Romans and the Titus conquered Jerusalem. River the store the greatest number of Muslim buildings particularly beautiful Muslim fountains Which today don't fulfill the great practical purpose because people have voted in the homes, but they are beautiful examples of Muslim architecture. Beverly stole the Via Dolorosa Pedraza, which is the major. Christian Arroyo the pilgrimage We are distorting the gates. Damascus gate which is the most important to most beautiful dress old crumbling and I'm glad you found an old Roman gate. enrollment holds and the Roman Crescent Circle Crescent in which no one said being a Cullum possibly for the Statue of Hadrian on top. We had known of this in a sentence from an old Mosaic map of Jerusalem that has found in Jordan at 6 Century map, but didn't know where the correct to just imagine movie. And now we find that many of these things actually existed the color we didn't find so that is a new technique called holograph. It's kind of creating images Optical electrical means and we put the call up there through holograph of the ancient Roman. pavement as you can fool contributor Rosa now on the pavement. There's a problem there because nowadays many Christian acapella. Just sing the street on which Christ walked, but I believe The places I made sacred not by the exact. spots where something happens fected for 2000 years people came that worshipped I don't do maybe a hundred years ago this that lives to come down and worship. I think that is more important than the exact spot. What does perception events happened? I could go on and on get a story all the games. You have installed the mess with skate. You have it installed Zion gate. You're not restoring done gate. You're not restoring Lionsgate pretty soon be how old is incidentally being done by donations. Pacifica tributes land labor But the Isle finances Australia since we couldn't do this. but that picture picture Maybe Mister mayor for the first time just want to make a comment that I'm a Palestinian who was born and raised in Jerusalem and all throughout my schooling never came across him any comments about killing Jews in my schooling. Believe me. I did all my homework. Take me to give me your address. I'll gladly send you a copy of those books. Thank you may be related to this restoration. There are various groups in this world who would like just to regain Jewish groups would like to regain control of the Temple Mount and some religious elements would like to see the temple rebuilt. Actually. We know that's in direct conflict because I locks on the Dome of the Rock sit on that particular spot. Would you look over with favor or disfavor up on such a movement or such an idea? Well, I think it would be disastrous. I think the Temple mount the Dome of the Rock Alexa important Not throw up in the stadium Nationals point of view. What do hundreds of millions of Muslims where they have high regard for the Palestinians or not for their support them or not? Temple Mount is very important. NBA 1967 from the very first moment decided to leave it under Islamic rule That is a group of Jews. Who sings they could bring? the Messiah closer Is a temple to be built? And that's supported by a very small minority of evangelists this country around the vast majority of evangelist. Feathered Friends But that is this. I know the alliance between these two groups. some people at the present I'm going to Dyckman to pick a server. subjectivities the major Jewish religious belief by Farr company, we would have covered 90% 99% of population. To the extent that religious and believe in the coming of the Messiah. believe the temple has to be built up there and the Messiah will come it will come down. It's appropriate place. That's a risk the Palestinians and the Muslims have to take as we have to take it. He may come down. We don't know when while we sit here and then it would be here instead of me answering your questions. I hope that satisfies you fish. Let me tell you if you maybe this, you know. Diabetic happy that the Armenians Palestinian Arabs and others are in the audience. It is not comfortable for a Palestinian. to live in Jerusalem as it isn't comfortable for anybody who has a majority and suddenly became and molarity. To live under those circumstances and I have no Illusions about this. But look at some of the other things. There was a 65,000 Arabs and Muslims in Jerusalem in 48. In 67 when the city was United about still the same number or if I was a great natural growth and Economic Opportunity people immigrated Christians and Muslims because they had better schooling and Dad relationship Road. all the green girls in San Francisco Greek Orthodox from Jerusalem That's okay. How many others like this? But the number that didn't throw in Jordanian times doubled under this cruel Israel today, you have a 130000 adverbs. maybe hundred fifteen thousand Muslims and fifty thousand Christians and that includes people don't got themselves that are like Armenians are Greeks as he opens, but the number has doubled Because it bothers you cannot make up with unity. and people didn't believe Behind the B hat for out of dangers in Jerusalem desert military censorship on newspapers in Israel, but they are the only for papers in the entire. Movie with a small exception still in Beirut and I don't know the situation that now it will not be closed down because of this. Let them try to write in the Masters that the government you disappear and see what what happened to them. That means the only country Villa Free Press Bill free Island press We have a good Library System. You're not in trouble because of the economic situation for the first time. I asked for some payment yesterday for out of Liber israfel 18000. The only place you can get any other book or anywhere. Would you come get it in any other country? Just doesn't solve the problem. But if this wouldn't be so maybe rule that much more attention and I believe what's most important to all of us is the Peace of Jerusalem. mayor as a jerusalemite a prominent public figure in the country of Israel and mayor of a heterogeneous City your colleagues this week in the United States are kicking off a movement called free South Africa. the mayor of Indy of Indianapolis u.s. Representatives in Congress are performing acts of Civil Disobedience crossing over the South African Embassy line spending nights in jails to protest the nature of the government in South Africa within the last month. The prime minister of South Africa was unofficially received in the country of Israel. And as a person presented with and challenging the process of heterogeneous assimilation, I would like you to State your position on the Israel South Africa relation. But it's not my place to do so, but I didn't receive the first minister of South Africa to the old. Mister mayor recently, we received some solicitation from the new Israel fund and your name was utilized in the literature in reference to the organization Neve Shalom. I would like you to comment on what you can tell us about the new Israel fund. I know very little about that. I can tell you something about Novation. It was nice to say anything about the new Israel fund. And maybe a very beautiful projects and I don't know. elevation Apartments a small village in the middle between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem stopped at the initiative of a Dominican priest. What Jews and Christians and Adams live together live together? the small group it has no great relevance of it to Jerusalem, but it's a very beautiful Enterprise for 45 years. I just an example that people can live together. And I told people that I was supposed to any kind of fundraising for this group. Daddy I those of us who have known Jerusalem in 1960 when you took over and you have seen you act as a mayor for the last 20 years. Thank you. Terribly modest about the way you are recording what you've done you have absolutely accomplish wonders there between big things and small things. They have been so many first in that City that it's hot stuff to talk about them, but there is one thing that I want you to mention. Please explain what you've done about these little park for the blinds. You take this nowhere else, but in Jerusalem. Thank you very much for the price. It's a I have to correct you slightly. I want went to Vienna and I saw in Vienna blind bag. Pop's Adventure a blind man Center the past stick can feed a different kind of pavement that leads them to Do whatever he wants to go? And the City of Vienna then send somebody out to plan a park like this for us for we started the significant thing of it is this is on the place that used to be a Battleground on the frontier between Jews and Arabs and now Jewish and Adam blind come there and a red chest together and they sing together and they do Ceramics together and various other things of that kind you'd only shows you what people have greater problems. They may even forget National Athens. Young lady here gentleman here. Let's take goes to whatever you say. We have young lady in the gym. Let's take these two and then we'll have to include. Mister mayor I Mom I'm honored to meet you. I'm a young Jewish American and I've lived in Israel three times and Drew swimming is my most beloved City. A lot of us here Jewish Americans are concerned with the problems of Jewish and Arab reconciliation and the problems that are being solve through such projects as Nevaeh shalom I'm wondering what other. Projects you think can go on in Jerusalem, which I see as a model for reconciliation in the Middle East. Is a whole because of its the mixed nature if there's other things that can go on within the school's other projects between the people to get them to speak with one another and break through the stereotypes and see each other as human beings. Thank you very much. We have a great number of such projects. They're not easy. I give you a nickname. I gave you an example of the blind. I'll give you another example, which will show you the difficulties we have school. We're about six hundred people in school orchestras. There's a large out of band about 80. It's all being conducted in the same building a building that has been restored. Old Jerusalem Foundation buy gift for a man called Herb Alpert Tijuana Brass in order to honor his parents all the bands are there. But the atoms are separate because there is a June two different kind of music do use the same cafeteria. They use the same day. Concerts together one after the other and all the parents are invited. What is the different music? I meant to the Liberty Bell Park before there's a large. There's a large. Picnic around there and you go on holiday is there you will see under-13 and that our family and the 1/3 of Jewish Family. I gave this higher priority you I'm satisfied with this because it happens by itself about something that's particular organized but next is a big skating rink. And the children come their children music music together. beermosa, discussion groups children in the 11th and 12th grades of neighboring schools Who meet regularly go make out things together? I will give you many such examples. We have a joint activities in the youth wings of the museum because that it isn't. So different Andrea Tri-State exhibition of children's drawings. the most difference because subjects chosen by the other children were different, but they fit in and they were exhibited together. I think the problem is to give people the opportunity to live together all this custom Annie. Just ask Nevaeh Cove cost money a salon cost money. But if you can give opportunities which people use Naturally by themselves, I think it's a it's a better occurrence then if you overnight sings if you do organize a great number of things. you're certainly given us a beautiful picture of the people living together and peace brotherly love and the advantages of it. What I'm wondering is are there any counterparts to you on the opposition in among the Arab world that are out in the field telling the story as you are. I imagine this was a leading question that you know the reply. I just want the others to get it, but that's alright with me. Did you see the others have a problem and the problem is Terrorism? We have no Adams on the city council. Because they're afraid to be on the city council. You know the doctor make it a purely pets annalistic affair. We have District council's about 12 or 15 of them in Jerusalem. Vichai constituted partly of the old established families and father of young people have come up and dropping collected. It's a difficult amputation it starts working. We discuss the Affairs of the city. fixation Water Street lighting Building permits whatever that is. Answer this that bothers running. I don't dare to be on the city council because your dad would be on the city council. They might be decried as collaborators. quislings And the dangers are obvious particularly. It is very very difficult for them to stand up publicly and say these things even if it says them sometimes in private. And I don't blame them for not doing so. Well, thank you very much.


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